Our family is in decline

Chapter 461 Full of calculations

The sound of the hawks and nighthawks leaving made the two people separated by the wall breathe a sigh of relief.

Just now, the woman didn't dare to breathe out for fear of being discovered, and her breathing seemed to have stagnated. Now as soon as she relaxed, the dizziness came to her heart again, and the back of her head seemed to be beating, and her entire consciousness began to blur.

In contrast, Margaret's condition is much better. She can confront her prey for a long time, and she likes to wait for the prey to reveal its flaws and deliver a fatal blow, which is enough to illustrate her calm mind.

This man is born with a big heart!

But Margaret also took a long breath at this moment to adjust her slightly rapid breath.

But once she relaxed, she couldn't help but be curious. After all, what happened just now was a bit outrageous.

He was chased by a group of eagles. When he hit him, he thought he was dead, but he was saved by the group of eagles.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

Margaret wanted to ask in a low voice, but unexpectedly the man collapsed and fell over.

This directly confused her.

I didn't do anything, you're just trying to get me wrong!

However, this situation only aggravated her curiosity. She helped the fainted woman lift her hood, and saw that the simply bandaged wound on the back of her head seemed to have re-opened due to the run just now.

Margaret was not one of those ignorant eldest ladies. On the contrary, she was influenced by her father and had been exposed to military knowledge since she was a child. She also knew how to treat wounds because she often hunted.

Battlefield medical care!

Margaret skillfully took out the first aid kit from her waist, took out the powder and bandages and bandaged the woman.

Her running away was not impulsive, but she was well prepared after thinking about it. The wound medicine the Baron prepared for his daughter was naturally more effective than Laura's, and it quickly stopped the bleeding from the wound, and she breathed a sigh of relief. .

Otherwise, if that person comes back and finds his companion dead, then he will really be wronged.

Black hair, this is not a barbarian!

Margaret suddenly reacted and couldn't help but check it out.

He has a plump and round figure, his skin is as smooth as an egg, his palms have no calluses from holding weapons, and his muscles have no traces of exercise.

This person is definitely not an eagle, but is in disguise, and I don’t know why.

But it was difficult to explain why the other party wanted to save her. She wanted to ask clearly, but one ran away and the other fainted.

Margaret couldn't understand, but she didn't bother to think about it.

Because the tight nerves in the past two days have consumed her consciousness, it is rare for her to feel safe now. Now she just wants to take a rest.

But he couldn't help but start sorting out this bizarre situation.

She did have an idea and knew that if she tried to escape alone, she would definitely be caught.

So after running out, he did not choose the route out, but plunged into the forest, leaving traces of his escape, then turned around and came to Bastia City in the opposite direction.

It was a good idea, but Laura was not sure she could escape in front of the professionals from the Eagle Group, so naturally her arrangement only delayed her for a little while, and then she was chased.

Immediately afterwards, the bizarre scene from before appeared...

Laura stopped and raised her head slightly to observe her surroundings. There were no birds hovering above her head, and there was no sound. She had indeed gotten rid of those eagle members.

At this time, the corners of her shadowed mouth were slightly raised, revealing a rare confidence.

She wouldn't be sure in the wild, but here, in the city of Bastia, she was very confident.

I have chased countless mission targets here, and my understanding of this city is also extraordinary.

But today she became a target, and her mission was to escape pursuit with two guys.

And she knew that there were areas such as churches, mercenary unions, and noble mansions that eagles did not dare to approach, and could be used for cover.

There are also nighthawks whose eyes are sensitive to high-speed moving objects, but cannot see clearly stationary objects.

It was because she was familiar with the environment, understood the hawks, and knew how those nighthawks moved that she could easily get rid of her tail even if she was carrying two encumbrances.

Laura took a different route and hurried back in a circle. From the look of her appearance, she really had no intention of betraying Margaret.

Not only did he help her cover, he even took the initiative to lure the eagles away.

It wasn't because of her conscience that she thought of the fate between the two of them and inspired herself during the celebration and competition.

But she found that compared to women, Margaret's identity as a nobleman and the daughter of the captured Baron Lawrence was more useful.

The lord who dedicated her to Hamlet would definitely have done a great service.

She has already seen the cruel reality clearly. Now that she has reached this point, there is no possibility of turning back.

She's had enough! I don’t want to endure the humiliation from the eagles anymore.

Eagles have always been free. This is how the above comforted the tribe when the eagles rebelled from the mountains.

It can only be said that the only support the eagles gave her was psychological, that is, there was no pressure to run away.

They lost their nest from the moment they rebelled from the mountains. An eagle may temporarily rest on a certain tree, but it will eventually fly up and may never stop.

Laura’s random thoughts stopped at this moment, and her slightly raised eyes were full of indifference because she was back.

She also circled around for fear of any ambush. After making sure that there was no problem, she cautiously approached.

Then he saw bandages discarded on the ground and two people sleeping next to each other.

Laura was a little speechless, could she still sleep at this time?

"Hey! Wake up."

Margaret woke up immediately, and her hand instinctively grasped the musket in her arms. It wasn't until she saw the eyes in the shadow that she relaxed slightly, but soon asked the question again.

"Why did you save me?"

"What's wrong with her?" Laura didn't answer, but instead focused on the woman.

At this time, Margaret explained with some embarrassment: "I don't know, she fainted on her own. It must be that the wound on the back of her head has not healed yet."

Laura naturally knew that she just didn't want to answer the question so she interrupted, and then changed the topic and asked Margaret instead.

"Do you want to go to Hamlet?"

"How do you know?" Margaret was a little surprised. How come this mysterious person seems to know everything?

Margaret's escape coincided with the news that Baron Lawrence had been captured. If I remember correctly, that guy Alvin was still her fiancé.

Whether she wanted to save or redeem people, she couldn't avoid that place.

So it is not difficult for Laura to guess that her destination is Hamlet.

Of course, for Laura, Margaret’s destination can only be Hamlet.

If you don't agree, you can only borrow his head and use it, and you have to tie him up.

Fortunately, Margaret's answer did not reach this level.

"Early tomorrow morning, the count's negotiation team will set off and take away the refugees outside the city. This is the best opportunity. Those eagles will not be able to find you among so many people, and I will take care of you with the team. .”

Margaret's original plan was to sneak into the city, disguised as a barbarian mercenary, and find the caravan heading to Hamlet.

Those businessmen are big on profits and will definitely set out once they know about Hamlet's wealth.

But now I have to admit that it is more appropriate to blend in among the refugees as the other party said.

"Then how do you get out of the city? I guess there is martial law outside now."

"You put on her clothes and go out with me." Laura glanced at the woman who hadn't woken up yet, and she already had a choice in her heart.

"What about her?" But Margaret didn't understand and asked subconsciously.

Then Laura said something very outrageous.

"I don't know her either."

Aren't you companions? What's going on?

Margaret was a little doubtful that the person in front of her was the same person from before.

"I just rescued her from the eagles, so I don't know who she is."

Laura also felt that what she said was too outrageous, so she added.

Now Margaret understood, and for a moment she couldn't help but be filled with righteous indignation.

"Hmph! I have also heard that those eagles have been doing these things of rape and robbery with the support of the count. If I meet them, I will definitely shoot them!

It's so pitiful. Fortunately, she met you. If you hadn't saved her, she would have been another victim..."

Most of Laura's executions were killing missions. Although she has never done these things, she has watched them a few times. I didn't feel it before, but now I always feel a little uncomfortable listening to her words.

This is not flattering her, but killing her.

"Stop talking, there's nothing I can do about her being injured like this, let's go quickly." Laura couldn't help but lower her head, used a shadow to cover up the embarrassment, and urged her.

"No, we can't leave her alone."

Margaret wasn't kidding, leaving someone behind was clearly against her beliefs and she couldn't do such a thing.

Looking at the woman's condition, she immediately had an idea.

"The two of us can pretend to be eagles and let her be the corpse..."

Margaret's idea was very simple, that is, the two of them were carrying the body, and the gatekeepers didn't dare to stop them anyway.

Laura didn’t want to cause trouble, so she looked at the fainted woman and fell silent.

From this, we can see that Margaret is a person who hates evil and is full of a sense of justice, and she takes action instead of just talking.

Against her background, Laura seemed dark and despicable.

But can it really be explained simply?

Everything Margaret had at her disposal was something Laura would never enjoy in her lifetime.

A person who grew up with endless care since childhood, enjoyed all kinds of delicious food, lived in a castle, and slept on a soft bed.

And what about the other one?

Laura had never even seen her parents, let alone love and care. In the training camp, she only faced endless training, ate a hodgepodge like water, lived in a birdcage-like dormitory, and slept cold board.

Margaret's wealthy life made her optimistic and strong, with the energy to pursue justice, while Laura had done her best to survive to this day.

It is ridiculous to pursue moral satisfaction without getting rid of the pressure of survival.


Laura didn’t know whether it was because she was soft-hearted or because she thought two were better than one, but she actually agreed.

Margaret and the woman changed clothes, put on masks and put on green robes.

Laura randomly found a piece of cloth nearby and rolled up the woman, and then the two of them carried the body one by one.

The city gates are closed at night and there are soldiers on duty. Ordinary people can't go out. Even if it's unusual, if they want to go out at night, they have to get the earl's order to open the gate.

But Laura didn’t plan to take the main door, but the small door on the side.

If it had been a time when the war with the barbarians was fierce, it might still be heavily guarded, but there have been no wars in recent years, and even if there have been, it is just a small friction on the border.

The long period of peace has long since worn away the defensive awareness of those city defense troops. Let alone standing guard, half of the guards on duty lay down and fell asleep. Although the other half was not asleep, they were also slacking off and bragging.

Even though Laura and the others acted unabashedly, they didn't alert them until they walked into the light of the brazier.

"Who the hell..."

Because they often deal with those civilians, a city defense soldier habitually curses when he opens his mouth.

It was only when he saw the green robe and the shadow-shrouded face that he paused momentarily, twitching the corners of his mouth before smiling to hide his embarrassment and the uneasiness in his eyes.

Why the hell am I so unlucky to meet these guys...

There is no division between the city defense army and the eagles, but they don't want to provoke these madmen, unless you want to be suddenly taken away by a hidden arrow, and these guys.

“Open the door, we’re going out.” Laura didn’t care about their reactions and just said coldly.

"Okay, okay." Those city defense troops had no attitude towards civilians at all. Instead, they cooperated in opening the small door.

As for Laura, they don't care what they do. Looking at the thing that looks like a corpse, you know it's not a good thing.

Margaret, who was wearing a mask, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this situation, and finally went out...

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound from behind.

"Wait a moment!"

The city defense troops also looked at the direction where the voice came from in confusion, and a man similarly dressed walked out.

Wearing a mask and wrapped in a black robe decorated with feathers, there is no doubt that he is also a member of the eagle flock.

Then a nighthawk landed on his shoulder, looking at Laura and the others with yellow eyes like a small flashlight.

"Why did you leave the city?"

"I don't need to tell you." Laura glanced at him, her coldness revealing a toughness, "You don't have the right to ask me."

This group of eagles is not the one we were chasing just now. It should be the one assigned by the mission to keep an eye on them near the city gate.

The outside is loose and the inside is tight, and there are hidden sentries around it. Those are the real guards. This is why the earl allowed the guards to be lazy, in order to paralyze the enemy.

"There are special circumstances tonight and I need to check."

"If anything happens, just go to the boss. This is the task he gave me." Laura was full of anger and had no intention of stopping.

The tug in her hand also made Margaret react and continue walking.

But the members of the eagle group were on a mission and would not let her go like this, so they unceremoniously tore open the rolled rag.


Half of the woman's body fell out of it...

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