Our family is in decline

Chapter 464 Can’t wait

Originally, she wanted to know what happened in the town during her absence, but Boudica was already like this, so she didn't bother Greendale.

Since she didn't take the initiative to say anything, it proved that the problem was not big and everything was going according to plan.

It stands to reason that he should deal with his own troubles first. After all, it would be a bit disgraceful for him, a lord, to be like this.

But Lance ran towards the nursing home as soon as he came out.

The newly discovered corpse of the monster needs to be sent to Paracelsus as soon as possible. At the same time, he needs to know about the treatment of leprosy. Paracelsus has always followed up on this aspect.

Pig thugs, pig hiders, and pig priests.

The first two corpses were quite complete, and no wounds could even be seen, only some traces of struggle.

This is what Lance specifically asked Wangcai to do.

Among them, this pig thug was weakened by the spells cast by Amanda and Alhazred. It was not difficult for Wangcai to directly penetrate the fat body and hit the soul.

Only this pig priest was beaten badly by Amanda and had many scars on his body.

"These pigs all have a tendency to iterate..."

Lance talked to Paracelsus about some of his conjectures and made inferences based on the conditions of these monsters. The answer may be found in the dissection.

It was useless to talk to Boudica and Amanda about this. The most they heard was that they knew that such a situation existed.

But to someone like Paracelsus, the focus was on this technology.

How is this integration accomplished?

Is this iteration human intervention or natural selection?

Can we find traces of iteration in these monsters?

Anyway, Paracelsus knew that he was busy today, so...

"So where is the Pig Knight?" He turned his attention to Lance, "You promised me last time."

"Accident! Accident! There was a little problem." Lance explained with a wry smile.

At that time, everyone was caught in a melee. Alhazred saw Lance, the strongest combatant, entangled with the Pig Knight, and of course he wanted to free him, so he cast a spell to intervene in the battle.

This caused the pig knight's body to be strangely contaminated, and Lance was forced to sacrifice it.

"The battle was dangerous at that time, and he had no more choices. If I hadn't underestimated the enemy, Boudica wouldn't have been injured in that battle. Now she is sick and suffering."

Paracelsus had also experienced some battles. Although he was not on the front line, he could still understand the dangers. He did not blame Lance.

But something had to be done to calm her down.

"I can't handle it alone, I need a helper."

"Okay, okay, I know." Lance smiled and nodded immediately. He had expected it, otherwise he should have taken a shower as soon as he came back.

Who knows that the things promised to others are not fulfilled, and they can only work as coolies.

But Paracelsus was also telling the truth. It was impossible for her to move the pig thugs.

The work efficiency of two people is definitely faster than that of one person. Lance has cut down more pigs, so he can do these easily.

Lance gets rid of the pig!

Paracelsus was on the side responsible for recording and drawing, and the two began a discussion around the pig man's body structure.

"Pigs' skin has very good anti-corrosion capabilities; and their lymphatic system is extremely developed and can resist various bacterial infections in the harsh environment of the animal cave; and their digestive system is also very powerful, and... …”

Lance has little research on medicine, and most of what he knows is common sense in biology.

But it’s hard to say what kind of research Paracelsus had in medicine. What she studied was really a bit abstract.

In this world where extraordinary power appears, Lance rarely makes comments like this. No one knows whether there will be any magical power of "I am thinking".

But those medical methods were really unbearable for him to look at, just like the bloody sacrifices of barbarian tribes.

Similarly, although Paracelsus was a college student, she was not an academic, but a practical person, otherwise she would not have become a rebel.

It was because of the discrepancy between her own research findings and the knowledge explained by the professor that a series of things happened that led to Hamlet.

Even with Lance's help, it still took most of the day to dispose of these corpses.

Many interesting things were discovered in it. It is not known whether the pig man adapted to the beast cave or was specially modified, but a large part of its body structure did show resistance.

But it will take time to complete more detailed anatomical studies. These things are not that simple.

Lance had done everything he could, and left the rest to her to slowly study.

But things are far from over. What he gained in the beast cave is far more than that...

Lance cleared a place and took out a mutilated corpse.

Paracelsus couldn't help but came over with some curiosity. What caught his eye was the ferocious chrysanthemum-shaped mouthparts. The entire mouthparts seemed to be protruding, and the fangs on it were separated into several layers.

There is also a thin, sticky secretion on the mouthparts, which makes people instinctively disgusted.

Paracelsus's resistance to these was much stronger than ordinary people, so he didn't react much and focused his attention elsewhere.

"Flesh Devourer?" she said, but then added, "Is this also a product of iteration?"

The Flesh Devourer got one last time, but this one was obviously thicker and bigger. Although the head was smashed flat, it could be seen that it had a carapace, and there were some details that could tell the difference.

"No, no, no, this guy is very interesting..."

Lance told Paracelsus about the situation at that time, which was the flesh-devourer fighting the pig-man, various reversals, and finally returned to himself.

"This is a monster that evolved from the Flesh Devourer. They completed the evolution independently. Unfortunately, the environment was not able to observe it at the time."

"It's a pity that only the remains are left now." Paracelsus became even more interested after learning about this thing. This kind of monster is so magical.

However, Lance didn't say much about this. Instead, he took out the collected clots and emphasized:

"This is a clot formed by the combination of the Flesh Devourer's secretions and flesh. The powerful healing ability displayed by the monster at that time is probably related to this.

And this monster evolved after swallowing a pig thug, or it could be understood that it swallowed a large amount of mucus clots. "

"This is indeed an object worth studying." Paracelsus looked at the wreckage in front of him and raised his hand to adjust his glasses.

Although she agreed, it was obvious that Lance and she were not focused on the same point.

Paracelsus wanted to explore the Flesh Devourer itself, this evolutionary ability, this powerful self-healing ability...

Lance felt that the monster's recovery ability was related to this clot, so he did not sacrifice it, but instead left a mutilated corpse.

What he pursues is more to find ways to explore the components of these substances and then try to transform them into practical applications.

He is a lord, and there is no point in a technology that is difficult to convert into use.

For example, using it in wound medicine will greatly solve the problem of trauma healing, thus making up for the shortcomings of [flesh and blood reconstruction].

This shortcoming is not stinginess with spirituality, but a dependence on Him.

It's terrible to place all your hopes on one person. If he doesn't show up in a certain war, won't the front line collapse instantly?

If this happens, it will prove that all his efforts so far have been in vain, and he doesn't want to see this happen.

I'm here to inherit the fucking inheritance and enjoy the blessings of a playboy. It's okay if you guys don't work hard. You still want me to work hard?

This lord is your fault.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and I must take a heavy blow to suppress this unhealthy trend.

Lance soon left the nursing home.

Although he doesn't like to be waited on, given his status, it's impossible for him to handle chores by himself.

Susan knew that the lord liked to be clean, so she boiled hot water and had it ready after Lance came back.

If you want to eat something, just give the order and someone will prepare it soon.

I've been fighting monsters for a few days, can't I just enjoy it?

The whole person was soaked in warm water, and strands of reddish brown oozed out like a bag of black tea. In just ten seconds, the water in the vat was dyed red.

This was just the flesh and blood that soaked through the clothes and stained the body. This shows how fierce the battle in the cave was.

Especially in the second half, basically everyone he cut down along the way, including pigs and cultists, whoever stood in the way became spiritual.

At this moment, while lying in the warm water, Lance roughly sorted out the results of this operation.

In addition to the pigs we have seen before, we also discovered pigs that have evolved more comprehensively. They are authentic big fat pigs [pig thugs] that have been strengthened in terms of physique and strength. Their strength is not simple at all.

There is also the [Pig Hide], which was born by combining several biological characteristics with superb technology. It has a special body structure and a stealth talent of unknown origin.

The attack method is even more insidious and vicious. He is simply a born assassin and poses a great threat to those who enter the cave.

There is also the [Large Flesh Devourer] that evolved from the Flesh Devourer and devoured flesh and blood. Although it is a bit difficult to pronounce, the evolutionary ability of this thing has indeed exceeded everyone's expectations.

Later, I found the Pig Sacrifice Site [Slaughterhouse], discovered the [Pig Priest] who controlled rituals and cast spells, and learned about some of the Pig's social operating system [Pig Sociology +1].

The horrifying sacrificial stone tablets were destroyed, and the place where the pigs produced evil ritual props was destroyed.

A sum of money was also found among the corpses, and of course, more importantly, the [Lucky Talisman] circulated among the tomb robbers.

Later, they killed the cult saint and the limp. Although the process was quite difficult, they survived anyway.

I also saw the fighting style of Omenseeker Amanda, and took out things.

There is also the crazy mysterious scholar Alhazred, who has a terrifying power hidden under his seemingly thin body.

He blasted the limp with a raised hand. Although he had been repeatedly weakened by Amanda and half-mutilated by Lance, that move was worthy of the title of [Champion].

For Lance, getting the [Meteor Star] and the map of the Ascension Sect's layout in the wilderness was the biggest gain.

Compared with the spirituality of sacrifice, it is inconspicuous.

It's like a drink at a banquet. Although it can fill you up, it is not as tempting as the main dish.

So what if there is no steward who releases tasks to provide gold coins and extraordinary equipment?

You won’t give me the inheritance that belongs to me, right?

Then I'll take it myself.

Kill the pigs raised by the old man and eat the meat, kill the chickens too, and use the chickens to catch big octopus.

This is how we do things.

Anyway, Lance was very satisfied with this trip, and he would use the map contributed by the Saint to launch a big operation.

The goal of the next stage is already obvious, to completely wipe out the cultists in the wilderness, so that the road to the ruins of the old city can be opened.

And the old house is on the edge of the ruins of the old city, and the time to end all this is coming.

A smile suddenly appeared on Lance's face, which was deep in thought, but it became more ferocious, even a little scary.

Ancestor, I can’t wait to see you...

It took three rinses to wash away the blood and minced meat. This was not the first or second time, but Lance was used to it.

But there was another situation that he hated before, and that was the rotten smell that was still there no matter how many times he washed it. It was due to pickling.

Later, he used the herbal cleanser specially prepared for him by Greendale to wash away the smell, and it turned into a light plant fragrance.

Lance looked at his body. When he first came to Hamlet, he was only over 1.7 meters tall. Now, with continuous blessings and strengthening, his height has grown to over 1.9 meters.

That thin body is also covered with muscles, not the kind of exaggerated explosive muscles, nor the kind of muscles that are specially trained to be smooth, but powerful muscles with hard lines.

As long as the force is exerted, it is like twisting a steel wire. It is good to leave a mark when an ordinary sword is struck. It can be said that steel and iron bones describe such a body.

Taking into account explosiveness, flexibility, and endurance, Lance himself is as perfect as a work of art.

It's just that Lance didn't care about this. Who the hell has nothing to do to look at himself.

After the cleaning, the new clothes were ready, and after putting on the casual clothes, Lance knew that some clothes should be eliminated.

Lance really doesn't like the so-called aristocratic clothing of this era, especially the more fashionable leather pants, which look awkward when worn.

And those traditional aristocratic costumes, I don’t know whether they are robes or something else, do look a bit gorgeous on the outside, but the inside of the robes is actually empty!

It's fucking empty down there!

Lance had never known about ancient costumes in his previous life, but he could also understand that such designs were for the convenience of solving physiological problems.

When you need convenience, just lift up the robe to solve the problem. Otherwise, it will take a long time without untying it. Normally, it's okay to wait at most, but it's hard to say if it escapes one day.

Whether you can withstand it or not is not something you can control.

Or tight pants, the only difference between wearing them and a smart guy is a pair of beanie shoes.

Or just wear crotchless pants, which are ventilated underneath.

What kind of nobleman is this? (End of chapter)

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