Our family is in decline

Chapter 476 Animation of the People

The driven refugees...the deliberate massacre...the scattered mobs...the insidious plot...

As Laura told it, Lance finally understood why Hamlet suddenly became corrupted.

It turned out that they massacred five to six hundred people around Hamlet. Those were human lives. They fell to Bastia's butcher's knife without any resistance.

After receiving the news that the Knights had been captured, the first thing they did was not come to redeem the people but instead fabricated rumors about Hamlet, and then just to drive the refugees over.

Lance didn't know what to say about this kind of operation. Is this count a little not very smart?

What's even more outrageous is that it was a specially designed and deliberate massacre just to shock them?

I think you are afraid that your ancestor is hungry, so you can’t wait to order takeaway for him.

You are the ancestor’s biological sons, right?

"When we left, there were a lot of criminals and thugs among the refugees, and these people broke away from the team without the supervision of the army. There were also a large number of refugees, at least half of whom scattered into Hamlet.

And on the way here, many people from the original convoy were also pretending to be traveling from the caravan to those towns..."

Laura is still reminding Lance of the dangers of these people. One is a vicious person, and the other is a person who harbors evil intentions. Their stay in Hamlet will definitely cause more trouble.

Nearly a thousand people dispersed on the road for various reasons, and Lance seemed to have guessed the fate of these people.

Lance welcomes refugees, so does the ancestor, and his welcome is even stronger.

Lance only used them as laborers, but the ancestor wanted to make them all his own.

"I know." That was all Lance could say in response.

He would rather see those thugs and the Ascension Sect dog-eat-dog.

Laura seemed to understand the lord's calmness. She could only say that these big men were always so calm when encountering things.

"There are still some among those refugees..."

Laura, the traitorous hawk, betrayed the chess pieces that the count had placed among the refugees without hesitation. She had been keeping an eye on them for several days and was waiting for this moment.

Lance looked at her in surprise when he heard this. It must be said that Lance liked this direct method of communication.

As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes...

Now the carriages in the convoy were filled with wounded people, and even the fat man was forced to move along.

Fatty was thinking about some things along the way. As time went by, the reason that had been destroyed by the cult priest gradually returned.

That’s not right!

What did you come here to do?

He was commissioned by the earl to discuss redemption.

As for other small actions, they are completely "misunderstandings".

But why has it become like this now?

The sudden appearance of madmen interrupted his plan, and as soon as he was hit hard, a group of cavalry appeared and took over the team.

Even his staff was taken away.

All these coincidences made him suspicious.

Was he fucking being plotted?

We can't sit still and wait for death, we must find a way to escape.

The fat man carefully looked around and observed the actions of the soldiers, but when he turned around, he found that the man in a coat not far away, who showed a ruthless look, was looking at him.

It was the man just now, and what he was playing with was his own pistol.

"Be honest, although I don't want to waste ammunition on you?" Disma seemed to notice his look, and the muzzle of the gun in his hand couldn't help but slide towards the fat man, "But I don't mind trying a new gun."

The lord asked himself to watch him. This kind of spell caster was very unsafe.

Speaking of this fat man, I felt a little aggrieved. He was pointed at by his own gun just now, and now again?

But the situation is stronger than the person, and he really has no choice.

Let's not talk about whether he is sure of being faster than a gun. Even if he can burn Disma to death, there are so many people around him, and he still has to be buried with him.

Lance finally followed up from behind on horseback, but Laura did not follow him.

"We have prepared food and water, and Hamlet is in front of us."

Speeding up the refugee movement requires more than whips and fists.

Lance's words directly gave these desperate people a glimmer of hope, and their exhausted bodies could not help but surge with strength, and the speed of their actions increased significantly.

The refugees have no other ideas now, they only have one.

Just get to that place…

Some people with ulterior motives among the refugees couldn't help but cast their eyes on Lance's tall figure, wondering what they were thinking.

"Wait a minute and follow me."

A figure wrapped in rags approached Margaret and interrupted her thoughts.

Margaret was startled by the sudden appearance of a silent figure, but soon realized it was Laura's voice.

Although she didn’t know the specific situation, the care she received along the way still made her choose to believe in Laura.

Originally at the front, it slowly moved to the edge, and then gradually fell to the back...

From dusk to night, the team saw a faint firelight in the distance after passing through a place.

A cavalryman rode forward, and soon it was like awakening a giant beast crawling on the earth. When the giant beast opened its eyes, more and more bright lights rose up to dispel the shrouded darkness.

It also awakened the hope of refugees.

"Go and send all these guys from Bastia to be taken care of. Find someone to check the materials for the convoy and put them in the warehouse. We will deal with them slowly when we have time."

Lance began to give orders, and the fat man suddenly felt something bad when he heard this.

Although there are no very valuable materials in the fleet, most of them are for logistical support, but...

That's my fleet! My supplies!

Why? Why do you do this?

"If anyone disagrees..." Lance suddenly looked back at the fat man and slowly said, "I don't like blood, don't tell me~"

The fat man's tangled face froze for an instant. You just said this and blew someone's head off. What do you mean by saying this to me now?

The thought of struggling just now was extinguished, but I couldn't accept such humiliation, so I had to comfort myself in my heart.

When I return to Bastia and lead the army to destroy this shabby place of yours, I will humiliate you severely.

But now...the mission is the most important thing.

He endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden just to complete the Count's mission, which was truly heartbreaking.

Lance looked away from the fat man. Why did he feel that he was a little stupid? Could it be that the cult priest burned out his brain?

But he was too lazy to care, and waved his hand to signal the people below to do something.

Instead, he focused on the refugees.

Lance had already given orders since receiving the news of the reconnaissance. The people below were also experienced in dealing with refugees. Although it was at night this time, several braziers were set up and two rows of torches were lit, directly lighting up the entire open space. illuminate.

Several large pots were constantly churning with thin porridge water, and you couldn't even see the whole grains in them, because they had all been rotten and integrated into the porridge under the fire.

These things are no better than water, but the porridge water exuding the aroma of grains is fatally tempting to the refugees, not to mention the faint fish fibers that can be seen in the large spoons that those people tumble.

"Come in line one by one, everyone can eat, but if anyone makes trouble, don't even think about eating a little."

Some staff with short sticks maintained order among them. Sometimes you can't be too good when dealing with these refugees and you have to put pressure on them.

Because now their brains cannot understand other words, and only physical warnings can allow them to maintain their final rationality.

William also called a team of peace officers to maintain order. Logically speaking, there should be no problems.

Just a bowl of gruel can go a long way in comforting these refugees and establishing a channel of communication.

This was indeed the case at the scene, with several queues forming and the refugees being sorted out by the staff.

After a brief process, someone quickly received the gruel, and then they were led to the open space on the other side, where the refugees began to be screened and divided.

A thousand people are destined to spend a lot of time, but they have enough ability and experience to digest them.

But if it's really that simple, then it would be too much to underestimate Count Bastia's arrangement.

You must know that the composition of these refugees is not pure. Some people among them noticed that the refugees were beginning to stabilize and immediately deliberately provoked disputes.

"There's only a little food, not enough for everyone."

"Why do they get two bowls? And we only get one?"

"The porridge is about to be eaten, and we have nothing to eat."

"I want to eat two bowls too!"

"They're robbing them, hurry up!"

A few simple words, even though a steady stream of porridge was actually being provided, I didn't see anyone eating two bowls at the same time, because after receiving the porridge, they were taken away and separated.

But such a loophole-filled lie can easily affect the hearts of those refugees, because those behind can’t see what’s happening in front.

Although they could see there was still a lot of porridge in the front, they all wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to eat one more bowl. They were short-sighted and did not care whether there was any left behind, so they had to eat as much as possible to survive.

The despicability of human nature is easily played by them, madness spreads among them, and the refugees gradually show their ugly side.

Once these thousands of people fall into chaos, in order to avoid impacting Hamlet, they can only suppress them violently.

When the time comes, rivers of blood will flow again, and I'm afraid it won't be possible to recover without hundreds of people dying.

But at this moment, a row of overlapping gunshots caused an explosion to suppress the commotion. Against the backdrop of torches on both sides, soldiers rushed forward to surround the refugees.

"Stop everyone! Anyone who gets close will die!"

The soldiers pointed their guns at the refugees, and there were queues of cavalry behind them. If they charged, they could cut through these refugees like mowing grass.

At the same time, the police officers who had been prepared for a long time picked up short sticks and hit the refugees who wanted to attack the porridge table with their sticks. There was no sign of mercy in their circular movements.

They need to be responsible for the security of Hamlet, and they must take a heavy blow to anyone who dares to cause trouble!

The appearance of soldiers and magistrates put down the riot at the first sign of its inception.

Lance watched indifferently, not even the slightest bit moved by the refugees who were beaten on the ground and howled.

Laura had just told him about the spies hiding among the refugees who caused riots and eventually developed into massacres. How could he not be prepared for this?

He had already expressed kindness just now, but Lance knew that it was not enough. Kindness was just a synonym for weakness for these guys, and it was the confidence for them to push forward.

The short-sightedness and greed of the refugees are a fact, because they essentially do not believe that Hamlet is really a Garden of Eden. If they want to survive, they must seize the opportunities in front of them as much as possible and grab as much food as possible.

If Lance shows a little weakness, it will only fuel their arrogance. If they have the opportunity, they will not hesitate to plunder everything, and they don't care whether it will cause suffering to others.

But refugees can be easily provoked, ultimately because they have lost trust in the world.

They were abandoned by the dominant society, separated from the crowd, and eventually turned into "wild beasts" who lost their minds on the way to escape.

What Lance needs is to find an excuse to give them a blow, so that he can truly tame these "beasts".

Just like now, with the panic in front of the guns and the wails under the sticks, the eyes of those refugees suddenly became clear.

Under certain circumstances, what Lance did was no different from what Count Bastia did. They all used the spies hidden among them, allowing them to instigate riots and then suppress them.

Even Lance was more clever, using the traps set by the enemy to achieve his own goals, while also controlling the chaos to a smaller area.

Good people cannot manage a territory, because when a problem arises, you are destined to make trade-offs if you want to solve it, which will definitely harm the interests of a certain group of people.

The so-called good guys are actually centrists. They won't offend anything and can't accomplish anything. They will only delay the problem, as long as it doesn't explode in his hands.

But Lance is not this kind of person, otherwise he should have turned around when he was on the old road instead of diving into this Hamlet mess.

It would take two days to catch a thousand pigs, but a thousand people were easily driven together, like crowded sardines in a can.

Lance sat on his horse and looked down at them, feeling their frightened eyes, and then he spoke.

"You were deceived by the lords of Bastia. Hamlet is an ordinary place, not as good as the rumors say. They made up lies just to drive you troublemakers here.

For this reason, Count Bastia planted spies among you to encourage you to cause trouble, so the previous massacre was just to find an excuse to kill you and cut off your thoughts of going back. "

Lance doesn't like to say profound words. He has no education, let alone the training of the aristocratic system. He is just an ordinary person.

He likes to speak in plain language that everyone can understand. He completely ignores the "political non-proliferation principle" under the feudal aristocratic system and speaks out in front of them the political struggle that seems to be clouded but is actually like a child's fight. .

"It was Bastia who abandoned you! It was the Count who wanted to kill you!"

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