Our family is in decline

Chapter 479 Looters

Count Bastia's embezzlement of Hamlet still has a certain positive significance. Even if he only maintains order on the surface, it can also give ordinary people a breathing space.

The most direct thing is that although most of the area controlled by Bastia is mountainous, the density of villages and towns is much higher. On the contrary, although most of the area controlled by Bastia is flat land, it is swallowed up by the savage growing wilderness and blocked by dense forests. A gathering place for humans.

These thugs had never been to Hamlet, so they wandered around like headless flies in the middle of nowhere after breaking away from the refugees.

Finally, they took advantage of the smoke rising in the sky at dusk to discover a small village. Otherwise, they didn't know how long they would have to search to find a gathering place for humans.

The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of villains.

Then the plunderers attacked the small village without hesitation, raped and plundered, turning the originally peaceful village into a hell in an instant.

But how could a small village with a population of less than thirty people have enough supplies to satisfy a raiding group of hundreds of people?

Most people are still hungry and thirsty, and they desperately need greater plunder to satisfy them.

Fortunately, they got the location of the nearby town by interrogating the villagers, a settlement of hundreds of people, enough for them to enjoy the carnival.

That's why they're here tonight.

The barbarians on the other side also need a big fight to recover.

No matter what happens next, surviving first is the most important thing.

Compared to the roaring marauders, the barbarians seemed calmer, but not much.

It was just their hunting skills that allowed them to remain calm for the time being, but in fact, their eyes were full of brutality ready to be unleashed.

The imprisoned rage does not dare to be released to fully armed knights like Bruce, but it will not hesitate at all when facing ordinary people.

If you try to let these thugs lurk in in an orderly manner, it is basically impossible to launch an attack again. They are the representatives of chaos.

If most people didn't have weapons in their hands, and even if they did have some farm tools, I'm afraid they would be even crazier.

The earthen wall and wooden door were breached in an instant, and looters swarmed in and set the quiet town on fire.

Seeing the chaotic offensive of those thugs, Cunning Fox couldn't help but show a mocking expression, making his face even more ferocious.

But seeing the gate being breached so easily, one understands that a town surrounded by a wall does not have much power to resist. If you are slow to enter, you will suffer a loss.

"Do it!"

After giving the order, the barbarians also rushed forward. You can't say that the barbarian offensive was better than that group of people. After all, it was still a patchwork of different tribes. If they got together, they would be stable. In fact, once they started, they would collapse quickly. .

After all, these people had stayed in Bastia and contracted the bad habits of the empire.

The situation got out of control the moment they broke in. Whether it was barbarians or thugs, they were all mixed together and it was impossible to tell who was who.

They rushed into the house, but regardless of whether you were male or female, old or young, they saw men killing and women robbing, greedily plundering everything they could see.

The looters' excited laughter was mixed with screams... wailing... begging for mercy... and cursing.

I don't know who lit a house on fire. The wood and straw structure instantly turned into a giant torch. The blazing flames reflected a cruel and bloody scene, as if hell had descended.

And death awakens something in the town...

In the closed barn, an evil blasphemous ritual was going on. A sacrificial victim with a drooping head was tied to the altar, and his body was covered with signs of various tortures.

Below are believers in black robes, begging for blessings from God.

In the past flesh-and-blood rituals, God had only given weak power, but today a powerful force came to these believers.

Unprecedented excitement and fanaticism filled their brains. Their originally ordinary flesh and blood bodies began to become stronger, and the muscles on their bodies showed abnormal growth, becoming stronger in a short period of time.

The priest who presided over the ceremony seemed to have been shocked by the powerful force and lost his mind, screaming in a crazy manner.

"Go and kill! Go and seize your ascension!"

The barn door was opened, and then the looters who were killing and looting met the cultists who were even crazier than them.

Because believers will respond to the gaze from God with the most crazy attitude.

"Hey hey hey~ delicious child..." A robber grabbed the child hiding in the haystack and threw him to the ground with his backhand, ending a person's life in an instant.

On the ground next to the child was the killed father, with blood staining the ground red.

The mother who was being pushed down on the other side let out a heart-rending wail when she saw this scene, not even caring about the robber who was twisting and wriggling like maggots on her body.

But the man didn't care at all. Instead, he picked up the body and talked to several other people.

"I tell you, the most delicious ones are the ones with thin skin and tender meat..."

However, the other few didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, but were snatching the woman's ownership.

"Hurry the fuck up, it's my turn."

"Fuck you! Go grab one for yourself, I was here first."


At this moment, several black-robed believers broke in and attacked the nearest person with ferocious faces.

Those plunderers probably didn't even think about what this was going on. They were stunned for a moment, and this was enough to kill them.

The cultists rushed forward like crazy beasts. The display of power blessed by their ancestors knocked one person to the ground and at the same time leaned down to bite him.

The human teeth are not as sharp as the canine teeth of beasts to pierce the flesh of the prey, but the human bite force is also very amazing. It is shown in the mouths of these cultists who have unleashed the limits of the body, and they even tore the flesh and blood from the plunderers alive.

The plunderers reacted and struggled hard, but their fists and kicks were of no use at all. All the blessed believers felt no pain.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

How arrogant they were just now, how miserable they screamed now, the word "eat alive" applied to them is the most true portrayal.

The plunderers had no room to resist under the sudden surprise attack. On the contrary, the woman lying down and pinned to the ground escaped unharmed.

When she saw that the robber who had just thrown the child to death had countless blood stains on his body.

It was obvious that he had lost his life,


The woman got up and crawled over to pick up the child on the ground. However, she did not cry. Instead, she let out a scary and strange laugh.

The cultist who was sucking the blood suddenly raised his head, revealing his hideous face stained red by blood, and directly targeted the woman holding the child's body...

Don't try to believe that a cultist still has reason. They attack all targets indiscriminately. There is no difference in their eyes between looters and ordinary people. They are all sacrifices to ascend.

Similar scenes kept happening in the small town. The looters who were immersed in the carnival of violence ran into the cultists pouring out of the barn.

The looters originally thought they were a resistance force organized by the town, and wanted to defeat them and take over the town completely.

The cultists had no weapons, but neither did most of the marauders.

Not to mention the barbarians among these plunderers, the Imperial people were also thugs with blood on their hands, and they were not guilty of killing people with their bare hands, so it soon developed into a chaotic fight with bare hands, with fists hitting the flesh.

But what all the looters didn't expect was that what they imagined did not happen. These people did not collapse because of the air force.

On the contrary, the marauders immediately fell in as soon as they made contact, and were caught off guard.

You must know that cultists receive the blessing of flesh and blood from their ancestors, inhuman strength, freedom from pain, and powerful recovery capabilities.

Not to mention the most perverted thing, which is that as long as you kill, you can get more blessings from your ancestors and become stronger.

They are not afraid at all if you take a few punches. They don't care if your arms are broken. Broken legs don't affect their movements. They will crawl over and bite you even if they are crawling.

But if you are knocked down, you will basically be reimbursed directly. In this environment, injury means death.

Those barbarians were much better off in comparison, because when they came in, they first collected some weapons under the warning of the cunning fox. Although they were only farm tools such as pitchforks and hatchets, there was a big difference between those who had something in hand and those who didn't. They killed some cultists.

But the problem is that the evil of these cultists is that it is completely worthless to exchange with them.

Because whether they die or the enemy dies on the battlefield, as long as there is death, the remaining cultists will become stronger.

This is why Lance either doesn't fight, or he has to fight neatly.

You can separate them, you can concentrate superior forces and annihilate them in one fell swoop, or you can just shoot them to death from a distance without making contact, but you can't be dragged into a tug-of-war with them.

It was obvious that these plunderers did not understand Hamlet's specialties. Most of the plunderers were scattered in the town due to the carnival just now, so it was them who were divided.

Soon, the cultists became stronger and stronger under the hard selection of the looters, and even weapons that penetrated the heart could not kill them.

This strange enemy made them fall into fear. The pleasure brought by ravaging ordinary people just now quickly faded. Now they just want to leave here.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Sly Fox knew something was wrong at a glance. These were not ordinary people at all, so he quickly led the team to run away.

In fact, it's not that we can't fight, but whoever runs slower at this time will be the one behind.

What are you risking your life by grabbing this little thing?

The ferocious robbers seemed so fragile at this moment, and they all ran outside like a frying pan.

As expected, these people are just fighting with the wind going smoothly. Once they encounter a little resistance, they lose their will to fight.

But when they escaped outside, there were only forty or fifty people following them, and they were no longer just barbarians, but a mixture of them.

The rest may not have reacted, or they may have backed off, but no one cares about this. How excited they were when they rushed in just now, how embarrassed they will be when they escape.

The cunning fox looked back not far away, his one eye filled with fear.

You must know that more than two hundred people actually only escaped.

Unfortunately, there was no priest of the tribe, and he didn't know what was going on. But the only thing that was certain was that something was wrong, as if it was cursed.

"Come on, get out of here." Sly Fox withdrew his gaze. Now all they could do was stay away from this place before the monsters caught up with them.

The other looters also seemed a little emotional,

"Why is this place so evil?"

"Those aren't people at all!"


"Damn it, I just took off my pants! If I didn't have a guy on my hands, I could kill them all by myself."

A guy yelled, obviously very dissatisfied with this situation, and his words were full of hostility.

Anyone else would have lost their temper if they were suddenly interrupted, let alone losing everything they grabbed.

How embarrassed were you just now? I just gave birth to a few legs, but it doesn't affect my bragging rights at all, since I escaped anyway.

But at this moment, his voice suddenly stopped, and then the plunderers quickly discovered that something was wrong, because something was sticking out of the man's chest.

In the dimness, it was vaguely visible that an inhuman black sharp claw penetrated, holding a beating heart in it.


An exclamation full of fear sounded among the looters. You must know that fear will spread. They were originally a group of clowns who were frightened by the cultists, and now they suddenly exploded.

Even most of the looters didn't know what was going on, and they didn't see clearly who the enemy was. They just heard the sound and ran away like headless flies.

The cunning fox couldn't help but look back when he heard this sound, and saw a black shadow moving quickly among the crowd against the distant firelight, and his one eye couldn't even keep up.

Only the brief pause showed what looked like a humanoid monster killing crazily in it.

But every pause meant that a marauder was swallowed up by the darkness, and Sly Fox couldn't even see clearly how those marauders died.

The strong pressure made Sly Fox react instantly, and ran away without any hesitation, leaving everything behind.

But suddenly the screams disappeared. This situation made him subconsciously look back. Only the faint light of the fire in the distance remained, but all the looters disappeared, and the surroundings were as quiet as...

"Are you looking for me?"

The cunning fox's movements froze, and he turned his head sharply to look back, only to see a tall figure appearing in front of him.

The first thing you see is a piece of dark iron armor, its surface is slightly uneven as if it had been hammered randomly by craftsmen, leaving irregular pits like the surface of a meteorite.

The upper half of the breastplate is a single piece, but the lower half is made up of overlapping layers of armor, with tentacle shapes surrounding and filling the seams. This structure can not only ensure frontal protection, but also not restrict movement at all.

The armor has sharp pointed blades on the arm armor and greaves, and there are ferocious spikes on the shoulder armor and back.

At first glance, the whole thing feels as heavy as an iron tower, but upon closer inspection, it looks a bit evil.

And as his eyes raised, he saw an even more terrifying scene...

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