Our family is in decline

Chapter 497 The Ambition of the Little Man

When the two sides engaged in battle, the chaos spread instantly like a ignited fuse, because this time it was not just a few barbarian scouts who attacked the camp, but a large number of troops.

Against the backdrop of the firelight, a large number of barbarian warriors appeared outside the camp wall. From time to time, in the darkness that the firelight could not reach, flashes of fire appeared. They were elite musketeers.

What's even more terrifying is that these barbarian warriors are different from the barbarians living deep in the mountains. Many of them are barbarian mercenaries, so they know the surrounding situation very well.

The count used caravans to explore the mountains, and the barbarians used mercenaries to explore Bastia.

Moreover, these barbarians are well-equipped and have high armor coverage, and they even have musketeers with terrifying accuracy.

Bastia's soldiers were illuminated by the fire at the top of the city, but the barbarian musketeers used the cover of darkness to hide their figures. As soon as they showed up, there were many casualties.

For those serf soldiers, the only thing they could rely on was the wall of the camp and the spears in their hands. There were not many archers and crossbowmen, let alone musketeers.

There have been a lot of night raids during this period, and those who are still alive after being screened are not considered elite, and they have seen the world.

Moreover, they had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. The camp that had been continuously repaired during this period was still able to withstand the barbarian attacks like a tide.

But these people are just like this, relying on the camp to not collapse. It may be impossible for them to chase them out and fight the barbarians in the wild.

From the high tower of the camp, Bruce watched indifferently as the barbarians withdrew, and the personal guards and deputies around him lost their previous impulse when they saw this scene.

Because no troops were sent out for so many night attacks, but instead huddled here, he knew that the regiment leader would not go out.

But the look he looked at the barbarians still had a bit of unwillingness, and hatred gave him strength. That was the night when the village was wiped out, which he will never forget.

Seeing the barbarians withdrawing from the fire, Bruce suddenly asked: "Did you see it?"

The deputy suddenly came to his senses and didn't know what to ask. He hesitated for a while before answering.

"Retreating at the first touch shows that this is just a test, and they have no intention of attacking with all their strength."

Bruce was not very satisfied with this answer, so he added something to himself.

"This is a coalition of barbarians. One tribe cannot produce so many mercenaries. My father's worry is right. After years of cultivation, those barbarians have recovered their strength and have the ambition to get involved in Bastia. What's more, this strength.

On the other hand, we in Bastia have not experienced a large-scale war for so long, and the soldiers are already weak and unable to fight. If this continues, the situation may be even more troublesome. "

The mountain barbarians, who could form a large tribe with a thousand people, would not be able to release many warriors as mercenaries.

Therefore, the number is unknown, but it is definitely hundreds of barbarian mercenaries who can only be pieced together from different tribes.

As for the function... I'm afraid it is to ignite wars everywhere in Bastia to consume Bastia's power. At the same time, this is also a kind of test.

"We should have killed these barbarian mercenaries instead of expelling them!" the deputy gritted his teeth.

But Bruce didn't take it seriously. If they were all killed, how could the barbarians dare to go down the mountain?

However, he also realized that these barbarians did not simply act as his father expected, because the barbarians acted more greedily.

The earl actually expected that the barbarian unrest would occur during the autumn harvest, and Bruce also planned to take advantage of this period to slowly train his troops. However, the barbarians were now moving faster than planned, which somewhat worried him.

But this worry was quickly dissipated by strong self-confidence. If his father could suppress them for so many years, he can do the same!

"Assemble the knights and pursue the enemy!"

Blindly shrinking will make the barbarians suspicious. Now is just the time to show Bastia's power, and at the same time to drive these barbarians into that place...

The deputy did not react for a moment, and was stunned for two seconds before shouting excitedly.


He turned around and rushed down the tall building, shouting loudly at the same time.

"Gather! Gather!"

On the battlefield that had just calmed down in front, a recruit was leaning against the wall and breathing heavily. There was some blood on his body, but it was not his, but that of the unlucky guy in front of him.

He saw with his own eyes that the whole face was smashed and blood was splattered on him. If the man hadn't blocked the shot, he would have fallen down.

Until now, his heart has not stopped and is still beating violently.

He was recruited by the lord and came here inexplicably. It can be said that after so many years of peace, they did not expect a war at all, thinking that they were just here to build a camp.

This kind of thing is not surprising, because the master will do it if he has anything to do, such as building a yard or something, just recruiting serfs from the territory, but they have to prepare their own food.

Until suddenly a night attack kicked off the battle, telling them the cruelty of war and the ferocity of those barbarians.

He saw with his own eyes that many people were killed by bows, arrows or muskets. On the contrary, he did not see many casualties among the barbarians. It can be said that the reasons why they are still here are very complicated, but the only thing that is certain is whether they are just eating one person a day or just A piece of brown bread no bigger than a fist.

Taking advantage of the darkness and everyone being too exhausted (scared) to pay attention, he reached out and touched the body next to him, but there was still a palm-sized bag with no money, which was food.

Who has money if they are all serfs? Everyone was well aware of these conscriptions, so they all came with some food, which contained dried meat the size of two fingers.

He didn't know what kind of dried meat this thing was. Anyway, it looked darker than that night and felt like wood. If he tried to bite into it, his teeth would fall off.

But the slight taste of meat in his mouth made him chuckle.

This person probably didn't want to eat it all at once, but it was an advantage for him.

Now you don’t have to go hungry at night!

"Fucking barbarians haven't seen you kill any of them."

"Every one of them is like mud."

"Get the fuck out of here!"

Just when he was overjoyed, he heard the veterans supervising the battle driving away the fallen recruits and asking them to move the bodies away. He quickly put away the dried meat, and the veterans rushed to open the door.

"Open the door quickly!"

"Hurry the fuck up!"

After a while of urging, no one dared to resist, because they would kill anyone who dared to escape from the battle with a sword. Perhaps the soldiers killed by the barbarians just now were not as many as killed by these supervisory teams.

Just as he and a group of people rolled up the gate, he heard the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground. The vibration was transmitted and he couldn't help but look over there.

The heavily armed cavalry rushed out under the light of the fire. That scene gave him a strong shock. Nothing could resist this power.

"I also want to become a knight..."


Nightfall, Hamlet.

Greendale knew that the purpose of Lance's new box of fruit wine was to give feedback, so it was obviously worthless for her to give feedback alone, as more people would be needed.

So she invited some people to her house for wine tasting, because this wine was aimed at female audiences, and they had to be people who should have contact with this aspect.

So there are not many targets to choose from.

Paracelsus had no interest in these at all. He was still busy doing research in the sanatorium. He was working overtime these days and didn't care about anything.

So the only ones who can come when they have time are Tiffany, Amanda, Margaret, and Gina.

Tiffany is Walter's daughter, and is now Hamlet's accountant. Before Walter fell, she was also a wealthy lady in Owendo City, and as the daughter of a businessman, she had been exposed to a lot of business.

Amanda is directly out of the category of ordinary people. Under the protection of the organization, she is also a young rich woman, so she naturally knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

As for Margaret, it was because she, as the daughter of a baron, should have had contact with these things, and she also had an attitude of soliciting goodwill.

As for Gina... she was the woman Laura saved conveniently.

When Greendale asked, Lance couldn't even tell her name.

The reason why I can sit here is because she and Margaret were staying together when Greendale approached her, and their relationship seemed to be very good, so it was not easy to invite only one.

Everyone at the wine table was talking to each other, mainly to comment on this wine.

Lance still underestimates the world. In fact, there are too few ways to entertain people in this world, and the popularity of alcoholic beverages is very high.

There are many varieties of wines that only nobles can afford, and many different wines with different reputations and characteristics are naturally derived from other types of wine.

These are not common in rural areas, but similar products are launched in cities with large populations.

"It's a very subtle feeling. It retains the sandy texture of fermented wine and even has a stronger stimulation. It's really novel."

"I like this sweetness better. The honey suppresses the bitterness of the beer and adds a floral aroma to the fruity aroma."

"I drank a similar fruit wine in Bastia, but this one was sweeter and more fragrant. It didn't taste like wine, but more like sparkling juice."

Margaret's character is very straightforward. Because her father is Baron Lawrence, she has not had to take into account anyone's feelings in the territory since she was a child. She can just say what she wants.

But this kind of personality can be tolerated when it comes to people with a good attitude, but it is difficult to say when it comes to people with a bad attitude.

Just like now, she is not the only smart person on the field. Amanda has drunk a lot of potions with extraordinary effects, so why can't she drink good or bad?

What she said was obviously to look for the good points, to make the best of it first, and then add to it depending on the situation.

After going through these trainings, Tiffany seemed to have matured a lot. Her actions were not as stiff as before, so her speech naturally became smoother.

While others were still praising this wine, Margaret directly exposed the reality. What do you think this is?

The scene suddenly became a little cold because of Margaret's words, but Greendale just smiled and took over.

"This wine has its own characteristics, and it's really not that good. That's why I asked everyone to make suggestions and see if there is anything that needs to be improved."

Hamlet's current winery is just a small workshop, with only three or two people, no technical accumulation, and no advantage in raw materials. It is a joke to really say that brewing a wine that can conquer everyone, they themselves don't believe it.

Both Lance and Greendale knew this very well, otherwise why would they use essence and alcohol to prepare it?

It can be said that the original plan was to take the marketing route, and the product quality only needed to be passable.

With Greendale mediating the situation, the situation on the court has calmed down a bit, but if you want to restart the topic, you still need an entry point.

At this time, Greendale's eyes couldn't help but fall on Gina, who had been silent while holding the wine glass.

The injury on the head was cured by Lance, who mistakenly thought it was the baron's daughter. After taking off the bandaging gauze, his beautiful face was revealed.

Even Greendale admits that she is a very beautiful person, and her curvy figure is extremely attractive to men.

Margaret was "mingling" with everyone, but she seemed to have said nothing and seemed a little out of place.

"What do you think, Gina?"

Greendale's words made everyone's attention focus on her, but she actually seemed to be in a daze without reacting, and she still called out before she reacted.


"Ah! Oh~" Gina nodded in agreement, suddenly becoming cautious.

“But the breath is too little, the sandy taste is not strong enough, the sweetness is enough, but the alcoholic flavor is too weak and the taste is very thin. It would be better to increase the alcohol content and make the taste slightly bitter.

Because such a rich and layered taste will better suit the name of this wine [Girl's Dream], indulge in a sweet dream, but when you wake up from the dream, you have to return to the bitter reality. "

Gina's gentle shaking of the wine glass combined with her slightly sad expression gave her a somewhat lonely feeling.

Greendale was thoughtful when she saw this, and seemed to be led into the meaning of the wine by her explanation.


"I killed at least two!"

"Hahaha! Those imperial pigs are hiding inside and don't dare to come out."

"Damn it, if I hadn't been hiding inside, I would have killed them all."

"It's best if they chase them out and see if I kill them or not..."

The barbarians who had just completed their mission seemed a little revelry.

These barbarians were often discriminated against when they were mercenaries in the city of Bastia. Anyone could bully them, but in order for the tribe to survive the winter, they could only endure and earn subsidies.

But now that they have been suppressed for so long, they are finally liberated, which makes the revenge of these mercenaries more brutal than other barbarians.

Other barbarians wanted to plunder and massacre by the way. After all, population was also a resource. Men were slaves and women could give birth to children. There was no need to take care of the young and old.

But these barbarian mercenaries were born purely for killing, and they wanted to ignite the flames of war everywhere in Bastia and make the army exhausted.

The attacks during this period were their method of exhausting the army. All the surrounding villages had been plundered by the barbarians. If they wanted to launch a further "autumn hunting", they would need to break through this camp to penetrate into the truly rich areas of Bastia. hinterland, otherwise it would take a long detour.

As soon as I was bragging, I suddenly felt a vibration under my feet, and some experienced people reacted and shouted in an instant.

"The knight is coming!"

"Fuck you!"

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