Our family is in decline

Chapter 519 Analysis

"Priest, please speak." Boslake was still quite submissive. Even though the Deer Head Tribe had dissipated, the kindness accumulated over the years was still unfinished.

And now all these are gathered in Greendale, the only remaining deer-headed priest.

"I'm tired... don't tell anyone else you've seen me, I don't want anyone to bother me."

Boslake understood this and nodded in agreement, "I understand, no one else will know about our meeting today."

After receiving the answer, Greendale went on to the next topic.

"You suffered serious casualties. If you want to go back and expose the Langya tribe, you must produce enough evidence to get the big tribes who hired you to admit it."

Greendale raised her hand and pointed to the retreating convoy in the distance, "You were hunting a team of wealthy imperial nobles, but during the pursuit, you accidentally discovered Bastia's secret troops, and then the convoy was wiped out by the count's troops. , and only a few of you escaped, do you understand?"

Boslake couldn't help but fell into silence after hearing this, frowning as if he was thinking about whether he should do this.

For a barbarian warrior, they value the glory of killing the enemy, but it is dishonorable to pretend to have achieved victory...

Greendale seemed to notice his hesitation, and then added another sentence.

"Everything about the prisoners is just a show. The count is just using Hamlet to cover up the secret troops, and there is nothing more important than letting the Wolf Fang tribe disappear."

Sure enough, Boslake's whole state changed when he heard these words, and he nodded silently.

From the looks of it, he obviously agrees with what she said, the Wolf Fang tribe must die!

After the matter was settled, Greendale did not ask him for anything more, but asked a very strange question.

"Did those big tribes promise you anything?"

Boslake was a little surprised that the priest saw it, and immediately told everything.

"They promised me that as long as they bring people out to plunder enough supplies, they will shelter everyone for the winter."

"You should know that we have all lost our tribes. Those big tribes will not really accept you. They will only give you the most dangerous tasks and wait for you to die like this.

Neither the mountains nor Bastia have any place for us to stand. We have been informed not to get involved in the fight between the mountains and Bastia.

Your task is to take everyone down to Hamlet to spend the winter. This is our home. "

Boslake didn't answer, so why didn't he know, but he was also worried about leading everyone into the empire...

"Do you want them to freeze to death and starve to death! Or do you think I want to harm you?" Greendale's tone instantly became oppressive, and she showed unprecedented strength several times today.

"How could the priest harm us? You saved my life." Boslake, a man in his thirties, was always at a disadvantage when facing Greendale and did not dare to object. .

It seems that no matter how gentle Greendale usually behaves, this is a true tribal priest. No one who survives in such a harsh environment in the mountains is simple.

Lance, who was silent as a backdrop, finally spoke.

"Don't be nervous. This world is very big. Bastia, which is hostile to the mountains, cannot represent the empire. This is Hamlet, and there are no enemies for you.

What Del said is what I said, both men, women and children will be sheltered, there will be enough food, warm houses, and a safe environment in Hamlet, and winter will no longer take your lives. "

No matter how much Greendale talks, she is not a lord after all, so Lance has to stand up for her words.

Tell this barbarian that he, Lord Hamlet, is behind Grendel.

After receiving Lance's reply, Boslake did not shout "barbarians will never be slaves", but nodded silently.

In fact, he also understood that those large tribes could not believe it. In the face of the pressure of survival, any hope was precious.

"You can reach Hamlet by walking along this old road. I'll wait for you there." Greendale raised her hand and pointed. The convoys and troops on the road had already begun to retreat, and only a few tails could be seen.

"But if those elders ask me why Wolf Warrior died, what should I say?"

Greendale seemed to feel the doubt and said in a deep voice: "Don't make random guesses. The lord killed the wolf by himself. I was right next to him at the time."

Boslake was shocked when he saw Greendale frowning and shaking her head, and looked at Lance carefully from the corner of her eye.

Lance knew what he wanted and immediately took out Wolf Warrior's inherited wolf fang necklace.

"This thing can't be fake, right?"

"I understand." Boslake did not dare to say anything more and could only nod in agreement.

"If they ask you, just say one thing, the Wolf Fang Tribe and the Count will not join forces."

After receiving the guidance from Greendale, Boslake disappeared into the wilderness again.

The two of them, Lance, turned back, sacrificed all the corpses left on the battlefield, and then followed the retreating troops back to Hamlet...

On the way, Lance briefly reviewed the situation of this battle.

Lance and others had learned more information from the driver who had survived, and they knew that there was a mysterious barbarian team behind the convoy.

At that time, in order to learn more, Lance found Greendale with the broken arrow to see if she knew the origin.

Originally, Lance was not going to let these people go. After all, Michelle's identity was sensitive and it was impossible for the news to leak out.

It's just that after Greendale learned about the situation and saw Broken Arrow, she asked to come over in person, saying that she could solve the matter.

Lance naturally chose to believe her and called Boudica and Laura for her safety.

Even though she is very powerful in nature, a crispy caster is a crispy caster.

Boudica was in the front row, and Laura was of course looking for those hidden barbarians.

At that time, Lance was pressed for time and didn't pay much attention to it. Now after seeing what happened just now, he understood what she was thinking.

"So you want Bastia to take the blame?"

Lance's words revealed the core reason behind Greendale making so many arrangements.

Greendale couldn't help but relax when she heard this. Lance could understand that she was doing it for Hamlet, not to protect the barbarians. This trust and the unconditional support just now gave her a great sense of security.

“No matter how much we conceal it and control all the insiders, it is enough for those people that this incident happened in Hamlet.

They will find ways to get more answers, whether they use supernatural powers or something, they may drag us into endless conspiracies and troubles.

But if we use these barbarians to point the trouble at Count Bastia, and then release some rumors, such as the count is preparing a secret force.

I don’t know if this result will satisfy those people. At least it will disrupt the situation. Even if they fight, it will have nothing to do with us. "

Lance smiled and nodded before accepting the words.

"And it was the Count who released the barbarians, so it makes sense for him to send out secret troops to kill the noble convoy that accidentally discovered the secret.

With the testimony of those barbarian mercenaries, it seems that Count Bastia will not be able to get rid of him this time~"

This would explain why Laura's falcon appeared at such a close distance and was easily spotted.

It was obvious that Greendale wanted to expose Laura by pretending to be a hawk.

For the barbarians, when the eagles appear, the Bastia army will naturally be connected.

The law comes from~

By controlling the most critical person, Boslake, a complete chain of evidence can be formed. When the news spreads across the mountains, it can be said that the count as far away as Bastia did not expect that he would be saddled with this big mouth inexplicably. pot.

"But how can you be sure that Boslake will obey?"

Lance was still a little curious as to why Greendale could determine the most crucial point with just a broken arrow.

Greendale, who was following him, naturally talked about Boslake's situation.

"Boslake is not a simple man. He is the most outstanding warrior in a small tribe of a hundred people, and he is also the leader. His strength is not simple, especially the big bow is an extraordinary equipment inherited by the tribe, and he is also a poison user. Master.

Their tribe has problems with inheritance..."

Greendale talked about a very strange ritual of Boslake's tribe. In order to gain the ability to use poison, they need to let poisonous snakes bite them.

However, this kind of ritual is not something that ordinary people can bear. If it fails, it may even be life-threatening. It relies on one's own blood talent.

It is precisely because of this that the number of people in their tribe has never increased, so a few powerful warriors cannot feed most ordinary tribesmen. In order to survive, even he, the leader, has to work as a mercenary to make money to subsidize the tribe.

At the same time, because of this dangerous ritual, they had a lot of exchanges with the Lushou tribe. The relationship between the two parties was very close, and it could even be said that they were attached to the Lushou tribe.

Boslake's youngest son almost died when the ritual failed when he was eight years old, but he begged the Deer Head Tribe and Greendale to save him.

"Ah! Isn't it a bit inhumane to be bitten by poisonous snakes when you are only eight years old?" Lance was shocked. These people must be too cruel.

"It starts from the age of one by feeding them various drugs to enhance their resistance to poison. When they are five years old, they can be bitten by venomous snakes. Then they start using more poisonous snakes. Step by step, they will even use venomous snakes with extraordinary bloodlines.

Such a cruel secret technique will naturally bring about very powerful strength. Not to mention the improvement of basic physical fitness, they are very resistant to most poisons, and their attacks will be poisonous.

Their tribe was originally a medium-sized tribe with good strength, but unfortunately it was severely damaged in that war, and even part of its inheritance was cut off, which is why there was such an embarrassing situation. "

After Lance killed the alpha wolf, he did find some leather scrolls recording tribal inheritance, which also recorded some tribal secrets.

The barbarians like their leader to lead the charge. If several high-ranking members of the tribe die inexplicably, this may happen.

Greendale was not interested in these old events, so she brought the topic back to its original point.

But these are not the real reasons why Greendale is sure to control Boslake, and any favors are fake.

"The reason why I am confident is because his tribe has been invaded by Wolf Warriors, and his two children are probably dead, so his hatred for the Langya tribe cannot be less than mine.

Because the reason why he entangled those survivors who were also attacked by the Wolf Fang tribe was because he wanted to kidnap others for revenge with hatred.

Otherwise, with his ability, he can directly integrate into other tribes. I don’t think anyone will reject the tribal secrets and the extraordinary equipment inherited by the tribe.

Taking this as the key, he will definitely do what I say, because he is not like me who can meet you, and those big tribes have no reason to help him take revenge, so he has only one way.

That is to follow the path I gave him. "

When Lance heard her explanation, he couldn't help but marveled at how thoughtful it was. Greendale's arrangement was completely based on his understanding of the mountain tribes and a few words he came up with. He firmly grasped Boslake and completed the arrangement.

Greendale could see through the situation thousands of miles away even if she was not in the mountains. She intervened in the chess game between the earl and the barbarians with just a few words, and plotted against both sides with just one move.

Not only did this put the earl in charge, but she also planned a layer of the Wolf Fang tribe to provoke a fight between the barbarians.

Because Boslake went back to spread the news, let’s not say whether those big tribes would fall for the earl’s trick, but the Langya tribe would definitely die.

Because the Wolf Warriors are gone, the remaining stinky fish and rotten shrimps cannot hold on to the wealth accumulated through plunder.

Is it easier to defeat the Count or the Wolf Fang Tribe? Those old guys can figure this out on their own.

The huge gains that the Langya Tribe had previously promoted in order to seduce other barbarians would turn into a driver of self-destruction.

"I thought you wanted to personally annihilate the Wolf Fang tribe."

"It won't matter after the wolf warriors die. They can only kill and have no strong support. They will soon disappear into the mountains. After all, the original sin is that strength cannot keep wealth."

Speaking of which, Greendale smiled strangely at Lance and teased: "Hmph~ Do you believe that those guys will still use the slogan of revenge for the Deer Head Tribe?"

When Lance heard this, he naturally understood what it meant, and couldn't help but laugh and echoed.

"If I could be distracted, I would also avenge the Deer Head Tribe."

Lance's intention was simply to make fun of the big tribes, but Greendale took it seriously.

"You're different from them."

"Of course it's different. They want supplies, but I just want you."

"You're outside, be serious." Greendale rolled her eyes at Lance, and then asked a question with a hint of worry.

"But there's a crucial trouble with these things, and that's supernatural power."

Greendale's meaning is very simple. There will be some extraordinary power behind those big figures, such as the spellcaster next to Michelle.

If a supernatural force intervened in this matter, it would probably point to Hamlet, or perhaps Lance.

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