Our family is in decline

Chapter 524 Huge amount of information

He was the only one who sucked other people's blood. How could anyone else suck his blood?

They were sent directly to the labor camp. The high-intensity labor and lack of good supplementation meant that they would basically be scrapped in three to five years. At that time, they would be sent to sanatoriums for research. After the research, they would be sacrificed directly, providing one-stop service.

But Lance was not anxious about Baldwin and turned around to reassure him.

"You still have to explain the shortage of medicines to the patients. They think I did something to you when you were not here. How can I appease them without you? Who will take care of them?

Besides, you have just completed the treatment, and it will take some time to fully recover. As for the condition, it remains to be seen, and we don’t know if the medicine will have any unknown side effects.

So don't argue. It's better to take this time to get familiar with your physical condition as soon as possible. "

Lance directly brought out those patients to slow down Baldwin, which indeed made him hesitate.

In fact, he had already planned for Baldwin's arrangement.

Because most of the army has been mobilized, all the guards have to take the field, and almost all the heroes who are also united around Lance have arrangements.

It can be said that Lance risked almost everything in order to open the way to the ruins of the old city.

Naturally, this grand operation must be coordinated by oneself.

Under the premise of a full-scale army attack, the town lacks high-end combat capabilities. If he must stay, it must be Baldwin.

The only first-tier players in the town who are sufficiently intimidating now are probably the three champions, Lance, Alhazred and Baldwin.

Below are the masters Grendel, Amanda, Geralt, and Leonard.

Because Alhazred's state is very unstable, he can kill the limp with one attack, but most of his power is fighting against the evil being.

If he wants to exert his combat effectiveness, Lance can only help him suppress the peeping in the void. At the same time, he can detect changes in the power of corruption, which plays a very important role in his actions.

If the frontline strength is sufficient, let Baldwin stay. Even if the ancestor wants to change, he can hold on, at least until he comes back.

"Okay, that's it, let's go and clean it up first..."

Lance was about to persuade Baldwin to go back. At this time, Leonard ran over. Seeing that only the helmet was removed from the armor, he knew that he had just returned from a mission.

"Sir, the escort mission has been successfully completed."

Lance only retained part of the convoys captured from Jean, and transported thirty convoys filled with food back to Ovendo for Walter to operate, and also to send a top-secret message.

These involving Michelle, Jean, and the plans behind Owendo can only be done by someone who is trusted enough, that is, Leonard.

By the way, the cavalry should run for a while. The war horses must maintain a certain amount of activity. At the same time, see if there are any robbers and bandits on the road to gain experience for the cavalry.

"Just in time, let me introduce you. This is Leonard, the leader of Hamlet's cavalry. This is Baldwin, the chivalrous man. This is what I heard about..."

Lance started bragging about Baldwin, naturally to lift him up high.

At the same time, I also take this opportunity to introduce the two parties to each other. After all, we will have some contact in the future.

But Leonard, who didn't pay much attention at first, changed his expression after hearing the name. He looked at Baldwin and frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Similarly, Baldwin looked at Leonard with a strange expression after hearing the name, as if he remembered something, but he was a little unsure.

But soon both sides seemed to realize something, and it was almost indistinguishable that the two voices before and after sounded at the same time.

"King Baldwin!"

"Knight Leonard!"

Lance, who was still talking about something, couldn't help but look at the two of them, and suddenly realized something. They actually knew each other before?

"I'm leaving first, you guys are busy." There was a hint of dodge in Baldwin's eyes. After saying this, he walked away quickly, as if he was escaping from something.

Lance saw this scene and couldn't help but feel a little curious. He had mentioned the name Baldwin in front of everyone before, but Leonard didn't have this reaction at that time.

For this reason, Lance had to turn his head and look at Leonard to signal.

"what's the situation?"

Leonard looked at the back and fell into unspeakable emotions. He waited until Lance asked and then came to his senses and explained it in detail.

This has to start with the Holy War. The Holy War not only burns, kills, and loots in the name of God, but also plunders wealth for the church. The real reason is to support the holy city that is constantly being invaded by pagans.

And this Baldwin was the Lord of the Holy City, the king of a country supported by the church, at least when Leonard saw him.

At that time, Baldwin had just taken over the Holy City and became famous for his military talent. Under his leadership, he defeated several pagan attacks and stabilized the situation in the Holy City.

Leonard, of course, also participated in the war under Baldwin at that time, and was even summoned for his bravery in combat.

It was only after close contact that he barely recognized it. Of course, Leonard couldn't believe it at first, and it wasn't until the other party's reaction that he confirmed his suspicion.

It's just that before the war was over, he left the Crusaders because he was kicked out by the church. As for what happened next, he really didn't know.

But seeing Baldwin appear here, I'm afraid the situation won't be much better.

"I didn't expect it was really him, and I didn't expect to meet here in this way..."

Leonard was quite emotional when he said this. He didn't know whether he was feeling his lost youth or the fate between the two.

Lance understood clearly that there was no direct relationship between the two, that is, to the extent that he had met him once and knew about this person.

No wonder I didn't recognize it at first.

It is estimated that Leonard was still a handsome young man when the two met, but now he has become a bearded man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life.

At the same time, as a king, Baldwin naturally wore luxurious clothes and various gorgeous decorations that showed his status. He was followed by countless people when he went out. His aura was naturally that of a king of a country.

But now that he has no hair on his face, no hair on his head, and looks in tatters, the arrogance of the superior has long since been wiped away, leaving only the transformed ordinary.

Lance has heard a very classic saying, that is, "Being down is not scary, the scary thing is being recognized by acquaintances."

It was a critical blow to self-esteem. The more glorious it was, the greater the pressure it was now. Even Baldwin could not bear the pressure and chose to escape.

In fact, from the perspective of an outsider like Lance, both of them suffered indescribable suffering, and then they both came to Hamlet by accident. Likewise, they will both usher in redemption here.

It can only be said to be fate.

"Who hasn't clicked on it? Since these things have passed, let's stop here and don't mention it again." Lance patted Leonard on the shoulder, and it was self-evident what he meant.

Leonard also understood that the lord intended to protect Baldwin's face, and nodded in agreement.

He is not a person who likes to talk nonsense. He is more just surprised by the fate of meeting again.

"Okay." Lance nodded with a smile, and then got down to business, "How will Walter reply? How has the situation in Owendo changed?"

Leonard naturally took out the letter and also dictated some situations that could not be written down...

In the eyes of those enemies, Lance is so cunning and cruel, but in the eyes of Leonard and other companions, the lord is always taking care of them and will consider their situation.

I am also willing to listen to them and give guidance, just like a family member or a wise man.

Even if you encounter a problem, the first thing to do is not to punish anyone, but to find a way to solve the problem with everyone, and then come back to discuss the matter.

The point is not to assign responsibility, but to learn lessons and how to avoid this problem happening again.

What's even more amazing is that the lord can always convince everyone every time. This is very shocking to Leonard, knowing that even "gods" cannot do it.

Because Leonard had seen more than one dispute or even fight in the church.

Leonard has been in the church, the Crusaders, and has also become a mercenary wandering around the empire and has been to many places.

Compared with those places, Hamlet has strict regulations and rules, but in Hamlet there is no pressure from the strict hierarchy of the imperial aristocratic system in other territories. On the contrary, everyone gets along peacefully under the rules.

The cruel experience made Leonard lose his fanatical belief, and after returning to rationality, he understood the greatness of the lord even more.


"How is it? Does that guy remember anything?"

"This guy is not a hard-nosed guy. Now he even remembers wetting the bed when he was a child..."

Lance came to ask about Michelle's situation. He was not afraid or not, but he preferred to know more information, which could help him make better decisions.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

And Disma naturally reported the information the lord needed.

Michel's situation is not as bad as he boasted. In fact, their family's title is fictitious, that is, the marquis has no actual fiefdom at all, because he is essentially a new-style noble.

What is the new aristocracy?

To explain this clearly, we have to talk about how the empire became like this.

The reason is simple. The emperor is dissatisfied with the current control of the empire by the great nobles and wants to reform and take all power and land into his own hands.

With the development of cities and the emergence of capital, these people who had no money but insufficient social status began to seek the political status of the empire, that is, power.

But the power of the empire has long been divided up. Why should the pit occupied by the nobles be divided up with you?

The emperor took a fancy to their needs and chose to support them. Most of the new aristocratic forces supported by these emperors were big businessmen who relied on the development of the city, as well as small nobles who were attracted by them.

This is not just about touching the cake, but about revolutionizing the old nobles. Isn’t this person willing to risk their lives with you?

That is the empire built by my ancestors, and your emperor is just the largest noble. Their relationship with the emperor is not that of superiors and subordinates, but of partners, but they do not tolerate you at all.

Those old aristocrats who held real power said "you are too urbanized", so they took advantage of the severe drought to start from the beginning.

On the surface it's mobs and Imperial troops, but in reality everyone knows who's on the other side.

It is the new nobles supported by the emperor who are at war with the old nobles who have fiefdoms and hold real power in their hands.

Just to maintain the appearance that the empire is not divided, it became what it is now.

It can be understood as the struggle between the new aristocracy represented by the emerging urban bourgeoisie and the old aristocracy represented by the feudal big landowners under the development of the times.

Originally, the conflict between the two was not so intense until the drought intensified the conflict.

Those nobles have fiefdoms, and relying on the land, both population and food are guaranteed, so they can form their own line without relying on the emperor or anything.

This drought also weakened this point. The flow of refugees was detrimental to the emperor, so there was no movement at the beginning.

It is precisely because of this situation that the old nobles have to take action, dragging you to death together.

Although they are a little behind, they have a solid foundation after all. After transferring pressure through refugees, their own food supply will not be a problem.

On the other hand, when the new aristocracy occupied the city, some people had money but no farmland and lacked food, so they purchased it at high prices.

Both sides can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

Under the premise of this general environment, in order to fight against the old nobles, the emperor issued many titles and titles to win people's hearts. These are the origins of the new nobles.

Although it feels a bit like selling an official position at the end of the feudal dynasty to win a title, it does win over a large number of people, as you can see from the fact that Jean has lost all his money and wants to get a knighthood.

Michel is a waste, but he is a figure. Although he was only a small baron back then, he saw through the situation early on, and then as an old nobleman, he gave up everything and joined the game.

As one of the first batch of people to join the army, the emperor was naturally given enough benefits, and his ability was indeed good, so he quickly climbed up the ranks.

At that time, why did Disma not find anyone after escaping from prison? It was because Michelle's father had been promoted, but he let him go because of this. Otherwise, with Michelle's character, he would definitely continue to torture Disma. .

Or maybe Michelle started to become abnormal because of his father's expansion of power and neglect of discipline.

Anyway, the emperor promoted him all the way, and now Michel's father is really a high-ranking member of the imperial army, just one of them.

As for the 100,000-strong army he talked about, it was even more impressive, because the person who really led the army must be someone from the emperor. Michel's father was in charge of logistics supplies, so he was able to hook up with Jean and use his power to make money. He can also arrange this kind of mission for his son away from the battlefield.

This identity is also a big trouble for Hamlet, who has long since lost power in a remote area. Otherwise, how could the nobles in Ovendor City support Michelle.

But Lance has always been indifferent.

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