Our family is in decline

Chapter 528 The whole army attacks

If there are some difficulties, then find ways to overcome them.

"The sun is in the east, and the smoke column represents our nearby targets..."

Several people took the map and made some calculations, and quickly came to a conclusion.

"We went too far."

They are the farthest away, and I haven’t been here very often. I was busy rushing to catch up with the progress last night, and I missed it without realizing it.

Fortunately, I didn't move on last night, otherwise I would have had an even bigger headache.

"The distance is not far, we still have a chance, and we must complete the task."

As long as they were sure, the team immediately got up and rushed over.

What can you do in less than ten minutes?

They tell you what a miracle is.

I marched hard all the way through the wilderness for two or three kilometers.

You must know that this is not flat land, but a dense forest with complex conditions. Each of them also carries a load of at least thirty pounds, and some of them wearing full body armor are even more exaggerated.

This kind of fully-armed cross-country with heavy loads is very demanding on physical fitness. You have to make those serf soldiers walk like this for only a few steps.

But for these personal guards, they can still maintain their condition, especially when there is light.

If you don't need to fight at any time and save a certain amount of physical strength, you can go even faster.

This is the charm of extraordinary power. Lance's blessing has strengthened their physiques, which are beyond the level of ordinary people.

Your ancestor is not the only one who knows how to be mean, I will also strengthen you.

Soon the team found the target and completed the blast. When the smoke rose, it meant that another target had been destroyed.

But now there are four smoke pillars rising, and there are five targets in total.

What's the one missing?

Even more anxious than them was the team at the last blasting target.

They arrived at the target location, but they searched all around and found no entrance or exit.

If there was a wolf dog with a keen sense of smell to assist now, I'm afraid the location would have been determined long ago, but now I can't find it.

Now they can only lurk and wait for the coming cultists to help them find their target location.

The sporadic gunshots were not obvious in such a large area in the entire wilderness, but the successive explosions and rising smoke pillars really awakened the cultists hiding inside.

Especially the cultists who were hiding below thought it was an earthquake and ran out quickly.

A group of cultists rushed out from the hidden corner, looking around with confusion and talking about the rising smoke column.

Only then did the team of guards who were watching on the tree crown discover the target.

According to the information obtained in advance, the target is either a cemetery or an ancient building ruins, which generally require the support of the building and the solid ground.

I didn't expect this to be under a rotten tree stump on the edge of the stream. Wouldn't that kind of muddy ground sink in? Are you really not afraid of water pouring in when the water rises?

This completely violated the basic logic of civil engineering construction, but the team couldn't control that much.

"Do it, we can't wait any longer."

They had already lost time by waiting so long, and the longer they dragged on, the more cultists would emerge from the hole. By then, it would not be them playing whack-a-mole, but the gophers beating them.

They were unlucky enough to be responsible for this task, but no one was talking nonsense.

He secretly climbed down the tree, but at this time, the movement alerted the confused cultists, and three or four of them came directly to kill them with their claws.

Then he was trapped in the trap that was set. He stepped in the air and fell in uncontrollably. The wooden stakes placed underneath pierced the flesh of his thighs.

One stepped on the trap and was directly pulled by the rope and hung upside down.

During a charge, he kicked up the rope and tripped over under his own strength.

Although this injury was not serious to them, the delay was enough to interrupt their movements. At the same time, the ambushing teammates went up and eliminated the three cultists in two or two.

From such a scene, it can be seen that the thing that made the noise just now was a bait deliberately attracting cultists.

Do you really think they did nothing all night?

Now that you have plans to contact cultists, you will have a preparation plan.

Compared with monsters, the most powerful thing about humans is their ability to use their brains. The Lord's words are deeply engraved in everyone's minds.

"Hurry up and arrange..."

The team here was just about to plant explosives, but they never thought that several cultists would appear in the passage.

They all realized something. If this continues, they may keep popping up and they must be blown up as soon as possible! .

"Help me stop them!"

The man carrying the explosive bag shouted loudly, and without caring so much, he picked up the explosive bag and rushed over.

The other teammates responded immediately. An arrow struck a cultist in the middle of his face. The [Zombie Spores] on it directly caused the infection to fester, which made no sense at all.

Not everyone uses muskets. After all, today's firearms have not yet developed to the extent that they can completely crush crossbows, and crossbows are quiet and can be loaded with medicine.

The guards pay attention to exploring and utilizing their own talents. The ancestors of this guard have been hunters for three generations. He has been exposed to bows and arrows since he was a child and has learned the skill of piercing the enemy with a hundred steps.

After knowing this situation, Lance found a good bow from the warehouse and equipped him with it.

Now, with one bow and one man, he shot and killed the exposed cultists with terrifying accuracy and speed. This was something that a single person couldn't do with a musket, so that the cultists who came out from behind immediately raised their hands to cover their faces. .

Several other guards on the other side also rushed towards the hole, trying to stop the enemies and buy more time for their teammates.

There was no more time to set up, so he lit it halfway and rushed over with the explosive bag whose fuse was constantly shortening.

"Fuck you!"

He kicked back a cultist who was about to come out, then dropped the explosive bag that was about to explode with his backhand, turned around and rushed out.

As soon as he turned around and walked more than ten steps, he heard a dull but shocking sound from behind, and then a push from his back knocked him over. At this moment, it was like his heart was grabbed and paused for a moment, and his brain felt a little nervous. I was confused, everything in front of me was like flowers, and my ears couldn't hear any sound at all.

Those teammates noticed this. At the last second, a cultist lifted the explosive bag out. Of course, half of the body of the cultist who dedicated his life to God also disappeared, but the hole was shaken only by a few shakes. It didn't collapse.

Because the explosive package was pushed out, the cultists were less affected by the explosion and recovered faster than the personal guard team, and people were still emerging from that position.

They were originally a small team with only a small number of people, but the failure of the first blast directly tilted the situation towards the cultists.

More and more cultists crawled out, and one guy was about to swing his claws at the fallen bodyguard, but before the archer could move, a gunshot rang out and the cultist fell down.

Don't they have any musketeers in their team?

Before anyone could wonder, a small team rushed out of the forest on the other side and joined the battle without saying a word.

The teammates took the opportunity to pull the fallen demolition away, and when the number of people increased, the two teams quickly suppressed the cultists.

Each team brought two explosive bags just to prevent accidents.

When the second explosion sounded, there was no response from the cave entrance. Fortunately, it seemed as if some limit had been exceeded. The entire cave entrance was seeped with water, and then was completely flooded by silt.

Finally, everyone faintly heard the screams of the cultist, but they soon disappeared completely.

At this time, the two teams had just escaped from the battle and let out a long breath.

From that look, it was obvious that it was the team that completed the mission in the first chapter. They knew something was wrong when they discovered that the target did not light up the smoke, and since it was the closest, they did not rush to target No. 3, but came over to prepare to take over and complete the mission.

"Light up a cigarette and tell the others not to come over. We can't waste any more time."

There was no time to explain in detail, so several people quickly lit up the smoke, and the fifth column of smoke rose into the sky, marking the completion of the first phase of Lance's plan.

There were no fragments in the explosive package, and it had traveled a certain distance, so the guards responsible for the explosion were only slightly affected and would be fine once they recovered. Their physiques cannot be measured by ordinary people.

After a brief exchange of information between the two sides, the supporting team understood that this target was indeed a tough one. No wonder it took so long.

But their mission is not over yet.

He disposed of the body on the spot and left for the next target shortly after the battle ended.

The other teams in the distance were relieved to see this, and then rushed to their destinations.

Judging from the fierce reaction of those cultists just now, there is no doubt that there will be another hard battle waiting for them there...


The sun caught the tail of late summer and finally brought a faint glow at five o'clock in the morning.

Lance stood on the tallest tower of the outpost and looked into the distance. His high and distant sight almost took in the entire wilderness, and he could even see the vague remains of the old city on the horizon.

Then three smoke pillars appeared in the line of sight, which meant that three targets were destroyed.

But within the next ten minutes, there was no movement in the other two places, which made Lance feel a little uneasy.

A bad start is never a good sign...

The fourth plume of smoke that rose immediately gave him some confidence, but the last one?

Lance alternated his gaze between the hands of his pocket watch and the wilderness ahead, resisting the urge to ask Wangcai for support, or to issue an order to mobilize other teams. Everyone had a mission and could not act lightly.

He believed that the Guards could solve the problem and that those steely and tough warriors could create miracles.

Finally, the last smoke rose, and Lance couldn't help but have a smile on his face. Although it was a little late, those personal guards did not betray their trust. Nothing is more exciting than this.

Ancestor, it seems that I should take your son first.

The troops had already set off just now, and the cavalry, led by Leonard, charged directly from the northwest like cutting a cake.

At first, the witch was engaged in fungal infection in the wilderness, but fortunately, Lance broke the ritual, and in the subsequent processing, human lives were used to control the spread of corruption, so that the entire wilderness north of the town was not infected by the fungus.

The complicated terrain in the wilderness is definitely not good for horse racing. Fortunately, most of the land here is flat, and the trees are tall, leaving enough space for competition between them.

And because the lush tree canopy is connected to block the sky and the sun, there is no sunlight, so there are few weeds below. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the raised tree roots, and you can walk through them as long as you have good riding skills.

No one is born with a natural ability to ride a horse, and the ease with which these cavalrymen blend into the wilderness illustrates the hard work they put into training.

As for the rest, we have to take it from the cultists with the swords and guns in our hands.

In the last war, the Second Battalion defended the outpost and won the title of [Iron Wall] awarded by the lord. On the other hand, they fought very hard when facing the Knights of Bastia. If the lord hadn't been there, they would have failed.

They urgently need to prove themselves. After all, Hamlet waits for no one. They must make achievements to be worthy of the lord's training.

On the other side, Barristan and the second team have passed the No. 1 target and are rushing to the No. 2 target. They are not responsible for the specific clearing, that is a matter for the troops behind.

All they have to do is seize a position and then hold it.

Patton was far behind them. The first battle of the artillery gave him a big problem. It was not an easy task to transport the twenty cannons and the ammunition to the second position.

The only good thing is that these are light field guns such as six-pounders.

But this battle is still a bit uneasy. After all, most of the things he has in hand have not been through actual combat. To be honest, he is not sure what it will be like, but he still has no hesitation.

He has lost everything, he should have died long ago, and he is still alive just to find a glimmer of redemption in Hamlet.


The only army not involved in the operation of Hamlet is the navy, because their main task now is escort. At this time, the two main ships often travel between Hamlet and Totnes on the waterway.

This waterway is close to being abandoned due to the decline of Hamlet and pirate attacks. If Lance wants to revive Hamlet, he must revive this route. After all, Hamlet now relies on imports for many things.

Lance lured them over with lucrative orders, and these merchant ships that benefited would bring Hamlet's name to all parts of the world.

As long as it is profitable, they will come on their own, but if they want those merchant ships to come to Hamlet without a fixed order, in addition to the cargo, they also need to provide them with a certain degree of security.

Then it is necessary for Hamlet's navy to fight against pirates and protect merchant ships, but it is still too weak now.

Not compared to the arrogant Totnes Navy, even the larger pirates have three or four such fast ships.

Obviously, the vast sea area around Hamlet is still the home of pirates, and now a ship with a pirate flag is sailing towards Hamlet...

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