Our family is in decline

Chapter 532 Show your edge

Greendale is eager to share these situations with Lance, in fact, it is also to share the pressure of worry.

But taking out the [Messenger] seemed a little hesitant, because the current matter was not big or small.

The fleet had already contacted Amanda through channels, otherwise she would not have been allowed to stay. At present, whether it is spies disguised as businessmen, people from the Medical Association, or people from the church, the situation is at least under her control. scope.

The frontline operation has been planned for so long, and Lance even deployed almost all the troops for it, which shows that he attaches great importance to it.

I'm afraid he won't give up easily until the war on the front line is won. Telling Lance these things won't get him any more help, but will instead draw his attention away.

After hesitating, Greendale still did not choose to alarm Lance, and only hoped that the war on the front line would end as soon as possible.


The first turning point in the change in the situation in the wilderness was when Hamlet's army occupied the outpost and used it as a barrier to keep the cultists out.

The constant battles in the wilderness in the early stage strengthened the strength of the soldiers, and the popular use of armor and new weapons allowed the cultists to fail in large-scale battles.

And this kind of battle usually leads to Lance sacrificing all the corpses.

That is to say, death can no longer add food to the ancestors, and it has no meaning.

Cultists are madmen but not fools. That is to say, in this case, the Ascension Sect adopts the method of dispersion and harassment after judging the situation, which is to constantly disgust you.

Once you send out troops to encircle and suppress, you can move through the complex terrain of the underground beast cave, and sometimes they may even suddenly appear behind you, or suddenly appear from somewhere to attack.

What if you kill these scattered cultists? Just like barbarians treating knights entering the mountains, they only need constant harassment to make you tired, but they will not be tired anyway.

But times have changed.

Now the second turning point, this action, will herald the Ascension Sect's complete exit from the wilderness.

There were explosions and rising smoke, and the sound of a large number of troops entering the wilderness had already alerted them.

Teams of ten are spread out as units, and the distance between teams is not too far, like a stretched sieve.

Soon a team discovered the outcropping of the cultists, usually about three or four.

They used to sneak attack on the army, but now they can't help but fall into panic when they are attacked by surprise.

But these cult-suffering soldiers won't wait for you to react.


The captain roared, and then there was a burst of intensive gunfire in the wilderness. The lead bullets tore the flesh and blood of the cultists, and most of them fell to the ground after just one encounter.

"Fire the bayonet!"

There were only a few cultists here, so there was no need to waste ammunition. He just charged forward with his bayonet and stabbed it into the head of the cultist.


The knives were thrust towards the faces of these cultists. Some novices underestimated the bone strength of these cultists who had been strengthened due to a large number of deaths, and actually flicked the knives.

What frightened them even more was that injuries that could cause immediate death on humans were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the pleasure brought by the pain awakened them, not wailing, but crazy laughter.

This strange scene made the recruit shaken, and he couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment.

The cultist seized this rare opportunity and staggered out with his sharp claws regardless of his injuries.

The recruits obviously only need to use the distance advantage of the spear to interrupt the enemy before he can fully move the bayonet.

But have any recruits ever faced such a scene? In the panic, his mind went blank, he completely forgot about the long training, and just instinctively wanted to retreat.

Fortunately, the next second the veteran next to him stretched out his gun and directly blocked the cultist. Then the team leader on the other side quickly walked over and stabbed the ear into the ear. When it was pulled out, the broken brains and blood spurted out.

But it wasn't over yet. He pulled out the bayonet and stabbed it into the neck. Now the cultist could no longer scream.

With the aura of having just killed a cultist, he turned his head and shouted angrily at the recruit.

"You can't even hold a gun firmly, how did you pass the test?"

"Why don't you go home to nurse if you don't have the guts?"

"The lord might as well raise a pig..."

The recruits who were awakened by this sound were separated from the life and death situation just now, and were still a little stunned.

"Why the hell are you still standing there? Pick up your weapon and poke it in the enemy's head until I tell you to stop."

He didn't react until he heard this. The words of stern orders kept echoing in his mind, as if he had been activated, and the trained soul regained control of his body.

The shame caused by the veteran's insults dispelled his fear, he picked up the bayonet in his hand and stabbed the enemy in the face.

Once... twice... until the ferocious face of the cultist turned into a puddle of mud. It could be said that even Lance couldn't save it.

"What are you guys looking at? Why don't you cut off the heads of these cultists quickly?"

The captain shouted, this kind of work is naturally the turn of a few recruits, and they will never grow up without blood.

When the veterans in the team saw this scene, they were not as irritable as the captain, but instead looked relaxed.

Most of them made various mistakes when they were new recruits and were scolded a lot. Now they are naturally happy to see others being scolded.

These veterans were each wiping the blood off their bayonets and reloading their ammunition.

However, if you notice their positions and the eyes that glance around inadvertently, you will know that they are on alert and remain ready for battle at any time.

Most of today's veterans have fought against cultists. There is no safe place when entering the wilderness. Several may pop up from anywhere at any time, so we must remain vigilant.

The ruthlessness of the veterans is in sharp contrast to the state of the new recruits. What's more important is experience. Some losses come at a price like blood.

But veterans also grew up from recruits. The recruits in this operation were all divided and added. Basically, there were two to three recruits in a ten-person team.

This kind of team where the old leads the young can allow new recruits to grow up quickly while ensuring a certain level of combat effectiveness.

At this moment, a whistle suddenly sounded in the wilderness, and the team immediately became alert.

There are no walkie-talkies in this era, and it is impossible to install extraordinary equipment on a large scale.

In open and unobstructed environments such as flat land and the sea, communication can be achieved through fast horses or semaphores, but it is obviously impossible in the wilderness and dense forests.

Therefore, the whistle was started by Lance after he discovered the communication method of the barbarians, because the whistle is simple to make, low cost and has the requirements for field installation.

Basically, each team is equipped with one or two whistles. By arranging and combining the whistles, signals such as attack, retreat, support, assembly, danger, etc. can be formed...

Their training courses also include learning to interpret the whistle, which is like a code that only Hamlet's soldiers can understand.

"They need backup!"

"It's near us."

The extremely penetrating whistle can convey information in the dense forest. No wonder the barbarians like to use it.

"Now is not the time to rest."

Under the urging of the captain, the team soon moved forward again, and the panting recruit among them gradually revealed a fierceness.

From a thorny scarecrow to a body of flesh and blood, only when you take this step can you be considered a true soldier...

Sporadic gunshots kept ringing out in the wilderness, as teams of cultists were discovered and then died.

It's not like they have never encountered this kind of large force cleaning up, and they just run away if they can't fight.

It was only when they wanted to repeat the same trick that they discovered that the entrances to the holes had been blown down, making it impossible to get up from the bottom and unable to get down from the top.

Looking up again, the plume of smoke rising in the sky also told the cultists that all escape routes were blocked.

The cultists who were alerted and gathered were naturally unwilling to be separated and slaughtered as pigs. They immediately gathered around 20 people and blew the horns of resistance, and many of these people were cult priests.

They waved their short staffs, calling for the gaze of God.

Those cult warriors felt themselves bathed in the gaze of God and became even crazier.

"Damn it! Call someone over here!"

A small team discovered the gathering of cultists and immediately blew their whistles in a specific rhythm. The loud whistles instantly spread in the wilderness.

At the same time, the cultists also discovered the team.

"Join Ascension!"

"My flesh and blood are sacrificed to the gods, and I am the only one who will ascend!"


A bunch of crazy cultists rushed over like vicious dogs, and the cult priest behind them was brewing weird magic.

The people in the team were not stupid. They couldn't beat them at all, so they immediately shouted loudly.

"Get out, get out, get out!"

Following the squad leader's order, the rest of the team ran away without any hesitation.

The lord said that when the strength gap is too obvious, this is not called escape, but called strategic transition. Only by retaining strength can we organize an effective counterattack.

The soldiers who started running now understood why they ran five kilometers to warm up at the beginning of every day's training. Now when they started running, the cultists simply couldn't catch up.

"Slow down, save your energy."

The captain who stayed at the end found that he was almost getting rid of the cultists, so he couldn't help but slow down and wait for them to catch up.

And they didn't run around randomly, but retreated to the adjacent team. In the process, the captain blew the whistle from time to time.

There was also a whistle in the distance in response.

"Stop, check weapons, prepare to shoot." Suddenly the captain shouted, and everyone in the team stopped, turned around, quickly checked their muskets and then raised them.

Even the new recruits did not fall behind in this process. They knew that they only needed to obey the orders. They had experienced this procedure countless times in the training camp, and they could complete the launch even with their eyes closed.

"Put it closer and then attack. Everyone should spread out and form an arc to ensure fire coverage."

"Pay attention to the movements of those women. Once she points the staff at you, move away."

"Don't be afraid if you can't hide. With the lord in mind, no evil spell can defeat our will!"

Veterans are constantly imparting experience to new recruits, and these words embody unimaginable costs.

Maybe he felt that the recruits were a little nervous because of the constant approach of the cultists, so the captain calmed them down.

"You have gone through rigorous training and been selected through cruel assessments. You are Hamlet's pride. No matter what the circumstances, the enemy cannot defeat us."

At this time, the cultists had already rushed into the distance of fifty yards.


As the captain yelled, a round of gunshots sounded. The accuracy was quite high at this distance, and most of them covered the cultists.

Unfortunately, the trees in the wilderness blocked part of the shooting angle and did not cause maximum damage.

As a result, only two fell in this round. Even if the others were shot, it would not be a problem as long as they could still move. As they approached them, the wounds began to heal.

But at this moment, two bursts of gunfire rang out in the forest, cutting into the crowd from the side. In an instant, the cultists fell under the dense bullets like wheat.

Although the power of today's muskets is not fatal to cultists, it can open wounds and interrupt their attacks.

"Support is coming, hurry up and reload!"

The two teams lying in ambush also participated in the siege, but no one had any intention of fighting in close quarters. Instead, they covered each other, continued to load ammunition, and continued to attack the cultists by shooting.

The soldiers kept in mind the lord's warning. They were all Hamlet's precious efforts. Melee combat was the last option. They should give full play to their own advantages and use all means to weaken the enemy.

If you can make a sneak attack, don't fight head-on. If you can attack from a distance, don't fight in close combat. If you can't fight, fight. If you can't, then run away. You must gather troops and fight back. You must destroy the enemy on the move.

Deaths and injuries appeared among the cultists, and this situation gave the cult priest an opportunity to perform evil spells.

Dragging their injured and bloody bodies, they prayed to God, then laughed like crazy and raised their staffs to face the soldiers.

This is an enhanced evil spell that uses the death of a cultist as a sacrifice. An inexplicable wind of corruption blows on the battlefield. The soldiers' souls tremble for some unknown reason, and fear spreads in their hearts.

On the contrary, the cultists screamed as if they were drunk. Even those who had fallen just now got up from the ground and rushed to kill them with staggering steps.

"Be careful!" some veterans who had experienced similar incidents shouted in warning, "quickly kill those priests!"

"Be careful of bombs!" The team leader who came to support couldn't care less. He took out a grenade, lit it and threw it at the cult priests.

Soldiers' equipment has been updated all the time. The previous spherical shape was to fit the explosive shells fired by artillery. Now, after iterative improvements, the shape has shrunk a bit, can be held with one hand, and has become a cylindrical shape.

Those sleeves made of low-quality steel are filled with debris such as explosives and iron fragments and stones. This shape is more convenient to manufacture. At the same time, it has built-in fragments, so there is no need to rely on the explosive shell to create fragments.

What's more important is that this cylindrical grenade has a clearer impact point, and at least it won't bounce or roll quickly.

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