Our family is in decline

Chapter 537 Showing Power

There are obvious differences between the shells fired by mortars and cannons. One has a straight trajectory, while the other has a parabolic trajectory.

What is even more obvious is that the shells fired by the mortar can be observed with the naked eye.


The fuse burned out, and a gunshot sounded even duller than before. The huge shell flew into the air, drawing an arc in the air at a speed that could be caught by the naked eye. It even made people inexplicably feel that they could catch it. impulse.

But in fact, the speed was extremely fast. Under everyone's gaze, the cannonball fell into the gap in the blink of an eye.

Bonaparte stared until the shell fell into the outpost and breathed a sigh of relief.

But there was no movement after two seconds of silence, which directly made his heart pick up again.

For the sake of safety, it is true that the fuse of the artillery shell should be longer, but it is not that there have been failures during training, on the contrary, there are quite a few.

Because the current production process of these shells is developed by the Hamlet Gun and Gun Research Institute itself, this means that the quality can only be described in words and it is difficult to guarantee.

Shouldn't he have encountered him in the first shot...

In that outpost, the priest used flesh and blood as a sacrifice to communicate with a certain existence. The naked eye saw that the exposed flesh of the corpses was twisted and fused under the strange power.

When the cultists saw this scene, they all knelt down and worshiped, making all kinds of random noises, but basically they were praising the gods, or longing for ascension. Anyway, they were just a bunch of demons dancing around.

And at this moment, a cannon rang out, and before they could react further, there were heavy blows one after another, and the shocking sound echoed in this small place.

But these madmen's minds simply don't exist. They don't think it's an enemy attacking, but they think it's God responding to them.

The only priest who was still awake was forced to leave the ceremony, but before she could react further, the wall collapsed, and some cultists who were close to the wall were directly crushed under the brick wall.

"Aminoth!" Before the priest could finish speaking, he heard something moving above his head.

Before he even raised his head, his head received a heavy blow that made no sound.

This dilapidated place had been in disrepair for a long time. The walls collapsed and the entire structure was damaged, and everything high above also fell down.


Once again, a larger area of ​​smoke and dust was spread, and muffled sounds continued to be heard without anyone being able to see clearly. It was the collision of bricks and stones and flesh and blood.

No wonder no cultists were seen outside after the wall collapsed. It turned out that they were all buried alive.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, he suddenly stretched out a hand from the rocks. Then the priest struggled to push away the bricks and stood up. His whole body was covered with dust, which only showed the wounds on his head. The blood streaked across her face, making her look very embarrassed.

She was the only one here not wearing a helmet, and the falling stone almost knocked her brains out.

However, the powerful self-healing ability of the cultists allowed them to withstand this, and soon the other cultists crawled out of the rocks. Apart from some embarrassment, there were no casualties.

After all, how can anyone worship without wearing a helmet...

But before they could react more, a sound broke through the air, and an iron ball the size of a human head fell from the sky.

These cultists are truly crazy, and even the drastic changes just now failed to bring them back to their senses.

Like a fool with a love brain, he is immersed in his own fantasy world and has excuses for everything.

These cultists still believe that they are still in the ritual, and that what they just did was just a strong response from God.

Now when I saw the iron ball falling that day, a wise man suddenly shouted loudly.

"Holy object!"

Only the arrival of divine objects from heaven can cause such a big movement. God has responded to them. Get ascension!

Don't underestimate the brains of a group of lunatics. Those guys actually worshiped the iron ball, and even actively gathered to touch the holy object and seek the way to ascension.

But they also don’t understand that it must be interpreted by the priest.

So the wise man who understood first stepped forward, picked up the "holy object" and walked towards the priest.

The only normal priest was stunned for a moment when he noticed something had fallen in. Coupled with the cover of the crowd and the chaos at the scene, he was almost bypassed by those guys and wondered whether the real god had responded.

But when he saw the wise man running toward him with a black object in his hands, his eyes immediately fell on the shrinking lead, and he suddenly exclaimed with a distorted expression.

"Don't come over here!"


The explosion occurred from within, causing the smoke and dust that had subsided slightly to rise again. Bonaparte was completely relieved when he saw this outside.

Damn, I reserved too many leads, I almost thought I made a mistake.

The power of the explosive bomb also surprised everyone. It was at least the charge of five grenades combined. Didn't you see that the remaining building structure of the outpost was shaking.

But why haven't the cultists at the outpost moved yet?

Have they all gone underground?

"We can't delay it any longer. Half of the outpost has collapsed. Let's attack from here and see what happens. The team is flexible and can withdraw at any time."

Barristan has not forgotten his mission. He was radical because he did not have time to stay here and watch the show.

Even if you want to step forward to determine the situation.

"Count me in!" Boudica first expressed her support. She didn't come here just to watch others let off steam.

Disma didn't care, he wasn't afraid of fighting.

But at this moment, some soldiers observing the front couldn't help but exclaimed.

"what is that!"

Several people looked over, and then discovered that a huge figure was vaguely visible in the thin smoke, and the heavy steps could make the ground vibrate.

Soon the smoke and dust stirred, and a terrifying monster appeared in front of everyone.

It's like a huge monster formed by the fusion of an unknown number of people. Only the human form can be vaguely seen, with countless limbs on it, and in the middle of the body is half of the priest's body, but now she only has her head. Outside, even so, there were still burns and injuries from fragments on his face.

It was obvious that the explosion just now caused her to be seriously injured. In order to survive, she immediately used the ritual she had set up to devour the flesh and blood of those idiots with her backhand, and then built this powerful body.

As long as he kills these enemies, he will surely recover with God's mercy.

All that needs to be done now is to offer new sacrifices to God.


I don't know who shouted, and the moment of silence was immediately broken, and everyone including the monster came to life.

The mountain of flesh formed by a dozen corpses moved its huge body, and in a way that seemed to be squirming or crawling, the monster started to move.

Even the hole in the wall that collapsed was not enough to let it out, but the remaining brick wall was simply difficult to block, and it only took a light touch to knock it open and expand the hole.

One can only imagine how exaggerated the power of that monster is!


"The monster will kill us..."

"The lord did not tell us of this enemy."


Negative emotions spread among the frontline artillery. It was difficult for these artillerymen who had not experienced a bloody battle with monsters to directly accept such a horrific scene, which was beyond the ability of their brains to accept.

This sign seemed to bring Barton back to that day.

The same artillery, the same monsters created by the cult...

But the difference is that the teammates did not run away, but showed the fighting qualities they should have.


"Prepare the Molotov cocktail!"

"Prepare explosive packs!"

"Captain asked me to come!"

"You're a new recruit. I'm the captain. I'll do it!"

It can only be said that although the battle at the outpost of the second team was tragic, it can be regarded as a foundation. The maximum number of personal guards taken away from the second team is enough to illustrate what glory is.

It’s not like the people in the second team have never seen similar things. Even the mutated flesh monster of the ascended demon species is more like a humanoid and has a more oppressive feeling. Wasn’t it burnt to char?

Under the constant influence of that environment, even new recruits have the consciousness to carry explosive bags. I'm afraid you are not a Hamlet soldier!

But not everyone can carry Hamlet's explosive bag, because it is not you who is risking your life, but the situation of the battle, which is the lives of so many teammates.

This situation was filled with emotion in Barton's eyes.

If all his teammates were like this, why did he lose so miserably? at last……

"Brothers! The lord supported us just for today, to tell them what the roar of the Lord of War is!"

Patton walked forward quickly and went directly to the artillerymen to shout encouragement.

The positive attitude of his teammates did keep the mood of these artillery soldiers from slipping quickly, and Patton's words reminded them of who they were.

When they were receiving education, they constantly emphasized that artillery would change the battlefield of the future, and they were all instilled with this knowledge, and they all had a sense of pride in themselves.

They are not willing to retreat like this and rebuild the glory of the artillery. It is our duty to do so!

These artillery pieces had been loaded just now, and now they just adjusted their muzzles to point them at the huge monster.

"For the lord! For Hamlet!" Barton pulled out his long knife and roared, "Blow your fucking teeth!"

Following Patton's order, the gunners took action, and these war machines made a deafening roar driven by gunpowder.

The cannonballs roared at a speed that ordinary people could not see at all, but everyone could see that the monster's huge body suddenly seemed to be hit hard.

The cannonballs that can easily tear apart knights' armor and penetrate infantry formations like plows fall on the monster like a sudden step into a puddle left after the rain.

The irregular limbs that danced wildly on the surface broke instantly when they came into contact with the projectiles, and then merged together to look like thick flesh and blood, and scattered like water droplets.

Even the monster's huge body could not withstand the power of the artillery. One-tenth of its flesh and blood turned into mud and splashed around, and the front was basically covered with rotten flesh and blood.

There were exaggerated blood pits in it, and some weak points were penetrated, leaving fist-sized penetrating wounds dripping with blood.

Even then, two cannons were fired misdirected and shot into the outpost on the side.


This round of shelling stopped the monster, and the artillerymen immediately cheered.

"Load!" Button didn't dare to delay at all and quickly urged.

No one knows the power of these six-pound cannons better than him, so he can better understand how terrifying a monster that is still alive after being shot by more than ten cannons is.

The explosion just now certainly did not completely kill those cultists, and it was only because the priest was held in front of him by the wise man that he was so seriously injured.

Now those guys rushed out from behind the monster, and they could see bloodstains and minced meat all over the bodies of these cultists, but this did not affect their belief in pursuing ascension at all.

"Quick, quick, quick! Musket cover!"

Loading artillery takes time. At first, Patton's artillery regiment was isolated because his teammates ran away. Fortunately, Hamlet's soldiers were trustworthy enough.

The long-awaited gunmen marched in, rows of muskets spitting fireworks, and the cultists who rushed out were shot before they took a few steps.

Trying to use flesh and blood to fight steel is bound to be a joke.

Disma didn't know when he approached the gap from the side.

"There's no wind today."

He looked up at the sky and muttered something, took out a bottle of something and threw it into the distance.

In the next second, he quickly drew his gun and shot the bottle in the air.

Suddenly, a burst of fine powder flew over the monsters and cultists, and when it came into contact with flesh and blood, large ulcers immediately appeared.

Their proud self-healing ability has failed, and instead corrosion is harming them.

The witch's curse on the ancestors will continue on them even after death.

On the other side of the artillery position, Patton observed the situation and began to mobilize the artillery.

"Shoot the monsters in position one, and target the cultists in position two."

After hearing this, Bonaparte raised his hand and raised his thumb towards the monster, turned his head and began to adjust the cannon.


At this time, there was a shout, and the reloaded war machine roared again, and those fist-sized stone bullets bombarded the monster.

And one of them happened to hit the priest embedded in the center of the monster, crushing it into mud.

There were also projectiles that plowed aside the cultists in a straight line, leaving only broken limbs and blood on the ground.

These are like the best breeding ground for cultivating fungi, that is, the corpse spores are castrated by Greendale, otherwise the mushrooms will keep popping up on the ground.

But it was almost the same now. The flesh and blood had rotted away and turned into pus and blood. Even the cultists couldn't help but feel fear at the tragic and bloody scene.

At this time, someone touched it again, and the lit Molotov cocktail flew out. When it landed on the monster, it didn't break because of the rotten flesh buffer.

Fortunately, Disma was nearby and quickly shot in, and then lit a fire directly at the monster's feet. Even blood could not extinguish it.

Bleeding, corrosion, and now burning.

Not to mention that this was just a monster temporarily fused with flesh and blood by an ambitious priest. Even the mutated cultists of the ascended demon species couldn't withstand it.

The monster finally couldn't hold on anymore, and the movement caused by the collapse of its huge body was no less than the collapse of the outpost just now, but let's dissipate the ambition and the flames together!


The monster fell to Hamlet and everyone cheered.

Confidence comes like a tide when the enemy collapses! (End of chapter)

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