Our family is in decline

Chapter 540 The Charm of Critical Strike

Balin picked up the severed arm of the ghoul and swung it, and all the cultists he encountered were knocked away. This meant that this thing was strong, but it could not withstand such a swing and was quickly broken.

He threw it casually and hit one, and then grabbed another cultist who couldn't dodge with his backhand. He twisted his hands and unscrewed the head like opening a bottle cap, and blood came out like soda.

But the next second the cultist's sharp claws pierced him, and three or five of them rushed up and trapped him instantly...

At this moment, a long sword burning with fire was swung out, and with the blessing of mana, the rolling flames rose instead, forming a fan-shaped wave that swept over the cultists.

The flames clung to the cultists, causing them to struggle wildly.

Geralt came up with his sword and killed the cultists who were clinging to Balin. But then he saw that the warrior's heart seemed to have stopped beating, but he still refused to fall.

Geralt has never felt such strong guilt filling his heart. How could he back down!

Even Alhazred was finally awakened by the roar, and his expression showed a tired look. It was obvious that the cultists' evil spells were tormenting him, but his eyes that fell on Bahrain's broken body were extremely firm.

He threw up the skull candlestick with both hands and murmured: "The fate has not ended yet, at least not today..."

There is no doubt that he wants to cast a spell to save Balin, but it has been said before that it is extremely difficult for him to cast a spell, and the risk is not small, not to mention that this is in the middle of a chaotic battle, and the cultists will not watch him cast a spell.

Immediately, the cultists came to kill them, and Geralt was still far away even if he wanted to rush over.

This situation suddenly fell into despair.

"Bang!" With the sound of a gunshot, the cultist who was approaching the scholar tilted his head and died suddenly.

At the same time, this shot broke the weird atmosphere of the scene, because the cultists did not use guns, and the Guards gunners had run out of ammunition.

At this time, both sides of the melee were close to each other. Disma didn't bother to reload, so he drew out his dagger and killed him.


Boudica rushed forward like a madman, his face full of excitement, he was finally able to kill here.

"Get away from the monster!" Barristan charged with a shield and knocked a cultist away. At the same time, the Morning Star Hammer struck the shield and made a sound to attract everyone's attention. "Brothers, hold on, we are coming!"

Torches are rising in the wilderness and are approaching, supporting them to join the battlefield.


Most of the Guards fell, and the same cultists were definitely not having a good time. Now a few ruthless people suddenly appeared, and the battle situation began to tilt instantly.

And Alhazred didn't pay attention to the situation in the outside world at all. His consciousness was immersed in that fate. Unexpectedly, Bahrain's injuries were so serious that even he only thought he was a dead man.

But he could feel that there was an unyielding soul in the seemingly dead body.

Without many words, Alhazred suddenly opened his eyes. The manic spirituality had even turned into lightning and lingered around him. The candlestick in his hand seemed to be stimulated and levitated. The candle spontaneously ignited and expanded instantly.

Critical hit! Destiny restructured!

The direction of destiny was fiddled with and led to another path. A strange force acted on Bahrain. The heart that had been ripped out by a ghoul on his chest was restored, and most of the various injuries on his body were restored.

This is the charm of fate.

But the recovering heart did not beat, and Balin's chest did not rise and fall with breathing.

This can't help but make people feel uneasy.

But don't underestimate the soul under this body. Even death can resist it. The heart will soon beat tentatively, and then the heartbeat will become heavier and heavier as if others can hear it.

Blood spurts! Limbs relax!

When he finished this, Alhazred's body couldn't help but tilted, and it could be seen that his condition was definitely not much better.

At this time, the battle was also won by the supporting teammates, but the situation was not optimistic at all.

There are too many people who are injured, or even seriously injured and on the verge of death. These can no longer be saved by bandaging. Alhazred, who has the ability to heal, was also severely injured. It is hard to say whether he can suppress his negative side. I am afraid he will not be able to heal. .

"May the Holy Light bless you~" Junia raised the lit [Saint's Torch] and used the power of this piece of equipment to strengthen her magic.

Although the price was that she had prayed so hard for so many days to regain a little bit of her divine power, she had no regrets.

Because her duty is to save the world, this is the meaning of the existence of magic.

Divine solace!

The fireworks ignited on the torch expanded violently, and a large number of dense light spots appeared out of thin air, falling on everyone on the field like falling snow.

The bodyguards who were on the verge of death were temporarily freed from the threat of death, but treatment was still continuing, and there were too many and serious injuries.

Everyone was busy cleaning up the situation, but Geralt, who looked slightly embarrassed, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"We were late." Barristan admitted his mistake first. If they could have come sooner, the battle would not be like this.

"The opponent is not an ordinary person, and the situation in the wilderness is more complicated." Geralt is not that kind of child, and he does not blame them for the current responsibility. Instead, he gives it to them.

Barristan and the others had to travel at night to arrive, which proved that they did not intend to delay. The two sides would still cooperate to defend this place, so there was no need to argue over this matter.

Even if you really want to judge anything, it should be up to the lord, not him.

But Geralt looked at the supporting troops and felt that something was wrong.

Because the number of people was so much less than planned, but a few of the extraordinary beings were quite powerful.

"Isn't the plan to support the seventy people with the second team? Shouldn't Junia be at the second target? Why is she here too?"

"The situation is a bit complicated..."

After capturing the second target at that time, Barristan did not dare to take any rest before preparing to come over for support.

However, after seeing the power of the artillery, he realized that something was wrong.

Because the power of the artillery gave Boudica and the others no room for close combat, it was impossible for thirty people to defend the artillery position.

What's more important is that he understands that time is running out and support must be provided as soon as possible. If the force of 70 people is too slow, the small force will move faster.

After some discussion, they decided to leave 80 people in position 2 to assist the artillery.

Then bring Disma and the others and twenty elite veterans over.

Fortunately, he made a change, otherwise the lord's plan would have been completely implemented. By the time they arrived, Geralt's and the others' bodies might have been made into bacon by the cultists.

“The resistance of the cultists is far more intense than we imagined, and this is because we have the upper hand.

The situation of target No. 2 at that time, if there were no artillery, the losses would have been very heavy. "

Geralt also had deep feelings after listening to Barristan's words, and couldn't help but sigh.

"A flesh-and-blood monster appeared in Target 2, and a ghoul transformed by a cult appeared here, but now there is no [seed] of that cult, and we have not found a particularly powerful cult priest. Where could they be? "

I have to say that Geralt's worries very clearly stated the dilemma Hamlet faced, that is, they had tried their best, but the methods of the Ascension Sect were not revealed.

Even the real core didn't appear.

"Didn't those guys get hacked to death by the boss?" At this time, Boudicca came over with an ax and a gun. It was obvious that she had just made a killing. She had a little smile on her face, but the drops of blood on her face made her look ferocious. .

This is indeed true. When the beast cave encountered the cult saint, they were accompanied by the ascended priests who were guarding the saint.

Didn't they all hack them to death? Naturally, they lacked a number of high-end combat forces.

"But we still have to be careful. It will be difficult for us to get support until we successfully occupy the front line." Barristan would not relax because of these words. On the contrary, he was still cautious enough.

"Disma, you take ten people to set up traps, and I will take ten people to set up the camp. This way, even if the cultists come out, they can be delayed."

The numerous corpses left behind by Target Three's continuous battles cannot be transported back, but they cannot be allowed to become food for the evil god.

So after Alhazred calmed down a little, he took out something.

This thing is the [Holy Grail of Blood] taken from the wizard. Use it directly to extract the spirituality of the corpse and turn it into blood beads.

It is not difficult to extract spiritual crystals, and there are many methods. The real trouble is purification.

Just like the blood beads extracted now, the impurities in them can easily contaminate the spirituality of an extraordinary person.

Unless it is a dead object like a wax statue, or a specific extraordinary route, or a special ritual sacrifice, any extraordinary person with some common sense will not use it directly.

But it is still valuable to extraordinary people. As long as the impurities are removed by various methods, the purified spiritual crystal can be used in any aspect.

That’s why purity is used to divide quality.

Sometimes a piece the size of your fist is not as valuable as someone else’s piece the size of a grain of rice.

But this has nothing to do with Alhazred. These things belong to the lord anyway, and he is only responsible for operating them.

One corpse after another was drained dry by strange rituals, but the people at the scene did not react at all.

On the contrary, some people came over to help move the mummies aside and put them away. This is good fuel, so don't waste it.

The situation on No. 3 gradually calmed down with the arrival of support, but tonight was not peaceful.

The explosions that occurred one after another during the day only caused slight vibrations and sounds around the target on the surface.

But it is undoubtedly a big earthquake for the underground world.

The place is being dug up by pigs and cultists. Did you tell them that the construction is safe?

But it seems that most of the pigmen do wear helmets...

Anyway, a lot of the ground below has been hollowed out, and it's basically a dangerous zone. Now the explosion has collapsed many places below.

When had Piggy ever experienced such grievance?

Immediately attack all enemies in sight, and cultists are also among their recipes.

It can be said that the fighting on the ground is fierce during the day, and the underground is equally crazy.

It can even be said that the Pig Man helped Hamlet involve some of the cultists, otherwise the battle above would have been even more difficult.

It's a pity that it is not under control, and the death of both parties will become the ancestor's nourishment.

But now the people of the Ascension Sect don't know what is brewing. They have abandoned a large area, and these pigmen have begun to wander over, occupying some of the passages originally dug by the cultists.

Most of the entrances and exits were blown down, but the strong smell of blood spread along the entrance to the cave, and the pigman's sense of smell was naturally able to capture the smell of food.

Follow the scent to find the exit temporarily abandoned by the cultists.

They had no chance to come out during the continuous battles during the day, but the darkness after nightfall would pave the way for their appearance.

A pig-man slaughterer walked out of the passage carrying a serrated machete, and then he noticed that there was a bright fire in front of him, and there were two guys in front of him looking at him, holding broken sticks in their hands.

The pigman looked a little irritable when it was illuminated by the fire, but it did not affect its fighting at all. He immediately picked up a big knife and wanted to slash it, and then there were two gunshots.

The lead bullets tore flesh and blood, instantly leaving the Pigman's underdeveloped brain with only pain.

They were not cultists who took pleasure in pain, and the high-pitched squealing of the pigs even somewhat overwhelmed the noise caused by the gunshots.

But the second shot hit the face, the hard skull was shattered, and the brain instantly turned to paste.

Its death is not the end, on the contrary it is the beginning of the battle.

Pigs were pouring out of the passage in a steady stream, even beyond what the sentinels could handle.

Barton didn't sleep at all, and he didn't even take off the breastplate he wore over his military uniform, because he had already prepared to fight the cultists tonight.

Even the two artillery positions were resting separately, waiting for the cultists to show up.

It was only when he came out that he realized something was fucking wrong.

Why is he a pig?

But at this time, he didn't care about so much. He immediately took over the command and asked the musketeers to withdraw. At the same time, he personally went down and fired a shot at the pigs' chaotic formation.

It has to be said that the remaining buildings of the outpost just restricted the guys coming out of it, and the pigs didn't react at all.

The stone bullet roared into the pig man, and a flower of flesh and blood suddenly exploded in it, accompanied by the harsh pig cry echoing.

After seeing this Barton, I had a rough idea. Now he was really a target.

"Come on, come on! Fire, fire, fire!"

The noise transmitted by the artillery fire at night was larger and more obvious. This artillery announced the end of the armistice between the two sides and the beginning of a new round of war.

The Beast Cave was originally an extension of a part of the sewers in the old city, so the ruins closer to the north are naturally relatively deeper.

The second target is some kind of peripheral pig-man slaughterer, crippled, with a hook hand and at most a drummer.

But it's not just these basic pigs that touch target No. 3, but the enhanced version.

Pig hiders, thugs, priests and all sorts of things appeared. If it weren't for the narrow restrictions of the passage, it wouldn't be surprising for a pig knight to rush out.

Fortunately, everyone's condition has recovered a lot after resting. Once the mummies are set on fire and the surroundings are illuminated, it will be difficult for the pigmen to sneak attack.

Not to mention that the team is all ruthless, and every one of them will be chopped off.

Boudica followed Lance into the den twice. As a good pig killer, she went up to greet the pigs very kindly when she saw them...

It is very cold, the inkstone is hard, and the fingers cannot be bent or stretched, so do not be lazy. After recording, I went to see him off, not daring to exceed the appointment.

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