Our family is in decline

Chapter 571 Operation Ovindo

The next day, Owendo.

Walter's manor on the outskirts of the city welcomed a special guest today.

"I didn't even know you had such a comfortable place. It's almost the size of a small town."

Lance stood on the high point of the manor building and looked down, taking in the entire place.

The main body is this small castle-like three-story brick and stone villa. As the center, there is a circle of well-proportioned private buildings outside, which are the farmers attached to the manor. The outside circle is the golden wheat fields.

Finally, an earth wall is used as a separation to distinguish the inside and outside.

It is estimated that there were not many people here originally, but because of the chaotic situation, it became a relatively safe place, and the caravan's activities were mainly held here.

The families of those caravans also moved over from the city, and there were also some people selected from the refugees. After all, the caravan grew stronger at this time.

The scale of hundreds of people is really larger than that of some remote towns. This makes the private houses in that circle a bit insufficient. It can be seen that some of them are newly built and even look very crowded and messy.

And you can also see some guards training in the open space. After Lance took away the army, Walter has been training guards. In addition to protecting the manor, he also protects the caravan.

After all, there are many people coveting food at this time, because the caravan's warehouse is here instead of in the city. It has been besieged by refugees more than once. It goes without saying who is the one who seduced it.

Walter showed no mercy at all and commanded the guards to kill many people with crossbows before repelling them.

Moreover, Walter also mentioned that some greedy guys actually pretended to be Mickey Mouse, and were hanged directly in the end. The corpses are still hanging on the arrow tower, and they have rotted into bones.

You can also see arrow towers built, and some guards are patrolling to guard against intrusion from outsiders. The equipment of these guards includes breastplates and crossbows, which can be said to be no worse than those of the city defense army.

In other words, the equipment these people carry is the armaments of the Ovindo City Defense Army. This is actually the case in this world. Don't expect those bureaucrats to have any morals. The money is yours only if it falls into your pocket.

This is why Lance insists on breaking the chaotic order and reshaping Hamlet, not only physically but also mentally.

Walter was silent on the side. Not only was he not happy when he heard Lance's praise, but he looked away from the letter in his hand a little uneasily.

I'll give it to you if the caravan gives it to you. After all, I can't keep my children, so I have nothing to say.

But you guys shouldn’t be eyeing my retirement home, right?

I really don’t blame Walter for his wild thoughts, because he read the letter from his daughter Tiffany just now and realized that the money he wanted was going to him.

Don’t you know that all my pension has been taken away by you? Now that all the money is in the caravan's account, what does it have to do with him?

He still wants money to do business, and now is the time to expand and devour Ovendo.

"What? What did Tiffany tell you that you are so nervous? I didn't see any difficulty for her. She was quite happy when I came."

Lance turned around and saw Walter holding the letter in a strange way. He had not read the contents of the letter and did not bother to do so.

They were all complaining and asking for money, and there was nothing shameful about them, so Walter handed the letter over.

Lance glanced briefly and laughed immediately.

Tiffany was so serious about asking for money that those who didn't know thought Hamlet was about to collapse.

"She just doesn't want to complain about poverty by approving the money for the continued expansion of the caravan. Don't worry about these things, just stick to the original plan."

As he spoke, Lance handed the letter back, turned his head and pressed it on the edge of the top floor, looked at Owendo City in the distance and said with a smile: "I have money, but I saved it and didn't have time to get it."

Walter was even more speechless when he heard this. Tiffany actually blamed her father.

But the problem is that he can't get the money himself. He is the manager. Now many people in the caravan have joined the Hamlet people, and these guys claim to be the lords.

I have to say that sometimes Walter also thinks that if nothing happened to him at that time, when the empire is in civil strife, he might be able to take this opportunity to rise?

He thought a lot, but Walter was no longer a child and knew that this was unrealistic. The reason why the caravan in his hands could grow rapidly was because of Hamlet's backing.

Without his support, I was just a piece of fat. I didn't see that Jean seemed to be on his lap, and just as the sun was rising, he turned around and disappeared.

That thing took an elite army and a hundred city defense troops to the countryside to collect food, as well as a big shot.

But it’s useless, so many people entered and Hamlet didn’t even splash.

If his children were ambitious, Walter wouldn't be so obedient. At the very least, he would find a way to get his family out of Lance's control.

But good guys, there is war and famine outside now, and there is no safer place in the entire empire than Hamlet.

Not to mention that my son is weak, my daughter... don't mention it anymore, I feel a little bit crazy.

It's better to just work it out until retirement. At least Lance still cares about people.

Soon a third person appeared to ease the awkward atmosphere on the court.

"grown ups!"

Vic walked up, looking like he had grown a lot, and with his rugged appearance, he revealed a somewhat ferocious temperament.

Without this, it would really be impossible to suppress those gangsters and refugees.

"My good boy has become a lot stronger!" Lance immediately showed a look of surprise when he saw the visitor. He went up to him and patted his arm, "Not bad! You can tell he is a big shot at first glance."

Vic was also very excited. After all, he had been away from Hamlet for a while. In contrast to the chaos of Ovendo, he missed Hamlet's stability even more, and he would work hard for this stability.

Everyone briefly reminisced about old times, and Lance also asked.

"How is the situation in Owendo City now?"

"Chaos." Vic almost blurted out, and then began to describe the various outrageous situations.

To be honest, Lance had expected this. After all, he could often obtain relevant information, but the detailed situation still left him speechless.

Are you really not a human being?

"Have you finished taking control of the dock?"

"All those gangs, big and small, have been annexed by me. Now I have more than 200 core members on hand, as well as many peripheral members. There are thousands in total. I can only watch but not fight."

Speaking, Vic asked with some expectation.

"Sir, are you finally going to take action?"

Vic has endured it for a long time. How the hell can he and this group of people deal with Owendo?

"That's why I came." Lance looked compassionate. "The people have suffered enough. Our mission is to end this chaos."

"So what is the plan? It is estimated that there are more than a thousand city defense troops in the city now, plus the private armed forces of the nobles..."

Walter had already guessed that such a day would come, and it was not surprising, but the time seemed to have advanced a lot, and it seemed that the lord did not care about the disturbance caused by Michelle's death.

He didn't know what was going on here, but he could probably guess that the power behind Michelle could no longer put the lord under pressure.

"There is no plan, you just need to encourage the people to launch an uprising in the early morning to attack the city defense camp and control the city gate."

Lance didn't waste time on this and gave the order simply.

"What time of the morning?"

"Tomorrow early morning."

"Ah!" These words immediately stopped the two of them. It was already morning, which was just one day.

Although they have been preparing for such a big thing, this is no longer outrageous, but impossible.

If the person who said this was not the lord, he would have been kicked out directly.

Lance didn't care.

"Just give me the information about the nobles and their armed forces. I'll leave the remaining more than a thousand city defense troops to you. What you need to worry about is how to control Ovendo and manage this place, and how to recover."

"Yes! I'll go back and make arrangements right away, and we'll start tomorrow morning."

While Walter was still hesitating, Vic had already agreed, and the lord's order was his goal.


"The information is with me and has been collected as instructed." Walter had nothing to say at this time and could only agree.

As for just a few words of advice, he could feel that Lance's attitude was not arrogant, but casual. This was a deeper mockery, because he didn't take those people seriously at all.

Vic went back to prepare for the next war. He had experienced it and knew that at this time, he needed to warm up in advance and arrange for trustworthy people to start inciting pain and despair in Owendo City and foreshadowing emotions.

At the same time, they also started to take action internally and screened out the main force of the operation. However, except for the real people, no one disclosed the situation, and no one knew that the lord was coming.

In the secret room of the manor, Lance was constantly looking through the information they had collected. This was the result of their work during this period.

This is also the reason why Lance arranged for Vic to get out of Hamlet. He needs to have his own eyes and ears. Hamlet needs to have his own intelligence department and cannot rely on Roma every day.

Lance seems to be born with an instinct for independence, and has a strong sense of crisis for things he needs to rely on.

It is better to have a father and a mother than to have one yourself.

At the same time, Lance could still be distracted and discuss with Walter what to do after taking control of Owendo City.

It is impossible to imitate Hamlet, and it is even a dead end, because Walter does not have the power and charm of Lance, and there is a difference in the size of a city and a town.

So the best thing is to take down the top layer, clean up the middle layer, and focus on comforting the lower ones.

Now they want to select a group of capable and reputable bureaucrats to stay.

Walter knows Ovendo very well and has dealt with many people. This is the experience advantage of the old man and the power that the young man does not have.

All this until it got dark.

"The significance of Owendo's existence at this stage is to lock the food in the Hamlet area. The amount of it going out must be under our control, and give full play to Hamlet's advantageous industry. Especially in these troubled times, food is more useful than gold coins."

Lance defined Walter's next work in one sentence, and got up and left here.

Walter didn't ask, and didn't dare to ask the lord what he was going to do. He just needed to do his own things as instructed.

He is not a curious young man, and sometimes the more he knows, the harder it is to get away. He also wants to retire safely. Recently, his daughter wrote a letter saying that his brother seems to have hooked up with a girlfriend, and he is waiting to have a grandchild.

But thinking about this Walter gave me a headache. In this era where teenagers get married, their daughters are already so old. If they don't get married, they will become old women.


I can't afford to offend her. Walter can't offend Tiffany at all now. Let the young people solve the young people's affairs.

What stands out on the streets of Ovendo City is depression. The various shops with closed doors are obviously not closed because of the arrival of night, but have been closed for a while.

Because there were all kinds of garbage and excrement everywhere at the door, and it had been like that for a while.

During this period of time, food was monopolized. Jean and the others teamed up to control food prices and increased them uncontrollably to harvest the common people. The high food prices drained the savings of ordinary people and caused money to depreciate rapidly.

It disrupted the production and life of the entire city, leaving countless people unemployed and entering a vicious cycle.

If there was no war outside, they might have run away, but there was war outside and they couldn't escape. Foreign refugees also poured in and occupied some people's living space, causing public security to deteriorate rapidly and further promoting the spread of chaos.

If Lance hadn't been screening out a group of refugees and at the same time Walter and the others secretly released some relief food, the situation would have been even worse.

Construction is difficult. Relying on the dividends from the decline of Hamlet, it took more than ten years of hard work to develop this place into a city. However, it only took a few days to destroy this place to the point where there was no hope, and despair enveloped the city.

Lance was like a lonely traveler, walking in and out of place with everything around him. He ignored the coveting eyes from the dark places and just crossed the chaotic areas and entered the noble areas.

Perhaps because the security situation has become more serious, those peace officers who cannot be seen in the outside area appear here in large numbers.

But they only fixed a few intersections to blockades to provide good security for these rich and nobles, and any civilians who came close to the past would be driven out.

But no one under the road blockade noticed that a figure had passed them at some point.

You must know that Lance never takes the usual path, so he climbed up from the building to avoid it.

Squatting on the roof and looking up, compared to the depression outside, it seemed much livelier inside, with candlelight flickering above the manor houses.

There even seemed to be some kind of banquet going on in some places, and carriages with lamps hanging on them were constantly going back and forth, making it very lively.

The difference between the two places is only a few streets, but the gap is as high as the sky and the other underground, just like the gap between people.

But it's great for Lance. If they are all together, it will be easier.

It’s hunting time…

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