Our family is in decline

Chapter 573 The time has come, raise troops today!

After nightfall, many people gathered in Hamlet's tavern. In just a few days, Hamlet resumed operations. Everyone was back to work, and the tense and depressing atmosphere had long since dissipated.

Because now there is only one thing that the town is focusing on and discussing, and that is the expansion of the outpost into a town and the further development of the wilderness.

Different from the previous positioning of developing farms, this time the momentum is greater and more people are mobilized.

Blowing is a hobby of most men, and everyone comments on that hot topic, but Hamlet is more open about it.

"Alas! Have you heard? The lord wants to build a town at the outpost."

"Who doesn't know? The notice has been posted all day, and many people want to go."

"But isn't that place a bit dangerous? It used to be attacked by cultists every day."

"The past was the past, and the present is the present. If you always think of the past as the present, why don't you compare it with the time when you were just born!"

"That is, the lord has led the army to clear away the cultists in the wilderness. We will only build and develop near the town."

"The announcement said that the location of the outpost will be..."

There was a lot of discussion about this new news in the tavern, and almost everyone was immersed in excitement.

The three large farms that were previously developed are now continuously producing resources to supply the development of the town. Now it is a bigger project than this.

There are major projects showing that Hamlet is still thriving, and at the same time it can alleviate the current situation where Hamlet is becoming more and more crowded due to the continuous flow of refugees.

You need to get people moving and have something to do without causing trouble, but this also tests your management ability.

Otherwise, why in the aristocratic system, the knight's collar is almost like a village, and the knight is equivalent to the village chief responsible for management.

Any ruler with some brains knows that the extension of the political system is the extension of power, just like the Count of Bastia, doesn't he want to completely control the territory? Why is he still relying on the aristocratic system, so that if he touches anyone, he will be given eye drops?

Is that because you don’t want to? That's impossible!

Because you really can't control it, this is what happened in the end. As long as the money is paid, it doesn't matter what you do in your own territory.

Fortunately, Hamlet started all over again, with a new structure binding power and responsibility, reshaping people's concepts.

Hamlet's current group of bureaucrats, selected and promoted from ordinary people, are loyal to their lords and have not fallen into a large-scale degeneration. They maintain extremely high efficiency and strive for a better future.

Of course, that is compared to other places. What is more important is that Lance is ruthless towards bureaucratic corruption. They will lose the favor of the lord and be sent to labor camps to dig in the fields.

Not sending him to a nursing home was his last mercy.

After all, even with the support of fanatical worship, it is still difficult for Hamlet in his rising period to cut off corruption. You can imagine what the situation is like in other places.

Now that Hamlet can still fully control the small area, Lance is not sure what problems will arise when it expands.

Because when there are too many people, it’s like there are idiots. There is no solution to the problem of the century.

Everyone in the tavern was discussing enthusiastically what this new policy would bring.

Because most of them are workers, various craftsmen, these construction plans are closely related to their work.

Residents near the pier are also very concerned about the announced plan.

As soon as a man finished the long queue at the Government Affairs Office, he rushed back to his home on the other side of the pier to share the good news with his family.

"Our application was approved, and the people from the Government Affairs Department agreed to defer our loan for this month, and our ship will not be repossessed."

"Oh~ Thank you, Lord!" After hearing these words, the woman's tense nerves relaxed a little. She even unconsciously closed her hands and prayed in a low voice, and her eyes couldn't help but shed tears.

This action does not mean that she is a believer, but that under the influence of thousands of years of church rule, most people are accustomed to similar expressions, which can be heard from the words in her mouth.

No one dares to do that now. Even privately, the people of Hamlet are increasingly dissatisfied with the church because it is rumored that those in the church want to take away everything they have.

Because that riot was targeted and publicized, and the deeds of that family were praised, ordinary people like them are not stupid, nor are they stupid, they have a strong balance in their hearts.

Just like this family today, their reaction also shows that they actually know who brings benefits to them.

At that time, Lance cleaned up the fish boss who was entrenched on the dock, and then collected all the fishing boats and all kinds of mess.

Then in an effort to revitalize the Hamlet fishery, fishing boats were put back into their hands through leasing and loans.

Their family is similar to other fishermen. They only have this craft. They only took out a loan to buy a fishing boat. The family maintains their livelihood by fishing.

It must be said that the lord brought them unprecedented treatment, and the stable situation and policy support allowed them to quickly overcome the most difficult stage.

Of course, this is also the reason why this family is hardworking and frugal. As long as they take a while, they will be able to completely pay off the loan on the fishing boat.

They even have spare money to send their sons to school to learn and read. They work so hard to help the next generation get rid of the hard life of drifting on a boat most of the time.

But at this moment, the murloc invasion broke out without warning. Although the monsters were repelled, they also blocked the coast.

Fortunately, everyone returned to port late at night, otherwise many fishermen would have perished in the sea along with their boats.

But the situation is not much better. They can't go fishing, which directly cuts off their family's income. They were just starting to improve, but now their family's assets can be said to be nothing except those few salted fish.

If they don't have enough money for this month, their early efforts will be in vain. It's no wonder that they are enveloped in despair.

Fortunately, the lords did not give up on them, and introduced policies to delay loan repayment, giving them a chance to breathe.

Their family has been under a lot of pressure during this period, and now there is finally good news.

"How long can it be towed? If the boat is soaked in water and cannot be driven, it will rot..."

But the woman soon became worried again, because if the root problem is not solved, there is nothing she can do even if it is delayed for a month or two.

Compared to the woman's pessimism, the man is much more positive because he has been working outside for a day and knows that things are not that simple.

"The lord will deal with those monsters. We have to trust the lord. We are currently preparing for outpost construction and wilderness development. There is enough work. I will sign up tomorrow."

Speaking of this woman's reaction, she heard the nuns next door talking about this matter during the day. She didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now she thinks about it.

"I heard that the handyman also gets two copper coins a day. I'll go too..."

The fact that they live here shows that most of these people are fishermen, or workers in shipyards and dock-related operations.

Lance planned to revitalize the docks and use this as the key to tear apart the dilemma surrounding Hamlet, so he worked hard in this area and cultivated many literate people.

However, the appearance of those deep divers blocked the harbor pier, which caused a large number of fishermen to lose their jobs on the spot, and many staff also became idle.

In other words, a large number of laborers are unemployed, and those managers have also lost their jobs. It will be very dangerous if left unchecked.

For this reason, Lance directly transferred people there. As long as they have jobs, those people will not fall into anxiety. Also, this kind of large project is a test of ability. Maybe Lance can accidentally discover a few management talents.

Just draw cards and that's it. As long as the base number is large enough, you will get what you want.


In Ovendo City, a banquet was being held in the wealthy area. Even the dark night could not stop their fun. On the contrary, this was the real beginning of their joy.

The so-called "gentlemen and ladies" who came and went were all dressed in noble and gorgeous clothes, and the decorations they wore were so complicated that it was amazing.

There were various exquisite foods placed on the table, but it seemed that they were basically untouched. Everyone was focused on socializing and sloshing the wine as bright as blood in the wine glasses.

How many people outside are starving to death, and the food they can't even imagine is just a display here, which is quite funny to a certain extent.

But as time went on, the atmosphere on that field became more and more subtle, because the second half was a masquerade.

The waiters who were wandering around the hall retreated, and when they came up again, men and women walked out in two rows from the left and right. On the trays were no longer wines, but masks.

When you put on the mask, you also tore off the disguise. Along with the heavy clothes, you also lost your humanity. Is a carnival like a cult ritual taking place...?

Lance, who was watching on the second floor, did not continue to appreciate it. He could not see any artistic content in it, and some of it was just eye-catching.

That twisted humanity made Lance feel uncomfortable.

But he also understood why it was necessary to bring a female companion to such a Western-style banquet.

Why don't you call me if you want to win party? Must hit hard!

Lance walked down the stairs. Those crazy guys didn't notice his arrival, but as soon as he walked down the stairs, someone wanted to get closer. After all, Lance was also tall and handsome.

"handsome guy……"


Lance stretched out his hand and crushed his neck, his head tilted slightly still unresponsive.

But Lance sacrificed it without even looking at it, and then rushed into it with his bare hands.

Why are ordinary people starving and having their families ruined, while they are here enjoying themselves extravagantly?

All things are innately related to humans, and humans have nothing to do with heaven. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill! ! !

The guards patrolling outside seemed to hear the wails and screams coming from the manor, but they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the boss sometimes had more fun.

I just want to get excited about this, and then I have to do whatever I have to do, who makes me not qualified to join it.

The tightly sealed building became the best stage for Lance, but the strange thing was that apart from the slightly messy scene and the randomly dropped masks, there was no trace of blood on the hall.

This is the most terrifying thing, which means that Lance basically kills him with one blow with his bare hands, and he can control his power very well.

Otherwise, with his strength, it wouldn't be surprising to tear someone alive.

Just one word - decent!

After sending all the corrupt elements to heaven, Lance walked to the long table, looked at the food on it, and tasted some of the untouched food.

It can only be said that everything is cold, just like the decorations. Lance has lost his appetite and can't help but curse.

"Fucking waste of food, damn it!"

Lance didn't stay for too long. After searching once, he left. He was very busy tonight. He took away everything with a little bit of value. It was difficult to stack even the showroom, so he could only go back and forth a few times. storehouse.

But Lance didn't find any of this troublesome at all. On the contrary, it was a pleasure for the Hamster Party to collect supplies.

This is mine, that is mine, they are all mine!

For Lance, the world is a game, and the logic is the same.

Draw cards to draw out heroes, perform tasks to accumulate strength, then defeat enemies, search for resources, and use resources to further strengthen.

While Lance was still busy, Vic was also working hard.

After taking control of the dock, Vic did not further stimulate those guys. Instead, he attracted most of the refugees and unemployed people living on the streets by giving soup.

Select some of the young men among these people to start training. He also monopolized the fishery around the dock. However, he could get food and stabilize the environment of the dock. Everyone had no objections and became more convinced.

This is why he was able to defeat a dozen gangsters, large and small, and take over the entire dock.

But now that he received the order from the lord, he started taking action without hesitation.

The first time he returned to the dock, he stopped the gruel that was originally used to win people's hearts, and released the news that food was entangled by those bureaucrats, and they wanted all the refugees to starve to death.

Turning around, Vic began to prepare for the battle. Two hundred backbones began to mobilize and distribute weapons. Among them, there were even simple armors and crossbows. It could be seen that they had been preparing for a long time, but they were barely able to gather twenty crossbowmen.

As for the others, they mainly use long-handled harpoons. This weapon is most practical for ordinary people who have not practiced much.

Vic still remembered what the lord had said.

After a busy day, when it got dark, they even had no food. Everyone was hungry and could only take a rest.

The feeling of hunger reminded them of something, and all this was quiet until the early morning.

What woke them all up was not the dim morning light, but the hunger all night long and the aroma of food.

Everyone knew that they had to fight unknown enemies, but a full meal was enough to appease them.

"This is the last food. If we can't get food, we will starve to death!"

Vic appeared next to the cauldron and encouraged the people in the name of taking back everyone's food.

The time has come, rise up today!

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