Our family is in decline

Chapter 575 Have you heard of the story of Xia Ke Xing?

The chaos in Owendo City stems from several sources.

On the surface, the city defense army and the sheriff were defeated, which symbolized the collapse of Ovindo's power. Without power, it would be difficult to maintain power.

But in fact the real core is that the intertwined networks formed by bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen were destroyed by Lance.

Those who have the ability to influence the situation, such as churches and mercenary unions, have been dealt with first.

Otherwise, even if the consul is not dead, he can easily recruit a lot of people to fight for him, and it is difficult for ordinary people to fight against them.

Because the fall of the rich area was not caused by the mob, but by the guards who found that the bosses had disappeared, they lost the meaning of fighting and simply gave up those places.

The mob, which also suffered heavy casualties, broke in and found no money, no treasures, no women, and their world view collapsed on the spot.

Without the meaning of fighting, they poured out their anger on the guards.

Originally, most of them were killed by Lance last night, and the remaining ones basically had no chance of survival.

When the guards were all dead, the mob also dispersed in an instant.

But the chaos did not stop there. Instead, these mobs began to point their weapons at other ordinary people, and the chaos in Ovindo began to spread.

At this time, Vic led the team to constantly try to suppress it, but there was nothing they could do. There were only more than two hundred people with only knives in their hands. For this desperate city, killing could not solve the problem.

Until Walter finally took action, the armed guards sent out to seize the city gate, blockaded Owendo City, and then began to appease the crazy mob.

It's very simple, just one sentence - let's eat!

The Walter business group has transported food from Hamlet and will provide porridge for three days. Anyone who wants to eat should be honest!

Walter has been giving soup in the city from time to time recently. Although it is not much, it can be regarded as building up some reputation. In addition, it is a time-honored brand, which gives it some credibility.

As for the people who attacked them with red eyes, it was simple. The guys in the hands of those guards were no joke.

Vic also controlled the team to assist Walter, and it finally took him most of the day to suppress the riots.

But the drama was not over yet. After the situation stabilized, Walter met with Vic in front of everyone.

"What happened in Owendo City? Our food transport team has been unable to come in for a long time. Today we saw the fire and smoke..."

A veteran like Walter is naturally very skilled in acting and knew exactly what to do. He immediately emphasized that he came over after seeing the movement and realizing something was wrong.

At the same time, he also put the responsibility for the inability to transport food on those bureaucrats. Anyway, they were all dead and couldn't deny what he said.

He and Vic both pulled and shoved some and all onto the dead people, but they didn't have any objections anyway.

But suddenly Vic changed his tune and said that he was leaving Ovendo.

As soon as he said this, the younger brother couldn't help it.


"Stop talking! I have decided that as for you, just follow Boss Walter. I believe he will not treat you badly."

Vic simply rejected the younger brothers and nodded to Walter, "I'll leave Owendo to you."

Seeing this situation, Walter could only nod in agreement.

"Don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements for them."

After seeing this scene, Vic looked at the younger brothers and shouted loudly.

"I am just an ordinary person. I stood up with my brothers because I couldn't stand those guys bullying others. I only got here today because of everyone's trust.

I just didn't expect that today's situation would result. If the Walter Business Group hadn't rescued so many people, Owendo didn't know what would have happened.

It is conceivable that I am not a hero, but a sinner of Owendo. I hope you can be a good person. "

He didn't say anything more, turned around and left here alone.

Everyone listened to those words and looked at Vic's back as if he was a chivalrous character like a knight novel.

A passing sailor stood up when he saw gangsters killing ordinary people, and then led the people to overthrow those corrupt bureaucrats with the knife in his hand.

He could obviously rule the city, but this man did not linger on power. Instead, he turned around and left with guilt.

I am afraid that in a short time, such a legendary heroic story will be spread in the city of Owendo.

Countless people will be inspired and directly raise Ovindo's moral level.

Have you heard of Xia Ke Xing...

Of course, the stories are all beautified and represent people's yearning for beauty.

In fact, Vic is not as legendary as these stories. If he didn't have Hamlet's resources behind him, he wouldn't be where he is today.

"Lord, my mission is completed!" Vic approached the lord as soon as he came out. It was obvious that someone had pushed for what happened just now.

"Very good, you did a good job!" Lance also watched just now and was quite satisfied with that scene.

And Vic didn't talk nonsense, but directly asked his doubts.

"What about those brothers?"

Of course, Lance understood that he was talking about the people who were lurking with him. They were all the people Lance had selected as his team.

"You should know that I don't like to force someone to do something they don't like, so the rest depends on their own wishes.

You can continue to lurk in Ovendo, or you can go back to Hamlet. Of course, I can carry out the next mission with you. Anyway, I won't treat them badly. "

Vic was relieved to receive the lord's answer, because the environment in Owendo really put him under unspeakable pressure.

But he quickly cheered up and asked: "Sir, what is my next task?"

"Do you have confidence in Bastia, the surrounding territories of Hamlet, and the front lines of the empire's civil war?"

"Promise to complete the mission!" Vic is no longer the ordinary person he was before, and he has some understanding of the situation in the empire.

As he spoke, Lance changed the topic and added with a smile: "But before that, you have a more important task."


"It's a holiday, go back and take a rest."

After hearing this, Vic reacted and couldn't help but smile. He didn't refuse. He had indeed not been back for a while and it was time to see his family.

"Sir, I found a few good ideas among those people, and I want to try to develop them."

"Just go ahead and do it, I believe you." Lance patted him on the shoulder to show support.

The two of them patted their butts and left the scene, leaving Owendo, which was not destroyed but was on the verge of collapse, to Walter.

Although he had expected it and even planned it, Walter still felt like he was the culprit, with his old bones...

However, complaints are complaints. There is no need to question Walter's ability. He quickly took control of Owendo. FireWire promoted some more reliable people to take over, sort out the current chaotic situation, and then find ways to stabilize the situation, and then Gradually resume production and life.

To be honest, the series of events from Vic raising an army to the disappearance of the city's bureaucrats and then to Walter taking action was so clever. There were many smart people in the city, and everyone could tell that this was Vic arranged by Walter. Then take the opportunity to capture Ovendo.

As for why those people listened to him?

Because Walter controlled the food, and he had an elite guard, and Vic's two hundred people were also included in it.

What's more important is that all those people are dead, and those who have the ability to fight them have disappeared.

Even if they guess something, they don't dare to say nonsense, they can only be honest, otherwise they can't guarantee whether they will disappear next.

But these have nothing to do with Lance and Vic.

But the two of them haven't left yet.

Vic wants to talk to the lurking spies and negotiate the next arrangements.

Now according to his and the lord's plan, that is to form a new caravan and use this as a reason to carry out intelligence activities.

It just so happens that Walter is now in charge of Ovendo, and the business group needs people.

But in order to remain anonymous, Vic decided to use Bastia as his base...

And Lance was counting the harvest in a warehouse that looked ordinary from the outside.

It seems unremarkable in the now hidden warehouse district, but there is something else hidden inside.

The boxes were piled up in the warehouse, and there were countless gold coins in them. The estimated amount was at least tens of millions, but this was only cash.

There are also all kinds of rare antiques, beautiful jade and gemstones, works of art, and so on...

It is even difficult to estimate all kinds of things, and among them, Lance is more interested in the extraordinary equipment that he found. Unfortunately, most of them are ordinary gadgets, and with the weird negative effects, he can't even look at them.

The only things that concerned him more were the various scrolls of books, many of which were either antiques or written in weird leather. Simply reading through them would give rise to a creepy feeling.

I can't find anything about extraordinary equipment, but these books are the best carrier.

Lance can only wait until he has free time to slowly clean up these things, because apart from him, there are probably not many people who can withstand the indescribable weird and twisted thinking.

This is just one of the warehouses, specially used to store valuables. There are all kinds of other things in other warehouses. Lance even took away their clothes and quilts, leaving only an empty space. shell.

The wealth that this city had plundered from Hamlet for more than ten years has now returned to him, Hamlet's heir.

All of this can only be regarded as the boomerang thrown by the ancestor back then and now it finally flew back to my hand.

He couldn't take all the money with him, there wasn't that much space in the showroom, and Ovendo needed money if he wanted to recover.

But now Tiffany can't cause trouble for herself.

When things in Owendo were almost stable, Lance took advantage of the night to escape to the old road.



Those fleets that almost fled from Hamlet finally returned to their home port after being frightened all the way.

Most people, whether they were shipowners or crew members, were glad that they finally escaped. Only the strong ships and guns of the Totnes fleet made them feel a little safer.

At the same time, the pressure was also released at this time, and they began to publicize Hamlet's weird rules through their channels, as well as monster invasions and violent attacks on churches. Every one of them was big news.

Taverns, brothels, casinos... Hamlet's name soon spread in those places.

In less than a day almost all the captains and crew of Totnes knew that this place called Hamlet was not good, but only disaster and madness.

The same information about this information was also fed back by the ship owners to the forces behind them.

They didn't care much about the murloc invasion. In fact, if they looked at the empire or even the continent, there would be quite a few invasions by these monsters.

For them, as long as it doesn't happen in Totnes and affects their interests, it doesn't matter at all.

But it would be interesting for the lord to beat up the church. You must know that the mendicant monk and the candle-burning priest are very famous and legendary figures in the church.

He was actually beaten up and humiliated in public for causing trouble in Hamlet.

The emotions varied, but it was a bit secretly satisfying. After all, this was something they had wanted to do for a long time but had not dared to do, but a small town lord actually did it!

But they were more curious about this place, and even more curious about how the lord could be so powerful and unknown.

These people have family heritage, so they naturally know something about Hamlet back then. Could it be some old monster from the Hamlet family crawling out of the coffin?

In this world where extraordinary power exists, immortality is not a very strange thing. It is a power beyond human beings, and it is easy for some beings.

If this is really the case, those who have eaten Hamlet's blood steamed buns will be a little overwhelmed.

Even the legends of the church dare to fight. Who can withstand it if a fight comes?

But most people still have a wait-and-see attitude. The church will definitely not give up. When the time comes, it will be a good time to fight.

Just as they thought, although the church duo did not return, the news had already spread among the crew, not to mention that there were some believers among them, who immediately went to the church to report the matter.

The Bishop of Totnes learned what happened, and he had nothing to do with the invasion of monsters, but Lord Hamlet's violent beating of the church duo made him furious.

Although most members of the church disliked the maverick Martin Martyr, their vow of poverty was seen as troublesome by many within the church.

I worked so hard to become a priest, but if I don’t make money, enjoy it, or have fun... isn’t it in vain?

Those believers should make offerings, because we are messengers of the Holy Light.

Not to mention the strong business atmosphere in Totnes, the corruption of money has turned the church's income into the empire's purse.

And Martin's visit this time did cause a lot of trouble in the church in Totnes, so the people above him pushed him out smoothly.

But beating a dog depends on the owner! (End of chapter)

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