Our family is in decline

Chapter 593 Bay 12

As soon as he came out, he encountered a strange shipwreck, and the tragic sight of the drowned zombies scattered around made him seem to be able to see the pain of the shipwreck that drowned them alive.

Now they stand up again with these resentments and attack the living without hesitation.

And not just one, but a dozen or so drowned zombies around them all got up and walked towards Lance, the only living person, staggering stiffly.

Lance understood something when he saw the evil aura on them that was unstable and even changing violently.

Fucking corpse explosion!

He couldn't imagine what would happen if these zombies exploded, but Lance definitely didn't want the rotting corpses to get on him.

Draw your gun quickly!

Without any desire for close combat, Lance picked up the gun and opened fire.


The bullets were pushed out of the barrel and poured into the swollen corpse in the firelight, and there was a disgusting "pop" sound.

It was impossible for the rotten muscle tissue to withstand the power of steel and gunpowder, and a large hole immediately burst out.

And his shot was like a needle popping a balloon. The already extremely unstable drowned zombie exploded directly.

Gray rotting pus splashed, the dissolved muscles exploded into pieces, and an unpleasant stench hit Lance's nasal cavity, and he became energetic at that moment.

Lance was so frightened that he took a few steps back. After he reacted, he looked at the few drops of corpse water on his body and his face was distorted. He was disgusted.

A heavy blow to the body and soul!

You must know that he and the Giant Pincer Raider didn't even take a step back when they slashed. It can be seen that this move is a critical blow to someone with a slight mysophobia like Lance. It's terrible!

Fortunately, they were some distance away, so Lance was not affected and quickly shot and killed those things one by one.

Soon the whole place was filled with broken remains, pieces of rotting flesh floating on the water, and a strong smell of decay filled the air.

Even the deep sea shaman's waves couldn't suffocate Lance, they were about to do it.

The water under his feet also seemed to have a hint of grayish red, and just indirect contact made Lance feel itchy and uneasy on his skin.

Fortunately, Lance had practiced in the beast cave, otherwise he would have been unable to withstand the pressure.

But just after Lance blew up these drowned zombies, strange sounds rang out inexplicably in the space that was supposed to be quiet.

Unlike the beautiful songs of the sirens, the melody coming from the hollow cave in the bay does not seem to come from a singing voice.

The cheerful and light melody began to linger in the surrounding space, and it sounded like someone was unconsciously singing loudly and dancing to the rhythm.

But Lance's understanding of sound has long been different. When he was immersed in these melodies, he found that there was no joy or fantasy, only madness and death.

If you are really immersed in this swaying little song, you may be bewitched by the strange power contained in it, and you will dance to the rhythm unknowingly. In the end, your heart will beat faster and faster, and you will fall into extreme excitement until you die.

Lance easily broke away from the temptation, and his eyes quickly locked on the remains of the sunken ship.

The sound came from above. What was on the boat?

After seeing through the vicious curse hidden in the melody, Lance actually didn't go up to kill it. Instead, he took out the [Siren Conch] and started playing it.

The vast and majestic roar overwhelmed the sound of the violin, and as if he noticed something, the sound of the violin became more intense.

That extraordinary power turned into sound waves that collided in mid-air, and the invisible confrontation actually caused ripples in the water.

Stop fighting!

Lance borrowed the Giant Pincer Raider to study the use of [Charming Voice], but when he fought against the Siren before, he had experienced the range attack launched by borrowing the conch, and a sea of ​​deep divers were killed by the roar. .

What Lance lacks now is this kind of grass-cutting ability, otherwise it would be too troublesome to kill the smelly fish and rotten shrimps one by one.

And now there is nothing more suitable for training him than an enemy of the same type.

The rhythmic confrontation cannot be seen, but it can be heard.

It can only be said that there are two distinct sounds in the cave. Either the sound of the conch trumps the sound of the piano, or the other way around.

If an ordinary person were here, his heart would burst and he would be frightened to death. Even if he could not die, the power contained in the sound would make him completely crazy.

But the most intuitive thing is to see the water that exploded for no reason on the water surface and began to push towards the sunken ship.

Lance took a deep breath and used his breath to play the final attack. The huge roar was like muffled thunder and completely washed away the sound of the piano.

Lance finally put down the conch horn. From the beginning he couldn't take a breath, but now he can control his voice and even concentrate it to defeat his opponent. This huge progress must be learned in fierce battles.

But now that it was all finally over, Lance had no intention of continuing to play and began to wade through the water to finish off the mastermind behind the scenes.

But when he got close to the sunken ship, he realized that it was really big. Even if the front half was missing, he could feel the hugeness when he fell into the water.

What makes people even more instinctively uneasy is that it is filled with evil and filthy atmosphere. This is a taboo for the living. No one knows what this ship has experienced.

Everyone knows that the ship is dangerous, and others would be cautious no matter what, and would not even get close to it even if they try to destroy it.

But Lance has always been indifferent. He wants to expel the evil undead from this world.

Just as Lance was about to climb up, he suddenly heard something. It was the collision of metal chains, not the sound of a piano.

Subconsciously, he stretched out the torch, only to see sudden fluctuations in the water surface.

In the water!

Lance suddenly realized that he couldn't care less and jumped away.

The next second something fell into the water. When Lance stopped, he saw half of the chain rushing out of the water. If he had reacted slower just now, he would have been caught.

Before Lance could react further, a rapid ringing of bells suddenly sounded on the ship, and this was like a signal, and the whole ship seemed to come alive.

Lance subconsciously held up the torch and shined it. Under the sound of steel chains clashing in the firelight, a strange-looking undead crawled out of the water at the break of the sunken ship.

The clothes on his body have long been ruined, but his body is blue and black and skinny. It looks like there is only a layer of skin covering the bones. His lower body is submerged in the water, as if he is standing on a sunken boat.

I don't know if the bald head has lost its hair or if it was bald before death. What's even more special is that it carries an anchor on its shoulders, with a chain behind it, which is what happened just now.

At the urging of the bell, the drowned anchorman immediately threw the anchor at Lance again. It was hard to imagine how such a thin body could throw an anchor that was half his body.


But Lance couldn't care less and quickly dodged, then rushed over, unsheathed his wolf fangs and slashed at the anchorman.

The weird feeling didn't feel like cutting a corpse at all, but more like a piece of bone.

Lance didn't care about this and raised his hand to sacrifice the anchor hand.

But something surprising happened, the judgment failed.

At the same time, the thrown anchor was dragged back into the cabin by something.

Soon another drowned anchorman crawled out of the gap, no different from the previous one.

When Lance saw this, he immediately understood something.

They have long been integrated with this ship, and their souls are bound by a curse, but they will not die easily.

In response, Lance directly abandoned the anchorman and took the initiative to break into the cabin.

The dark environment even felt like part of the light from the torches was swallowed up after entering, and the strong evil aura seemed to detect the intrusion of outsiders.

A dim light appeared on the surrounding ship decks, and the ghosts with twisted faces seemed to be repeating the drowning look, reaching out towards Lance to kill the intruder.

Or drag him into eternal suffering.

Lance let the spirits grab him, not bothering to tangle with these puppets, let alone feeling fear, and nothing happened.

Kill all the way from the inside and rush to the deck. I am afraid that no one except Lance can do such a thing. With that ferocious look, I wonder who is the real evil?

The moment he stepped onto the deck, he searched for the source of the sound, and his eyes saw it on the most conspicuous seat.

It was a dead man wearing a tattered coat and a boat cap.

The exposed skin is blue-gray, and the muscles are so atrophied that they look like mummies or stone statues.

The face was even more horrifying, the eyes were long gone, and the grinning mouth revealed an empty interior, while the dim light reflected was full of evil aura.

There was a gray beard on the face that was thin and skeletal, and he was holding a rattle in his hand.

Lance rushed up so fast that the undead didn't even react.

After a quick glance, I discovered that there were many twisted undead souls on the deck. Most of their bodies and costumes had rotted away, and their former appearance could not be seen.

The shapes are also inconsistent for various reasons. Some are skinny, while others are bloated like giants. They should be the same as the drowned zombies thrown out before. That doesn't look good.

The remaining ones held by the drowned crew members were also different.

Some were holding wine bottles covered with barnacles, some were holding rusty spearguns, and some were holding violins...

Well, yes, it’s the violin.

The strange figure sat with his legs crossed on the broken wooden barrel. His clothes were already in tatters, but he had a common ship cap on his head.

What's even more special is that the guy actually holds a violin in his hand!

Lance didn't care to think about why that thing could still work, because it was extraordinary power.

There is no doubt that the person he was fighting with just now was the drowned violinist.

It's just that the impact of the fighting sound just now interrupted the piano player's movements, and even the dim light revealed by its empty eyes couldn't help but dim a bit.

These drowned sailors basically had barnacles of different sizes growing all over their bodies, and it was unknown how long they had been soaked in the water.

The reaction of the undead on the deck was a little slower than he expected, and it was only now that the captain sounded the bell in his hand.

Emergency gathering!


Even if they have been dead for a long time, as long as the captain shouts his orders, the crew will obey...

The rapid ringing of the bell woke up the crew members. The sailor staggered with his stiff body, the zombie struggled to move his swollen body, and the piano player had already pulled the strings.

Heart-catching boat song!

In a trance, Lance seemed to hear the sailor's singing voice, rough but powerful. The vulgar singing contained the longing for women and treasures, creating an intoxicating dream and outlining memories of long-gone carnivals.

But even the siren couldn't confuse him with such a trivial trick, so you're the only one holding a rag?

Lance didn't bother to talk nonsense at all. He raised his hand and shot the violinist directly in the head. The brisk little song came to an abrupt end.

But the undead didn't talk nonsense about this. A sailor raised a long-handled hook and hooked it towards Lance. The curved hook on it was not trivial.

This tool is used to drag the big fish caught to the side of the boat and hook it up with this long-handled iron hook. It can be said to be quite sharp.

Get on board!

On the other side, the crew member held the filled wine bottle high as if he was drinking wine, but a strange curse fell on him.

Drunk with drowning!

At that moment, Lance seemed to feel the pain of drowning while drunk, but this state was quickly dispelled by Lance. His will was as unshakable as steel!

The knife went up to kill Lance, and Lance's strength was further improved than when he faced the Siren before.

This sunken ship full of strange undead spirits is an extremely dangerous place for others, but for him it is just a little troublesome.

Those stiff drowned crew members couldn't stop him at all. In the blink of an eye, they turned into pieces and rolled down the deck. He also reached the captain and unsheathed his long sword without any intention of stopping.


The captain frantically shook the bell in his hand, and the strange power emitted from it always wanted to act on Lance, but this was all a joke.


The bell rang suddenly for the last time, because it was the sound of falling and hitting the deck.

As for the captain, he was killed before he could even use any more means.

It was so straightforward, and the killing gesture was simply art.

Amanda claims to specifically target spellcasters, but the real nemesis of spellcasters should be Lance. Once those evil spells lose their effect, they will be lambs to be slaughtered.

But Lance didn't relax at all as the battle was over. On the contrary, the posture of holding the knife was more vigilant.

The undead are just puppets, the real enemy has not yet appeared...

Lance looked at everything around him. In fact, his easy crushing did not cause much damage to the scene, but it was already like this before the collision.

If it was a sunken ship, how could it be so well preserved?

However, before Lance could study it carefully, a strange scene appeared next!

In the face of indescribable power, Lance, who was standing among them, actually saw with his own eyes the drowned crew members he had just killed recover one by one.

What's even more peculiar is that they seem to still be immersed in that scene.

The ship seemed to have just won a victory. The fiddler was playing music, the sailors were drinking, dancing and singing loudly. The wine barrels and bottles scattered on the deck showed the carnival at that time.

But soon they seemed to have encountered something, and they performed a desperate indulgence in front of Lance...

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