Our family is in decline

Chapter 599 Three ways come out together

The shield tied in front of the Pig Knight still had traces of bullets and slashes on it. It was obvious that someone had tried to stop it just now, but there was no doubt that it was not able to stop it.

I saw the Pig Knight charging out with an unstoppable attitude. The lance in his hand easily broke through the remaining brick wall of the No. 2 Stronghold with such exaggerated power.

With a wave of his hand, the modified arm with steel armor hit the wooden fence and easily destroyed it. The series of actions showed everyone the pigman's arrogant and powerful power.

But what waited for it to rush out to greet it was not the human army, but a row of artillery.


"Prepare - light the fire!"


The cannonball easily tore apart the shield tied in front of the pig knight and poured directly into the pig's body. The exaggerated force rolled inside the pig's body, and the pork on the body shook violently in a short period of time.

Although nothing could be seen from the outside, the inside was almost turned into mud. Dirty substances mixed with blood and minced meat were sprayed out from behind along with the shells. All the pigs behind him were within the scope of the explosion.

With a scream, the pig knight couldn't stand on his limbs and fell to the ground, and even the ground could feel a slight vibration.

But the upper part of the human body still retains some vitality and does not die directly, and this is the most painful.

This means that it will have to endure great pain, feel the vitality of the body being drained, and gradually enter the fear of death.

A second ago, he was like a god of war, breaking through the wall and fighting out, but he fell down with just one shot...

The situation has really taken a turn for the worse!

The pig man following the pig knight did not stop, but the artillery also had no intention of stopping.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the continuous roar, no matter whether it was a modified armor or a powerful body, it just exploded into a ball of blood in the end.

The violent and sharp squealing of pigs and the sound of cannons seemed to form a song of chaos, but it was a pity that few people could appreciate it.

The powerful strength that the pigs were proud of turned into minced meat under the roar of the artillery.

How could flesh and blood fight against a war machine?

Pigs don't have the innocence of cultists to charge under fire.

In fact, it was just a round of shelling. The huge sound and exaggerated lethality made them lose their courage.

Withering panic engulfs the soul!

One second he rushed out of the passage, and the next second he ran back again.

Why do you have to move closer before hitting? Just to draw more out, it is also to make their escape road more bumpy.

But how much can you go back to?

The artillery will tell them the answer.

If the first round was just a test shot, then the second round was a precision strike.

The artillery shells plowed directly into the dense formation of the pigs, and blood and flesh flew everywhere wherever they went.

What knife and ax can have this effect?

That's not all. When the pigs tried their best to escape the bombardment, they didn't expect that the humans had already prepared a more sinister trap.

The bombs planted were detonated on the paths that the pigs must pass, sending the pigs directly into the sky.

Even the artillerymen were not satisfied yet, and the guards and heroes were still preparing for the pigs to attack the artillery positions.

Seeing the pigs escaping in embarrassment, everyone did not feel the slightest panic towards the pigs for a while, on the contrary, they felt a little contempt.

You haven't survived a round of shelling, so you have the nerve to call yourself a monster?

The battlefield quickly calmed down, leaving only a large, indescribable scene. The corpses were basically not intact, with blood flowing across them and pieces of meat flying...

Alhazred held the [Holy Grail of Blood] and extracted the spirituality contained in the life force, condensing it into turbid blood beads.

Of course, he can also transform it into unrestrained power through rituals. Anyway, the lord just needs to tell him not to leave any spiritual power behind.

It is precisely because of his presence these days that Lance can safely let them leave and attack the cave.

As long as spirituality is taken away, death is meaningless to the ancestor.

Even if there were some leftovers, it wouldn't change much, because then someone started to sprinkle a kind of powder on the ground, and soon the flesh and blood withered, leaving nothing at all.

On the other side, several commanders also began to adjust their combat plans based on the current situation.

"Those pigmen are frightened and will definitely not come near this place again in a short time."

"Our target mission has been completed in the past two days, which has consumed the pig man's vitality."

"The first phase is completed and the second phase can now be carried out."

A few people discussed it and immediately started to arrange it.

The meaning of the second stage is also very simple, with heroes and guards as the main body, carrying out special operations in the form of a four-person team.

The team of personal guards began to take action from the entrance of the cave where they first discovered it. They continued to cut the periphery and compress the space of the cave through segmentation and blasting.

The team composed of heroes carried out operations at the No. 3 stronghold in the wilderness. The main task was to attract the attention of the pigs through constant harassment and reduce the pressure for the blasting cleanup ahead.

After a short rest, everyone quickly took action, and three teams were formed.

First team: Leonard, Geralt, Junia, Amanda

Second team: Baldwin, Tardif, Disma, Paracelsus

Team Three: Boudica, Barristan, Alhazred, Laura

Margaret's combat ability was not suitable for the narrow terrain of the cave, and several commanders also knew the importance of her identity, so she could only stay outside the camp.

Paracelsus had wanted to go into the beast cave to study it before, but he had never had the chance before.

But now that he had finally solved most of the work at hand and came over for an on-site inspection, Greendale could not stop her without Lance, so he could only carry Baldwin out to protect her safety.

Baldwin knew the importance of doctors, and he had always wanted to do something, so he agreed without hesitation.

Now that the army is stationed, there is no danger in the town, not to mention that the enemies are kept out.

When the operation began, the Guards were on the other side, while these three teams went down from Stronghold No. 3 and penetrated into the core of the cave.

They don't have Lance's ability to kill through the den alone, but they are not alone.

Three teams went to the cave at the same time, taking different routes and exploring the map at three times the speed. This is the power of the team.

One or two are either masters or champions, at worst they are elites who have fought in actual battles, and Hamlet who can piece together such three teams is truly terrifying.

There is no proven route below, and the pigs near the core area are stronger. There are unknown traps waiting for them. The only ones they can rely on are themselves...

Be it a regular pig slayer, a hooker, a drummer or a cripple.

Or an advanced version of the pig knight, hider, thug or priest.

These pigmen are just fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered to the powerful team.

Because the heroes present are the real "pig slaughterers"!

Leonard walked at the front of the team, and his armor-clad figure gave people a very solid feeling.

Geralt is in position two, Amanda is in position three, and Junia is in position four holding a steel torch.

Not following the lord for a period of time does not mean that Leonard has become weak and out of touch. On the contrary, it is because he is strong enough to lead the cavalry on his own.

The power originating from the lord eliminated his pain, allowing the stagnant or even declining body to burst out with new power.

And he also seized this rare opportunity, but he has been fighting on the front line, and countless cultists died under his sword.

In the fierce battles and unremitting training, the combat skills that were already trained in life and death have become more exquisite, and his strength is worthy of the name of a true master.


The faint knocking sound passed along the deep passage, and was first caught by Geralt, who had a keen sense.

"what sound?"

Geralt suddenly spoke, and the team couldn't help but slow down.

"It's like knocking some metal."

"Why are there still pig-man screams?"

The rest of the team listened to the sound coming from the end of the passage, and they all felt that they had encountered a special situation, and for a while they couldn't help but slow down and gradually approach.

The sound of metal knocking and the fierce squealing of pigs covered up the footsteps of the team. Several people were advancing at a steady speed.

When he reached the end of the passage, he finally saw the source of the strange sound clearly under the light of the torch.

A strange-looking pig man appeared in front of them. He had some differences in appearance. He was tall and thin, and his body became more and more human-like. Only a few characteristics of the pig could be seen, that is, the head still had a pig's head.

There were bits and pieces hanging on the body, and the most peculiar thing was the iron pliers and red-hot hammer in the pig man's hand.

There was a fire rising in front of the unique pigman. It was clamping down on the pigman lying on the stone platform and driving rusty iron pieces into it.

This is why the screams and the sound of iron appear at the same time.

There is no doubt that this pigman is the technician who transformed other deformed pigmen. It is very likely that the pigman's armor and weapons were made by him.

Those who understand these must belong to technical talents and are the weaponsmiths of these pigmen.

When the pig weaponsmith was making rough modifications, there was even a priest talking to him, giving blessings or something else, who knows.

Anyway, the intrusion of the team undoubtedly interrupted the ongoing weird ritual, and an encounter broke out.


A fierce pig growl kicked off the battle.

The pig-man hider that emerged from the darkness was invisible to Amanda, and she raised her hand to use the windmill blade to break the invisibility.

Junia also discovered the pig priest who was hiding behind and secretly trying to cast a vicious curse. He raised his hand and held up the steel torch, which burst out with fierce fireworks, making the originally dark space shine with dazzling light.

And a flash of light struck over, directly holding the priest in place.

Leonard also stepped forward quickly at the same time, interrupting the rhythm of the pig thugs that were charging over.

Instead of resisting head-on, he stepped forward to avoid the bone hammer that hit him. He placed the long sword on the thug's belly. Using the thug's forward posture, the long sword fiercely opened a gap. Kouzi.

Half of the belly was torn open by the sharp sword blade, and the fat intestines in the belly could not be hung and flowed out, and the half of the waist was about to fall out.

At this time, Leonard had already fallen behind the thugs, but he took this opportunity to twist around and exert his strength. The [Champion Certificate] in his hand seemed to condense his fighting spirit and shine.

While turning around, he mobilized all his muscles to explode to complete the blow.

The long sword fell and opened an even more exaggerated wound on the back of the pig man thug. Cutting off the spine instantly paralyzed his lower limbs, and his huge body collapsed.

And then Leonard did not forget to touch up the sword. He quickly stepped up to the sword and turned it upside down. He grasped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands and used force to lower the pestle.

The long sword penetrated the neck easily, and the spine was cut off and there was no movement in an instant, completely killing the pig thug.

Leonard raised his hand and pulled out the long sword. The splashing blood inevitably stained his armor, but as he fought all the way, these things could not even be distinguished for a second.

But when he looked back at the pigmen, he really startled them.

Not to mention the pigs, even our own people were a little surprised.

This set of combos is so smooth that it looks like art to others.

Geralt also felt that this man's swordsmanship was not inferior to his own, considering that he was a master demon hunter who had become famous on this continent many years ago...

But the battlefield did not give him any more opportunities to be distracted, because as the shaman woke up from his coma, the drummer also beat the human skin drum.

Geralt immediately picked up his sword and rushed forward to fight the pigs. He was equally good.

The weapon maker picked up the red-hot hammer and swung it at Leonard, locking the iron pliers in his other hand.

Don't underestimate it, because if anyone noticed, it was that it was controlling the pig man with one hand just now, and the other hand still had enough power to hit the hammer. That seemingly thin body contained a lot of power.

But that depends on who it's facing.

Before Leonard could catch him, Amanda threw a flying knife and hit the weapon maker who couldn't dodge. The power contained in the flying knife exploded with a painful squeal, disrupting the weird blessing in its body.

At this time, Leonard had already slid over to kill him. He held the long sword in front of him and charged. He could still use it even if the beast's cave cut off the sun.

Because the sun is in his heart!

The sword body was condensed with an indomitable momentum, as if a scorching sun emerged and tore through the darkness.

Spear of the Sun!

The long sword penetrated the weapon maker's body. Leonard raised his shoulder and knocked him away. The sword blade also used this force to cut half of his body from the inside and detach from his shoulder.

Leonard was still maintaining the upward movement, and in front of him was the pig weaponsmith whose upper body seemed to be split.

When it comes to making iron, you just make iron, and when you get a hammer, you just swing it around. Who can you imitate and pretend to be a master? Who do you think you are?

This scene is just a common scene in the battle here.

Amanda dealt with the hider, Geralt went up and hacked the priest and drummer to death, and Junia used magic to assist.

Every move of these pigmen seemed to be guessed. Although the battle scene was bloody, it was a one-sided massacre.

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