Our family is in decline

Chapter 609 Ending the short history of the pigs

It's just that this terrifying move failed to hurt the giant flesh-devourer.

The strong corrosion fell on it but there was no reaction at all, even worse than the bite.

That's right, the Devourer has built-in resistance to corrosion. Even if it loses the ability to secrete through evolution, the resistance still remains.

The long-prepared killing move of the invisible flesh and blood turned into a joke at this moment, but the battle between the two did not end, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

The giant flesh devourer continuously activates its abilities to weaken the invisible flesh, and then dances its tentacles to devour it.

But the invisible flesh and blood on the opposite side is also an extraordinary creation, and the twisted and strange power even has the same origin, and the weakness it can cause is only a moment.

But those deformed limbs will not stop and continue to attack while changing.

The pig's head is bitten, the spine is smashed, the large intestine is attacked...

Unfortunately, most attacks are unable to cause more serious damage, but he has thick blood and can heal his distorted blood vessels.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, even if it is a little grinding, the Devourer cannot withstand it.

Because it has lost the ability to devour and heal itself, its battery life is greatly reduced and it cannot sustain such consumption.

Soon, the giant devourer became a little unable to withstand it. Several eyeballs on its head were smashed, several of its tentacles were bitten off, and its body was covered with various scars, and body fluids leaked out.

After three stages of evolution, its IQ had taken over the high ground. Instead of holding on, it turned around and ran away with its body covered in scars.

And the invisible flesh and blood did not show the same restless behavior as before. On the contrary, it had the idea of ​​retreating.

Because it suffered a great loss just now, the piece of flesh and blood that was fought just now was basically not intact, with exaggerated wounds all over it, and its limited self-healing ability could not recover quickly.

For both of them, there is no winner in this battle.

The only one who can be considered the winner is Lance. By spying on the battle between the Devourer and the invisible flesh and blood, he has a deeper understanding of the logic of the operation of the cave.

Because of the reason why Devourer appeared here, he slightly changed his previous guess.

In other words, the idea of ​​developing the beast cave has been perfected.

First of all, the ancestor must have wanted to support the pigs to fight against the invisible flesh and blood at the beginning, but the pigs were not defeated and were expelled instead.

Then the ancestor would find the monsters in the lost Mother of Worms sect that specialized in devouring flesh and blood from the collected ancient books, which are today's Devourers to control the disorderly growth of invisible flesh and blood.

This is why there were traces left in the front, but then retreated here.

The part that had expanded after eating pork was consumed by the Flesh Devourer, just like before.

Based on this, it can be deduced that the nest of flesh and blood discovered in the wilderness tomb Lance at that time was probably the way to cultivate the Devourer.

And this thing should have a passage connecting to the beast's cave, but Lance didn't check it in detail due to the unexpected situation at the time.

Anyway, those generated Devourers entered the cave and passed through the first half as if they were migrating.

Ordinary flesh devourers certainly can't attack invisible flesh and blood, but what if it's just an ordinary pig?

Quickly pass through the development stage by devouring pigs, using their flesh and blood to lay the foundation.

Lance understood why the flesh-devourers he encountered at that time were all rushing through areas controlled by pigs and fighting with pigs.

Then becoming a large or even giant flesh devourer can fight against invisible flesh and blood.

That was the scene just now.

No wonder!

Lance then realized that if the Devourer and the Large Devourer were the results of following the Mother of Worms sect, then the Giant Devourer was definitely modified by the ancestors specifically to deal with this situation.

Those weird eyeballs and twisted tentacles all reveal their true nature.

That's why the Devourer's evolutionary ability, self-healing ability, and even corrosive ability were stripped away.

But it possesses strange extraordinary power and retains strong corrosion resistance, which is completely aimed at invisible flesh and blood.

Just like after Lance obtained [Necrotic Fungus], he was amazed at its terrifying power, so he continued to weaken its power, and even cut off its crazy spore spreading ability, and finally obtained [Corpse Spores].

They are all about restricting an uncontrollable existence, thereby obtaining stable and controllable biological weapons.

But the difference is that Lance was able to do it because he got the witch's inheritance and Greendale's special ability.

And the ancestor made the biological weapon by himself, even Lance had to admit that he was a genius.

The ancestor actually engaged in biological control. Although he was ahead of his time, it was so damn abstract.

But at this time, Lance was unwilling to continue watching the show, and his target shifted to the escaping giant devourer.

Just now, I just wanted to let it compete with invisible flesh and blood to see who is stronger. Now the goal has been achieved.

You offended the lord and still want to run away?

He grabbed out of thin air the heavy spear shot by the cave hunter before, and raised his hand to throw it out.

Meat on the anvil!

His power was without reservation greater than that of the stalker, and the buzz that ripped through the air was over before it even sounded.

It was replaced by an exaggerated explosion and a heavy explosion.


That was the sound of a heavy spear piercing the giant devourer's body and then pinning it in place.

The giant devourer that can pull invisible flesh and blood can even be said to be defenseless in front of Lance, just like a piece of meat on a chopping board.

Because that is the most commendable thing, the back armor that is as solid as steel appears to be extremely fragile in front of the heavy spear blessed by the terrifying power.

The giant devourer let out an indescribable strange roar, and its body twisted and struggled, but Lance did not give up the attack because of this.

Instead, he took out the equipment of the Labyrinth Stalker and kept throwing spears.

Kill them all!

In just a short moment, Lance threw out all the remaining spears, directly shooting them into hedgehogs.

He was seriously injured in the battle with the invisible flesh and blood. At this time, he directly entered a state of near death and fell to the ground softly.

Lance had no intention of keeping it. The inability to produce secretions meant that it was not even qualified to become a material and had no use value.

What's more important is that this thing does not evolve naturally.

It is Lance's responsibility to clean up the evidence of his ancestor's crazy experiments and banish this abomination back to the alien abyss where it belongs!

The snipe and the clam fight, and Lance wins.

Easily kill the giant devourer with residual health, extract some samples and sacrifice them directly.

The void was swallowing him up. Lance was not prepared at first, but he didn't expect to explode his equipment directly.

A pair of long leather gloves, with a restrained spiritual luster, do not look like very powerful equipment.

But after Lance got it, he realized that this thing was not simple. The biggest function of these gloves was not to increase strength, nor did it have any special spell-casting ability.

Its demonstrated effects are corrosion resistance, toughness, and increased disease resistance.

The look on Lance's face was a little subtle. This [Experimental Glove] was of no use to him. He had [Natural Purification] that was full of toxins and disease resistance.

But there is no doubt that the owner has been found, and no one is more suitable than Paracelsus, who is often exposed to all kinds of messy corpses and indescribable experiments.

"Bringing you some equipment, you can't say I won't leave you a sample..."

Lance muttered to himself and threw it back into the showroom.

He turned around and began to continue exploring the beast's cave, delimiting the range of invisible flesh and blood.

Without investigation, Lance would not know it. He discovered that the invisible flesh and blood occupied a very large space, almost blocking the sewer.

There were many battles taking place at the same time. If there was no intervention, the confrontation between Flesh and Devourer would probably continue until one side completely disappeared.

But whether the invisible flesh and blood disappear or the devourer disappears, the remaining party will spread the threat after losing control.

And this place is called Hamlet, and there is an unlucky lord named Lance.

Fucking ancestor!

Lance knew that he would definitely wipe his ancestor's butt in the end, it had always been like this.

The invisible flesh and blood cannot be moved around until you figure out how to deal with the Devourer...

The clearing operation against the pigs went very smoothly. The Guards' operations had been planned long ago. They only needed to advance and kill the pigs, and then blow up a few nodes to cut off a large area.

Most of the pigmen were killed by Lance, making the task of the Guards easier.

There will definitely be casualties. After all, the threats in the den are not only pigs, but also accidents like traps.

Fortunately, these did not stop the progress of the mission. Anyway, they quickly completed the set mission and advanced the operation to Stronghold No. 3...


The dull sound of explosions could be heard vaguely in the wilderness, and a large piece of the ground near Stronghold No. 3 was directly sunk, with some smoke and dust stirring, and the surrounding air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Report! Mission accomplished."

Soon, members of the Guards rushed here and reported to the lord.

"You did a good job. Let everyone take a rest. The phased tasks have been completed." Lance nodded and expressed appreciation for their actions.

At this time, Lance and the heroes had already withdrawn from the den. After all, it had been three days since he led the team there.

The real core of these three days is the first half of the day, and the rest of the time is spent chasing down the remaining pigs.

They completed the pursuit of the pigs and brought back the unexplored portion of the map, which will also be an important prop for the Guards' next actions.

Completely cutting off the connection between the den and the wilderness is still the focus of the next action.

The significance of further compressing the space of the beast cave is not only for the pigs, but also to limit the activity space of those devourers.

Lance intentionally reserved part of the cave for breeding Devourers. After all, there is no place in the entire Hamlet realm that is more suitable than this place.

However, more research is needed to make a decision on the next step. At least that special dark gold must be produced before it can be truly kept in captivity.

But no matter what, the pig man accidentally created by the ancestor has become a thing of the past, and everyone has completed the task.

The heroes and guards responsible for the main force of this operation will all rest and adjust, and Lance also returned to the city with the team.

It's just that he didn't go to rest or anything, but came to the sanatorium to find Paracelsus.

"This glove will fit you perfectly."

Lance briefly explained the effect of the [Experimental Gloves] to her, and Paracelsus took it without saying a word.

Both parties reacted very normally to this. If she tried to be polite, Lance would wonder if she had been replaced.

Immediately afterwards, Lance also talked about the Devourer, and at the same time took out the collected samples.

"What do you think?"

"It's none of my business." Paracelsus said casually. He had already put on the gloves and began to pick up the collected samples to observe. He did not forget to add, "The experimental subjects are no longer there." too much."

Lance could only smile helplessly when he saw her like this. She, Greendale and himself were the only three people in the town who knew the importance of the Devourer, and he wanted to hear her opinion.

But this matter really has nothing to do with her. It's equivalent to being a chef and just knows how to cook with pork. She doesn't have to deal with raising pigs.

What's more, she doesn't understand either. She doesn't study the living habits of pigs. She doesn't understand civil engineering or how to build a pig house.

She knew she had run out of pork and the boss had to deliver it.

"Save the use of experimental subjects. Now that Hamlet is stable, where can I find so many death row prisoners? Try to use experimental rats to verify."

Lance still persuaded her, but he also knew the importance of human experiments, so he agreed, "I'll find a way, but the application must be approved by me, don't do it randomly."

Paracelsus had no reaction to Lance's response. She had now focused on the materials and began to observe and study them.

Lance could only remind him, "You can do research at any time, but your body belongs to you. Take a rest when you get back, and don't stay up late every day..."

"I know, I know, if you have nothing to do, just go and play." Paracelsus said with a bit of dissatisfaction, as if he was facing a nagging parent.

Lance smiled instead of getting angry. He had already expected her reaction, so the harvest from the bay was still in the showroom.

This scientific madman whose research is more important than her life...

Lance didn't say any more, he could only shake his head and walk out of the nursing home, and then bumped into Grendel who was looking for her.

He saw her frowning and walking quickly, but when she got closer, she saw Lance looking slightly embarrassed, and soon had to sigh helplessly.

"The hot water is ready. Let's take a good rest after washing."

"You still feel sorry for me. This guy Paracelsus really uses me as a tool. Sometimes it feels like I am working for her. Shouldn't I be the boss?"

Lance used her words to complain about the doctor's appearance just now. Only a few words of exaggerated words made Greendale laugh, and her stern face also collapsed.

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