The pace of the alpha wolf was interrupted by Lance, but Lance did not attack rashly. This injured beast was even more dangerous, because he still had the courage and strength to fight to the death, and he would lose blood if he was counterattacked.

On the other side, Leonard killed the barbarian who was knocked down by Lance with one sword, and Disma also cooperated with Barristan to kill the other one and was heading here.

Just now, the alpha wolf besieged the captain, but now the situation has been reversed, and he is under siege. I am afraid he himself did not expect it~

"Woo~" The alpha wolf howled. It was different from the previous one that was similar to a roar. This time, the voice was much lower and sounded a certain sadness. He seemed to realize that it would be difficult for him to survive.

Lance was not confused by his state. On the contrary, he was a little resentful.

Damn it, you had such a great time massacring the town, but now you are being beaten up at the door and you are acting like a dead horse, as if someone owes him.

"Fuck him!"

Lance gave the order, and the team began to change their formation. Barristan and Leonard were on the front. Lance moved a little farther away to reload ammunition, and signaled Disma at the same time.

"The student was pretending not to wear a helmet, right? Disma aimed at his head and hit him."

Disma raised his gun without saying a word, and the wolf was so frightened that he immediately raised his shield, but Leonard was not a wooden stake, so he waved his long sword and formed a pincer attack with Barristan.

Lance and Disma were wandering outside, the muskets in their hands threatening the alpha wolf at all times.

It must be said that Lance's tactics were very despicable. A lone wolf was surrounded by four hunters but still chose to cut his flesh with a blunt knife. The first wolf was suddenly pulled and numb.

He had to deal with Leonard and Barristan's attacks from the front, which was already stretched thin, and he had to watch out for the lingering gunmen.

And it can be seen that his condition is also declining rapidly. It seems that the time for the increase has come, and the price is naturally that the accumulated injuries burst out at the same time, the wounds continue to bleed out, and the weakness begins to corrode the body, and even the mind, until - crazy!


The war cry from the tribal barbarians sounded, and the alpha wolf, which was already teetering on the edge of death, burst out with strange power.

Even from a slight distance away, Lance could clearly feel a strange force passing by. In a trance, he seemed to see an illusory black wolf head emerging behind the alpha wolf.

But that feeling was fleeting, and he was not affected further.

However, Leonard and the others were shocked by the war cry and stopped moving.

But the wolf had no intention of stopping. He raised his big shield and smashed it at the nearest Leonard.

This desperate effort, let alone whether it can break through the defense, is unlikely to be okay if it hits him like this.

"Reynard!" Lance didn't care about covering up, and raised his hand to move [Blessing] towards them.

He never said that you need to touch it to use it. In fact, as long as "I can think about it", adding a touch is just to make [blessing] a ritual and appear more solemn.

But now I don’t care about that much anymore.

That wolf howl rang in his ears, and in just a moment Leonard felt that he was being stared at by a giant wolf as big as a bull. At the same time, he felt as if his heart was being clenched, his hands and feet were cold and stiff, and the huge pressure almost made him suffocate.

At this moment, the lord's voice sounded in his ears, and at the same time a warm current washed away the strangeness. He reacted instantly, looked at the large shield like a door panel, and subconsciously raised his sword to resist.

Under the terrifying brute force of the alpha wolf, Leonard was knocked away and fell to the ground rolling.

The originally great situation took a turn for the worse at this moment.

The situation has really taken a turn for the worse!

"Barristan, hold on!" Lance didn't care anymore, raised his hand and shot.

He didn't intend to cause harm, he was just trying to draw the attention of the alpha wolf to buy time for the team to regroup.

Although the alpha wolf was crazy, he still knew how to raise his shield to block his attack, and Barristan, who had reacted, was already in Leonard's position.

The two are facing each other. Barristan's kite-shaped mid-shield is somewhat small compared to the other, but it can play a great role under the control of a shield master.

Putting aside everything else, Barristan stabilized the battle line and bought Lance more time.

Lance rushed towards Leonard and found that the armor on his chest had been smashed through, revealing three bloody holes on it.

Fortunately, the armor absorbed most of the power, and the sharp blade of the wolf claw did not penetrate too deep.

But what was even more terrifying was that the impact caused Leonard to faint briefly.

【Flesh and blood reconstruction】

Lance launched the attack directly, and under the magical and a bit weird power, Leonard's wounds recovered visibly.

Then directly [Bless] to strengthen the refreshed state, force power on, and pull Leonard out of coma.

"Poof!" Leonard spat out a mouthful of blood, and his consciousness took over his body again, and he muttered nonsense: "The battle is not over yet."

After a moment of relief, he struggled to get up. Even though he had lost consciousness just now, he did not let go of the sword.

"You take a rest first, and we will take care of the rest."

When Lance saw that he was fine, he immediately returned to the battlefield. The alpha wolf's outburst just now was like a flashback. After being entangled by Barristan and Disma, his state quickly fell back and became even more sluggish.

But the large shield still protected important parts of his body, making it difficult for their attacks to be directly effective.

Lance loaded his ammunition with his eyes fixed on the alpha wolf.

Originally he wanted to give him a shot, but Lance was worried about accidentally injuring his teammates in the melee, so he gave up and rushed forward.

"He can't hold his hands. Barristan attacks the shield. Disma is on your right."

Lance came to the left of the alpha wolf.

Barristan raised his hand and hit the big shield with a shield, and the hammer in his hand also whipped out and hit it hard.

In the past, the alpha wolf would have been able to block it easily, but now the injured arm finally couldn't bear it and was lowered.

Finally the opportunity has come!

Lance sent the dagger forward, and Disma also swung it on the other side. No matter how tight the alpha wolf's defense was, it was impossible to block both sides at the same time.

but if……

Didn't he want to block it at all?

After the alpha wolf had no hope of escape, he chose to take one away.

And the chosen one was obviously Lance.

No matter how stupid the alpha wolf is, he can still see that Lance is the most important commander in the team, so he directly gives up the defense and lets Disma get closer, but still swings the big shield and smashes it towards Lance.

The large shield once again transformed into a terrifying heavy weapon, and only then did Lance realize that it was a trap for him. The alpha wolf had just deliberately sold a flaw to induce him to attack.

His own recklessness is like that of a wild beast that falls into a trap.

Without enough time to react, Lance only felt his body being knocked into the air and rolling on the ground. The pain followed two or three seconds later.

This moment revealed some meaning of death~

Leonard passes by you (whistle~), and when you react, you find that the ticket is gone.

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