Our family is in decline

Chapter 632 Heart of Flesh

The deeper he went, the more fear he felt, because after running such a long distance, he still hadn't seen any core, it was still flesh and blood spreading in the darkness.

Does this thing have no core, or is the entire group consciousness composed of the core?

But the invisible flesh and blood obviously had no intention of letting Lance continue to run around, and some flesh and blood kept emerging on the road.

The deformed and twisted pig head protruded from the changing flesh, and it roared with its mouth open. The sight of the layers of irregularly growing fangs gave people the feeling of an attack of trypophobia.

Eaten alive!

The pig head just came out and bit towards Lance, but he saw him stretch out his hands and directly grab the upper and lower jaws of the pig head, and stopped the bite forcefully.

"You're the only one who wants to eat me?"

When Lance exerted force, the mouth of the pig's mouth was forced open, and the sharp teeth collided with the gauntlet, making a clear and crisp sound. It was the confrontation between strength and bite force.


With a loud shout, the terrifying power completely exploded under the blessing of the black armor, and it even directly tore the pig's head and jaw open.

The lower jaw even broke because it couldn't bear the force, and the tentacle-like pointed tongue was directly pulled at the corner of the mouth.

He smiled so happily that the corners of his mouth reached behind his ears.

But after only a slight delay, more strange limbs were transformed into the flesh and blood in an attempt to stop him.

Spine sweep!

The white bone spine with some flesh and blood clinging to it hit Lance's head, and the force even caused a sense of oppression like a roaring wind.

Lance didn't panic at all. He casually picked up the pig's head and smashed it towards the spine. The collision between the two sides made a dull sound that was a bit like the collision of wood.

But the destructive power visible to the naked eye is that the pig's head is more powerful. The spine was directly bent several sections. On the contrary, the bones on the pig's head were not broken, leaving only a wound. Fortunately, it did not hurt.

After casually sacrificing the pig's head, Lance leaned forward and took the opportunity to grab the spine, clasping his hands on the bones on both sides of the spine to exert force.


With a roar, the part where the spine was connected to the flesh and blood, and the tissues and organs that grew disorderly on it were unable to withstand such force.

The mouth was torn open, the eyeballs exploded and disgusting purple-black bloody tears flowed out, and finally the entire spine was torn off from the flesh and blood.

It's not cutting off, but actually tearing off the flesh and blood directly. Carrying the spine that softened instantly, the blood and flesh under the feet spattered and stained the black armor, which looked very ferocious.

At this moment, the weird tail that grew out had no intention of letting Lance go. It shot out a thin snake-like tongue from the chrysanthemum and attacked Lance. It can be seen that the end of the tongue was all a Open its small mouth, and the fangs are filled with evil venom.

Abnormality attack!

The speed is very fast, and most people cannot react at all.

But Lance was no ordinary person. He raised his hand and caught the tongue.

But he didn't expect that the small mouth on the tongue would spit out venom, directly smearing Lance's face.

But it's a pity that the black armor can't even resist the void, let alone some corrosion. The black flames can remove those with one sweep.

Lance was not one to stand and be beaten. He sacrificed the spine in his hand, then pulled his tongue hard and inserted his fist directly into the anus mouth.

Those tentacles still wanted to cling over, and there was a dense grinding sound inside the chrysanthemum, but in the next second, black flames poured out from the chrysanthemum.

When the black flames dissipated, smoke filled the air, and a burning smell came out.

Lance pulled his hand, and the thing fell limply, and you could see that the inside was completely charred.

The blood vessel on the side was still pumping blood to the tail, as if he wanted to save it. Lance went up and kicked the blood vessel directly, making the scene even more messy.

Invisible flesh and blood will not be afraid, or in other words, it has no such concept.

What's more, what Lance destroyed was only the tip of the iceberg, countless insignificant parts of flesh and blood.

The ugly and ferocious pig head opened its mouth, exaggeratedly thick blood vessels pumped blood, the terrifying white bone spine waved, and the insidious chrysanthemum-shaped tentacles at the tail were waving.

But Lance was not indifferent at all. He broke open the pig's head, tore off the blood vessels, smashed the spine, and tore the tail into pieces.

Nothing can stop him!


That was the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, and a figure covered in blood and minced flesh emerged from the distorted tissue of accumulated flesh and blood.

And Lance fought all the way, and finally saw the invisible core of flesh and blood.

In a space that was almost filled with flesh and blood, a giant heart that was dark red in color and about half the height of a man was hanging in the air and beating slowly in the air, connected by countless blood vessels.


Each stroke is as heavy as a heavy hammer hitting a big drum, and it is as gripping as the thunder in the day, and can even arouse the resonance of people's hearts.

Just looking at it, I felt an indescribable weird feeling like the control of my heart was taken away and I was beating with it.

This heart rate is not right, it will jump to death.

Lance's control over himself was already very strong, but he almost lost his autonomy. One can imagine the strange power.

"Ancestor, what on earth did you come up with..."

Lance couldn't help but sigh, but he had no intention of backing down. He stepped directly on the flesh and rushed towards the heart.

Jumping up suddenly, Lance cut off the connection between the heart and the flesh with a knife. The heart stopped beating the moment it was broken, but the strange thing was that a wordless silence enveloped the entire space.

The flesh and blood showed no reaction after Lance cut off the heart.

Everything was so peaceful, so peaceful that it made Lance feel uneasy.

There had been several accidents before, but this time Lance didn't dare to hesitate at all and immediately fired his ultimate move.

Sacrifice, start!

The judgment was passed, and the great power of the void came, but when facing the heart, there was a moment of pause, but fortunately it was swallowed up in the next second.

The gift was not spirituality, but... the power of flesh and blood.


His understanding and control of flesh and blood reached its peak. In his perception, flesh and blood seemed to be able to speak, and flesh and blood had no secrets for him.

If he could only control it within limited flesh and blood before, he couldn't create something out of nothing.

Now he can guide flesh and blood to complete more complex treatments such as regeneration of severed limbs. As long as the person is not dead, even the remaining head can grow back.

But that's not the most important thing. A heart similar to the dark red heart just now appeared in the void, but shrunk to normal size.

The weird thing is that the blood vessels extending out of this thing seem to be connected to the void, and they are still pumping at this time, as if they have endless vitality.

Lance took off his black armor and reached out to grab it. When he touched it, he froze on the spot. A large amount of information rushed into his mind, which immediately put him in a strange state, and he suddenly let out a frantic cry. shouting.

"Wrong! Wrong! Everything is wrong!"

It's not that Lance is really crazy, but that the huge amount of information revealed some unknown secrets to him.

It's not that the ancestor is incapable of handling this invisible flesh and blood. In fact, this is his intention.

Pigs and Devourers are not used by the ancestors to restrict invisible flesh and blood. Instead, they are specially raised to feed invisible flesh and blood.

Pigs are meat pigs, providing fresh blood and flesh to the heart for growth.

The Devourer is because this monster has the effect of accelerating heart development, which is part of the ritual.

And all this is to cultivate this giant heart, which is the key to the ancestor's attempt to steal the power of the ancient god.

It is also the material for his ascension ceremony - the heart of flesh and blood!

The ancestor was indeed a genius. From the summoning ceremony of the Pig God, he discovered the flaws in the carrier that carried the power of the gods, so he worked hard to create this thing.

But now it's in my own hands.

Lance held the heart that seemed to be connected to the void and was still pumping, as if it would never stop, and he felt inexplicably happy.

The power contained in it is enough to make an ordinary person's vitality very strong, and he can be slashed several times without dying, or even without bleeding.

Just like the bonus of [Siren Conch] to [Charming Voice], except for the surface power, the hidden effect, [Flesh and Blood Heart]'s bonus to his flesh and blood power can only be exerted by him. It is simply a measure. Customized.

What's more important...is he picking the fruit before the old man does?

Cut off the beard, cool!

Lance's mood was high, and the stress accumulated in his heart during this period was completely gone.

As long as he sees his ancestor being unlucky, he will be happy. Lance has always been such an easily satisfied person.

But this joy is only for a moment after all, there is still something to do.

After the heart was taken away, the invisible flesh and blood began to seem to have lost their response, and there were even vague signs of disintegration and collapse.

Lance couldn't care less and offered sacrifice directly.

The devouring void began to spread, swallowing up everything that was left of the invisible flesh and blood.

It was visible to the naked eye that the space filled with flesh and blood began to show its true colors, but Lance couldn't care about this. He forgot one very important thing, that is how much flesh and blood the ancestor used to cultivate the heart.

Since he set foot on the championship, the spirituality given by the hundreds of corpse sacrifices has been sparse, making it difficult for him to fluctuate.

But this time, Lance felt the surge of spirituality like a river, constantly impacting his consciousness, and the spirituality that had been consumed before was quickly filled up.

It's almost full...

Lance could only use full power to bless himself to consume the overflowing spirituality.

Spirituality like running water washes away at oneself, and that kind of impact can instantly destroy the consciousness of any extraordinary person, but this man's name is Lance.

Stay strong and never fall!


Even Lance couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, his face became ferocious from clenching his teeth, and the naked body could see that the muscles all over the body were tense, as if they were made of tangled steel bars, and the skin was red, and even had... Ripe steam rises.

Power is surging!

But the skin could no longer hold it up, and the pores were bleeding with bloody sweat. In some places, the muscles even burst through the skin, revealing bright red muscles.

Seeing that he was about to lose control, Lance did not hesitate. The black armor he had just removed reappeared, wrapping the body and using that power to maintain his body.

He couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, but the endless spirituality was still impacting him. Another extraordinary person might be distorted by such an exaggerated spirituality just by getting close.

But Lance still persisted, but the black armor that could withstand even the void began to disintegrate, and the cracks seemed to be opened by something, and fell off.

It's just that the man's will has not been defeated yet. The characteristics contained in the black armor have been activated by the erosion of spirituality. Don't forget that it is alive.

Black flames suddenly exploded on the black armor, and at the same time, the evil black armor began to dissolve, and then was reshaped by some powerful will, as if it was forged in fire.

The helmet that originally looked like a limp's head was taken off and pressed on, and the densely packed eyes of different sizes turned into a regularly arranged rhombus.

The armor became thicker, the uneven meteorite marks disappeared, the tentacle-like reliefs and joints also appeared smoother, and the traces of flesh and blood stained on it also disappeared.

It is more in line with human aesthetics while retaining characteristics, rather than a person being stuffed into a monster.

The overall look is less weird and evil, and more powerful and domineering.

Slowly, the gift began to weaken, and until it disappeared, Lance, who was wrapped in crazy spirituality, was considered alive.

When the black armor was removed and the armor turned into black flames and dissipated, Lance reappeared.

Rise from the ashes!

The originally powerful body has become as perfect as a work of art, and the calm face seems to have a different kind of charm. Just one look at it can't help but create an impulse of admiration from the bottom of my heart.

"Is this the power of legend?"

Lance felt the surging power in his body. This was beyond human imagination. What else in this world could resist it?

But before he could appreciate the subtle movement, he was noticed.

Something's wrong! What's this?

Then ash and bricks fell from his head, causing him to react immediately.

The sewers of Hamlet were renovated and excavated by the ancestors. They have not been repaired for many years. They are only supported by the filling of flesh and blood. But when the flesh and blood disappear, of course it will collapse.


Lance only had to yell and run away, because the "rumbling" sound was getting louder and louder, and the movement behind him was like a chain reaction caused by pushing dominoes.

So a man without clothes ran wildly through the sewers after his flesh and blood disappeared...

Greendale in front suddenly received the message, and only Lance's hoarse roar came from the other end.

"It's going to collapse, run!"

Without any hesitation, she directly grabbed Paracelsus, who was still dissecting the giant devourer, and ran outside without looking back.

"My stuff!"

The doctor only had to shout before he was dragged away.

I don't know if Lance will die if he is buried, but the two of them definitely can't hold on, so they might as well run out and stop causing trouble.

They were originally near the exit and quickly ran out through the portal.

At this time, the two couldn't help but look at the rising smoke and dust in the north. There was no doubt that the large collapse had affected the ruins.

Fortunately, it is not open yet, otherwise if those adventurers rush in and are buried by the collapse, they will directly feed the ancestors. (End of chapter)

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