Our family is in decline

Chapter 636 The Mystery of Promotion

Baldwin also understood his concerns, so he continued to explain.

"It's just that I secretly found someone to let out the news, telling them that the movement just now was that the undead and the army were fighting in the ruins.

We are working hard to open up the road to the ruins, but the resistance of the undead is also very strong. Now the war situation is anxious, and more cannon fodder is needed to consume those bones..."

Baldwin had talked to the lord about the ruins and adventurers before.

We know clearly that they are here just for the ruins. It is not impossible to suppress them by force, but that is a situation that is beyond the control of the police. They need to use the army or even mobilize the militia.

Although Baldwin didn't know what was going on there, he also knew that if something happened, the army would have to be transferred there first, and it would not be wasted on suppressing those adventurers.

What's more, he has only been here a few days and cannot disrupt the order that the lord has finally put in place. Therefore, his responsibility is to maintain the stability of the town using gentle means as much as possible.

Of course, if someone doesn't have eyes, does it really mean that his broken sword is not sharp?

"But what if someone really wants to take risks?" The police representative quickly understood the principles of Baldwin's methods, but he was still a little worried, because there must be many people among the mercenaries who thought they were very smart.

"Those guys are adventurers. If we issue a bounty on a mission, maybe some people will go there, but if you don't pay them and still want to make them sacrifice their lives, it's impossible. It's too late to hide.

If someone really wants to take a risk, tell them they can't go back on their word if they get on the bus. After taking them to the outpost, tell them that the front line is dangerous and they can't leave, and let them go up by themselves. If they want to come back, they will have to pay more. "

Baldwin's meaning is very simple. If something happens on the front line, then the outposts must be under martial law, and those people who go there will be directly controlled.

That is to say, some disobedient potential threats are centralized and controlled. If that doesn't work, they can be dragged to the battlefield.

Baldwin used the word "money" to understand the psychology of those mercenary adventurers and at the same time relieve the pressure in the town.

Lord Lance said it right, those guys only have money in their eyes.

There was no better choice in this situation, so the man immediately went down to deal with it.

And soon the news of "opening of access to the ruins" spread.

At the same time, "internal" news is also fermenting...

From this, many conspiracy theories have even spread, such as Hamlet's army lost, so more cannon fodder is needed to fill the line.

This argument immediately calmed down the eager minds of those adventurers. They were here to make money, not to die.

In the newly rented house, which served as a temporary residence, the mercenary group sent by the guild to take back Hamlet's property also received these information.

"Captain, something is wrong with this matter. It is impossible to cause that kind of movement in a war."

There is no doubt that those members are skeptical, because they have been on the battlefield and know that even war cannot produce the exaggerated effect just now.

This couldn't help but make them curious about what happened to the ruins.

"Could this be a smoke bomb set off by those people? Just to make us afraid to go?"

As for the conspiracy theories that have been circulated, they are also skeptical.

Listening to their words, you can tell that they are more inclined to believe that Hamlet is developing the ruins.

While everyone was discussing, the group leader finally asked.

"Then what do you think we can do to make that kind of noise?"

This time, everyone who was still speculating just now fell silent.

What kind of strong fighting force can produce that kind of movement?

He is a master!

It was after experiencing some big scenes that they understood that it was not that simple.

"You have never met that lord. If I hadn't been sitting on a chair when we met, I would have knelt down." The leader sighed sincerely, "This world is far more terrifying than you think. Don't be smart."

"Then should we take this opportunity to leave? After all, if it is really a war, we will not be able to escape by then."

"We will wait until the people from the association come to complete the handover task. Although we failed, we still have to give an explanation to the association."

The leader made a decision, and naturally the others had no objections.

Many people make similar choices to them, choosing to wait and see rather than act rashly.

Because of the previous severe crackdown, even some people with hidden evil intentions did not dare to show their faces, for fear that it was a trick played by the evil lord to lure them out.

I won't be fooled!

Sometimes it's like this, if you don't let him go, he insists on going.

But once you let go and encourage them to go, these guys will stop going.

But human beings are usually very abstract, and it’s not that they don’t have great wisdom and want to be one step ahead of others. It’s just that after getting in the car, they are thrown to the outpost, and you have to walk the rest of the way.

At that time, the news from the front line had been sent back to the outpost, and they could feel the obvious atmosphere of war, which immediately made them hesitate.

ah! Are you serious?

You can go back if you want, but you have to pay more.

Baldwin in the town also received news from the front line that the situation was serious, but the lord had taken over the situation.

Then there’s nothing to worry about…

On the road to the wilderness border, the cultists experienced unprecedented changes in their battle with Greendale and the heroes.

As the battle progressed, they did not turn into the big fleshy tumors they had before.

On the contrary, they were continuously injured in the battle, and then devoured, and evolved more and more perfectly. Although there were only four left compared to the previous hundred, they were all over two meters tall.

A taller body, exaggeratedly strong and even deformed muscles, arms with spine-like bone blades, or bone spurs growing from everywhere on the body, some with countless arms, and some with two heads.

The only remaining cult witch could no longer see any female features. The thin fabric had long been burst, replaced by black eyeballs distributed irregularly all over the body, and the twisted tentacles replaced the arms holding several staffs.

The terrifying evil spell was cast casually, but the power was unbearable even for members of the Guards.

Even Greendale, who is a champion spellcaster, can only struggle. She can feel that the strength of these flesh and blood monsters is no worse than her own.

That is to say, this is - the ascended champion!

Hamlet's heroes and guards often need several people to entangle those champions. Even Bahrain can't overwhelm him in terms of strength, and the enemy is even bigger than he is after wearing armor.

The big ax collided with the bone blade, causing a heart-wrenching metal hiss and a solid feedback shock that made his hands tremble uncontrollably.

The gunman's shot caused minimal damage to his body, like a mosquito bite, not even a slight interruption.

Leonard faced one with a long sword, and swung with all his strength to cut off the outstretched arm, but the monster was covered in dense scum, so it didn't matter at all. The unparalleled big hand stretched out towards the person, wanting to take it into his arms. .

This is a battle that is not very equitable. The strength gap between the master and the champion cannot be eliminated simply by the number of people.

Unless some more powerful means are used.

Junia continued to refresh the judgment, finally allowing the torch to regain some power, and this time she no longer used the holy domain within the range, but condensed the power into a single divine spell.

"The Holy Light will punish you!"

With a loud roar, Junia held the torch high and emitted a dazzling light, but what was even more exaggerated was that a thunderous flash tore through the air and penetrated the cultist's head.

Divine sanction!

The next second, the cultist's head exploded. There was still smoke rising from the cracked head. It seemed that even the cultist could not withstand such a terrifying magic.

But the problem was that Junia also had white flames all over her body at the same time.

Normally, Junia could feel the limit of the divine power fed back by divine magic. The excess would escape and be absorbed by the torch, because the body could not absorb so much.

But now the power brought by the magic was poured into her body at once. She had no ability to control her power. She only felt the burning pain covering herself, and she couldn't help but cry out in pain.


To outsiders, it looked like Junia had spontaneously combusted, making painful wails and frantic movements.

This kind of sudden accident makes most people confused. What is going on?

Only a small number of people with high enough inspiration can see that Junia's frenzied spirituality has gone out of control. She must either handle this situation by herself, or turn into a monster more terrifying than these cultists.

But Hamlet is a place of wonder.

Because "hope" has arrived.

A fast horse galloped from the road, and sitting on the horse was Lance.

Needless to say, his inspiration was natural. He noticed something strange about Junia from a distance. In his eyes, it was as bright as a fire lit in the dark night.

Not talking nonsense, he immediately rushed forward on his horse, wanting to bless and refresh her and help her suppress her restless spirituality.

Alhazred's void erosion could be easily eliminated, and Lance didn't pay much attention to it.

But what he didn't expect was that those crazy holy powers were already out of control.

When he got closer, it seemed that the power had been awakened, and a strong flash of light erupted without warning, just like the speed of light, there was no time to dodge at all.

At this moment Lance turned into light...

But this scene frightened everyone. The champion cultist had his head shot by this move just now. Can the lord be saved if his head was shot?

They couldn't be distracted during the battle, not to mention that they were facing an enemy more powerful than themselves. In an instant, the pull failed, and some people were directly hit hard.

But they were more concerned about the lord's safety than themselves.


Almost instantly, a roar rushed out from the light. It was the horse that had been strangely startled just now. It kicked off and threw Lance down. It panicked and ran forward instinctively.

It just had Lance's buffer just now, but now it was running around and instantly became the target of spiritual turbulence.

Another flash of light shot out...

When the light faded, Lance was fine. He looked a little embarrassed after being thrown off his horse after being briefly distracted.

But when he came back to his senses and saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a cry.

"My horse!"

The flash didn't kill Lance, but it made him furious.

Because the horse under his crotch was affected.

This was just an ordinary horse. It had no spiritual resistance, so it did not cause an explosion. However, it could not withstand such a powerful force and was roasted directly.

No, it must have been scorched. Just look at the charred skin on the outside of the fallen horse and the black smoke rising from it.

But Lance didn't care about this at all, and stopped pretending. He raised his hand and directly [Blessed] to refresh the status of everyone, and at the same time activated [Flesh and Flesh Reconstruction].

Those who were severely injured just now could feel the protection of the lord in their breathing. One second they were seriously injured and fell to the ground, and the next second they got up.

What death? That is not among their options, just win the resurrection match directly.

But the short-term blessing just now failed to suppress Junia's crazy power.

Lance discovered the reason instantly. There was something wrong with the steel torch.

He immediately stretched out his hand to grab it, and the fireworks on Junia's body seemed to have consciousness and actually protected the owner. They burned directly on Lance's hand, but he didn't flinch at all, and he withstood the burning of the flames. The torch was pulled out and thrown away.

The moment he took off his hand, Lance felt keenly that the condensed power quickly collapsed, as if it had lost its guidance.

The situation made him think too much, because Junia's aura under the flames became weaker and weaker, and she was about to collapse.

Lance stepped forward to support her, and at the same time blessed Junia to suppress the strange power.

This time, the strange flame burning on her body could indeed be seen extinguished, but she could also see scorch marks all over her body.

The skin was ulcerated, and the flesh and blood were stuck to the inner lining. If it weren't for a pair of iron armor covering most of her body, it would be possible to see that basically no part of her body was in good shape.

This kind of injury is very terrifying, and it also reveals the strangeness of the extraordinary power. Even the magic called "holy power" is also full of dangers.

Stable only relative to those that are more outrageous.

But who made you meet Lance, who had just improved his flesh and blood power, and easily smoothed away the ugly skin and the damage that had just been done to his body.

"I..." Junia seemed to finally be freed from the pain, and her consciousness gradually regained consciousness.

"You're okay, dizziness is normal." Lance supported her and comforted her.

It's just that during this process, Lance discovered that something was wrong with her. The power just now was transforming her. If she wanted to accommodate that power, she would have to go through this step.

In other words, that was a promotion ceremony just now?

Lance couldn't help but think of the mendicant monk's burned and disfigured face. Could this be the secret of the clergy's path?

But he was interrupted just now, which made Lance realize his mistake.

Just go with the flow and grant blessings and enhancements to complete the last part of the interrupted ceremony.

Junia steps into the realm of master!

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