Our family is in decline

Chapter 639 Barbarian Immigration Team

"Yes, both of them are in the ward, but why do you ask about this?"

Speaking of this Greendale was also a little strange. She thought Lance wanted to imprison them until they died, or wait until the limelight passed before killing them quietly.

"Let them out. There are so many undead souls in the ruins. Ordinary adventurers can't defeat them. Doesn't the church preach about those messes every day? Then let the church help us fight them."

It is useful for Lance to keep two people. He needs a strong enough front to help him attract the attention of his ancestors. Now is the time.

"You go on, I'll go see those two."

Lance was walking in the gloomy ward of the sanatorium. Recently, many death row prisoners have been imprisoned here. Among them, the Ascension Cultists have long been used up. Now these are spies and traitors.

There are also bandits, bandits, pirates and the like who have come over, but they are hopeless and can be used as waste.

There are several women among them. For Paracelsus, female experimental subjects are much more precious, because it is difficult to obtain female death row prisoners. This time, it is thanks to the spies.

The differences in body structure between men and women are also the focus of the doctor's research, but Lance is not focused on these, but on the duo who are imprisoned in the deeper church.

There were dense fist marks on the riveted steel plate of the door, and even the entire door frame was slightly deformed, which showed how terrifying the guy imprisoned inside was.

The more powerful the transcendent is, the more he or she needs to eat, or take some powerful potions to maintain it.

It's a pity that the food in the sanatorium is one meal of black bread for three days. It's good to be able to breathe. It's impossible to have the strength to smash the door.

The door was opened by Lance, and there was only a narrow window in the dark room, which shone a little light on the burly body.

"It's time to get out of jail."

Lance didn't say much nonsense, but dropped a hint.

Silent, but also moving, you can see the dried blood on Pastor Ranzhu's fists.

Having lost his hammer and shield, he was also stripped of his heavy armor. Without the support of his extraordinary equipment, the champion was just like that.

"Follow me, there's another one."

Lance took him to the room where the mendicant monks were kept. There was nothing strange about it. When he opened the door, he saw an old man sitting cross-legged on the bed, deep in meditation.

The old guy can still sit still. He doesn't look like before at all. On the contrary, he is very peaceful. There is a weird smile on his disfigured face, which looks a bit scary.

He can bend and stretch, and this old guy is really thick-skinned.

Once you can beat them, you will know how ferocious these church leaders are, but when they cannot beat you, they will be as docile as possible.

But Lance always didn't care. He took the two people out of the sanatorium without forgetting to remind them.

"Let's go, I won't have any credit to offset your sins next time."

"Where are my weapons?" Priest Ranzhu asked immediately when he saw that Lance had not mentioned it. He was not as forbearing as a monk.

"Equipment? What equipment?" Lance originally wanted to turn away, but after hearing these words, he couldn't help but come back to his senses and joked with a smile, "I almost forgot, you broke my door and planned to How to compensate?"

The sect they follow does not bring money, otherwise they would not be called mendicant monks. Asking them for money is just to embarrass them.

He couldn't beat him again and again. As for the identity of the church, he was not afraid. Pastor Ranzhu couldn't deal with it now. If he had known better, he shouldn't have thrown those punches.

Seeing the priest's troubled look, Lance smiled, but when he raised his hand, the shield and war hammer appeared out of thin air and were thrown at him.

"Take it."

Even in this state, the priest reacted immediately and reached out to take the equipment, with uncontrollable surprise on his face.

But when he looked up again, he looked at Lance's scarred face with unspeakable doubts.

He didn't expect that Lance would actually give him the equipment, but he could feel the power bonus after getting the equipment. It was absolutely correct, it was true.

"What are you looking at?" Lance seemed very casual, and even reminded him, "Go to the police station evidence room and get your armor and various sundries back by yourself."

ah! Are you serious?

The mendicant monk couldn't stand it anymore, so he licked his face and asked.

"Lord, where is my staff?"

Lance couldn't help laughing when he saw the old thing like this and teased: "I thought you really didn't care that much~"

The strange words did not make the monk feel humiliated. He could only say that Laojianghu was Laojianghu.

But Lance actually returned the legendary staff known as the [Martyr's Nimbus] to the monk.

He didn't even continue to talk nonsense. He turned around after just a few words and didn't care at all.

The reason is very simple. The strength of extraordinary people without equipment, especially spell casters like monks, is greatly reduced.

He needs to arm those two and push them to the fore.

Why did Lance lead them to the police station to get those things back?

It was to announce to everyone that he had released them, and also to tell these two people that the ruins were open.

They have to go, Lance will use the power of public opinion to spread the news and morally kidnap them both.

If they lacked equipment, they could still find an excuse to run away and point the finger at Lance, but now they would have no excuse.

If they want to make a fuss and point the finger at Lance, they will instead hype up the riots at that time again, highlighting that Lance clearly meant what he said and actually let them go.

If they leave in despair, the church will directly become a clown, and Lance is happy to see this situation.

[Martyr Martin] The golden body of a legendary figure in the church was torn apart in Hamlet in front of so many people, and the distorted face under the church’s bright white robe was also stripped off.

No matter what, I win, the only difference is whether I win once or win-win, that is, I win twice.

In fact, there is another very important reason, that is, these extraordinary equipment are exclusive equipment, and the people around him cannot use them at all.

The church duo signed the certificate before getting back the things that belonged to them, and they also discovered that Hamlet was very different from when they entered before.

More outsiders and news related to those ruins continue to be hyped, and now their stories are included.

But compared to the monk's silence, the priest showed anger and wanted to fight for the Holy Light.

"We must destroy those wizards who desecrate corpses!"

The mendicant monk did not cooperate with his companion's performance, but was thinking about how to break the situation.

This situation made the monk feel a hint of conspiracy, but at this moment he felt like an insect caught in a spider's web. The more he struggled, the deeper he became entangled with this place, and there was no way to escape.

There is no doubt that I am trapped here...

After all, they were still teammates who cooperated tacitly. The priest also felt the monk's struggle and couldn't help but look over.

It's just that the monk felt offended at this moment. How dare you question me? The originally calm face turned ferocious.

"This is an evil trap, idiot!"

But after he said that, he noticed something, frowned to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and murmured strange words in his mouth.

"No...leave quickly, this place is twisting our will..."


Lance is sorting out the information he got back, mainly to find the reproduction of the Flesh Devourer and some modifications of the prototype Sand Worm.

And soon he received a message that there was a barbarian named Boslake outside who wanted to see him, saying that he would know as long as he mentioned this name.

This name reminded Lance of something, which was to get up and give instructions at the same time.

"Let him in."

But the man shook his head and added.

"That person didn't want to enter the town. He was just outside. And he didn't come by the old way. He looked very strange."

"I understand, go and inform Miss Greendale of this news."

Lance was not surprised. The barbarians were always wary of the empire, especially now that the count was at war with them.

And he also urgently needs to get the situation of the mountains from that person. Anyway, the news he got now is a bit strange.

But what happened next made Lance unexpected. That was that the man who claimed to be Boslake was not the strong man with a big bow he met before, but a thin boy with a weak face.

It can be seen that he is wary of his surrounding environment, and his anxiety is obvious in him.

"Hello, I'm Lance." Lance didn't show much emotion, and still smiled and greeted him, "You are his son, I heard him talk about you."

After his identity was revealed, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the young man opposite him.

Looking at his reaction, Lance confirmed his guess. After all, he was still young and couldn't hold his breath.

What can be recognized is that they have similar faces, as well as the snake-shaped tattoo with tribal characteristics, but he has a bit of a spirited young man on him.

But why is he here?

"Don't worry, this is Hamlet. If you encounter any trouble, you can tell me." Lance did not rush to ask him anything, but instead comforted his uneasy mood.

The young man didn't know why, but the pressure in his heart eased a bit when he heard that voice. The first time he saw the man in front of him, he felt an inexplicable trust.

"Father and the others..."


At this moment, a shout interrupted his words. The young man looked suddenly when he heard the sound. His expression became even more excited when he saw the person coming, "Sister Dai'er!"

When Lance saw this scene, he became even more convinced that the young man named Sapan was Boslake's son who failed in the ritual and was abolished, because he was saved by Grendel at that time.

The appearance of Greendale completely eliminated his last trace of alertness, and now Sapan quickly signaled.

"Father is injured, please help him."

Greendale couldn't help but look at Lance when she saw this.

"Save people first, and we'll talk about it later."

Lance also knew that time was running out, so he stopped talking nonsense and immediately headed towards the forest under the leadership of Sapan.

It's just that this guy Sapan is really in terrible shape. He gasps for breath after taking only a few steps. He doesn't have the strong physique of a barbarian at all.

It is estimated that if this boy was not the son of the tribal leader and Boslake was working outside to support him, he would have been given up and died of illness long ago.

Lance really couldn't stand it anymore. This guy's speed was really ridiculously slow. If he didn't have anything important to do, he wouldn't mind walking slowly, and he could also understand what was going on.

But now the key people are dying.

Just like the important character who drives the plot in the game, he is obviously seriously injured and about to die, but the production team insists on slowing you down.

And the young man in front of him gave Lance the feeling that he was a bad taste of the production team.

Although he was extremely weak, he ventured alone to a strange place to ask for help for his father who was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

While waiting anxiously, I finally saw hope and got help.

With the hope of a happy ending, I rushed back dragging my body that suffered tremendous pain every step of the way.

It's a pity that the speed is still too slow in the end. When you rush over, the character will leave you a last word and then die.

Or rush over and die, and see with your own eyes that your hopes are shattered due to your own reasons, expressing a bunch of messy emotions, imitating other people's tragedy and sublimating it...to your mother!

What I do is kill, kill, kill! Do it, do it! Rape, rape, rape!

Lance immediately stretched out his hand towards Sapan.

"I'll carry you, and you can show me the way."

Sapan was immediately stunned when he said this. After all, even if he had never seen it, he had heard about the behavior of those nobles. How could he carry a commoner on his back? Not to mention that he is still a barbarian. Is this man really a noble lord of the empire?

"Come up quickly." Lance urged. Is it your father who is seriously injured and on the verge of death? Are you still in a daze?

Sapan also realized that now is not the time to think about this.

The weight of his little chicken was as if he didn't exist to Lance. If he wasn't afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it and would die of fright, Lance could just carry him with one hand and run away.

Lance immediately started running. For Sapan, who was as weak as a bean sprout, his speed instantly increased to an exaggerated level.

He was scared at first, but Sapan found that the thick back was very stable without too many fluctuations, giving people an indescribable sense of security.

At the same time, his mood also became very complicated. In the past, he had always been quite resistant to his father leaving the mountains and seeking help from the imperial nobles.

The fear of being outside the mountains, and the inherent filter on the imperial nobles, they are not good people anyway.

But now that he saw this lord and the deer-headed priest, he seemed to understand his father's choice.

In Hamlet, everyone might survive.

Greendale was not surprised by this, and even smiled when she saw this scene, because this lord was such a strange person.

When she saw the move, she quickly followed. Although she was a spell caster, her physique was not weak at all, but this was enough to show that Lance had not tried his best.

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