Our family is in decline

Chapter 643 Stingy Gift

When the fuse burned out, an explosion that was several times more powerful than a gunshot instantly overwhelmed the scream, and then the fire exploded and white gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Lance was also pushed hard by the powerful recoil. Fortunately, after being promoted to Legend, his strength became even stronger. His inhuman physique was like a turret made of steel, and he was able to bear it without taking a step back.

In such a short distance, the projectiles were so fast that they seemed to tear apart the space, but the Screaming Demon actually let out a weird howl as if it was a premonition, and its already sharp figure improved a bit again, and it actually dodged. .

The cannonball landed where it had just been, then staggered and hit the nest made of branches and corpses. Neither the branches and vines as thick as an arm nor the rotting corpses could stop it in the slightest, and it was torn apart in an instant, leaving only a mess.

After the nest was destroyed, and seeing the terrifying destructive power of the weapon, the Screaming Demon had made a decision, and immediately spread its wings and lifted up, letting out a miserable wail.

Scream and abandon the nest!

He had already shot out its eyeballs in advance, and Lance didn't expect that he could dodge it?

I can only say that having more eyes is still beneficial, but even if you don’t have a few, you can still see.

But you must not let this monster escape, otherwise your trip will be in vain.

"Hmph! Want to escape?"

Lance threw down the hand cannon and directly took out the dark gold hook spear obtained from the bay and threw it.

Whale hunting hook spear!

Infused with Lance's unreserved power, it exploded with terrifying speed, directly penetrating the body of the Screaming Demon.

The tip came out of the chest, but the barb was pulled back in the next second, and the rope connecting the hook spear suddenly straightened. The powerful force immediately stopped the screaming demon's flying posture, and its body twisted uncontrollably.

But the Screaming Demon quickly adjusted its posture and flapped its wings frantically in an attempt to lift it up, while Lance held on to the rope and pulled it back section by section, like flying a kite.

Wrestling with Lance basically never ends well, and the Screamer is no exception.

It was originally penetrated through the body, but if it was pulled further, the skeleton could not bear the force of the pull. The barbs embedded inside and crushed the flesh and blood, and finally got stuck on the spine.

Within a few seconds after the Screamer was hit hard, it started to stagger like an out-of-control helicopter, losing parts and flowing oil as it flew. After struggling for a few times, it crashed.

He fell from mid-air, almost a hundred meters in the air, but halfway down he was caught by a hooked spear and fell violently before he stabilized, and was photographed outside the big tree.

Lance didn't stop for too long, and quickly pulled it up, and found that although this thing only had one breath left, it was not dead yet.

Lance has always been a kind person and couldn't bear to suffer, so he simply ended its pain with a sharp knife.

The screaming demon that was still fluttering suddenly fell silent, and Lance couldn't help but sigh when he saw the corrupted and twisted corpse.

"The Screaming Demon has been lost..."

There was no need to worry about this, so he raised his hand and offered sacrifice directly.

Lance is not surprised that he has no spirituality. After all, the Screaming Demon is still a powerful extraordinary creature, and it has also been corrupted, which makes it somewhat weird.

This thing didn't cause any trouble in front of Lance, that's because its most powerful rumble didn't work.

A normal person from this distance would die immediately after hearing one sound, but an extraordinary person wouldn't be able to withstand it. The difference is just one sound or two.

Not to mention that Lance's strength has improved too much. With the same legend, he can dominate the opponent.

But just now I was overspeeded by the Screaming Demon, and was dodged several times in a row. This was already a slap in the face. Fortunately, I didn't bring anyone with me, otherwise I would have lost my fortune.

There is no doubt that the Screaming Demon is a very terrifying monster. Even if it is corrupted, it still retains a trace of consciousness. This is enough to explain.

I wonder what the gift from such a powerful person is?

And soon Void gave the answer. It was not the props made from the body parts of the Screaming Demon in Lance's impression, nor was it the ability or trait condensed by the power of the Screaming Demon.

It is an ancient scroll that looks full of historical traces, with a black iron lock in the shape of a crow.

Lance stretched out his hands to take it, unlocked it and unfolded it.

What can be seen on the scroll is a crow pattern with open wings, which is so lifelike that even the feather patterns are clearly visible.

Before he could react, a large amount of information seemed to flood into his mind in the next second, and he understood something at that moment.

wrong! I understood it wrong!

It is not that the ancient bloodline of the Hamlet family comes from the Screaming Demon, but the Hamlet clan who have awakened the ancient bloodline have the qualifications and ability to control the Screaming Demon.

Damn it, the ancestor is only half a bucket of water. Even if he lost the extraordinary path left by his family, the information he left behind also misled him.

That's right, it's all the ancestor's fault...

Lance returned his attention to the scroll he held in his hand. The crow pattern was not the content, but a seal. To open it, three more screaming demons had to be killed.

But where can I find three more of this thing?

Lance instinctively hates all pie-making behavior, even if it is drawn by the system for him, because chips that cannot be exchanged are meaningless no matter how beautiful they look.

Nothing was caught, so this trip was in vain...

Even if it is unpleasant, the reality is full of surprises and unwillingness, and it cannot be smooth sailing.

Adults must learn to accept reality and reconcile with themselves.

Lance simply cleaned up the scene and found some polygonal crystals from the broken nests.

Money has no meaning to him, but these extraordinary materials have better circulation among extraordinary people than gold coins.

But surprise also came, because he found some extraordinary equipment among the corpses.

There are eight pieces in total, most of which are low-level equipment. They have little effect, but the side effects are so outrageous that they cannot be used.

There is no shortage of money now, and these things are just a collection for Lance.

Supernatural powers and occult knowledge are simply out of reach for ordinary people.

Many people never come into contact with it until they die. This is the norm.

There are only a few people like Lance who are exposed to related things every day.

To put it simply, the circles are different and the channels of contact are also different. Of course, some people call it...

After cleaning up the scattered bones on the nest and those platforms, Lance went down and walked around the tree with a torch.

After so many years of accumulation, the bones were piled up like a hill. Fortunately, there were only bones left, otherwise Lance would really not dare to take action.

Not to mention that they don’t have extraordinary equipment, but they can still find some ordinary weapons and armor, and there is also money, which should be from the food caught by the screaming demon.

Although there is no shortage of those things now, the joy of picking up garbage is incomparable.

After spending a long time, I finally made a simple calculation and found that there were thousands of gold coins. This shows how many humans the screaming demon has devoured.

Lance originally wanted to burn this weird tree, but now he will keep it to see if it can attract more scream demons to build their nests.

Looking up at the gray night sky, Lance didn't stop there.

"Go home!"


With the continuous development and the continuous inflow of foreign population, Hamlet is no longer as quiet as before.

These adventurers who come here to hunt for treasure are not farmers or workers. They all have some capital. These people are also unwilling to work and are more accustomed to a life similar to that of mercenaries.

There were no more entertainment options in this era. Before the ruins were opened, they could only stay in places like pubs, casinos and brothels to have fun.

Compared to a prosperous city like Bastia, Hamlet is a bit drab, especially because of the control, there are no potions in the town that indulge in dreams.

Moreover, the quality and quantity in those brothels can be described as appalling.

It was precisely this that led to the emergence of many prostitutes. This matter developed until the lord noticed it and took action to rectify it.

damn it! Is this money something you can earn?

All the chicken heads who organized prostitution were arrested, and everyone's homes were confiscated.

Now they are either shackled to build roads, but in the future they will actively participate in labor and strive for reform.

If you engage in forced torture, you will end up in a sanatorium instead of hoeing the earth.

As for those who were rescued from their hands, in Hamlet they would not die of hunger as long as they worked.

Of course, there are also some "professional players" among them. They have no ability and can only eat this bowl of youth rice.

It is also quite a headache to deal with these people, because some of them are driven by inertia and do not understand Hamlet's situation and are unwilling to leave the current situation.

To put it simply, they have become numb from their experience and do not believe that Hamlet can really help them.

For this reason, Lance decided to use the women who had successfully transformed before and no longer work in this industry to guide them through a private space similar to a confessional.

Transformation must start from the psychology. Only by feeling the pain can we understand the other person better.

Not everyone is willing to bear the humiliation of a prostitute. Many people actually have no choice, and now Hamlet gives them a chance to change.

This is also a psychological study and an interesting social experiment.

Of course, there are also some who are simply lazy dogs who are not willing to work at all and just like to make money while lying around.

The lord's kindness has limits, and he will not waste resources on those hopeless guys.

If you like to buy it, just send it to the brothel. If you have any objections, go build the road.

Do you really think he is a good person?

Prostitutes usually don't live past twenty-five, and that's with good luck.

You must know that there are no such "protective suits" in this era. Once infected with various sexually transmitted diseases, you are basically waiting to die.

Not to mention their various occupational diseases, as well as encountering some people with heavy tastes and who like special gameplay...

When you enter a brothel, you can at least be guaranteed that some customers with heavy tastes are not welcome, as are the sick ones, and they may even be arrested if you do anything.

And we won’t force you to pick up customers, and you won’t be afraid that customers won’t pay...

What is more important is the popularization of basic hygiene and health, as well as the prevention and treatment of some diseases.

This refers to the inspection of all the prostitutes captured during the previous sweeps.

Many infected people and many serious occupational diseases were found among them, so Lance gathered them together and sent them to Paracelsus for study.

It's not that they need to be dissected and sliced, but female experimental subjects and those weird diseases are worthy of study.

At the same time, complex diseases can be used as the first batch of experimental subjects to be tested on [therapeutic agents] to test the effects of the agents and various data.

Although it may sound cruel to test the medicine without their knowledge, Lance is saving them.

Otherwise, few of these people could survive the torture of these diseases, and some of them were no more than teenagers.

Anyway, the market has been reorganized and now the lords monopolize those industries.

At the same time, it brings stability and order, and prostitutes have more choices. This is a win-win-win situation.

So who loses?

Of course those are the smart ones.

They regarded Hamlet as other cities and found that there were no similar organizations here. They actually wanted to start a gang in Hamlet and occupy the grassroots management like those big cities.

Then open some brothels, casinos and taverns, get some illegal drugs, make money hard, and be happy.

But William was not polite to these pickpockets. He reported them, investigated them, and directly arranged one-stop services for them.

Hamlet's crowd is not afraid of them at all, and this is the most fatal thing to them.

There are also some people who come in and squander their money and want to make some money but there are no bounties here, so they do some petty theft.

There is no surveillance, but you can't question Fegus's ability, let alone another magical power in this world.

These are just small things in Hamlet's response to the rapid development of the world.

Hamlet is still experiencing an influx of foreigners, but it is still able to maintain stability and order. It takes a lot of effort behind the scenes, and anyone who comes in has to sigh.

"What a strange place..."

Sitting in the corner of the tavern was a dusty blond woman wearing a shabby gentleman's suit and all kinds of complicated equipment. She raised her hat and murmured.

Because she was listening to various discussions about Hamlet in the tavern.

Audrey originally came here for the ruins, but she didn't expect it to be such an interesting place.

The complex and strict rules, as well as the logic that is different from other noble territories, make adventurers who are accustomed to "freedom" and prefer chaos feel constrained.

There are no churches all over the empire here, nor are there any guilds all over the continent, let alone those cockroach-like gangs.

With spacious roads, orderly traffic, and reasonable urban planning, there is no interference from various vehicles and pedestrians.

There is no stench like crowds here, and the ground you step on is solid ground, not the ground where excrement flows.

The popularity of hygiene and health also opened her eyes to the fact that a cup of hot water can solve so many ailments.

Not to mention the legendary lord who is mysterious and powerful.

Everything here made her feel novel and of course restrained.

There are still two days until the ruins open, but looking at her outfit, you know that Audrey is definitely not someone who can sit down...

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