Our family is in decline

Chapter 646 Traces and Clues

Maybe they had heard about bandit wars, but they definitely wouldn't know as much as Disma did.

They had a difficult start at that time, the residents were all emaciated due to man-made famine, and they were short of money, people, and equipment.

The gap between them and the bandits was so exaggerated that it was indescribable. There were hundreds of bandit coalition forces, but their main force was only four. It would be great if the cobbled-together militiamen could lift their spears and stab them out, let alone other things.

This was a desperate situation in the eyes of others. Even they had little hope at that time, but the lord did not give up. He relied on various micro-management to consume the bandits and at the same time strive for resources to restore his status.

They provoked internal strife and made the two most powerful bandits fight each other. Then small teams raided scattered bandits, further weakening the number of those bandits.

Finally, the remaining bandits are introduced into the town and used to eliminate uncontrolled elements, and then use the terrain to set traps, and finally completely eliminate the bandits entrenched on the old road.

These battle lords all took the lead and rushed to the front. In the last battle, when the battle situation was tense, they killed one of the bandits and killed them until they collapsed.

"This is the armor the lord wore at that time."

Several people had already arrived at the memorial hall. Following Disma's words, they couldn't help but focus on the armor on the shelf that was full of marks from swords and axes.

The blood stains and minced meat on it have long since dried up and turned brown, but the strong smell of blood still makes people feel the brutality of the battle at that time.

It was as if just the lord's remaining aura made people feel an inexplicable pressure.

Only a few of them knew the various micro-manipulations of the lord's start. Even these Dismas hid a lot, such as driving the wolf to swallow the tiger and killing the alpha wolf and the collector.

These detailed stories are not recorded, and they can learn only a few sentences here.

But these words did let the other three know more about Hamlet's past.

"This armor was worn by the outpost at that time..."

Laura was wrapped in a hood and cloak and always kept away strangers. She didn't even want to say a few words.

But at this time, she also pointed to another set of armor next to her, because she was at the scene and watched the lord stop hundreds of cultists alone.

Everyone looked at another pair of heroic armors, but to some extent it confirmed that these were just "props" used by Lance to play with people's hearts.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more strange, William couldn't help but give a reminder.

"The criminal hasn't been caught yet. The lord only gives us two days."

These words brought everyone's attention back to the case itself and into the research.

Amanda was about to take action when she suddenly discovered something very embarrassing.

The more information a divination has to predict the goals of these means, the more accurate the results will be.

She was able to hunt down Tamara for thousands of miles because she knew the guy's information clearly, and the organization provided props contaminated with Tamara's aura, which could accurately point to the target.

And now it is pointed directly at the bloody clothes. If you find the bloody clothes, you will also find the prisoner.

But the problem is that she can't point the divination directly at the blood coat, because it is contaminated with Lance's aura and may cause some trouble.

So she could only explore the surrounding area for any traces of that extraordinary power, and several others also began to investigate.

"I have checked the doors and windows. There are no signs of violent damage. It should be possible to break in by picking the lock. It is not difficult."

Laura was also experienced at touching the root of the wall. She simply turned around and gave her opinion. The lock in front of her really seemed like it didn't exist.

"These are wax drops. The memorial hall is not open at night, and the management regulations state that there must be no source of fire. This means it is more confirmed that it was stolen."

Figgus soon smelled something and led William to find something on the ground that did not belong here.

Of course, it also attracted Disma's attention. He knelt down, scraped off a little bit, spread it on his fingertips, and then went up to sniff it.

"This is not our local candle. This smell is very special..."

Disma's parents were candlemakers, so he knew a little bit about candles, but at this time he was actually not sure about this special candle.

This clue also caught Amanda's attention. A special kind of candle may be a medium for divination.

Immediately take out a knife and scrape off the remaining wax drops...

All the new recruits in the training camp were taken out for training. It can be said that there are only a few relevant persons in charge in the entire camp to assist them in their investigation.

After a round of investigation, they finally stopped outside the wall.

Figgus stood in front of the wall and leaned over to smell the traces, and everyone also discovered the tiny footprints on the wall.

"You should climb over the wall from here." Disma raised his head and looked at the sentry tower, "It happens to be the blind spot of the sentry tower."

Amanda observed the traces, and she immediately realized that she seemed unable to complete this action.

It's not that Amanda can't climb this wall, but she has a plump figure. Although she is also flexible, she is not light and airy, but quick and powerful.

Without the help of tools, she would have stepped up her boots directly and probably would have crushed the wall plaster.

Now half a footprint is enough to indicate what?

"Everyone, please simulate climbing over the wall."

Disma didn't waste any time. He walked to the side, suddenly jumped up and put his arms on the wall, and climbed up easily by kicking on the wall.

While Amanda and the others were still observing the contrast marks, Disma's voice came from the other side.

"Come on, there is a clear footprint here!"

Laura didn't talk nonsense. The falcon on her shoulder seemed to feel something and jumped forward.

Laura also moved at the same time, not even using a run-up. She just kicked over the wall with a slight kick. Her agile body seemed to be as light as an eagle hovering next to her.

But Amanda and William had no choice but to go around honestly.

"It should have been printed when my entire weight was pressed down when I jumped down."

But when William wanted to compare, he noticed that Laura had no footprints when she landed. Could she really fly?

Several people compared the traces left behind, and based on the height of the footprints on the wall and the depth of the footprints on the ground, they roughly inferred something.

"In terms of height, the prisoner is probably no shorter than Disma and taller than Laura."

"From the marks, it seems that he is relatively slender, moves lightly, and does not weigh too much."

"She's still a woman..."

When Amanda said this, her expression couldn't help but become solemn.

Although it is said that supernatural power does not distinguish between men and women, it is still rare to see a female thief with such good skills.

However, the Roma people are a matriarchal society, and the extraordinary professionals who evolved from trained dancers are very consistent with the current clues.

Figgus sniffed around the footprints, and soon returned to sit next to William, giving a signal with a light bark.


"Figs told me that the scent had been captured. She and I followed the scent first, preparing to notify the police of the suspect with this condition."

Others didn't understand why William could understand the dog, but now was not the time to talk about that.

Disma also took up the conversation.

"I'll go to the border guard to investigate whether anyone who has recently been in and out of the town meets this requirement, and then I'll meet you to join them."

"I'm going to find clues to the target through another way, and we'll meet up and exchange information later."

Amanda didn't know who it was, but she had to catch the guy, otherwise she wouldn't be able to tell.

Laura had no intention of speaking and defaulted to following William's actions.

Because William's strength may be the worst among them, he can deal with some ordinary mercenaries, but it is very dangerous if he is a professional killer of extraordinary beings.

At the same time, she is able to target targets from the air with the help of her falcon, something that Figgus cannot do.

There were no clues at the beginning, so they could only investigate separately temporarily.

As the others left, Amanda took out the wax drops she had just scraped off in front of the footprints.

This is not one of those divination games where you draw a few cards. It's obvious that she's going to show her real skills.


"Who do you think it could be?" Greendale asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter, they're just some annoying flies. William and the others will take care of them."

Lance responded nonchalantly.

Obviously things like theft are the job of the police. Lance sent a few consultants to show that he takes it seriously. If he cares too much, he doesn't recognize their ability to work. Besides, he doesn't have nothing to do.

The news of the theft did not spread. Greendale came to see her because of the potion.

That is, I heard Lance mention it by the way, and this led to the conversation just now.

But after listening to these words, I understood why I didn't mention this again, but brought up the original topic.

In the past few days, she and Paracelsus have been busy researching and testing two medicines. After countless rats and mice sacrificed their lives and those experimental subjects undertook the most dangerous tests, the carefully prepared treatment medicine was finally released. .

"These are the test results and the concentration specifications we established..."

Greendale took out a part of the pile of documents and introduced it, and Lance flipped through the information.

Greendale's talent makes her excellent in all aspects, especially as a priest of the tribe. In addition to being proficient in herbal medicine and witchcraft, she also has certain management abilities.

But in Lance's opinion, she still belongs to the type of scholar, a pharmacist, a botanist, etc., so she is quite suitable for doing research.

He escaped from those troubles without seeing it, and got what he wanted so quickly, so he couldn't help but praise him.

"Yes, well done!"

"It's all the result of Dr. Parra's work. I'm just assisting her."

Greendale was modest, but Lance didn't think so.

"It's not like I don't know the level of that Paracelsus guy. She's good at doing research, but you are the only one who can arrange things so well.

You don't know, her arrangements for those projects are simply disasters..."

Speaking of this, Lance couldn't help but complain about the doctor's random operations.

Paracelsus' ability is trustworthy, but her project arrangements are not planned. She wants to do this and that, so she does a little of this and a little of that.

She has no sense of time at all, and even forgets to eat. When she is hungry, she will just find something to eat. Sometimes Lance gives her a task, and it is common for her to stay up all night in order to complete it as quickly as possible.

This meant that she wouldn't even be able to eat if Lance hadn't intervened, because now Lance always asked Susan to deliver a meal on time.

Moreover, Paracelsus was born to be stubborn and indifferent, and she completely ignored other people's feelings in dealing with things. Few people could tolerate her weird temper.

Greendale, who has been working with the doctor for a while, naturally understands what Lance means and even feels the same way.

However, she didn't like to talk about others behind their backs, and she didn't complain along with Lance's words. Instead, she helped the doctor explain.

"She has completed all the tasks you assigned very well, hasn't she? And Miss Pala's character is like this. She doesn't have any malicious intent. It is her calm character that makes her suitable for research."

To be honest, Greendale could not be as indifferent to the experimental subjects as Paracelsus, let alone stay in that dark environment for a long time.

She prefers to stay in her garden, feeling the sun and wind, flowers and nature.

"That's true, most people can't do this."

As the person who approved those experiments, Lance naturally understood the situation. It was good that he had bred experimental mice now, and the experimental regulations were gradually improved.

You must know that the previous period was very barbaric. In order to pursue the secrets of the human body, Paracelsus was really crazy.

Fortunately, she is a little bit normal now, and of course it would be inseparable from Lance's constant guidance by her side.

"I think we should arrange some assistants for her, or move her to a spacious and bright place. If she stays alone in a nursing home for a long time, her psychology will become even more indifferent."

Lance originally wanted to say naughtily, "There are many people accompanying her in the nursing home," but as he spoke, he realized that Greendale was not joking.

In fact, Lance also considered this issue, but...

"To be honest, I have arranged assistants for her, but not everyone can tolerate her coldness. Neither of them can stand it after they stay for too long.

Moreover, many of those experiments cannot be seen in the light and are related to the core secrets of Hamlet. The fewer people who know about them, the better. "

But Lance also realized this problem and agreed.

"The location of the new place really needs to be considered. After all, the nursing home is still in the town, and there are many inconvenient places. As for the assistant, I will pay attention to the candidates in this area and will talk to her often."

This problem involves many aspects. For Lance, it is like a programmer encountering a mountain of shitty code. Don't worry about bugs for now. If it can be used, don't mess with it.

He immediately changed the slightly serious topic and returned to the incident itself.

"Has the drug standard been tested after it was released? What are the effects of different levels of drugs?"

Greendale had also been a consul for a period of time and understood that Lance had many things to consider, so she did not talk about doctors anymore, but started to explain along the lines of the problem. Of course, she also took out some of the documents and handed them over.

"The first batch of trials were conducted on infected prostitutes..."

Thanks to [KranzH] for the 500 reward

Thanks to [20191003181103692] 500 reward

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