Our family is in decline

Chapter 648 Let’s get rid of the plot

What happened to the woman was not an isolated case. The scene resonated with more people and even required more people to maintain order.

No one wants to be a prostitute for no reason. This profession is despised and should be despised, not to mention those who are average-looking and cannot afford the price. Those chicken heads are not stupid, they have all been picked.

So the story between them was that they were kidnapped, abducted, sold, or basically all of them were beaten.

It cannot be ruled out that some people are really forced to sell themselves into the industry, and they are in the minority.

But now Lord Hamlet has killed those guys and set himself free. For them, it feels like the sun appears for the first time in the dark sky.

However, there are only a small number of prostitutes who are not infected with the disease. To be honest, not even one third. The remaining ones are infected with various degrees of disease. The situation puts great pressure on doctors.

Because too many people directly filled the hospital, and due to infectious reasons, according to the hospital management regulations, they could not be mixed with ordinary patients, so they had to build a temporary camp to house them together.

Even Paracelsus came at that time.

Don't doubt it, she is here to inspect the goods.

At the same time, we should also look at the status of those diseases and instruct doctors and nurses to pay attention to protection, but it is not possible for people to be infected without being cured.

The women didn't really believe it at first. After all, it would be great if the lord could let them go free, but he actually wanted to save them?

But the horror of the disease, which they either feel themselves or see others suffering from, may disappear one day.

Some infected people are actually left to die, and they don't have much hope that the treatment will be effective.

In such an atmosphere, Hamlet's doctor did not give up on them, but began to study those diseases.

Without directly using the newly developed [therapeutic agents], they are still research subjects.

Paracelsus and Grendel were also involved in this topic, one trying to find out the cause of the disease, and the other trying to use other methods to treat it.

This process is complicated, has rewards, but also has costs. However, the emergence of [therapeutic agents] has alleviated the occurrence of malignant medical accidents to a certain extent.

But now the overall research and treatment is not over yet, and phased reports are placed in front of Lance.

"The current situation is like this. The effect of using therapeutic drugs on several seriously ill patients is very good, and the results are quick, but..."

Greendale gave a rough explanation, but as soon as the word "but" came out, you knew it was not that simple.

To put it simply, it is mentioned that these diseases are highly relapsing. Even if low-concentration drugs are effective, they will relapse quickly. If use is interrupted, they will probably relapse soon.

As for the high-concentration treatment drugs, the cost is too high. If this treatment was not for testing and research, these things would not be used on them.

"I finally know why the Medical Association is so rich."

Upon hearing this, Lance's expression changed slightly and he emphasized seriously.

"But that's not our purpose, and that's why we don't work with the Medical Association and have to do it ourselves. There is no negotiation on the hospital. It must and can only be run by us."

Why does Grendel specifically mention this? And why did Lance change his face?

Because primary treatment drugs can control the disease, if they are stopped, they will relapse. As long as the patient does not want to be tortured, he must continue to use them.

What to do if you have no money? Then sell it, but this process continues to spread the disease, which is equivalent to developing one more patient. He also has to treat the disease, doesn't it still cost money?

This kind of chain transmission is very terrifying, and this is what the Medical Association seeks to maximize profits. Even if it knows that there is a medicine that can truly cure it, I am afraid it will not release it.

Just like when a famous hospital was exposed, some hospitals that specialize in treating STDs will find ways to spread STDs and increase regional infections in order to make huge profits. So don’t overestimate the bottom line of those guys. They will do anything for money. come out,

Lance can only complain about this.

“Sexually transmitted diseases should be controlled because they are extremely contagious, the transmission method is simple, and they cannot be cured by ordinary means.

The cost of saving one of us now has to be calculated in gold coins. Why should they ask me to wipe their butts after they are happy? I can't wait to drive them all out and stay far away. "

Unlike those Medical Associations that messed up one place and kept opening another place, Lance was a lord and he had more things to consider. Anyone who dared to do such a thing to him would have to go to a sanatorium.

Greendale seemed to feel the lord's determination and said nothing more.

“Publish the news that we have conquered the treatment of STDs, let public opinion ferment, and then formulate a complete course of treatment. Of course, we will raise the price, and we also want to make money.

Also remember to add something to those potions to change the color and taste to distinguish the treatment potions. After all, many people will be interested. To prevent the potions from leaking out, records must be kept.

Of course, therapeutic drugs are a panacea, but we cannot rely too much on this kind of thing. We must continue to research other treatment methods. "

He and Greendale could imagine that the medical associations or relevant stakeholders would also think of this. Given their habit of monopolizing the industry, it was destined to be another invisible war.

But Lance has always been indifferent. As long as the potion is controlled, they will not be able to copy it even if they understand the process.

Even if they crack the potion formula, the raw materials are monopolized by Lance, unless they ask their ancestors for them, but isn't that just delivering food?

Then there is only the last resort, go to war with Hamlet. If you win, you will have everything. Of course, if you lose...

"The experimental materials have been consumed too quickly recently."

Lance looked at the application in front of him and murmured. It was Paracelsus applying for an experimental subject again.

Soon word spreads around the town that Hamlet has overcome his venereal disease and completed treatment.

In fact, a long time ago, the story that the lord decided to liberate and treat the prostitutes against all opinions was also spread. You must know that Lance did not have such an order, and it is not known who did it intentionally or accidentally.

Those ordinary people were not sick, so they were naturally more concerned about the lord's role in it, and they praised the lord's kindness and greatness.

This is the problem of heroism. Lance's light was too dazzling. In fact, he didn't do much. He just said two sentences at the beginning and directly mentioned so many doctors and nurses, as well as Paracelsus and Grendel. All the efforts of these people are wiped out.

It was the doctors who cared for and treated the patients in a harsh environment, it was Paracelsus who studied treatment plans countless days and nights, and it was Grendel who carefully prepared the medicine.

There were many, many people who contributed their part, and even the workers who set up the temporary camp were more directly involved than Lance.

It was those people who really did the work, but no one seemed to remember them. The people just praised the lord, and even those people themselves thought it was the lord's contribution.

One reason for this is that the people's attention span is limited, and they cannot remember too many people. They can only focus on the one person they are most familiar with, because they only know the lord and have not come into contact with the others.

Some people want to deify him, even though Lance has always tried to avoid it and slowly eliminate his influence.

But the sad thing is that this desperate world needs a "hero", even if it only exists in their imagination.

However, those adventurers who came to seek gold did not have much praise for the lord, and some even secretly laughed at the lord's stupidity.

Why throw money at those dead people? If you have money, you might as well give it to them.

Some people also questioned that this is just some unsourced rumors and treated as a gossip topic.

But only a few days later, news came out that the treatment had been completed. This situation undoubtedly shocked them greatly.

Some people couldn't help but think of the previous rumors about leprosy, but this was just a rumor, and now this is officially announced.

He was not sick and could still sit still. He couldn't help but feel a little admiration for the lord and was surprised by Hamlet's medical skills.

But those who are sick can't sit still. It's not surprising that these hairy people fool around every day and are infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Everyone knows that there is no hope for them, but in Hamlet they see hope.

This topic triggered a lot of reactions that day. Some guys even went to the hospital to learn about the situation, and then they learned that the treatment for complete recovery was very expensive. The price in gold coins made them feel entangled.

There is even a risk of being cheated. With this money, I might as well go and have fun first.

This is certainly true, but the desire to live despite the pain and suffering still makes many people plan to raise money.

The one who was most shocked by this news was the observation team left by the Medical Association.

There is also a lot of research within the association on the complex and diverse nature of STDs.

However, no definite and stable method has been found, which is not to say that there is none, but the cost of using occult knowledge is too high. If it does not have the ability to harvest, it will not be promoted by the association.

As for those who have money, why do they care about minor STDs? With extraordinary power, they will always find a way.

But the problem is that Hamlet seems to have done something terrible.

"What do you think?"

"Why are you looking at me? I can't get in, and those people won't tell us."

"Come to think of it, it was fine before. We were allowed to visit the hospital and communicate with each other, but why..."

They are not experts but can be regarded as professors, so they are naturally very interested in these things. They also felt another medical system through previous exchanges.

But without warning, they were suddenly restricted from entering and exiting the hospital and from communicating with the doctors. Could it be that the association's secret of stealing formulas had spread here?

But the subsequent large-scale arrests and reforms made them think that Hamlet isolated them to deal with internal affairs.

It was only when things calmed down that there was still no change, that I realized something was wrong.

"Don't think about it. These matters will be handled by the association. We are just doing academic research."

One of them interrupted his companion's words and said what he said was righteousness, but he used his eyes to signal everyone to pay attention to the outside.

They were all silent for a moment... because now it was the association's guards who restricted their movements.

But those people outside did not stop. Those who went to the hospital to inquire brought back the price, and the topic started again.

Faced with the high cost of treatment, everyone began to express their opinions, but most of them were negative.

Those guys rant about the greed of the hospital because they really want treatment.

It’s funny to say, the price is not set by the hospital, they are just the executors, it’s not their turn when it’s time to praise, it’s their turn when it’s time to be scolded, so damn unlucky.

"Interesting..." Audrey's figure was in the corner of the tavern and heard the people discussing. The projection of the hat covered most of her face, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised with a smile.

The wine glass was swinging in his hand, revealing that relaxed and comfortable feeling.

But if you pay attention, you will find that in her hand is a delicate glass wine glass that is different from those common oak wine glasses.

What's more important is that the way he inadvertently reveals his drinking style is different from that of ordinary people.

If it were a princess like Sophia who often interacted with nobles in the palace, she would see some subtleties.

But the tavern was full of chaotic adventurers, and no one cared about such a weird person.

Audrey actually doesn't like this place, and she disdains those adventurers. She just sits here to get more information.

Of course, another reason is that the wine here does not suit her appetite. The beer is as bland as water to her, and the strong liquor is too strong. She does not like the feeling of losing control.

The bartender recommended a wine that she had never drunk before. Maybe those women who had long passed that age like to recall their girlhood, but she was not included in it.

She prefers spicy and bitter absinthe, the long aftertaste is like her life.

Audrey listened for a long time, but she didn't hear any news about the theft. The smile on her face quickly disappeared, and instead she felt angry and dissatisfied.

Because she had heard about the power of the police, she didn't dare to sleep all night after stealing the bloody clothes last night. She was even more vigilant during the day, but there was nothing abnormal at all.

She suspected that it was because the incident at the memorial hall had not been discovered. After all, who would notice that a piece of clothing was missing in that place?

If I had known that the stolen items were more obvious and had been discovered earlier, even a city-wide manhunt would have been more torturous than this situation.

Now that the day has almost passed, she feels as if she has been ignored. She can't help but think of the undefended memorial hall last night, and the resentment rises again.

This is enough to show that she is a capricious and extremely sensitive person. Sometimes she doesn't even know what triggers which nerve in her.

Audrey didn't know why, but she was planning to show off to that strange lord.

As for goals…

Thank you [Jiuqi 97979797] for the 100 reward

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