Our family is in decline

Chapter 656 Secret Meeting


Several guards who were on guard outside rushed in as soon as they heard the order.

Lance didn't waste any time. He raised his hand and marked three signs:

"Catch these three."

His hand was like the finger of death. The people who were marked instantly felt like they were falling into hell. Panic instantly took over their already restless faces, and their limbs lost control and froze in place.

At this time, those wolf-like guards had already rushed forward and controlled the person directly, and other people standing beside him were also avoiding him, for fear of involving themselves.

"No! I didn't do anything!"

"They forced me to do it!"

"You can't treat a doctor like this!"

Only then did they regain control of their bodies under the pressure, but...

"Be honest!" The guard won't talk nonsense to you. He will just punch you to see if you still lose your mind.

Their hatred for these spies was extremely strong.

I very simply believe that any traitor should be arrested and taken to target practice!

Fortunately, the lord is kind and will not watch them being captured for target practice.

Lance just smiled at their whining and begging for mercy, "I have given you the opportunity. This is your own choice. Please use another way to contribute to the development of modern medicine."

After saying that, Lance waved his hand and said, "Send him to a nursing home."

Those guys were taken away. This scene greatly shocked the remaining few, and their expressions were a little complicated.

They realized that Hamlet was not the place they had imagined. It was very different from the rumors, and even a little barbaric.

Lance could probably guess what they were thinking, but he didn't care.

For these superior "city dwellers" and "college students", reality should be used to hit them hard. What Hamlet needs are people who are willing to do things, not a group of wastes who have high aspirations but no ability.

For this reason, Lance didn't mind provoking them a little more.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but the four of you just now are the top performers among you, which means that the association has been selecting them for a long time. Guess why the association didn't contact you?"

These words could not help but make those arrogant doctors think deeply. Such naked words even made the professor a little embarrassed.

"It seems that everyone has realized something." Lance's smile became brighter and brighter. He liked watching these guys break through their defenses, and even added fuel and jealousy to encourage them.

"That's right, you are here not because of how powerful you are, but because you are all trash that has been randomly discarded by the association.

Even if they knew that you were leaving the association, they still didn't react because they believed that you were all trash and didn't think that you could pose a threat to the association.

Similarly, you so-called doctors and scholars here don't even know as much as the mercenaries outside. At least they have really been injured and saved themselves.

And those messy things you learned are meaningless at all, and their only function is to filter you out. "

Lance discounts what they have accomplished as nothing, ignoring everything they have worked hard to get to where they are today.

This is cruel, but it is a situation that they cannot refute. They are completely depressed because of the suppression by the association. They have lost the treatment that a doctor and scholar deserves, otherwise they would not be here.

And now Lance gave them a brand new choice.

"So choose to join the great project and leave your name in the development of modern medicine.

It's better to walk out of here, just like the definition given to you by the association, disappear silently into history. "

"I stayed."

Without waiting too long, one person made a choice, and everyone else also made a choice. No one was willing to be mediocre. Geniuses always have arrogance, and they want to prove the failure of the association.

For Lance, this is just the beginning. Medical treatment is a way to make a lot of money, and Hamlet must get a share of it.

"I will open up some of the medical research reports to you, and I will also provide you with enough experimental subjects for research. You must learn from scratch.

If you are still stubbornly immersed in the old and rotten thoughts, you should be swept into the garbage dump, and you will be eliminated. "

After some friendly communication, Lance finally ended this harmonious meeting.

These people will study for a period of time and then integrate into the Hamlet system.

"I also ask the professor to persuade them to bring their families to Hamlet, so that I can ensure that they will not be persecuted by the association."

The professor who stayed behind discussed follow-up matters with Lance, and at this time the professor also said something.

"I know a little bit about the people who came to this association. They are different from ordinary people like the academy."

Although the professor was kicked out of the association, he still has a certain understanding of the inside of the association.

Lance looked at his solemn look and was a little curious. He smiled and said, "Professor, please tell me."

"Maybe it's because the previous report knew that Hamlet's medical treatments were all surgical, so the association also sent a surgeon this time, but his methods were a bit... radical."

Lance had a brief introduction to current medical technology from Paracelsus.

Those weird theories are still popular, but surgery is not in the mainstream.

According to the professor, this surgeon is not accepted by ordinary people because his methods are too cruel. He often disembowels his patients and even opens the skulls of living people.

It's really appalling, and few of the patients he treated survived, but why does he still exist?

Because he has a background and a strong background, he belongs to the founder of the association and the legacy of leech therapy.

There are also some terminally ill patients who have really been saved, so there are two extremes of evaluation.

A surgeon with a complicated situation, but his surgical operations were a bit outrageous. Even when listening to this, Lance couldn't help but frown.

After all, the last time I heard of craniotomy was in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

"I'll keep an eye on these."

Lance will not be frightened by this, he is just a little curious about this doctor...

Because the medication was reduced and it was still indoors, the gunshots were restricted to the hospital. Because of the protection of these people, the news was blocked. If anyone asked, they would just find an excuse to cover it up.

Even if someone notices it, they won't care because the road to the ruins is open.

Having been hyped by Lance for so long, he would reveal a little bit of news from time to time, just like dangling a carrot in front of them, treating those adventurers like donkeys.

In another place, those adventurers might have rebelled long ago, but Hamlet's iron fist really hit and it hurt.

Now that they finally had this carrot, they didn't bother to care about it at all.

Hamlet has a prepared carriage, and he can ride to the new town next to the ruins for just money.

This situation of short supply has pushed the price to a level that is difficult for ordinary people to accept, and only some rich people can ride in the car.

Of course, you can also walk there by yourself, but it will take longer, but for those adventurers who are short of money, this is the only way.

They can also retrieve the ammunition stored in Hamlet and even replenish it.

Needless to say, food, water, and alcohol. Various consumables such as whetstones, sword oil, and arrows needed to maintain weapons and equipment are on sale.

The reason is naturally that the lord very generously revealed that the supplies in the previous town are more expensive, so these adventurers naturally have to complete the supplies here first.

This is also a marketing tool and solves some troubles at the same time.

It took so long to open the ruins just to buy time for road construction and the construction of the new town. Lance had never forgotten that the purpose of opening the ruins was to cut leeks.

However, road building and construction take up a large part of manpower and material resources, so there are materials in the town, but not much. There are a lot of materials in the city, but it takes time, manpower and material resources to transport them.

If we really have to transport supplies, it will delay the construction period and cause a cost problem. At the same time, it is not an option to have so many supplies in the city.

So there is this scene.

Lance didn't spend a penny, but just used a word to make these people carry the supplies willingly. Those who didn't buy it should not say that the price was expensive when they went to town. After all, the lord had warned them.

As you can imagine, the number of torches sold by the store today alone exceeds a month's turnover.

Of course, the reason is that Lance chose the opening time in the afternoon. Those who want to rush can only buy torches, otherwise no one will know what might happen while rushing in the dark.

Do you think you can avoid the lord's scythe without taking a car and replenishing supplies here?

It can only be said that it is still too naive. If there is no demand, capitalists will create demand.

The adventurers in Hamlet's backlog moved quickly, and no one was willing to be slow.

This will greatly ease the security pressure on Hamlet. I wonder if the new town can withstand the pressure of being transferred there.

But in this case, some guys remain indifferent.

In front of the house temporarily rented by the Scorpion Mercenary Group were things that had been sorted out. They rented two carriages and planned to transfer their base to the town because the rent here was really a bit stressful.

And it's closer to the ruins there, making it easier to move around.

It's just that the reason they haven't set off yet is because of the main forces waiting to go out.

Fortunately, the few people who went out came back without waiting too long.

"How about it?"

"What else can I do? It's just a joke."

"Tch, those people don't look down on us at all."

"We did what we should do. Even if something goes wrong with them, we can't be blamed on them. That's enough." The group leader was not surprised by this, and he did not forget to explain that he was just showing an attitude by doing this.

But not everyone appreciated it, especially those who mocked their mercenary group for failing in their mission after they arrived, which made them feel a backlog of emotions.

"Why bother trying to persuade those guys? It will be funny when they are also caught."

"I guess it's not as simple as catching them. You didn't notice when they went there that they had a group of good players, and it looks like they are going to take action."

"Then we can't go..."

"Okay, okay." Scorpion frowned and interrupted their conversation, "We don't need to care about these things."

"No, Captain, this can really be considered. In other words, it's just a matter of words."

"That's right, if we sell favors, it will be easier to get along here in the future."

Mercenaries are just such useless people. They have no position and whatever is in their own interests is the best choice.

The guild looks down on them and laughs at them for failing in their mission, so they also want to see those guys unlucky.

Not to mention doing tasks in the local area and establishing good relations with the local people. This is the law.

"Idiot! We can't offend the lord, so how can we offend the guild? The lord doesn't care, but we are a mercenary group. Can you promise to stay here forever?

What's more, if we all know something, the lord must also know it. This kind of information is worthless, and our mission is only the ruins. "

Scorpion frowned and angrily scolded these short-sighted teammates. He still sounded like a principled person. Although he was ridiculed for failing the mission, he still tried his best.

But after hearing what he said next, I understood.

He didn't make that choice simply because the news was of no value. Compared with taking such a big risk, it was not cost-effective at all. It was the most reasonable thing to protect the ruins quickly.

He is not an ordinary mercenary who can talk casually without any responsibility.

He is the leader of a mercenary group, and he must know how to weigh the benefits and risks of a mission in order to run this mercenary group.

Soon they also got on the carriage and left here, while those messy things met secretly.

They did not dare to be in Hamlet Land, but chose to be in a boat on the pier.

There are less than ten people who can serve at the table, but the power they can mobilize is huge, because they all have their own backgrounds and represent their own forces.

"You must have tried to contact your own people, right?"

This sentence silenced everyone at the table, everyone knew what this sentence meant, and everyone suffered more or less loss in it.

The difference is that big forces like the Mercenary Guild and the Medical Association can still accept failure, while some are more radical or greedy and the losses will be greater.

"We're not here to say this."

Someone started to change the topic, and everyone could feel his dissatisfaction. It seemed that the loss this time was not small.

"Okay, then I think you have all tried to meet with the lord. If nothing else, everyone was rejected like me."

This is also true, because they all want to contact the lord in order to get a share of the next cake.

In the face of interests, they put aside their grudges without hesitation, but just like the man said, the lord had no intention of seeing them.

"Damn it! Those bureaucrats asked us to show a license and did not allow us to sell goods."

"The damn dictator also warned us not to..."

"This lord wants to eat all these and is not afraid of dying?"

Those people were all complaining about the "injustice" they had suffered in Hamlet, and they quickly came to a conclusion.

"That's why we're sitting here, isn't it~"

Everyone fell silent, and the conspiracy really began...

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