Our family is in decline

Chapter 66 The Power of Asylum

Lance was also stunned. He didn't expect this to be the case, but he still had some strange reactions when the collection attacked him.

If the wolf's roar just now was like a spring breeze, then the collection's attack was a mosquito bite.

Yes, the attack of the collection directly penetrating the defense may seem exaggerated, but in fact, Lance himself felt like he was hit by some insect, and he almost didn't feel it.

But he soon understood something.

How could those collections have a physical texture with only a faint layer of blue light? Therefore, whether it was the roar of the alpha wolf or the attack of the collection, it was a spiritual attack at the soul level.

However, the characteristic of [Shelter] makes it impossible for one's soul to be mentally harmed at all, which means that in the eyes of ordinary people, weird and terrifying forces cannot harm it in the slightest.

If the collector and the collection can only attack mentally... then something is wrong~

Lance struck the collector on the head with his sword and knocked it away. Then he slowly raised his head and looked at the collector. It was self-evident what that look meant...

The Collector raised his hand and pointed, the phosphorus fire on his head exploded, his eyes burst out with two thick beams of light, and a strange force was pointed directly at Lance.

[Life Stealing]

That is a classic move used by collectors in the game to attack the back row, causing damage while also restoring their own health.

Faced with this thing, Lance did not dodge or dodge, but actually resisted directly.

He needed to test his guess, and it was obvious that he was right. The attack that could easily take a person's life had no effect on him.

The Collector has no face, but its doubts can also be felt.

Maybe it couldn't figure out why this person didn't react at all, and for a while the collector was a little confused as if it was a bug.

After delaying for so long, Leonard and others rushed over, immediately stood in front of him to protect him, and asked with concern.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Pay attention to those blue lights and don't get touched. They are soul-level attacks. They cannot be blocked and defended by ordinary means. If you can avoid them, you must avoid them. Don't panic if you are hit. As long as you are determined, you will not waver."

Lance first told them about the collector's characteristics so that they wouldn't suffer a loss due to unfamiliarity.

The strange behavior of Lance made the collectors feel danger. There was a strange agitation under the yellow robe, and then two collections flew out again and stopped directly in front of them.

At the same time, the collection that had been slashed with a sword and had a gap in its head was approaching again, and the extinguished blue light on its body reappeared and floated towards the team.

"Don't get entangled with those summons to fight the monsters. Leave them to me." Lance shouted, telling the key to dealing with the Collector.

There is no point in getting entangled with the collection. As long as you kill the main body, everything will be over.

Not to mention that the attacks from these summons are not something they can withstand.

Lance burst out from the back of the team, escaped their protection, and faced the collection.

I don’t know if these collections have autonomous consciousness or are controlled by collectors. Anyway, it doesn’t believe in evil and attacks again, but Lance doesn’t bother to pay attention to the fluorescent weapon it wields, and directly reaches out to penetrate the blue light and pinch the spine of the collection.

This time the collection was struggling wildly as if it was being held to its vitality. Unfortunately, the blue light attack had no effect. Only the wriggling tentacles clinging to Lance's hand gave him a nauseating feeling.

Lifting the sword and inserting it directly into the head from the lower jaw and stirring vigorously, the blue light instantly disintegrated. At the same time, the tentacles clinging to Lance's hand began to twitch violently and swing wildly. After a while, they relaxed and hung down.

After casually sacrificing them, Lance set his sights on the other two collections and rushed forward directly.

Leonard and others were also executing tactics to quickly approach the collector, but as soon as Lance killed one, another collector immediately emerged from under its yellow robe and stood in front of it to stop the team.

I saw the suspended collection flying towards the team.

Several people are familiar with Lance's warning and must not let the monster get close.

Barristan interrupted Disma just as he was about to raise his hand to fire the gun.

"Execute your tactics, don't waste bullets on the summoned objects. Leave them to me."

As he spoke, Barristanti stepped forward with his shield, his one eye showed a calm light, and when the collection flew over, he slapped it away with a shield blow.

The blue light on the collection went out, and the whole thing was suspended in the air as if it was down.

"Death, monster!"

Leonard roared angrily, swung the long sword in his hand, and struck directly on the head of the collection. This blow directly cut off the head. The power displayed was much stronger than Lance's poke.

But before they could be happy, three more collections appeared under the collector's yellow robe. This scene immediately made them feel great pressure.

Endless monsters...with no hope of victory in sight...what kind of monster are you facing?

"Why are you still standing there! Leonard comes up with me, Disma shoots to cover, and Barristan protects him from behind."

Lance had already dealt with the two previous collections and rushed forward.

Others had to avoid the objects for fear of having their souls hurt, but Lance was as brave and fearless as the god of war. He rushed forward, raised his hand, grabbed one of the objects and used it as a hammer, and swung it at the other.

His voice instantly awakened everyone, and looking at the lord's indomitable fighting posture, they felt a steady stream of power begin to emerge from their bodies.

"The Holy Light will not back down!" Leonard raised his sword and charged towards the Collector in large strides, without any wavering in his steps.

"Don't be afraid, I am your shield." Barristan smiled and raised the hammer high. He hadn't had this feeling of blood pumping for a long time, and his heart seemed to be roaring.

Facing the last collection that was coming, he stood in front of Disma and swung the mace, knocking it away.

"I took aim and the shot was perfect."

Disma stood sideways with his gun raised, his eyes locked on the Collector, completely ignoring the enemies around him, just because he trusted his companions. This was a situation that was absolutely impossible for him before.

He has changed a lot since coming here, but the only thing that hasn't changed is his deadly accuracy against his enemies.


The gunshot rang out, and the bullet hit the collector's head directly, but just like that, the bullet shattered directly after impacting the skull, causing no obvious damage except for causing his head to tilt to one side.

"Damn it, I didn't hit it in the eye!"

However, this blow also gave Leonard an opportunity. A man who had fought many battles obviously would not give up this flaw. His footsteps suddenly accelerated across the final distance, and he inserted the long sword under the yellow robe with both hands.

Leonard has cut down countless people, so he knows exactly what it feels like when he touches it, but now the weird feeling in his hand makes his hair stand on end, as if it's not a body inside, but...

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