Our family is in decline

Chapter 667 Sneak across the bay and go straight to the old house

"Aren't we going to the ruins? Why are we here?"

Audrey seemed to have been waiting for a long time and asked this question immediately when she saw Lance.

"That's right, you can reach the ruins up here, and it's also the core location." Lance raised his head to indicate.

"Boss, boss, how are we going up there?"

"You'll know when the time comes, so get ready to disembark."

Lance didn't bother to explain, they would know it soon anyway.

The navy's manpower has been transferred here, and there are many ships parked outside the bay. These are captured pirate ships. Because they need to be temporarily concealed, they can only be brought here.

Someone has already started repairing the dock, and materials are constantly being moved off the ship. Even Lance is a little surprised by the speed of renovation and expansion.

These are professional engineers, and the logistics system in the army is also very important. Their importance is no less than that of soldiers fighting on the front line.

They have also received military training. As long as they pick up a gun, they are capable of fighting, and their organization level is not low.

"Lord Lord!"

"How's it going? Does the pulley still work?"

"We have tested it and there is no problem at all, but it is difficult to move it up. I don't know how the one above is going to be."

Back then, the ancestors chose to build this small, hidden dock to trade with pirates in order to avoid the public eye.

In order to send heavy goods up, a pulley device was specially built, but that thing was as unstable as a simple tower crane, and it could only be controlled from above, not from below.

For this reason, after Lance returned from the bay, he found the mechanics of the institute and redesigned a set. As long as it is connected by ropes, it can achieve the effect of controlling the upper and lower sides, although it is also rudimentary.

Now all Lance needs to do is take his equipment and climb to the top to modify and repair it so that it can work again.

Already troubled, Lance had no time to waste and just climbed the rock with his bare hands in front of everyone.

What's even more outrageous is that the speed is terrifyingly fast, as easy as crawling on flat ground, and the whole process doesn't even stop.

Audrey was originally unsure of the lord's strength, but now that she saw this, she couldn't help but feel glad that she didn't actually go to his room to provoke him, otherwise she wouldn't know how he would die.

Because she knew very well that she couldn't do this, even if she was confident in her light and agile body.

Amanda had no intention of waiting around. Coming from an organizational background, she was used to getting more information, so she started chatting with the person in charge of the project.

"There are three hundred soldiers here. It would take a hundred times to hoist three at a time. And where are the equipment and materials? So we have to hoist a few people up to seize them first, and then arrange for the manpower to load our..."

Amanda followed his words and looked to the side to see a more complicated pulley device, but at this moment a rope with an iron hook was thrown from it.

"Oh! No more chatting."

When the person in charge saw it, he immediately called the workers to start working. Before long, the iron hook was hung on a wooden platform connected by ropes. It was the kind that could allow people to enter. There was also a safety rope on the side, which was independent.

"Which of you will go first?"

"Let me come!"

Boudica volunteered and jumped in first. She was quite excited at first, but when it came off the ground, the platform began to shake.

Especially when the wind blows, you can feel the obvious uncontrolled deviation, and the makeshift shelf starts to make a "chirping" sound, which is even more frightening.

But there was no room for regret when she went up, because she had no time to jump off due to the height of the rise.

Boudica didn't even remember how she got up, and she didn't react until she heard Lance yelling.

"Come down, what are you doing up there?"

"Legs...weak..." Boudica's trembling voice came, her hands tightly grasping the rope, her face pale and sweating profusely, almost crying to Lance for help, "Boss, please help me." I~"

Lance wanted to laugh when he saw her like this, but he still stretched out his hand to lift her out of the platform.

Why are you the first one to come up if you don't have the guts?

It seems that she was very excited at first when she took the boat for the first time, but she got seasick and vomited all the way, and she got used to it later.

When her feet set foot on solid ground again, Boudica's tense nerves were released, and she sat directly on the ground.

He was so nervous that he was holding his breath and suddenly began to gasp for air. The sweat on his forehead not only did not diminish, but in fact became more exaggerated.

"It's okay, it's okay, isn't it coming up?" Lance comforted her and gave her a blessing to refresh her status, and then she raised her head and shouted.

"Boss, I want to curl up."

Lance wanted to laugh when he heard this, but he was worried about putting pressure on her and held it back, and waved his hand to urge her.

"Go, go, go to that bush, I'm going to hang the next one up."

At this time, the more you pay attention to her, the more nervous you become. If you don't pay attention to her, she will soon calm down.

Lance refocused on this pulley device. It was actually a set of pulleys plus a boom. The winch was manually turned to tighten the rope to lift things up. It was somewhat similar to the city gate devices in many big cities.

I have to say that after so many years, this thing can be used just by replacing the rope. You must know that this is facing the sea breeze.

Maybe this was taken into consideration when it was built. The materials used were specially treated and the wood was soaked in an oil, which was a lot more convenient.

However, this thing is only for lifting goods. It is not comfortable to lift people, and it is a fixed pulley, which does not save labor, so Lance needs to find someone to redesign it.

Modification of this device was left to those at the back, whose task was to attack.

The second person to be dragged up was Audrey. It could be seen that her face was a little pale, but she still endured the discomfort in front of Lance.

Then there was Amanda. She was in much better condition, so it was obvious that Audrey was guarding against her first.

Audrey didn't pay attention at all, but focused on the surroundings.

At first glance, she could see the back of the quaint old house not far away, full of traces of time, which reminded her of her own gorgeous manor...

Lance was like an old donkey pulling people up. More and more people boarded here, and they began to use those things to build more temporary hanging towers.

Several large square logs serve as the base frame, and iron sheets with pre-drilled holes are used as connections to form a whole, and then a hole is dug in the ground and buried.

On the other side, all the excavated soil and stones have been put into sacks, and then piled up and pressed behind as a counterweight.

When the chassis is completed and other prefabricated parts are finally put together, a simple new crane appears.

Hamlet's civil engineering prowess was fully demonstrated at this moment. Why didn't Lance drag them to the front line instead of spending money to hire professional engineers?

This is value, as well as logistics and medical care, which can greatly improve the combat capability and will of the army.

"Boss, boss! Is it okay?"

Boudica recovered quickly, and now everyone came over with axes and guns to urge him.

"Come here and turn this." Lance simply grabbed Boudica, a strong man, to take over the winch. There was no need to waste such strength.

"Oh~" Although Boudica was a little disappointed, she didn't talk nonsense. The winch that requires two people to turn can be done by herself, and it's not slow.

More and more soldiers were hoisted up, along with some construction materials and weapons and equipment.

After some research, Lance completed the mission assignment and watched the soldiers take over, so he reconvened the team.

"Let's go, our mission is next."

"Okay!" Boudica, who was grinding on the side, heard a cheer directly. After handing the winch to others, she quickly grabbed her weapon and ran to Lance's side.

Audrey listened on the sidelines, but she was even more confused about the situation. Why did she pay so much attention to a dilapidated manor, need to come from the cliff, and send so many elite warriors, but it was just for defense.

There is no doubt that this success aroused her curiosity, and she joined the team without hesitation when faced with the lord's call.

Amanda had a habit of wanting to draw cards for fortune-telling, but looking at the man, she gave up the idea and followed with a smile.

Along with the team, a group of soldiers also followed. They were there to accept orders from the lord and to conduct reconnaissance.

Weeds obscured their tracks, and there wasn't much movement until they crossed the path and approached the old house.

But Lance felt something. His flaring nostrils captured a lot of smells from the air.

Sure enough, reality is different from the game. After all, if you want to push it to the old house in the game, you have to clean up all the surrounding areas. But now Lance is taking advantage of it and not chewing the hard nut of the ruins, which naturally leads to many situations deviating from the plan.

Fortunately, he pulled hundreds of soldiers over. It would be a very stupid act for a small team to come over. It is hard to say whether they can take these guys away.

"There are traces of human activity."

When they turned around to the front door, Audrey spoke up, and even explained in a very personal way, "If it were deserted, it would be overgrown with weeds like the ones in the back, but here..."

"Who can't see it?" Amanda complained, damn, this tomb robber stole the show.

"Okay, let's go back and play. This is not a place for fun."

Lance felt Amanda's hostility. If it was normal, he would have fun watching it, but now that he is on a mission, there can be no internal fighting.

Amanda didn't say anything. Although she was unhappy, she still had to give the lord face, so she focused more on observing the surrounding situation.

As Audrey said, the back of the old house is deserted, but the front has traces of human activities, and there are quite a few.

"Because this is the headquarters of the Ascension Sect, no one is abnormal."

Lance turned his attention to the old house. Like countless aristocratic manors, the old house occupied a large area. At the same time, it was independent of the suburbs and far away from the noise of the city. It was located on the high cliff with the sea at its back.

The area they are now logging into should have been the backyard, but it has not been taken care of for so long. It has long been overgrown with weeds and looks deserted among the rocks.

However, his focus is not on the old house itself, but on the surrounding terrain that is suitable for defense.



"Assemble soldiers to come up. Our goal is to build a position, besiege this building, and defend this place..."

Lance will not let soldiers enter the old house to fight those monsters. These naval soldiers still have too little combat experience. Fighting with cultists indoors is not the intensity of the battle they can bear.

Moreover, contact with those things will corrupt the soul. Lance does not like meaningless sacrifices, of course, for reasons of confidentiality.

However, they can be used to assist on the periphery to block external enemies who may attack the old house, because it is expected that the Ascension Sect will never give up so easily. Those cultists will definitely come back if they know that their hometown has been stolen.

Likewise, none of the enemies in the old house can escape. Lance wants to annihilate them all and completely wipe out any trace of their existence.

From the strategic purpose, we can roughly understand that it is an offensive and defensive battle for them. For this reason, Lance specially transferred several elite veterans who specialize in defensive battles from the second battalion [Iron Wall] to take charge of the command.

The weapons prepared for them are not ordinary items, but grenades and Molotov cocktails. There are also some weapons that are not actually installed and are in the testing stage.

In terms of firepower, in addition to bayonets and muskets, there were also several artillery pieces. Lance only brought these from the showroom, otherwise even he would not have been able to climb up with the artillery pieces.

There are also a lot of treatment potions, as well as hemostatic bandages, antidotes, various logistic supplies and medical soldiers. Even if he is injured, he will not die, as long as he can hold on until he comes back.

Although many people in these navies have only experienced ordinary battles, they should be able to hold on with heavy firepower.

After beating them, they will become veterans.

Lance explained that arrangements had already begun with the soldiers, and soon they set off back, preparing to call for action.

Lance also raised his hand to release the equipment and artillery at the predetermined location. Before coming, he specially organized the showroom and installed more equipment.

And now is the time to release it, so that there is enough space to contain the scandal of the ancestor.

Boxes of supplies appeared out of thin air. Although Audrey was a little surprised by this, she didn't say anything because she also had some knowledge of these. Unfortunately, she had never found similar equipment and could only look at it with greed.

Lance quickly reviewed the plan to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, and finally made up his mind to face his long-standing fear.

"Let's take action. The arrival of so many of them will definitely alert the cultists. Let's strike first."

"I Xunsi is long overdue!" Boudica had been waiting for this sentence for so long, and a ferocious smile began to appear on her face.

Audrey didn't understand either. She had never even heard about the Ascension Sect because when she came, all the topics were about ruins.

But there must be something good about her being able to survive until now. I don't know why she can feel uneasy. It's a pity that she has no choice but to follow.

Amanda had already taken out the whip in her last hand, her eyes lingered on Audrey for a moment, but she could only suppress her emotions and quickly follow her.

Lance had been preparing for so long, and the real battle finally began.

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