Our family is in decline

Chapter 669 The melee begins

Lance directly searched out almost all the written records and waited until he had time to study them slowly. Anyway, he would get them first.

Even the alchemy equipment on the table, including some semi-finished potions, were all taken away, and not a single hair was left behind.

This is my home, so this is mine, what's wrong with it?

To be honest, judging from the power shown by the Ascension Sect in several battles, there is basically no one who can fight against him.

In order to keep it secret, he could have penetrated the old house alone just like he did with Haiwan, and it would even be more efficient.

But why did he choose to sneak?

I just want to accept as much of the assets left behind by the old house as possible without disturbing the cultists.

In an abandoned laboratory previously discovered in the collapse area, you can find information on the mutation experiments of the Flesh Devourer.

So as the core of the old house, there must be many rare and exotic objects collected by the ancestors with all their efforts.

Of course, there is also the research data of the great ancestor, who may be able to get a glimpse of where he has gone.

Lance was just worried that a head-on conflict would arouse their vigilance and destroy those things, which was unacceptable.

And now what he has gained from this alchemy workshop is enough to prove the rationality of his doing so.

Because knowledge is priceless...

"What's in this box?"

"It's most likely some alchemy materials."

"Oh! This is an antique, it's actually placed here."

Several people on the other side also discovered a lot of things while checking the surrounding area. If a country rat like Audrey specializes in various traps and mechanisms, then Amanda knows a lot about supernatural powers and mysticism, and is also proficient in Item identification.

It can identify the authenticity of the origin and roughly determine the value of the item.

When Lance heard this, he also focused on other corners of the room. For those cultists, any antiques were meaningless, and only ascension was what they pursued.

It can be guessed that after taking over the old house, in order to use it as an alchemy room, those things were piled randomly in the corner, even covered with a thick layer of dust.

There was no spiritual fluctuation, so it did not attract Lance's attention, but it was obvious that the value of these antiques was not based on this.

No matter what, Lance stuffed them all into the showroom. If it wasn't too much of a hindrance, he even wanted to take away the long table.

"Continue." After a brief glance to make sure there was nothing left, he quickly urged.

The team took action again, cleaning rooms one by one. They entered from the side, then circled around, and finally returned to the main entrance hall.

If it is used to hold a banquet, it will not be a problem to accommodate hundreds of people, which shows how huge this building is.

The empty hall looked dilapidated, and the plaster walls were mottled. The exquisite carvings on several thick stone pillars were obscured by dust and looked dim, as if they were still struggling to maintain their former glory.

There are spiral staircases on both sides leading to the second floor. Unfortunately, some of the wooden structural parts on one side have decayed, and the cultists will not repair them, so only one side is left usable.

Like the stairs, the structure is symmetrical on both sides. Now they have to enter from the corridor on the other side and clean the first floor thoroughly.

"This side is cleared, go through the other side." Lance continued to direct, blessing them to refresh their status while his words contained the power of encouragement.

Everyone heard that the fatigue caused by the continuous battles had dissipated, the tense nerves were relaxed, and the pressure of the stealth battle was also relieved a lot.

They quickly took action again, and the battle made their cooperation smoother. As they moved forward, Lance raised his hand and put Boudica's shoulder on it, pulling gently while turning back to signal.

How could Audrey not understand after following him for so long? Soon the entire team quickly retreated to the corner of the corridor.

In fact, even if he didn't direct, everyone could hear the approaching footsteps.

Until a certain moment, the two teams met at the corner. The only difference was that one team was prepared long ago, while the other team did not even react and even fell into panic.

Boudica had been waiting for a long time, and then swung the ax blade and struck the cultist in front of him, causing blood to spatter immediately.

But just when she was about to hit him, Audrey jumped up. She didn't know if her hatred of Lance was transferred to these unlucky people. As soon as they met, she picked up the pickaxe in her hand and smashed it.

The sharp pickaxe directly penetrated the protection of the black iron helmet, and he was already injured. Even a cultist could not bear this kind of injury. He fell to the ground on the spot, leaving only his twitching body.

Pulling it out smoothly, the skull-shaped mask was torn into scrap metal, leaving a hole in it. Bones and flesh were mixed with white brains spilling out like strawberry cream from a squeezed puff.

But this highlights the problem of coordination. Boudica should have taken action against this enemy, while Audrey should be responsible for the other one.

This caused Boudica's attack to be connected to stall due to her obstruction, and she could only attack the other one instead.

This situation is very dangerous in battle, especially when the enemy is not a black-robed believer, but a cult warrior who specializes in fighting.

It was this delay that caused the other cultist to come to his senses and raise his arms to protect himself from Boudica's fierce slashing.

The ax blade and iron claw collided, making a fierce knocking sound, and sparks flew at the same time.

The fierce force caused the cult warrior to lose his balance and retreat chaotically, but there was no doubt that he failed to kill the opponent immediately. This was a major mistake!

Even these dim-witted cultists understood what it meant to be attacked here, and they wanted to shout immediately.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, there was a flash of cold light, and the dagger plunged into the mouth of the cultist with great precision. The burst of ritual power above weakened his physique and also interrupted his call for help.

There was no doubt that this was Amanda's move.

These guys didn't feel pain or fear, and they immediately reached out to pull out the dagger, but Boudica wouldn't stand aside and watch when you looked up at such a big flaw.

After making the mistake just now, he adjusted his posture and seized the opportunity to directly spin around and swing the ax gun from below to draw a perfect arc.

The arrogant force even cut open the cultist's jaw. It could be seen that the helmet that covered the upper half of the face was really only the upper half of the face. The rest was bloody and bloody, with blood and minced meat constantly flowing out.

But the strength of these guys is far superior to those of the followers. They are not dead yet and even want to launch an attack.

It was just that the exaggerated bleeding sucked away the last bit of his life force. Although his body still looked like he was raising his iron claws to strike, the next second he could no longer hold on and fell straight down.

Great weapons require no human manipulation.

It's a pity that even if Boudica and Amanda try their best to remedy it, if the rhythm is messed up, it will be messed up. When you take the time to adjust, the cultists will also adjust.

Fortunately, there were still ballast stones in the team, so Lance killed the other two with a sharp knife and put an end to the encounter.

What's even more suffocating is that Audrey actually stood there after knocking one, because the target she chose was chopped by Lance, and she could only stay in place.

Inexplicable movements, inexplicable jumps in turns, this would make Lance collapse directly in the game.

In reality, he was somewhat dissatisfied. I was tortured in the fucking game, and I was still tortured in reality. Didn’t I travel through time in vain?

But sometimes there are always constant "surprises" in reality. Because of the corner, they caught the cultists off guard, but the corner also limited their sight.

The scene just now happened to be seen by a cultist who was some distance behind, and he shouted directly.

"Enemy attack!"

"Someone come quickly!"

This sound immediately interrupted their questioning of Audrey, and everyone was startled.

Because everyone knows what this means?

This is the base camp of cultists. You can see cultists everywhere. I just walked a few steps and encountered so many of them. Now I am alarmed...

Audrey's face turned pale, she shouldn't have grabbed someone's head just now.

When they were frightened, Lance had already killed the hairy guy with an arrow in the head, but the sound just now had exposed their existence, and they could hear the noise around them, which was the evil spirit that was constantly coming here. Believers.

Lance's face didn't look good, but it was a pity that he couldn't control the reality. It was meaningless to blame anyone now. He immediately went back to sacrifice the body and then signaled.

"Restrictions are lifted, the mission remains unchanged, and all cultists are eliminated."

"The gate is right there, let's leave quickly." Audrey couldn't accept it and kept urging, "We shouldn't stay... evil is raging."

"I won't say it a second time, follow me." Lance had already had a problem with her, but now he made no secret of it, and glanced at her with his cold eyes.

At this moment, the panic in Audrey's heart disappeared instantly, because she encountered something more terrifying than fear.

"Damn idiot! Are you satisfied now?" Amanda was actually panicked, but she didn't dare to say anything to Lance and could only vent her anger by scolding Audrey.

On the contrary, Boudica was not afraid at all. On the contrary, she became more and more excited, with her face flushed.

The fight just now was not satisfying enough. She needs to fight stronger, harder, and harder!

Without giving them more time to digest, the cultists already appeared on the side of the passage...

"Move, don't be surrounded."

Lance picked up the guy without any hesitation and rushed forward. The cultist probably didn't expect the enemy to be so brave, and he couldn't help but hesitate in his steps, but this was his last remaining consciousness.

Because he was already dead when he saw Lance, and even his body was devoured.

Lance was the man who slaughtered the entire bay. If it wasn't for the inheritance, he wouldn't be so aggrieved. There is no need to cover up now, it is a complete massacre.

Killing and sacrificing at the same time is terrifyingly efficient.

Now it's not the cultists surrounding Lance, but Lance surrounding the cultists, and those guys who are rushing over can't stop the counterattack.

"Boss, leave some for me!"

Boudica screamed and rushed forward, raised the ax gun and charged, directly piercing one person and hitting everyone behind him. The moment he pulled it out, blood spurted out, and half of his intestines were dragged out.


Boudica, who had been suppressed for a long time, clenched her fists and raised her chest and let out a roar. The cultists who were about to approach were directly intimidated.

Now it was no longer her turn to think too much. Audrey could only pick up a pickaxe and open cans for those guys.

On the contrary, Amanda did not throw weapons randomly, but just waved her whip, took out her hand ax, and dismembered the enemy with exquisite techniques.

The increasingly fierce fighting situation made some key figures of the Ascension Sect appear.

Wearing a black robe and holding a unique long staff, you can see the "Revelation" pattern made of black iron at the end, which is also the representative of these ascended sects.

"It's the caster! Kill it!"

As soon as he appeared, Lance felt the evil aura surging in the air. He found the hidden guy at a glance and raised his hand to mark him.

Amanda actually felt it too, so she responded immediately and threw out the dagger.

But the other cultists also realized this and shouted desperately in front of him.

"Protect the Lord Li Zong!"

The attack fell on the other cultists, and here the cult casters received the greatest blessing. The cult mage called Li Zong completed the spell almost instantly.

He raised the simple staff and pointed at Lance, who rushed the most fiercely. A strange purple-black seal was outlined by the strange power.

The mark of the old god!

At the same time, Lance felt that the inexplicable power wanted to affect him, and he could only respond with a heavy crossbow.

But he didn't expect that the cultists really stood in front of him without any hesitation and took the attack for him, but Lance was not a long-range soldier, so he directly killed him with a knife.

One knife per one, maybe those cultists were still looking forward to killing Lance and ascending to heaven in the last second, but before they could react, they had already turned into corpses. Before the corpses fell, the void swallowed them and wiped them out.

The corpses did not fall to the ground, and civilization was more beautiful.

As if feeling the specialness of Lance, the head of the official raised the staff, absorbed the endless power in the old house and brought it down on those cultists.

Demonic blessing!

The strength of those cultists became stronger after being blessed. Lance was okay, but Amanda and the others were in some trouble.

It was not that they could not beat them, but once they were dragged down, more enemies would attack.

Lance was not shaken by this, and he still killed them like mowing the grass. The solution to the problem was simple, to kill the caster.

The head of the official waved the staff and made various vicious curses, but they could not even lift a hair on Lance.

The bloodthirsty wolf fangs were getting closer and closer...

At this time, a long sword blocked the wolf fangs, and a guy wearing black iron armor and a skull mask could be seen guarding in front of the head of the official.

This was a rare cultist outfit. Those cultists who were eager for blood and flesh stimulation would actually wear armor?

Lance didn't need to chew this can at all, he just kicked it out, the leg strength was several times that of the arm strength, and then put it into his human-like Tyrannosaurus Rex physique.

Almost instantly, the guy flew backwards as if he was hit by a heavy artillery, and even knocked down a few people behind him before he stopped. The sound of the bones breaking didn't seem to be a joke.

What level do you have to dare to stop me?

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