Our family is in decline

Chapter 672 Annihilation!

The moment the two sides met, everyone saw the cultist who committed suicide amidst the singing, and a strange and unspeakable force devoured their lives.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the devoted cultists cut their flesh and let the blood flow, but the blood evaporated into red mist as if boiling.

The spreading blood mist was difficult to spread, because it could be seen that it was being sucked into the void as if breathing. In just a few seconds, the sacrifice's flesh and blood withered, turning into a mummy and falling to the ground.

What's even more terrifying is that the fluctuations from the void are getting stronger and stronger...

"Damn it! It's a large-scale ceremony of the choir, what are they summoning..."

Although Amanda had already guessed it, her heart tightened the moment she saw it.

She knew that the church had a choir whose members were all trained by girls with extraordinary talents and outstanding inspiration.

They may not be very good individually, but they can unite through rituals and unleash very powerful power.

Why do cults also have these?

But Lance reacted faster than her and threw several grenades directly into the so-called choir.

You sing in my house and you sing so badly, I've tolerated you for a damn long time!

Lance had never used grenades before, not because he couldn't bear to do it. Although this thing was expensive, he could afford it.

The real reason is that he is afraid of damaging the old house. After all, it is his own home. If something valuable is blown up, he will lose his blood.

He's even more afraid of the explosion. He will be able to survive then, but it's hard to say for the others.

You must know that this kind of large-scale building is not finished once it is built. It requires a huge amount of maintenance to ensure its use. The older it is, the more it will cost. It is not surprising that the accumulation over the years will even exceed the construction cost.

But they saw peeling walls, broken windows, collapsed stairs, and many wooden structures had decayed as they entered.

It can be said that the Ascension Sect has no intention of maintaining this place at all.

He did not dare to bring a large force in because of this consideration. Dangerous buildings could not withstand the impact, and no one dared to bet.

But with the hall so empty, there's no risk of collapse, and damage can be tolerated.

In this short period of time, the grenades that fell into the congregation exploded one after another.

Under the shock wave and shrapnel, the choir was instantly overturned. Death may not be caused, but interruption is enough.


Lance no longer chose to stop playing "love song" duet with those guys, but wanted to attack them hard.

No matter how many times she watched this scene it made Amanda's heart swell, that man was fearless.

Boudica couldn't care less and rushed forward with a crazy grin on her face. Fighting was the meaning of her survival.

Audrey didn't know, but she followed him involuntarily anyway.

The cult members also began to fight back after the attack on the choir.

What kind of mess of cult warriors or cult guards stood in the front, and those in the back held up incense burners and released vicious smoke. There were also spellcasters who began to summon power from the void to help, and the remaining chanters were chanting hymns of strange demons...

Anyway, the frantic evil atmosphere at the scene suppressed other forces for a while, and the power from the void demon seemed to distort reality.

Or maybe some "dirty things" want to show up...

But it's a pity that their enemy is Lance. No matter what your mess, I will go over with a knife and sacrifice it to finish.

No one can stop Lance who rushes in. For a strong man like him, rushing into the casters is simply a massacre.

He could even see the girl with a blade on her body but still looking devoutly praying, but Langya didn't believe this.

Lance didn't believe it either. Who knew what was under that skin? Dead cultists were cuter.

The sacrifice swept through and swallowed up those frantic powers. The terrifying appearance even made things on the other side of the void take the initiative to stay away, and the barriers to reality were gradually restored.

The battle was simpler than Lance imagined, because a large number of bombs were thrown at the beginning.

Otherwise, if these guys finish singing the hymn, they might summon something from the void. He wouldn't be surprised if the ancestor comes out.

But it's a pity that the power of gunpowder interrupted them, and then they could only be hit hard by Lance.

In the absence of beacons in reality, even if those monsters want to interfere with reality, they can only be exiled and rolled back to the void.

It can only be said that technology changes the world, and power does not only come from void demons.

Because Lance participated in the battle, the battle ended with ease that others could hardly imagine, compared to the previous difficulty and urgency.

Amanda and the others, who were used to fighting with Lance, were okay, but for Audrey, it was even more shocking than before.

After all, their actions were actually separated just now. Lance cut in front and sacrificed without leaving any corpses.

While they were cleaning the room at the back, they had no exact idea at all. They only knew that the lord went up and came back.

Later, when they faced the cardinal of the cult, there was another invisible confrontation. Only both sides could understand how intense it was.

But now he was killing like crazy in front of her, and the impact was more intuitive.

Is this still fucking humanly possible?

No one gave her an answer. Lance had already started to clean up the scene. Unfortunately, there was no special gift other than some spirituality.

After the battle, it seemed that the entire old house suddenly became quiet. Lance suspected that the cultists were all alerted by the ringing of the bell, and gathered together to fight back with the help of the choir.

It's a pity that the back part is gone. I have to thank the dying knell of the evil cult cardinal for calling them all at once, otherwise it would be quite troublesome to find each room.

"Come, wash your hands first and drink some water." Lance took out a kettle and handed it over. He had already prepared supplies before coming.

Why is fighting all about logistics? Because fighting is very taxing on the body and mind, it needs to be rested and replenished.

Your backpack does not need to contain gold coins, but it must contain food and water.

Everyone simply cleaned up the blood stains on their bodies. In fact, only Boudica, the stupid youngster, was the most exaggerated, and the others were only stained a little.

It is Hamlet's strange rule to wash your hands before eating, and then take out some bread wrapped in beeswax paper with cheese and meat slices inside.

Everyone is a ruthless person who is wallowing in a pile of dead people. There is no way they can't eat it.

Boudica was really hungry, so she ate as much as she could. For her, life consisted of fighting, eating, drinking, and sleeping.

Sometimes people just think too much, she is so relaxed, even Lance is a little envious.

Usually during the mission, you don't eat too much, so there is only about 40 to 50% of this, otherwise it will affect the state, otherwise Boudica can eat four or five of these breads alone.

But she can't change her greed. Before the others had finished eating, she came looking for them again.

"Boss, boss, do you have any wine?"

"No, get out." Lance glanced at her speechlessly, refusing to accept this trick at all.

Drinking is strictly prohibited during missions. This is the lord's rule. He doesn't want to stress it out later if something goes wrong. Setting the rules from the beginning is the most direct way to avoid it.

Although he said this, Lance still took out a candy wrapped in wax paper and threw it over.

"Hehe!" Boudica was not polite at all, she took it directly and started eating.

Lance also handed it to the other two people, and Amanda took it naturally. On the contrary, Audrey looked a little respectful. It seemed that she finally understood what respect was.

After opening the package, there was an amber crystal. Watching others eat it, she also put it in her mouth.

It has to be said that the rich sweetness spreads to the mouth instantly, and saliva is secreted uncontrollably. The body is craving for this more direct and rapid way of replenishment.

Perhaps compared to the bitter and spicy absinthe, this sugar is more suitable for you...

Just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, Boudica opened it and threw it into his mouth, finishing it in two seconds.

Looking at the others, he moved towards Lance.


"After eating so much, my teeth are all rotten."

Lance saw Boudica approaching and didn't know what she wanted. He raised his hand and patted the glutton, but still gave her his share.

Boudica was not afraid of being beaten by Lance. She wanted to eat sweets even if she was beaten. She took them away without any courtesy at all.

Lance didn't care. To be honest, he didn't even warm up just now, let alone consume anything.

However, he did attach great importance to this aspect. There was no sucrose and no beets were found. The honey production was unstable and took too long. More importantly, it was not solid at room temperature and was difficult to carry.

Fortunately, Hamlet is a grain-producing area, and there is enough wheat and barley, so when black bread is not available elsewhere, there is still grain to make maltose, and the by-products can be used as feed without wasting at all.

Sugar can quickly replenish intense energy consumption, and the sweetness can soothe tense nerves, but the output is too small and the cost is too high.

Therefore, this thing was not released on the market, but was used as a medicine in the military. It is better to consume sugar than to take drugs.

It was good for Boudica to eat quickly, and she also found time to sharpen the blade of her axe.

It was splitting armor and cutting bones. The continuous battles caused many cracks on it. However, after the polishing was completed, those were just saw teeth, and any scratches were probably rotten flesh.

After a brief rest, the team recovered from successive battles.

The first floor is now cleared, so go straight up the stairs and enter the second floor.

It is different from the alchemy room on the first floor where the kitchen was renovated, or the room filled with materials, antiques, and debris.

The rooms on the second floor are much more complete, and there are still some traces of life. It looks like someone is living in them, and they are better than those on the first floor. They are probably where the middle-level people stay.

But these have all become history, and the antiques that witnessed all this may have been ignored for many years. Will those cultists know that a certain badge, sculpture, portrait, or even a tapestry covered in dust is worth a lot of money?

Audrey is really a professional. She can find hidden things in the room, such as gold coins, gems, and some jewelry. The value of these things cannot be ignored.

She could even find scattered gems from the torch holders in the corridor, and she didn't know what happened back then to put them here.

Lance suspected that the tomb robber's extraordinary ritual gave her treasure-hunting qualities that were different from ordinary people, but he didn't go into details.

The value of bringing her in was emerging, but to Lance it was more valuable as a carrier of recorded information.

There was no time to look at the scrolls and notes scattered in those rooms, so I had to collect them first.

"This is the study!"

Soon Lance's real target was found, the most valuable thing in the old house, the various occult books collected by his ancestor over the years.

The cultists obviously had no interest in this. It could be seen that no one had entered the room for a long time.

The sealed doors and windows were surrounded by spider webs, and some wooden bookshelves even collapsed. Books were scattered everywhere, which made Lance feel heartbroken.

No matter what the content is, knowledge in this era is too precious, but you don’t know how to cherish it...

The only good news is that precisely because it has not been opened for many years, and the study itself was built with storage conditions in mind, it has been able to maintain a relatively stable environment, and these books have escaped being corroded by the sea breeze.

Lance took the books back to the display room while sweeping the goods, while several others also began to check the surrounding situation.

Most of them were ordinary books, but Lance soon felt spiritual fluctuations among them. Some books containing extraordinary power were collected here.

This discovery made Lance even more excited. This is the true heritage of a family that has been passed down for countless years.

It's a pity...our family has declined...

The study room was quickly cleaned by Lance. Lance understood that the gains from the alchemy room and study room were enough to be worth the price of admission, but the exploration had to continue, and completing the cleaning of the old house was only the first step.

The second floor was quickly cleaned. Those cultists were indeed all that were left here. There were no annoying guys all the way here.

The third floor is far crazier than the second floor. Some rooms are full of traces of blasphemy, with strange bloody graffiti and Ascension Sect patterns.

There are also some human skeletons arranged in strange shapes, and there are also leather scrolls whose origins are difficult to explain.

Lance and the others also found a specially cleared space on the third floor. Judging from the traces left behind, maybe those guys were still holding a developer conference with the Choir here.

However, those ordinary members of the congregation are probably not eligible to join. Only those high-level officials and cardinals on the third floor are eligible to be here, which means that their levels have already been divided.

As a cult with ascension as its core, the Ascension Sect still has such a significant hierarchy.

I've already fucking ascended, why is there still someone above me? Then wouldn’t my ascension be in vain?

I don’t even call you at the developer conference, I call you when I’m eating a knife.

Still believe they will take you to ascend? It is better to believe in flying first and then driving.

However, this has nothing to do with Lance and the others. Instead, he found a lot of documents from the management of the Ascension Sect. Those words recorded on the human skin scrolls will give him a better understanding of their internal situation.

The exploration must continue...

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