Our family is in decline

Chapter 674 Altar of the Limping Man

The reason why Lance reacted like this was that there was a special altar in the middle of the room.

It was a long strip of black metal twisted into a tentacle shape, with a dark red energy body the size of a human head embedded in the middle, which contained strange power, and even cracks in the space could be seen in it.

This thing brought back some bad memories for Lance. He knew what it was. In the game, it was called the Altar of the Limp Walker.

That's right, the Limp Walker was the Void Demon summoned by the cult saint who encountered the cult saint in the beast cave and then dedicated himself to the void.

In the game, you can also follow the instructions - the sacrifice of fire is the starting point of destruction. If you desire the power of the void, then offer the flame!

In simple terms, you can summon the Limp Walker by lighting the altar with a torch.

This means that the altar is the beacon of the Limp Walker. Why is such a dangerous thing placed here?

Lance thought that the ancestor was a lunatic, but he didn't expect him to be so crazy that he dared to put this thing at home. Isn't he afraid that there will be an extra Limp Walker in his bed at night?

The initial shock soon faded, and Lance calmed down and found that something was wrong.

No, why am I afraid of the limp walker?

Lance realized that he was almost fooled. It's not like he had never killed the limp walker before. Although he almost fell at that time, it was Alhazred who broke out at the critical moment to take it down.

But he was just a champion at that time, and now he has already advanced to the legendary level, and has the black armor as a foundation. He could kill it before, and now he is not afraid of it in a single fight.

When the filter disappeared, Lance found that this was not a danger, but an opportunity.

The limp walker is full of treasures, and it may not be impossible to explode its equipment. Even if it only gives spirituality by eating the minimum living allowance, it is better than other means.

At this moment, the limp walker altar in front of Lance is as precious as a rooster laying eggs in his eyes, and he has begun to think about assembly line operations.

Form a specially prepared team, summon a limp walker to chop one, and continue to summon after the sacrifice.

If you think this method is too inefficient, you don’t even need people to chop it.

Directly build a siege like a duel field, on the high platform there are no spectators, but cannons.

Summon the limp walker and fire a volley directly. With this kind of firepower coverage, he doesn't believe he can still survive.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't die, just reload the second round directly. What kind of void demon is it? In the end, it's just a pile of rotten meat.

Lance only needs to sit and wait for the end, and the spirituality will go into his pocket. With the blessing of the spirituality, he can pull up a powerful army and push the world flat.

Fuck, there is only one word - cool!

Lance just thought that the ancestor was crazy, so what is he?

The ancestor didn't dare to think that the powerful void demon was a pig in a pig farm.

No, the pigs in the pig farm must at least be raised, he is cutting the leeks of the void.

With innocent thoughts, Lance began to study the situation in the room.

Then he found something that even shocked him.

This is not an independent altar, this thing is arranged in a ceremony.

That's right, after stepping on the footprints and rubbing away the dust, he saw a complex ritual carved on the ground. Lance felt the power contained in it and looked to the side.

It turned out to be an exquisite cup inlaid with jewels. The details on it showed luxury, and what Lance cared about more was the power contained in it and the echo of the ritual. This was the source of the suppression ritual mentioned by Amanda.

There is no doubt that this is a holy grail. This thing should be like the [Iron Torch] in Junia's hand. It is definitely a holy relic used by a powerful person. It can suppress the evil breath of the Lame Altar in the endless years.

Lance did not move these things, and even slowly withdrew from the ritual pattern and began to seek more information around.

Sure enough, the ancestor never let him down. In the corner of the room, he found a large number of scattered manuscripts. He picked them up and took a simple look.

Lance found that he still underestimated the ancestor. His ideas were no worse than his own.

Because this Lame Altar was one of the antiques he collected, he found a way to trigger it in his research.

Originally, because of the in-depth experimental research, he began to feel disappointed with the flesh and blood power of the human body, and the unique void demon of the limp walker gave him inspiration.

So the ancestor actually mastered the power of the altar, and even made a new altar, and then captured the limp walker and imprisoned him for research.

As for whether it was successful, how could Lance not know?

The [seeds] of the Ascension Sect that turned humans into monsters in a short period of time, and the purple-black eyeballs that emerged from those out-of-control cultists, or the tentacles that were summoned, and even the limp walker body...

All these phenomena show that the old thing has obtained a lot of research results from the limp walker, although they are all outrageous.

But this also shows the difference in thinking between the two.

Lance just wants to cut leeks, while the ancestor is doing research.

A capitalist, a researcher, it is really shameful... But the ancestor's experimental results are really not flattering.

For Lance, it is a pity that this part of the research data is missing. It seems that the experimental site is not here, this is just a place to store the prototype of the altar.

Although it would be best to ask a professional like Alhazred to handle this, but that is not possible right now, so I can only ask Amanda to take a look.

Lance did not move, but stepped out and turned around and returned to the stairs.

"Boss!" Boudica was so bored that she got up from the ground quickly when Lance came back.

"I checked it out and found something weird."

Of course, Lance couldn't reveal too much to them, but he still led them to the room.

Before entering the door, even the most relaxed Boudica became serious, let alone Amanda who was more sensitive to these.

After Lance pulled off the black cloth, she didn't even dare to step into the room, only giving a slightly trembling warning.

"Damn! What is this? We shouldn't get close, leave now..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

As if aware of Amanda's uneasiness, Lance raised his hand and pressed her shoulders to comfort her.

I have to say that this greatly calmed Amanda's nervousness. After taking a look at Lance, she followed him in.

"I want to keep this sealing ritual, do you think it's possible?"

"I'm not an expert on this, I'm not sure, maybe Mr. Alhazred can."

"Do you think taking this thing away will destroy the sealing ceremony?"

Listening to Lance's words, Amanda could only give a very ugly forced smile, "This is a well-established ritual. We don't know the details and it's difficult to reproduce. My opinion is that it's best not to touch anything."

"I understand." Lance nodded in agreement, but he was still thinking about something.

He wanted to preserve or even copy this because Hamlet needed a place to contain the sealing ability. After all, many things in the showroom could not be carried with him all the time.

Amanda couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Lance had listened to her opinion, so she followed suit.

“Actually, there are quite a few similar sealing rituals, and all forces have them, but the core lies in the selection of ritual materials.

Different materials can display different powers. For example, the power contained in this Holy Grail should be purification, isolation, protection and other characteristics..."

Amanda said a lot, probably saying that the appearance of the ritual, such as steps and patterns, is not important, but it still depends on the source of the power.

It's equivalent to a phone number being just a string of digits, and there are many operators. Making a call is just a few actions. The core is the person you need to call.

Lance couldn't help but put his eyes on the altar, then looked back at the crowd, thought about it for a while and gave up.

If Alhazred and Baldwin were around him, he would open the altar without much nonsense.

But Amanda was obviously not in good condition, and she started to get timid even before the fight. As for Audrey, it’s hard to say. She would probably be scared to death when she saw a limp.

It's better to wait until a team of experts comes over to deal with it. Now let's put it here...

After a rational struggle, Lance chose to exit the room and closed the door again. The fourth floor had already been searched. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but Audrey suddenly said something while walking.

"Don't you think something is wrong here?"

These words stopped the team in their tracks. Compared to Boudica and Amanda's impatience, Lance was still willing to listen to her words.

"Did you find anything?"

"Although the layout here is different from the one downstairs, the size of the space is wrong, and these additions were obviously made to steal space." As she said this, Audrey began to walk to the wall and started knocking and groping.

When she talked about Lance, she also understood that the main building structure of the old house had three vertical floors, the fourth floor began to be tightened to make the roof, and the fifth floor was completely the roof attic.

In other words, the ceiling on the third floor is the foundation of the fourth floor. You can expand the balcony to make more, but it is impossible to lose part of it.

Before Lance could think too much, Audrey had already found the mechanism in the masonry of the wall.

"Found it, the secret door is here."

There was a bit of surprise in Audrey's words. As she pressed hard, the decorative plaster relief cracked, revealing the secret room that had been sealed for a long time.

Seeing this, Amanda couldn't help but restrain her contempt for the tomb robber. She didn't expect that this guy was really capable.

But Boudica was already eager to go in, but was caught and stopped by Lance.

"Let the professionals do it. What trouble are you making?"

These words were undoubtedly an encouragement to Audrey. She finally found her place in the team and immediately walked in first.

But I don't know if it was a matter of habit, but she lit a candle before going in. Lance didn't like the thing made of corpse oil and ashes very much, but he followed No. 2 in anyway.

There were no windows to provide a source of light, only the dim light from the door and candlelight, making the whole room seem a bit dim.

The room is not big, and it is a bit difficult to accommodate four people based on the original pile of various things.

But it can be seen that this is not the arrangement of the Ascension Sect, at least not the arrangement after the ancestor went crazy, because there are no crazy bloody graffiti in it, nor are there any evil props related to the Ascension Sect.

Armor, weapons, props, and two boxes... these are all covered in thick dust, indicating a long history.

Audrey glanced at Lance and nodded before opening the lock. Her technique was much faster and more sophisticated than Lance's. This is the difference between an amateur and a professional.

After opening the two boxes, you can see a box full of gold coins, and the other one contains some crystal gems, jade, diamonds, etc., anyway, there is only one word - money.

Even in a dim environment, just a little candlelight can shine with dazzling light. Audrey has seen a lot of the world, but when she saw this, she couldn't help but breathe heavily.

It's a pity that Lance didn't even look at that thing, because his attention was attracted by another thing.

It was a complete set of armor standing up in the corner, with a long sword held in the overlapping hands.

This is a set of extraordinary equipment. The power on it has prevented it from being corroded after so many years, and it still looks like new after wiping off the dust.

Looking at other things, they represent power, money... Lance probably understands that this secret room is more like some inheritance left by the elders of the Hamlet family, specifically prepared to leave a way out for those prodigal sons (ancestors).

This couldn't help but remind Lance of the hidden grid found in the bay. It was the last legacy left by a man desperately for civilization. Unfortunately, civilization died in the end, and the things ended up in Lance's hands.

Will the Hamlet family inheritance that the ancestor has abandoned now return to his own hands?

Unfortunately, there were other people here, so Lance just took it away silently without saying anything else.

After clearing the secret room, the discovery just now piqued the team's interest, and also broke up the depressing atmosphere caused by the Lame Altar.

In fact, as I said just now, the fourth floor is the final structure of the main body, and the only thing left above is the attic.

But the ancestor also used the special spire environment on the fifth floor to build a very interesting room.

A hexagonal spire structure with tall glass windows on each side, allowing easy viewing in every direction while sitting in the middle.

The interior was filled with telescopes and other sophisticated equipment, some of which even had functions that Lance couldn't recognize.

"This is a star observatory, but those mages like to call it an observatory."

Amanda knew all this very well, but she also knew it very well. There was an elder in the organization who was a stargazer, who happened to be Tamara's teacher.

The Roma themselves also used astrology as a method of divination.

Lance didn't care about anything else, and he found his ancestor's research records on astrology here.

But before he could look through it, Boudica, who was leaning against the window, let out an excited shout.

"Boss, boss! There's a fight down there!"

When Lance heard this, he couldn't help but put away the things in his hands and looked out the window. He could see the figures of cultists emerging on the path paved with weeds and shrubs...

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