Our family is in decline

Chapter 677 No News Is the Worst News

No matter how those people move, they cannot affect Hamlet's operation.

The port terminal is still in full swing. Boxes and bags of goods are being moved from the ship to the warehouse under the work of porters.

Although it is tiring physical work, sweaty smiles can be seen on the faces of those hard-working porters from time to time.

It's easy for them to laugh. In the past, they only had two or three coins a day, and they had to pay protection fees to gangsters and the like, or they were exploited by ship owners, because manpower was not valuable, and coolies could be found everywhere.

Now, if you work hard, you can even earn five copper coins a day. If you have money, you can support your family and send your children to school to learn how to read.

And those bachelors can still go to places like pubs to have fun, and even study. Hamlet provides adult education.

Most of these people are not considered Hamlet people yet. They must register here, have legal income within three years, pay taxes normally, and must not have a criminal record.

Of course, they can also choose not to stay here, but to go to the farm or to a new town. They only need to work for one year to become a naturalized Hamlet.

More importantly, they saw hope in Hamlet.

Because there is no oppression from those gangs here, and the money is as much as they say. If anyone deducts money, the people who report it to the lord will naturally deal with them.

This does not refer to the managers of Hamlet, but to the ship owners, who usually try their best to deduct money after the transportation is completed.

The excuses are that these are damaged, something is missing, not within the agreed time, etc... Anyway, it is just to squeeze more blood and sweat from those coolies.

But this method does not work in Hamlet, because the cargo of every ship here must first be counted and registered by the administrator. Whether there is any problem is not a matter of the ship owner. It needs to be investigated and notarized by a third party.

If it is really damaged or missing, then agree on the amount of compensation. If not, then the ship owner has to compensate, which is a waste of public resources and affects the order of the dock.

At the beginning, there were not many ship owners who wanted to play this trick, but they were discovered and smuggled by the way.

At this time, it was no longer a matter of losing some money. The police came and immediately seized the goods. People had to go in and pay a large fine. Hamlet was not their territory.

There is no doubt that Hamlet safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of those working people. When you unite them, they will also show their value.

Therefore, nothing that happens on the dock can escape supervision, ranging from petty theft to smuggling.

Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be kicked out soon. Don't underestimate the porters. They have been at the dock for many years and know everything about it, so don't challenge other people's expertise.

When those people made their decision, the news quickly reached Hamlet's senior management.

"Have they finally bowed their heads? I thought it would have to be another night."

"They will lose at least 30% of the total. I don't know why they are crazy. Wouldn't it be fine if they sold it to us earlier?"

“Because they guessed that Hamlet’s supplies were in great demand, and wanted to force us to keep them so they could raise the price.

But now we are ignoring them, and as more and more cargo ships come to the dock, they are naturally anxious, and they will lose a lot of goods in one day. "

Tiffany complained a little speechlessly on the side, she had never seen anyone doing business like this.

Yesterday, I was very aggressive and said that I wanted to unite not to sell, and that I wanted to go back to Totnes. How come I didn't leave even after one night, and even delayed it all day?

This kind of behavior is equivalent to stabbing oneself in the neck, pointing at the bleeding neck and saying that it was cruel enough to see me.

It's really abstract...

Compared to the thoughts of ordinary bureaucrats like Tiffany, Greendale, who was also in the office, didn't say much.

Hamlet separated the military and the government, and Tiffany and the others didn't know about some of the military transfers. They didn't know what happened last night, or what the ship full of mercenaries wanted to do.

They judge those people more out of a business behavior and profit relationship.

Do you want to say that they didn't notice the mercenary who was removed from the ship?

But there is no point in noticing, there are countless explanations for these things, and they are not responsible for them.

Because of Baldwin, Greendale quit her job in government affairs. Logically speaking, she shouldn't be here now.

But the fact is that she has been paying attention to Hamlet's affairs today, just as she is not here to express any opinions or influence their decisions.

Instead, he acted as a bystander, sorted out the information collected, and conveyed Hamlet's situation to Lance through the [Messenger].

In other words, she is one of the few people who can know what is happening in Hamlet's military and political circles, because she is the shadow of the lord.

After roughly understanding the situation, Greendale did not stay, but left quickly. The details of the transaction were not her responsibility, her task was to report.

You must know that Lance had warned the guys at the dock before leaving, and now it has finally been solved.

When I walked out and looked at the setting sun, I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Take out the messenger and call, and the magical power will connect the consciousness of both parties together again.

Greendale received the intelligence from the front line, and Lance also accepted Hamlet's situation.

"Those fleets were disbanded, they sold their goods, and the mercenaries on board were also dismissed. There should be no threat."

"We have achieved great results in this operation, but the most important issue has not yet been resolved. The security around us is uncertain. We must be vigilant."

The disappearance of the leader of the Ascension Sect and the news that the surrounding areas had been corrupted by the cult made Greendale feel pressured, but she did not show it, but promised to mobilize more manpower as soon as possible to replenish the supplies on the front line.

But she also has a rather special news, I'm not sure whether it's good or bad.

"More and more extraordinary people are coming to Hamlet, and there are also many wanted criminals and other random guys."

Lance understood something when he heard this. Those guys knew Hamlet's unique system and wanted to use it to avoid being wanted by the church and the empire.

It’s understandable that there is an oppressed extraordinary being named Lance, but why do those wanted criminals think that Hamlet will protect them?

But after thinking about it, Lance had no intention of taking action directly, he could only emphasize it.

"If you don't commit a crime, don't move. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be dealt with directly. However, you can first investigate and determine the reason and identity of the wanted person. I can use it if you record it."

Now Hamlet only looks calm, but in fact it is in a precarious state. If the diversion of the ruins had not been opened, there would have been trouble long ago.

Stability is the most important thing at this stage. We can deal with all problems as long as we can and wait until the time comes when we can go back.

Of course, another reason is that wanted criminals are not necessarily bad people. Hamlet cannot blindly follow the definition of the church or other parts of the empire, and power must be firmly in his hands.

Furthermore, there are not many clean children who come to Hamlet, they are all children with various problems, but if he is useful to Hamlet, then put it aside for now.

It has been emphasized countless times that this world is very desperate and cruel, and the source of power of extraordinary people is very bloody and twisted. Those extraordinary people must have done something to survive, and the powerful ones have even more problems.

For example, if Audrey wants to advance and gain strength, she needs a special corpse.

Theft and desecration of corpses are serious crimes. If she is found, she will definitely be wanted. But with Lance using it now, her crime cannot be investigated, at least until her effect is exhausted.

Everything is profit, it's that simple.

"But those who cause trouble must be severely punished. Anyone who dares to provoke Hamlet's order will be dealt with by me. I think Paracelsus will like these gifts."

"I understand, I will communicate this with the police." Greendale didn't care about anything else, she just had to do what she was told.

The call ended quickly, and the news that there was nothing wrong with Hamlet, instead of alleviating his uneasiness, made him even more hesitant.

In the past few times when the interests of his ancestors were touched, he would pursue counterattacks at all costs like a child. Even if he knew that he could not win, he would symbolically let the cultists harass him.

But now that he has raided the old house and beaten him to the door, how come the ancestor didn't cause trouble?

This is a very unusual situation, because the leader is not here, and the huge followers are still here, so they will not be unable to fight back.

Then why don't you try your best?

Does the ancestor also want to make money? Or do you have any more troublesome plans?

With doubts, Lance could only start looking through the documents found in the cult leader's room, trying to get more information.


Another boatload of cargo is being unloaded at Hamlet's port pier, but these "cargoes" can just walk off on their own.

Why are there so few ships dedicated to carrying passengers, but they are basically cargo ships carrying a few part-time passengers? It is because not many people use waterways and there is no market for it to develop.

Now the most common cargo on Hamlet's route is people. The cabin only needs to be slightly modified to accommodate more people.

As for those who have money, they can live in better rooms. As long as you have enough money, you can live in the captain's cabin.

Moreover, these are all adventurers who want money rather than their lives. It’s hard to say who will hit the pirates when they encounter them. It can be said that except for the wind and waves, there are not many risks.

The hydrology of this waterway has been developed a long time ago. You can buy it from Hamlet's shop in Totnes for a little money. It can be said that basically every captain has a copy.

Moreover, transporting people has advantages. Although the profit is not high, it is convenient and fast. When it comes to disembarking directly, there is no need to hand over to the management staff of the terminal or carry it, which reduces many tedious steps.

Perhaps they also heard about Hamlet's unique system, which restricted commercial activities and protected those working people, which was difficult for these businessmen to understand.

There are also strict inspections on contraband and smuggling, which makes them even more uncomfortable.

Don't get me wrong, they are not afraid of any restrictions on contraband goods. On the contrary, they like them very much, because the profit of contraband goods is much higher than that of normal goods.

What really bothers them is that even if you restrict contraband, why are you still strictly investigating smuggling? How can I get my goods in?

Some smart people thought it was the dock bureaucrats asking for bribes, but it was clear that their all-conquering tactics failed in Hamlet.

As for wanting to entangle those sailors to cause trouble?

Don't be kidding, that's not something money can solve.

This caused those businessmen to be quite resentful of Hamlet, believing that they had been unfairly suppressed.

But is Lance really protecting those workers? Obviously just following the business contract.

The prices are all negotiated in advance. If you want a low price, then relax your time. If you want it faster, find more people.

Instead of negotiating a good price and then regretting it after the work is done, they try every means to lower the price and cause so many problems, and finally force the officials to clean up the mess for them.

But Hamlet makes those profiteers inseparable. The reason is very simple, it is profit. There are many business opportunities here.

It is also simple and does not require taking too many risks.

I said earlier that businessmen hate cumbersome rules, but here I say Hamlet is simple.

There is nothing wrong with these two seemingly unrelated words.

The reason why they hate rules is because they limit their interests, and simplicity is easier to understand.

Although they will rely on large-scale transactions to lower prices, there are no gangsters, bureaucrats, or other messy people in Hamlet, so their profits are not a loss.

What's more important is that they save themselves the trouble of retailing. They can get the money as soon as possible and then fill a ship with goods and go back.

To put it simply, Hamlet and those merchants specialize in large-scale transactions, and the rest of the processing, retail, and the like are none of their business.

Lance also used this to monopolize Hamlet's business, so that he could provide so many jobs and stabilize the market without causing chaos due to external shocks.

As for those businessmen, do they have any opinions?

There must be some, but those small businessmen are not included. They are also the beneficiaries when they get orders. On the contrary, it is the big forces who are anxious.

This is the real reason why those guys united to make trouble. Everything is for profit.

The entangled psychology of love and hate is destined to accompany them for a long time, until Hamlet's power makes them bow completely.

But they won't give in so easily.

But who cares? Lance doesn't care, Hamlet doesn't care...

Most of the people who can come by boat are adventurers who come specifically for the ruins, because most people don't have the capital to take a boat.

More people came from the land, and the composition of these people was more complex.

Most of them were refugees who had wandered around but were not accepted elsewhere, such as those who gathered outside Totnes.

They have been to the most prosperous places in the empire, but that doesn't mean they can become Totnesians.

The news of Hamlet did give them a glimmer of hope again, setting off a new wave of refugees.

Hundreds of refugees must be processed every day, and they will be put into farms or wilderness development. No one can prostitute Lance for free, and they must pay for their labor.

I have doubled my monthly ticket, brothers, please support me.

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