Our family is in decline

Chapter 679 Scavengers and Looters

In the past, the lord had to shoulder Hamlet's shoulders alone. As long as he was here, no matter how serious the problem was, he could not be shaken in the slightest.

There were so many things happening in the city that they felt a little dizzy after just one day.

It seems that every time Lance leaves, the world starts to turn, like a runaway carriage, moving crazily with an unstoppable trend.

But fortunately, night came, and no matter what happened during the day, they survived another day.

Hamlet, remains.

Compared with all the messy things in the city, the situation in the new town is much simpler, because most of the people went to the ruins to break bones, and even if there were any conflicts, they were not in the town.

The adventurers who came continuously came to the ruins to hunt for treasures as soon as they arrived, without even intending to stay.

At first, they might still be afraid of the skeletons resurrected by necromancy, but they found that an adult could easily knock them apart with a stick. This completely liberated those guys, and they worked harder driven by sudden wealth.

Especially those elites in the head, they have better equipment, rich experience and stable teams.

And they all have clear-cut plans, that is, there are no good things in the periphery. Only in key areas such as wealthy areas and churches can we find truly valuable things.

But the ruins of Hamlet were too big. In front of countless skeletons, they only moved a little distance in one day.

"Captain, it's getting dark."

Everyone smashed another wave of skeletons, but there was not much joy, because they had been knocking for a day, and no matter how passionate they were at the beginning, by this time they all showed a hint of fatigue.

Scorpion also changed his weapon. He put the stabbing sword on his back and held a rusty torch holder in his hand. He swung it and smashed one, which was much easier to use than a sword.

Hearing this, Scorpion glanced at everyone and seemed to understand something.

It was either time to clear a building and use it as a temporary base to survive the night before continuing operations in the morning.

Or retreat to the town now and wait until dawn tomorrow before continuing the operation.

A choice that is risky, but can also ensure the lead of their mercenary group.

The other one is safer, but there is a price to pay. After all, who knows whether the cleared road will still be there tomorrow.

Scorpion looked up at the ruins under the sunset with a sense of reluctance in his heart, but he quickly made a decision.

"Hurry and tidy up, let's go back."

Most of the skeletons are still hiding in dark places, such as houses and other buildings. If you want to capture those places, you have to fight, but the team's condition is not very good.

Another reason is that the situation at night is still uncertain. The information mentioned in the announcement has already confirmed a lot, and he does not want to take such a risk.

His conservative tendency was shown, but this choice was in line with his cautious character, otherwise he would not have bowed to Lance at that time, and he would not have surrendered to the intimidation and inducement of the mercenary guild.

Usually the team members are a bit casual and even tease each other. That's because they have a deep relationship and can make some jokes.

When it came to the actual action, he didn't have any intention of questioning the leader's decision, but quickly started to clean up.

In fact, they have also gained some small gains along the way. Although it is not much, it can satisfy their fun of treasure hunting and let them retain their desire for the unknown.

The deeper you go, the fewer adventurers can follow. However, when you withdraw, you can see that many teams that have also rushed to the front line have also withdrawn. It seems that everyone is uncertain about the arrival of night.

They all want to wait and see, because they are still on the periphery, and they will not risk their lives without so many benefits.

But they still stay away from each other and keep a safe distance.

Why do they all have this habit? Because compared to the dull skeletons, humans are the most terrifying in this environment.

And I'm afraid some people haven't expected this.

A team of several young people haunts the ruins. It can be said that it is more accurate to call them scavengers than adventurers.

They came here after hearing about the ruins from surrounding areas. They were basically young people who were unwilling to be lonely. They were eager to find treasures in the ruins and longed for adventures like knight novels.

It can be seen that these people have no weapons and armor on them. The only thing that can be called a weapon is the shovel.

Just this shovel has already wiped out a few of their money, but fortunately, the harvest from the ruins is greater than theirs.

I don’t have the guts to fight, but it’s okay to follow the big guys and pick up some things they don’t like.

For example, you can take back any scraps of metal or incomprehensible things. If they are valuable, there are rumors of buying books in town.

You can see that these people are carrying a sack. Although the sack is full of rags, it is still a fruitful harvest for them.

And they also have a secret, that is, they found a ring on a skeleton, although it looks like it is just a white ring made of silver and not worth much.

But even a few silver coins were worth it, something they couldn't do even if they worked for the farmer in the village for a year.

Just thinking about the people in these teams, they couldn't care less about their tired bodies, carrying their own bags, their faces full of hopeful joy.

The legend was indeed true, and in Hamlet they could find hope.

However, at this moment, several people suddenly appeared in front of them. Although they had no armor and their clothes were a little tattered, they had fierce expressions and undisguised greedy smiles.

The strongest one among them was holding a flail and a pistol on his waist. The others, tall, short, fat and thin, were all holding a mess of weapons.

The scavenger also realized that something was wrong and wanted to avoid it, but when he looked back, there were several people surrounding him.

This situation almost shows that their targets are people like themselves.

"What should I do, brother?"

Those people couldn't help but look at one of the young men. It was this man who took them out to make a living. His sharp mind has made his peers trust him since he was a child.

"We can't run away, so don't be afraid later. We don't have money anyway, so we won't be afraid of being searched. If a fight breaks out, we'll just leave our things and run away.

If they want, just give them the bag. It's not worth much anyway, and they will definitely not be willing to carry it back. When they throw it away, we will just come back and pick it up.

Just pretend not to know and just walk away. Their target may not be us, after all, we have no money at all. "

After realizing that he was surrounded, the young man made a decisive decision. He noticed that these guys didn't carry any burden, and he knew that these people only wanted money, which was impossible. But they spent all their money to buy supplies, and they couldn't find them.

As for the ring, it has been hidden for a long time. No one will know unless you tell it.

I have to say that the young man is really calm. Faced with this situation, he can still observe the situation, make judgments, and know how to comfort his little brother.

But in fact, he was also panicking. He was just used to leading this small group and didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his younger brother, so he pretended to be calm.

"Stop it, kid! Hand it over if you know what it's like. Don't let me take it."

Without the leader having to say anything, some ferocious-looking young men from behind came forward to shout, playing with weapons such as daggers and daggers in their hands.

"Here you go." The young man handed over the sack without any nonsense. Such a straightforward action made the robber a little stunned, but he quickly reacted.

"Don't entertain me with those junk." The robber quickly approached and pushed the sack away. He held a dagger and gestured in front of the young man, threatening: "Hurry up and hand over the good stuff!"

The sack fell to the side after being pushed so violently. Looking at the approaching blade, the young man felt his hair stand on end. His already tense mood was enveloped by an ever-increasing pressure, which even stopped his breathing.

But it can only be said that some people are born cruel. The greater the pressure, the calmer they are, and their brains are like machines that eliminate other messy thoughts.

He was just sluggish for a second or two before exhaling the breath he was holding. He even smiled and raised his hands to show that he was not a threat, but he opened his mouth to explain again.

"My lords, if we are really rich, we won't pick up these rags, but now everyone doesn't have a single copper coin on them. If you don't believe me, you can search them.

What's more, today is only the first day. Even if we want money, we have to sell these rags to get it. Then we will definitely honor all the big brothers. "

The robbers themselves seem to understand that today is only the first day, and those scavengers haven't opened their doors at all. They have to say that they have found the core contradiction.

Moreover, it was enough to give him face, so even the robber couldn't help but put away his dagger, reached into the young man's pocket, and then poured out the contents of the sack. It was indeed all rubbish.

"Brother, it really doesn't happen."

The younger brother reported to the strong man. Upon seeing this, the young man couldn't help but put down his hand and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're a brave boy, but your brothers are just new to porn, so you can't let your eldest brother go back empty-handed, right?"

But the robber leader didn't just let it go, but continued to press, his tall figure approaching full of oppression.

The young man had no choice but to laugh and agree.

"Haha... When I sell these things, I will treat you all to drinks..."

I just don’t know why these words seemed to annoy the boss, so he slapped him directly.

The young man lost consciousness in an instant, and his body felt so light that it no longer seemed like it was gone. Only the constant ringing in his ears and the white scene in front of him made him struggle subconsciously.

In the eyes of others, the robber leader knocked the young man to the ground with just one slap, frightening the remaining scavengers to tremble like chickens shivering in the cold wind.

The boy fell down for a few seconds before he realized his situation. He tried to get up, but he lost control and fell down.

This scene made the robbers laugh mockingly.

"Hahaha! You can fucking dance."

"You little brat, who dared you to talk to me like that?"

"Pretending? I'll let you fly!"

The harsh ridicule seemed to echo in his ears, and a surge of anger rushed up to dispel the drowsiness in his brain, allowing the young man's consciousness to regain his body, and he raised his head with difficulty to look at the leader and question him.

"Everything has been given to you, why did you hit me?"

"Hahaha!" Even the leader didn't need to say anything before the younger brothers beside him burst into arrogant laughter.

"Why? He's actually asking why." The leader seemed to be amused. He came up and kicked him again, making the boy lie down again and stomping on his head.

"Negotiate terms with me? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Who gave you the courage to be so arrogant in front of me?"

"Let you pretend! Let you pretend!"

The leader shouted while kicking the boy, not even lightly, until he vomited blood.

But that young man was also cruel. He didn't even say a word begging for mercy or screaming. He gritted his teeth even though he had vomited blood.

This situation made the leader even more crazy, but he was tired from just a few moments ago, so he could only breathe heavily and wave to his accomplices.

"Go! Beat him to death for me."

This scene intimidated several other scavengers in the same team. They were all young people with little social experience. Where had they seen such a ruthless guy in the village?

He did it without any reason at all, and his brutal look scared the others so much that they all shrank their heads like quails, not daring to look at the miserable condition of their companions for fear of being caught and beaten too.

The leader glanced at those guys and felt somewhat satisfied.

As robbers, and they have to stay in the surrounding area for a long time, they must establish their authority.

But this guy is so calm and even dares to argue, which means resistance, which they do not allow.

He must be tortured and humiliated, and this kid must be used to completely break the last remaining will of others to resist.

In this way, they don't need to enter those dangerous places, and can only make money by harvesting these scavengers. This is life.

However, at this time, another team appeared nearby, and this situation immediately made the robbers nervous.

Because those passing by were not retail investors and scavengers, but a well-equipped mercenary group.

These robbers only dare to bully the lone adventurers or scavengers. They have no arrogance at all when dealing with this kind of mercenary group. They are just looking at what others are doing.

On the contrary, they are nervous, what if the other party intervenes?

This little time actually allowed the young man to recover. He also noticed the reason why those guys stopped, and immediately struggled to stand up and roared at those companions.

But instead of calling for help, he told them to run.

"Run! Run separately!"

As he spoke, he ran towards the mercenary group, raising his hands in the air and shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Help! Help!"

"Damn it! Catch him." The sound immediately frightened the robbers, who chased the boy like crazy.

It can only be said that Hamlet's order gave them a strange illusion, making them forget that the rest of the world was unreasonable.

As the robber leader said, this is not Hamlet, this is the true face of this world, cruel and crazy, giving people only endless despair...

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