Our family is in decline

Chapter 687 The Gate of Oblivion

Under the light that filtered through the slits in the rock formations, everyone could see the hazy scene in the space as if it were covered with a layer of gauze. Almost everyone was immediately attracted by the magnificent scene.

It was hundreds of yards in height, dozens of yards in width on the left and right, and occupied almost an entire rock wall. It gave off an ancient aura.

On the stone gate, there is a relief pattern made with unimaginable technology, which is symmetrical. There are many patterns and lines on it that make people feel familiar, but it is difficult to understand what they are.

But there were two very clear patterns that caught Lance's attention.

One is that on the left and right sides of the giant door, there are several exaggerated tentacles of different lengths extending out and clinging to them.

If that's not clear enough, the most obvious thing about the giant gate is the disk pattern in the middle.

There is a ring on the outside, and there is a spherical protrusion in the middle. From the ring, dense tentacles extend out and point towards the spherical shape in the middle.

The pattern was like a bolt of lightning piercing his brain.

Even the moment he saw it, Lance couldn't help but tremble and had goosebumps all over his body.

This was not because he was afraid, but because of excitement and excitement.

That's right, isn't that disk pattern the same incomplete relief pattern that I found in the bay? It's just been reduced by an unknown number of times.

Coupled with the tentacle pattern, it is almost certain that this place is also part of the creation left by the ancient civilization.

This is also consistent with what was discovered in the passage just now. Under the old house is part of the bay.

The ancestor probably discovered this ancient giant gate and dug the road leading here from the old house instead of building it.

Lance calmed down a little and looked around. The familiar cave environment was some distance away from the giant door, and there was still a flight of steps to get to the platform.

Looking up, he felt that those cracks were man-made for the purpose of lighting. Otherwise, how deep underground could such a coincidence come from.

But none of this matters anymore, Lance can't stop here.


With an excited shout, Lance immediately raised the torch and walked up. Several others also recovered from their shock and quickly followed.

There was nothing they could do. Being slightly behind in such a weird place and the pressure was soaring, Lance became their psychological support.

"Boss, what is this?"

Boudica's words also raised the doubts of the other two people.

Amanda has an organizational heritage and has been traveling all over the country for so many years, but she has never been able to find information related to this place.

Originally, she understood that the underground mentioned by Lance should be an underground labyrinth like a beast's cave. After all, she had said before that the cultists used this to carry out their activities.

But I didn't expect such a scene at all...

Not to mention Audrey, a tomb robber who became a monk on the way. This was the first time for her to see such a magnificent underground creation.

In comparison, the tombs he went to before were nothing more than a small fuss. No matter how many and how gorgeous the burial objects were, they were not worth mentioning.

Is this a real adventure?

But Lance's explanation was very vague.

"The old house is the ostensible headquarters of the Ascension Sect. In fact, their lair is here. Everyone, please pay attention and continue to look for suspicious clues."

The less they know about some things, the better for them, and he can't figure out the complicated relationship between his ancestor and this place. He only knows to kill that thing.

It seems that the steps are right in front of you, but that is the sensory gap magnified by the space. In fact, you have to walk some distance before you step onto the multi-step stairs and onto the huge platform.

Amanda didn't even want to get close to the rock wall, and the solemn look on her face had not been removed since she came in.

After taking out the black crystal ball in his hand, he dared to look up at the pattern and murmured: "There is no doubt that this is a ritual that seals something. It seems to be very old and makes people feel uneasy..."

Her limited knowledge of mysticism helped her make a rough judgment. To fully understand this complex ancient ritual, even a genius like the ancestor spent an unknown amount of time and energy.

Fortunately, the ancestor left some clues, which gave Lance a shortcut.

In fact, everyone also noticed that there was a strange-shaped object in the middle of the platform in front of the arch relief, a weird altar with a twisted shape.

It seems to be made of a dark gray stone monolithic sculpture, and the base looks like a raised decorative flower bed, which is quite common in old houses or other places.

It's just that what extends out of the plate is not some sacred statue or vase, but two weirdly twisted tentacles forming a hook shape.

"An altar dedicated to the evil old god. Perhaps the powerful power lies within it."

Amanda came closer and carefully observed the altar, roughly speaking her understanding. This was her job as a consultant.

But Lance continued to add as if he knew better than her.

"It seems that this is the key to the door to the next road. According to the sacrificial habits of the Ascension Sect, in order to complete the ritual of the altar, we need some kind of liquid full of extraordinary power."

"Isn't it just blood?" Boudica muttered, "If I had known, I would have kept a cultist, but where can I find a sacrifice now?"

Boudica was not surprised at all by the common blood sacrifices of barbarian tribes, but as she said, where can we find a sacrifice now?

Amanda didn't speak, but couldn't help but look at Audrey...

Audrey felt uneasy when the eyes fell on her. They were all familiar people, but she was the only one who joined temporarily.

"What do you want to do?"

Audrey grabbed the pickaxe tightly and took a half step back, ready to use shadow escape to escape from this place at any time.

But at this time, Lance's laughter came.

"Stop making trouble, I have a sacrifice here."

Lance took out a bottle of weird potion and indicated that it was Hamlet's specialty "holy water", a liquid with rich extraordinary power. During the test, drinking it could improve the overall condition for a certain period of time.

It was condensed from the [Pearl of the Deep Sea] digestion experiment waste, and then used herbal medicine to eliminate negative effects. Finally, the liquid separated was as pure as water.

Logically speaking, there should be no problem in refining it after so many steps, but Lance, who knew the source, couldn't drink this stuff at all. It was also prepared for others, so it's just in time to use it now.

Not meaning any nonsense, Lance opened the bottle cap and poured it directly onto the altar tentacles.

The liquid flows through the tentacles and then collects in the underground plate.

However, there was no reaction until the whole bottle was poured out. Lance thought it was not enough and was about to take out the second bottle. At this time, the altar moved.

The tentacles stained with holy water began to turn blood red, as if what had fallen just now was blood instead of holy water.

The clear holy water that fell into the basin also began to turn red, and what was even more strange was that the blood-colored liquid in the basin was originally a bottle of water, but now it continued to rise, and even overflowed directly.

This situation made Lance a little confused, but things soon got out of his control.

Because the overflowing bloody liquid fell into the ground and was soaked in a complex and weird ritual pattern, it was only then discovered by everyone.

This complex ritual is beyond Lance's ability and can only wait for Amanda to interpret it.

It's just that the liquid spread faster than they imagined. When the liquid connected into one piece, a force burst out.

Everyone had completely ignored the altar of the old god that had calmed down and only drops of blood remained.

Their attention was completely focused on the huge door that slowly opened with a huge movement, as if it was an earthquake, stirring up dust, and countless gravel falling.

But soon the movement stopped, leaving only a seemingly narrow crack in the door, but that was in light of the huge proportions. In fact, it was completely enough for one person to pass through.

It was unclear what was behind the door. The moment it was opened, only a rich red light came out of the crack, revealing an indescribable and strange aura.

"We've disturbed something evil!"

Lance seemed to be attracted by some kind of force, staring intently at the crack covered by red light.

"Let's go."

Pulled back to reality by Amanda's warning, she took the initiative to walk towards the crack without much nonsense. Although the others were a little uneasy, they were forced to follow.

The moment he stepped into the crack, the red light shrouded him and disappeared as if swallowing the team.

And Lance instantly felt that stepping into it was not a normal state at all. The strong dizziness and nausea, as well as the feeling of weightlessness, reminded him of being dragged into the void by the limp.

When the feeling of landing came, there was no time to react, and the subconscious breathing rushed to the brain along with a stream of blood.

The strange power undoubtedly enveloped them, and everyone was affected to varying degrees at the first opportunity.

"It's a portal!"

"Damn it! Why didn't you tell me earlier, what the hell kind of place is this!"

When Amanda spoke, Audrey's yelling and cursing followed. Neither of these two guys would give in, and they almost started fighting.

"Shut up, everyone! Calm down." Lance also shouted in annoyance, instantly stopping their chaos.

However, it can be seen that the faces of both parties reveal obvious violence. Their eyes are filled with bloodshot eyes, which is completely red-eyed. However, at most they can only inhale a few mouthfuls of blood mist, this place is so terrifying!

On the contrary, Boudica often entered a violent state due to the equipment, but she had some resistance. However, her expression was tense, and she grabbed the ax gun with both hands, showing a posture ready to attack at any time.

I'm afraid she herself didn't realize that her tight muscles were exerting force subconsciously, because she was fighting against her own instinct.

Lance realized that the situation could not be like this, and quickly raised his hand to give them a blessing to eliminate the negative state on them. At the same time, he took out the holy water and distributed it to several people, urging: "Drink this quickly."

A few of them came back to their senses a little. Although they didn't know the reason why the lord did this, they still drank a bottle of potion.

The power of the deep sea nourishes their bodies, making them more resistant to external influences.

They wouldn't understand what he said just now, but now that their eyes are clear, he reminds them.

"You are all affected by the power here. Be wary of any abnormal movements in your heart. Don't be corrupted. If you notice anything strange, you must speak out."

At this time, the two people who had calmed down also reacted and began to notice the sudden burst of emotions. They couldn't help being shocked, but neither of them refused to bow their heads, so that was it.

Lance also suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and then noticed the extinguished torch in his hand. The flame on it seemed to be extinguished by an unknown force the moment it entered.

Put it away casually, because there is no need for that thing here. It is strange that there is no obvious light source, but it gives everyone a clear view, but it looks like it has a blood filter.

Looking back, it was an extremely empty "big flat", but the red blood mist could be seen everywhere in the dungeon, making it difficult to see very far. Only the passages and platforms connecting it could be vaguely seen.

What can be seen are thick stone pillars with sharp edges and corners standing in the dungeon through the blood mist. There are some unclear things hanging on the six-sided pillars.

The upper and lower ends were hidden in the blood mist, and all that could be seen was blood flowing inside, but no one doubted that they had supported this independent "world".

At both ends of the road are extremely ostentatious and terrifying rock sculptures. A large number of skeleton faces with stripped flesh and blood are used as the main body, often with exaggerated movements of opening the jaws, and blood flowing from them.

This advanced sculpture seems to be full of vitality, giving people the impression of a skull filled with blood and screaming.

On both sides of the road is a spike standing up like a railing. When you get closer, you will find that beyond the spike is blood flowing in the crevices of the rock.

It even gives people a fresh feeling, like blood vessels, and one can't help but suspect that the blood drawn from the Old God Altar just now is connected here.

A strange space shrouded in blood, with all kinds of weirdness showing the evil here.

It was okay not to look at it. After carefully observing the surrounding environment, except for Lance, the others fell directly into collapse.

"No! My cards tell us..."

Amanda's voice was trembling, and in her hand was a card drawn from subconscious divination, but the result didn't seem optimistic.

"Come on, you can go anywhere, as long as you leave here, otherwise this will become our tomb!"

Audrey regretted so much that she should not have committed a suicide provocation. Now that she was dragged here, the so-called excitement turned into fear and despair at this moment.

"Are we in hell..."

Boudica's nervous expression and heavy breathing already indicated something. After all, in a world made of blood and black iron, only the description of hell fits this place.

The only "normal" Lance was truly abnormal, because when faced with such a strange scene, he not only had no fear, but instead felt a strange joy.

Finally...I finally came here...

All the hardships along the way have paid off, and at this moment Lance's will is being tested...


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