Our family is in decline

Chapter 700 Dungeon Fear

"Get a room."

Audrey placed a few copper coins on the counter. With her tired look and desolate state, anyone who saw her felt that she was an adventurer who had returned from the ruins disappointed.

Unlike people like Boudica and Amanda who have their own foundation in Hamlet, they have people they can rely on and can go home and fall asleep without having to think about anything.

But that's not the case for Audrey. She has no home, only a small hotel room.

The last time she attempted death to challenge the lord and was taken to the sanatorium, she really thought she was finished.

Now that the lord really let her go and gave her a bounty, all of this gave her an unreal feeling.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still traces of the battle on her body, she might have just thought it was a nightmare.

But there were no wounds on the back of the torn clothes, not even a scar, which made her feel even more wrong.

Her brain instinctively didn't want to touch that memory, which made her feel even more confused.

Was I hurt? Where have I been? What am I doing?

I can't tell the difference! I can’t tell the difference!

Not everyone can withstand the desperate suffocation when experiencing dungeon sequelae.

Although Amanda and Boudica were afraid, they were still able to use Lance to anchor their understanding of self-existence and reality.

They know they're doing something to save the world, or they know they just need to keep up with their lord.

But Audrey doesn't belong here. She has no ideals, beliefs, or even goals. She doesn't know what she wants to do or what she should do.

I have said before that Audrey is a very twisted person. This guy has some similarities with the ancestor, that is, he has enjoyed it and then started to get tired of the same, luxurious and decadent life. Like rotting meat, there is not much sustenance in living.

It was only after robbing tombs and killing people that she tasted the pleasure brought by intense fear and awakened herself. Only by constantly pursuing excitement can she feel that she is still alive.

Her pleasure comes from breaking free from the constraints of reality, so when she first came to Hamlet, she wanted to challenge the order. Her eagerness to commit suicide sprouted up again, and even overcame her fear. In other words, only dancing on a tightrope can do that. Make her feel the orgasm!

Under the eyes of the tombkeepers, they took away the funerary objects from the tombs full of traps, escaped under the wanted orders of the empire and the church, and under the supervision of the local lords...

But it was obvious that the so-called exciting pleasure before was based on her success.

In Hamlet, she stumbled because of a bloody coat and was taken to a sanatorium. The feeling of imprisonment made her swallowed by fear.

The feeling of losing freedom was too unbearable. Being trapped in a small and dark room, under the pressure of unbearable hunger, thirst and psychological fear, she felt like something was tearing at her soul every second. , feeling uncomfortable all over, like ants crawling.

She was released, but she still paid a huge price for it. In the old house and under the dungeon, the fear she experienced was more terrifying than the previous half of her life combined.

The dungeon captured her soul, even though it seemed to be left behind in that place after she came out.

Audrey's will is being tested...for eternity!

"No! I will never go into that place again! Never...ever..."

In the hotel room, Audrey was like a frightened mouse, curled up on the bed, mumbling confused words.

(Immortal no more: The hero who returns from completing the mission in the dark dungeon has seen too many mind-destroying evil things and refuses to go there again.)


At a certain construction site in Hamlet, daily workers who got off work in the evening were queuing up to receive their wages. They were different from those contract workers. They were basically handymen, and their wages were a little lower than those of regular workers.

Ordinary workers have three copper coins a day, while they only have two copper coins, but there are many people vying for this job. As soon as the Government Affairs Office posted an announcement, a lot of people signed up.

Because more and more people are coming to Hamlet to make a living, and the competition is getting bigger and bigger.

Although the money is not much, it depends on the situation. There are no messy deductions here. It is just how much it is said to be.

Of course, if there are some lazy dogs who fail to complete the work, they will be blacklisted and will no longer be able to register.

"This is your wages for today."


The man wrapped in rags stretched out his hand, but the sound of chains sounded, and he could see that there were shackles on his scarred wrists.

The foreman didn't have much reaction to this. He was a little uneasy at first, but he soon discovered that this man was serious about his work, had a good temper and never caused trouble.

And although he looks a little thin, he is very capable, and one person can handle the workload of two people.

More importantly, he was ordered to take care of him and keep an eye on him at the same time. Although he didn't know the reason, he completed the task very well.

As time went by, the system at the construction site became more and more perfect, and it was long past the time to eat from a big pot.

After all, there were no wages at that time. Now that there are wages, those will naturally be cancelled, freeing up this market, driving domestic demand and stimulating the cycle.

Otherwise, the money given to them will not be spent, and inflation will soon drive up local prices. Money must be used to make money, otherwise it will be scrap metal.

Moreover, Hamlet's resources must be circulated to stimulate the expansion of production, and basic consumption such as food and drink is the bulk.

As a lord who monopolizes food, he takes back the money distributed to those residents by manipulating food prices, and then invests the money in construction and development, forming a virtuous cycle.

If a regime wants to maintain stable development, its revenue must be greater than its expenditure, or at least equal to it, otherwise no matter how many holes there are, it will not be able to fill them.

So now Lance has begun to tighten the welfare policy. Although it has not changed in name, it will add various requirements to hinder you, or it will catch the typical ones and cancel those benefits.

Only the army and the academy Lance remained unchanged. They still enjoyed the luxurious benefits, but the selection criteria were more stringent.

One is your own basic base, and the other is technology.

They represent stability and development, and the two combined can be said to be Hamlet's future.

Of course, those high-level talents, such as technical craftsmen, teachers, and doctors, are also treated very well and have become the objects of ordinary people's admiration.

Debt issuance is not reliable in this era. The protagonists in those novels just come up and issue debt, but in fact it is very difficult and involves many issues. It is not a matter of one sentence.

The investment in manpower and material resources to operate such a system is even greater, and a whole set of systems must be designed. Now that the lord is not short of money, there is no need to force this.

But this had nothing to do with the man. He took the money and left the construction site at sunset.

The purchasing power of copper coins is still very strong. After earning wages, he found a place to stay and had stable food.

There is no need to endure the cold wind of autumn nights, no need to eat those unpalatable bark grass roots, and you can even save some money, although not much.

He needed to save money to do something, so after eating some simple food, he came to a place.

He didn't go to those places to be cool, but came to the hospital. It was a three-story building made of bricks and stones. There was a conspicuous red heart pattern on the plaque at the door.

Lance didn't use the snake staff symbol of the Medical Association, just to cut with those guys. As for the red cross thing, it was even more disgusting, so he chose a red heart to represent the hospital.

The red heart pattern has not yet been twisted into the so-called love. In fact, it originally meant a heart pumping with blood, which represents the heart and blood, thus extending the concept of courage.

Many barbarian weapons have heart-shaped patterns, and they are specially painted red to show their courage.

Whether it is the heart, blood or courage, they all fit the concept of a hospital incomparably. The beating heart represents life, the flowing blood represents injuries, and courage is reflected in the medical staff.

After all, if you don’t have the courage, you won’t dare to face those bloody wounds, dangerous infected people, and weird patients…

It is no exaggeration to say that you can see all kinds of life in the hospital. You don't have the courage and dare not bear the pain of life withering in front of you, the scenes of life and death.

Lance just took it and used it. At the same time, he promoted this statement and put a sacred halo on the hospital and medical staff. He wanted to take advantage of the reputation first and talk about the rest later.

The man also inquired about it during this period, and naturally he heard those statements and understood the meaning of the red heart. He heard that there was an inpatient department in the suburbs, where the most difficult infectious diseases were dealt with.

It is difficult to confirm that the leprosy gradually subsided, but the story of the lord's treatment of those prostitutes spread, and the kind and kind lord was praised by everyone.

One or two may be fake, but when a whole group of people have this reaction, then the situation can basically be confirmed.

What's more important is that some of the mercenaries were infected and received treatment at Hamlet Hospital. Those who had enough money completed their own recovery, while those who didn't have enough money were able to control their condition through medicine and even get better.

The man knows that those diseases are almost incurable, but being treated at Hamlet is enough to prove the high level of medical technology here.

The man looked at the house number and couldn't help but think, what if, perhaps, it was possible to cure his condition?

But he just stood outside and didn't go in because he had no money and was worried that his situation would be leaked and attract people from the church.

As soon as humans gather together, once the base number increases, there will be more dizziness, dizziness, and various symptoms, not to mention some trauma.

But from the door, he could see that the hospital was calmer than he imagined, because only a few of these patients would choose to come to the hospital, because not many people were willing to spend the money required for treatment.

Some people prefer to deal with minor illnesses by themselves or find some herbal medicine. This is a concept that takes time to reverse.

What's more, the lord did not open the hospital for charity. Unless your disease has research value, it will be difficult to afford the expensive treatment costs.

Among these, doctors and nurses can be clearly distinguished from patients. They all wear white coats, which are very conspicuous. Some also wear masks and gloves. They are probably responsible for some infectious patients...

At the door and at some sentry posts, there were people wearing police-like uniforms but without police badges. These were hospital security guards. I heard they were from active military service.

I don't know why the lord attaches great importance to the security of the hospital. He heard from those people that it was because the medicine stored in it was expensive, and people were constantly trying to get some medicine out.

After all, there is a huge demand for these now, and some adventurers who are sick have no money, so they can only do some small things. Thinking about it, it is not surprising that the hospital has so many guards.

Unfortunately, this is not the moth-eaten warehouses in Bastia. Medications must be registered and taken out with two keys. Each item can be traced, even if they want to steal it from within.

He had heard before that there were better medicines in Hamlet's army, but it was a pity that they would not take them out.

It's not like no one wants to get it from the soldiers on leave, but those soldiers won't care at all. If things get serious, the police will come out.

It's strange to say that members of the military in other places might have taken action directly, but those in Hamlet actually chose to call the police over instead of taking matters into their own hands. It was really weird.

The man just took a look and turned around, because staying at the hospital entrance for too long would attract their attention. He didn't want to cause trouble, and that's not what he came here for.

When I turned around and came to the bulletin board at the entrance of the hospital, I could see a lot of articles written on it.

"Report on Residential Life and Hygiene", "Transmission Routes and Prevention of Infectious Diseases", "Epidemic Characteristics"...

He was here just to see if there were any new ones, and at the same time, he was looking through the old ones. The unique medical concepts in them surprised him.

Yes, he is literate, and his level is not bad. Ordinary people just listen to the results of the report, and do whatever the lord tells them to do, and he can also think about the content and discern the logic.

Not only here, but basically all the bulletin boards in the city have been visited by him in the past few days. When ordinary adventurers come here and need to listen to the circulating stories, he has been able to get more from the official announcements. Information.

A very strange place, completely different from the aristocratic system of the empire, and not in the church system, revealing a strong authoritarian atmosphere.

But the strange thing is that everything here is managed in an orderly manner. He has not seen even fights or petty thefts for so many days. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the realm of vitality and all things is still before his eyes.

There was one thing that the man had never thought about before, which was what a society stripped of nobility and religion would look like. Now he seemed to have found the answer.

What's more important is that he doesn't need to worry about the pressure of the church. There are no church people here.

Now he just wants to find a way to save money. Maybe he can find hope here...

Thanks to [Xia Yufeng] for the 500 reward

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