Our family is in decline

Chapter 72 Catch them all in one fell swoop

That was the sound made by a female wolf. After all the white wolves and people went out to join the battle, the only reason she stayed behind was naturally because of the litter of cubs behind her.

A female wolf protecting her cubs burst out with a strong desire to fight in order to protect her cubs. At this time, she grinned and leaned down slightly with a warning look.

If the cub hadn't been behind him, he might have rushed out and taken a bite.

Looking at the cub whose eyes had not yet opened, Lance sighed and put down the dagger in his hand.

A rare ray of sympathy appears in the fierce battle...

The dagger disappeared from his hand and was replaced by the [First Wolf Pendant].

Sure enough, it was just as he guessed. In addition to being an extraordinary item, this thing also represented the identity of the alpha wolf, which had an absolute status among the wolves.

Or maybe it's the familiar smell up there that relaxes it.

Lance slowly approached it with the pendant. The female wolf's defensive posture began to shrink, and she lay on the ground obediently, showing her surrender.

Soon Lance saw the four wolf pups in the nest. They must have been born just a few days ago. Their fur had not yet grown fully, and their eyes had not yet opened. They were arching around as if looking for the warmth of their mother. body of.

Lance raised his hand and reached out to the female wolf. It just sniffed curiously and did not show any aggression.

When Lance stretched out his hand towards the wolf cub, it stood up slowly, as if worried about something, and put his hand between the two with his head.

"It's okay~ I won't hurt them."

Lance scratched its head. As expected, no animal can resist human touch. Its eyes began to bulge, and then it purred comfortably. It looked completely less ferocious than before.

After further testing, he reached out and touched his neck, belly, and everything. I have to say that the feedback he received from Lance was very relaxing.

"Well, at least if you follow me, your child won't have to worry about being sacrificed."

Lance raised his hand and caressed the body of the female wolf, and the stress left by the previous battle was removed.

It’s so cool to pet the dog!

There was no need to stay here. Lance found a piece of clothing, wrapped the wolf pup in it, hung it in front of him, and then walked out with the mother wolf.

Sure enough, the she-wolf immediately became aggressive after meeting Disma and the others, but was still controlled by Lance.

A few people talked and understood something. They didn't have any objections to Lance leaving these wolves.

"Sir, what should we do now? Do we want to go back to town?"

I've been out for two days and don't know what's going on in the town.

"No, let's go to the artillery regiment's camp. If we don't kill them all, I'm worried something will happen."

The remaining remnants may cause more trouble if left unchecked~

Not to mention that the wolf group could find so much money, so the artillery group must have more. He would be heartbroken if someone stole it~

Several people have experienced many battles, not to mention facing a strange monster like the Collector, which is already exhausting physically and mentally to some extent.

Fortunately, Lance refreshed their status for them, and with the short rest just now, they recovered a lot of status.

When they returned to the battlefield, they found an unexpected surprise.

The horses that had run away in the battle had actually returned, especially the tall horse, which was standing next to the captain obediently. The other two horses were also leisurely eating bushes and weeds.

Lance smiled crookedly when he looked at the three horses. They were indeed Imperial Army Horses.

"Leonard, go up and control them."

These horses have been trained to be docile and obedient and will not move when hearing the sound of gunfire. It is impossible for those with a bad temper to become military horses, so they are so pretentious that no one can get on them and can only be subdued by the protagonist. The scene is very unrealistic.

The horses were easily controlled, and he directly harnessed two cannons, threw the captain onto his mount, and set off directly towards the camp.

When we went there just now, there was a large army, but when we came back there were only a few people.

Fortunately, there were so few people that there was no need to alarm the remaining bandits, and they approached the camp very smoothly.

"Stop, there are many hostages inside, let's not enter from the front..."

Lance put the things aside and explained the tactics, which was to deal with the sentries as soon as possible, and then kill the remaining bandits as they advanced.

Everyone is relatively calm. After all, the collectors have been killed. What are these bandits to fear?

But Lance's words immediately made them cautious.

"Underestimating the enemy is a precursor to failure. Haven't you seen how the artillery regiment lost? The evil is waiting for us to reveal our flaws."

Not underestimating the enemy is Lance's consistent goal, because reality cannot be read. If he hadn't forcefully pulled Leonard up just now, he would probably have to lie down for half a month to recover.

After being beaten by Lance, the team regrouped.

Disma and Lance touched it first. It was a familiar sentry post. Even though a group of people had changed, they were still chatting about the same topics.

They were so unprepared that they were killed by Lance and the two men who rushed out before they could react.

There weren't many people left to guard the house, so it was good to have someone standing guard, so the middle door was opened wide, and Lance and the others slipped in without anyone noticing.

What can the few people left behind do?

Originally, Lance was a little worried that these bandits would resist fiercely, but he didn't expect to gather in a room to gamble.

You're not welcome, Leonard kicked open the door, then rushed in first, and killed the bandits inside with a sweep of his long sword.

In fact, there were only three people, and the captain only left five guards in total.

But even now, everyone did not relax and formed teams to search for possible suspects one by one.

Soon they discovered the women who had been kidnapped by the bandits.

All I can say is that he was tortured and miserable.

These women didn't respond to their arrival, and Lance didn't waste any time on them. He just closed the door silently and moved on.

"That's where the captain met me."

Under the leadership of Disma, the team moved forward quickly and soon came to the best-preserved building among the ruins.

"Be careful."

Leonard stood at the front of the team and entered, followed by several others.

The hall was empty at this time, so the team moved into the back room. When they pushed the door open, they saw a woman sitting on the bed.

This woman's temperament is really very coquettish. Her limbs are spread out and her clothes are disheveled. She noticed that the thin quilt was pulled up to block everyone's gaze, but the white thighs were exposed outside the clothes and quilt, which looked particularly dazzling.

The surprised look on his face seemed to be frightened by the sudden intrusion of the men, and he looked pitiful.

That alluring look immediately made everyone lose their minds, even Lance was distracted for a moment.


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