Our family is in decline

Chapter 720: Losing sight of one thing while focusing on another

While Greendale and the others were discussing, the adventurers who had returned to the town also dispersed and told what happened in the depths of the ruins.

The madness of the skeletons under the dark curtain, and the even more terrifying rat tide, no matter how they boasted about their bravery, they could not avoid describing Hamlet's team.

When the disaster came, they dared to turn around and go deep into the ruins to support other teams, and the cavalry who had already escaped from danger was willing to risk entering the ruins to support their teammates. What's even more outrageous is that the top leaders were left behind. What's going on? Didn't they agree that the leaders would go first?

Whether it was the tenacity or the mutual solidarity, as well as the sacrifice of both sides, they all showed Hamlet's attitude that was different from other places.

It was far more shocking than countless times of preaching ideas, because the facts were in front of them, and no one could make all the adventurers lie, that is, these were all true.

Some people's statements were even more exaggerated, which made everyone feel excited just by listening. After all, the cavalry who tore through the fog brought them hope in despair.

This is a common trait of human beings. They all long for help in despair, and therefore have a different emotion towards Hamlet.

Of course, some guys with ulterior motives will pay more attention to the fighting power shown by Hamlet.

Under the siege of the skeletons, a road was directly blasted out. The churches and legions actually stood on Hamlet's side. There was also the meteorite that destroyed the rat tide, and the forest that appeared in an instant to stop the pursuers...

All of these showed Hamlet's powerful strength, and there was nothing in this world that could calm down those guys with bad intentions better than power.

But they were unwilling to do so. This disaster was a good opportunity to shake Hamlet's rule.

After all, so many adventurers gathered here. They were distracted by the ruins before, but now they will definitely not be willing to wait like this.

"This kind of vision cannot be created by humans. I'm afraid it can only be created by... God?"

"The evil of the ruins can even block the sun. Has the Holy Light abandoned us?"

"Without the ruins, what should we do now?"


Various negative topics began to spread, or rather, they had already begun to spread, but the despair told by those who came back pushed it to a peak.

Most people were at a loss and fell into confusion. Without the ruins, where should they go?

Those dark guys were also quite proud of this. They were not good at unity, but they were the best at destruction.

It just so happened that the official also responded at this time.

"Come and see! We have launched a preferential plan, and the affordable tickets are first come first served!"

"Recruiting workers! Wilderness development, come when you are free!"

"Long-term workers on the construction site..."

The new situation posted on the bulletin board attracted those adventurers, but those notices did not mention anything about the mutation, but gave them advice to evacuate.

In simple terms, it is to explain the danger of the ruins, and then give the route to leave Hamlet. The price of the boat ticket to Totnes Channel is one-third less than before.

If it is several other towns along the way, the price can be even lower, which clearly helps them leave Hamlet.

This is good news for those adventurers who want to leave here. This is a price they can afford.

And this is thanks to the pirate ships that were captured before. They have been cleaned and repaired for a long time. Now the shipping capacity at sea is enough, but more sailors are needed, and Hamlet is not short of people.

There is also further differentiation, because among these people, in addition to the adventurers who really came from afar for the ruins, there are also ordinary people who ran from the surrounding areas or other places, that is, scavengers.

Now give them a choice. If they can't go to the ruins, they can go to the wilderness or construction sites for development. It is worth spending some money to split and disintegrate them. Anyway, short-term workers are calculated by the day. The most important thing now is to stabilize the situation.

Many people planned to leave. After all, the ruins were no longer the treasure land they longed for, but a place full of evil and danger, abandoned by the Holy Light.

Those little mice thought they had succeeded. They made those people abandon Hamlet, but why didn't those people in Hamlet feel lost at all?

Some "smart people" noticed something strange and actively looked for news.

Then someone discovered that the senior officials actually went to meet the mysterious and legendary legion.

This situation immediately made them feel like they had found a clue, but unfortunately the soldiers and police wandering around made them dare not make too obvious moves.

As for using extraordinary abilities?

From the adventurers who escaped back, they knew that Hamlet had several powerful spellcasters, and no one wanted to challenge those powerful spellcasters.

So they couldn't get any news from Hamlet, so they could only dig out more information from those adventurers.

Then they found a very interesting news, that is, the legion appeared suddenly, and no one knew their location before, and no one had seen them, so naturally no one knew what they did.

The second is that when the legion appeared again, their condition was in a low point, and their armor was damaged, which showed that they had fought with some powerful enemy.

Combined with the current strange situation, it makes people imagine...

At this time, those people had already met the legion. After rushing out, Hamlet's army actually began to gather. Although no news was released, the movement of so many people in the army would inevitably attract the attention of those guys.

Most people originally thought that they were going to expel them, but the army turned around and marched towards the ruins and disappeared into the darkness.

This move made them even more confused. That is how the news about Hamlet's meeting with the legion was spread, involving more people's attention.

No, you yourself explained the danger, shouldn't you stay at this time?

Why rush to the ruins?

This move and the announcement of the evacuation of those adventurers presented a strong contrast, which made them realize that this incident was not so simple.

But what can they do?

They don't know about this, but the only thing they can be sure of is the secret in the ruins, and they can't just leave like this!

Soon more and more news spread among the adventurers, and a strange atmosphere began to spread...

Because Lance spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build the town, and pushed the front line to the border of the wilderness, the chaos that broke out from the ruins this time caused great chaos on the front line, but because of the timely response, it was still limited to a range and did not spread.

That's why Greendale was able to get away and go to the new town to deal with it at the first time, and she was also afraid that the situation on the front line would deteriorate and backfire in the city.

If those adventurers ran back to the city at the first time, it would cause more trouble.

But when she left, she also took the legendary wizard Alves away. When Baldwin left and Reynard did not lead the cavalry back as originally planned, the city's defense force was not strong.

The army stationed in the suburbs could not take over the city casually because of a little abnormality, which would only cause panic.

The division of their functions with the police, before there was a clear transfer order, they were more likely to send out reconnaissance to guard against possible attacks by cultists, as well as those noble lords who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

But no one could stop the black curtain from covering the world. By the time the people in the city reacted, they were already completely in darkness, and even looking at the sky, they could not see any light.

That is, Hamlet did not do the church thing, otherwise this vision would be enough to make most believers fall into despair, and they would only kneel on the ground and shout and pray to the so-called God, causing the social order to collapse.

Now everything in the city remains the same. When the black curtain came, they just lit a lot of torches and continued to do what they should do.

After all, the locals have seen the world. Although they are surprised by this vision, the darkness cannot scare them, because this is Hamlet!

"Oh~ Things seem to be getting interesting." The clown in front of the tavern stopped playing, and his eyes couldn't help but look at the dark sky and talk to himself. No one knows what kind of expression is under the mask...

The man who was moving bricks at the construction site noticed the vision and his expression became solemn. Because of some physical reasons, he felt that his blood became hot, and the impulse became more and more difficult to suppress, as if he wanted to break free from the shackles.

Fortunately, the lock on his body worked and suppressed the power, but his worries were not reduced at all.

Hamlet was his hope for recovery and his place to escape from the church. There must be no trouble...

Similar to these people, a large number of outsiders could not help but have various strange feelings, especially those extraordinary people who hid their identities and hid in it. The inspiration that was different from ordinary people could make them feel more than ordinary people.

The darkness was also spreading with strange evil forces, and corruption was shaking their rationality.

The danger of extraordinary people appeared, that is, their sources of power were very complicated, like uncertain bombs, and no one knew how long their will could last.

As the altars deep in the dungeon were activated one by one, the red fog did not spread here, but the influence of corruption was as ubiquitous as darkness.

A large part of these extraordinary people had been persecuted by the church, and those scattered people were even more so. They came to Hamlet to get asylum.

It was true at the beginning. There were no judges of the church here, and no other more powerful extraordinary people caught themselves as materials or sacrifices.

In Hamlet, as long as they abide by the rules, no one will care about them, and they have indeed achieved a brief period of stability.

But it is precisely because of this that the pressure brought by the dark curtain makes them afraid to fall into the panic of uncertainty again.

Moreover, most of these extraordinary people have been persecuted to the point of abnormality. When they encounter something strange, the first thing they think of is that they have been deceived. Such a mentality is further accelerating the erosion of their sanity.

Finally, one extraordinary person couldn't bear it and fell into madness.

"Ah! This is all a scam. We will face despair here!"

"This is not our shelter, no!"


In the crazy scream, a person rushed out of the street. In his eyes, it seemed that everyone was a monster and was going to kill him.

"Don't think about letting me go back."

"No one can stop me."

"There is no hope in this world..."

What he said later was already difficult for humans to understand. The violent spiritual restlessness was stirring around him, mixed with a hint of unnoticeable weirdness.

Originally, people on the street didn't pay much attention to this madman until he raised his hand and pointed at others crazily, with a spell or some unintelligible wailing in his mouth.

" @¥……*\u0026!"

The power of the extraordinary is not something that ordinary people can bear. When the curse fell on those people, they suddenly felt an irrepressible despair in their hearts. Those with a slightly weaker will fell into panic and even fell to the ground.

You must know that emotions will spread. The madman's constant curse caused more chaos.

"Gua! It's a madman! Everyone retreat!"

"Go call the police!"


The chaos was about to break out, but the patrol was strengthened, and the nearby police noticed the abnormality and rushed over as soon as possible.

Because the madman had no weapons in his hands and just kept wailing with his hands on his head, the first thing the people who came wanted to do was to control the crazy guy and then evacuate the people around him.

This action is normal under normal circumstances, but if you are facing a supernatural being, you should not underestimate the enemy.

In the end, it is because of the positioning of the police, who are used to dealing with various public security issues and the principle of not escalating conflicts, that they have lost their due vigilance.

When they approached, they alarmed the madman, who suddenly raised his head and showed a weird and crazy face. All those who approached were shocked, and before they could react, they were covered by the curse released by the madman.

Doomsday wail!

The indescribable sound echoed in the minds of everyone around. The horrible scene also emerged with the strong negative emotions, and they were dragged into despair in an instant.

But this is Hamlet!

Some policemen were able to break free from the illusion of despair, and they rushed forward to pull out their guns and pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed into the madman's body, interrupting the curse.

Many people may fall into panic and chaos, but not this person, at least not today.

"Shoot, shoot!"

These people had all listened to the lord's lectures, and the power left in their hearts was also activated. Almost as soon as the wailing stopped, most of them reacted and raised their guns to shoot at the madman.

A few shots seemed to put an end to the madman, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he fell.

But in a place they couldn't see, the violent spirit never subsided, and even became more violent.

They wiped out the last bit of madman's sanity, and the one who took over this body would be...

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