"Go and get ready. I guess Walter can't wait any longer in Ovendo. If it continues, he might even bring his troops back to cause trouble for me."

Seeing that she fell silent, Lance urged her teasingly, but he didn't expect the reply he got to be a bit surprising.

"No." Tiffany's temper also rose, "I've grown up, I'm not their toy, I have the right to make decisions, I've had enough!"

Protection is also a shackle. Tiffany was forced to manage the business group after Walter disappeared. Why did those people dare to deceive her?

It was because Walter protected them so well that her brother didn't understand anything about the business group, and she was half-empty.

For her, it took a lot of effort to achieve what she has today. You said it was easy to leave without considering my feelings at all. Do you think that the achievements I have worked so hard for so long can be given up casually?

She hates that feeling of powerlessness, and she doesn't allow people's hearts to be shaken because of her own problems.

Hamlet has her hard work and her glory, and she will never give up casually.

"You know that I have always supported you."

Lance was not surprised by this. It was normal for young people to be rebellious, and this retirement would indeed cut Tiffany's career in half. Not many people could see their efforts in vain.

Moreover, Tiffany is no longer the child she was before. On the contrary, she has grown up with heavy work. She is not alone, but at least she has her own thoughts.

How can a woman who can make Lance hide away and force him to write an IOU can be easily messed with?

She is like a giant dragon guarding the treasure house. Anyone who wants her to leave the treasure will attract hostility. It would be polite not to spit on you.

"Let's see what your brother's attitude is, and then write a letter explaining the situation and ask your mother to take him there first. At least let Walter know that I didn't force you."

Lance, who is so embarrassed at this time, is still emphasizing this, which is a clear way to sow discord between their father and daughter.

This also reveals the reason why he agreed to let him go so simply. This move of retreating in order to advance is really insidious.

But no one could question him.

Facing Walter, I told him to go as he pleased, and I was worried about the danger on the road and sent someone to escort him.

Facing Tiffany, I will support you in whatever decision you make, so feel free to make it.

On the surface, it was a conflict between Tiffany and Walter. He took away all the responsibilities and directly became the referee.

This incident was just a small episode, but it reflected a very important performance.

Ordinary people have no choice. They must stay in Hamlet, but how many of those bureaucrats want to leave Hamlet?

Lance's expression became playful, power and responsibility were corresponding, and it was just a good opportunity to see the reactions of those people.

But before that, Lance still had a lot to do. After quickly handling some things, he saw Baldwin coming up.

"Sir, leave these matters to me."

"I just came back, you should take a day off."

"Hamlet needs you, and you need rest more than I do."

After Baldwin came back, he was also adjusting himself, but he couldn't sleep when he thought that the lord was still working. After he got better, he came to take over the job.

It's too complicated, that is, these legendary warriors are so strong that they dare to play like this. I didn't see Amanda and the others coming out like dead fish.

Lance didn't refuse after thinking about it for a moment and left those unimportant chores to him.

But he had no intention of resting, and took Bigby with him to New Town, the front line of the ruins.

You can see many people pushing carts on the road. They are day laborers hired by Hamlet to transport supplies. Using carts can increase efficiency, regulate the scattered porters, and also give them something to do.

Of course, there are also many people who come back from the front line and go to the pier to leave by boat, or take other routes. They don't want to stay here anyway.

Of course, there are also adventurers who cannot afford the prices in the town and are reluctant to leave, so they return to the city to wait and see. Anyway, they can run away if something happens, and it is not as dangerous as the front line.

On the carriage, Lance was unhappy when he saw this situation. I had finally deceived so many free workers who brought their own dry food. They were more useful than serfs. Now they have all run away.

It’s all his damn ancestor’s fault!

As the carriage drove into the new town, one could feel a very strange atmosphere. Countless torches were burning on the shelves in the darkness, and prying eyes kept coming, full of uneasiness and hostility.

There are a lot of people coming and going, so it should be lively, but it seems more depressing.

There are a lot of adventurers coming and going, but they are mostly guys who were confused by the new round of rumors, but this is what means they are ruthless enough. Those who have no courage will run away. Only these ambitious guys will choose Leave.

Lance did not reveal his identity, so he looked away, and the ordinary-looking carriage drove to a corner of the town.

When he came to the door, he seemed to notice something, and turned to signal to Bigby.

"You wait here for a moment, I'll ask you to go in again."

After saying that, he just opened the door and walked in without even trying to knock on the door.

Bigby's inspiration was not bad, and he could naturally feel an unsettling aura, but it quickly subsided after the lord entered.

Before he could react further, a voice came from inside the house.

"come in."

When Bigby entered, he saw a man with a unique appearance sitting cross-legged in the hall.

"This is the scholar Alhazred, he may be able to help you."

Lance introduced Bigby's situation, and the scholar beckoned him over after taking a look, and handed over the purifying coral in his hand.

"Take it."

Bigby didn't know what it meant, but he still took the coral with the hope of treatment, and at this moment the restlessness in his heart seemed to be relieved, and the voice in his ear seemed to disappear.

A surprised smile suddenly appeared on his bitter face. Is the problem that has puzzled him for so long so simple?

But before he could be happy for too long, the scholar noticed his reaction and added a sentence.

"This is just a useless thing like the chain on your body. Relying on these things will only make you more vulnerable. By the time you react, you will have no chance. What can really trap the beast is your will."

It's like a painkiller, it's not that the pain is healed, it's just covered up.

Taking it for a long time will only make yourself numb, and you won't even notice the development of the disease, and it will be difficult to recover in the end. Alhazred has suffered this loss.

This made Bigby's smile stiff again, and he couldn't help asking.

"Is there really no possibility of healing?"

"No, the power of that monster is not something we can fight. Don't you feel that you are different from ordinary people?

Your body and soul are intertwined with that beast. What flows in your blood is both power and curse. Trying to get rid of it is like killing yourself."

Alhazred shook his head slowly, but still gave guidance.

"I can only teach you how to control it. Whether it works or not depends on you."

This was a big blow to Bigby. Hope was fleeting, and the curse that seemed like fate was still a nightmare that entangled him.

Lance understood what Alhazred said. In short, there was something dirty targeting Bigby and wanted to use his body to descend into the real world.

"It's not that serious. It wants to come out, right? Let's just let it out, and then beat it until it doesn't dare to come out.

If we can catch the monster behind and kill it, maybe we can solve this problem completely."

Lance said a very simple sentence, which made the other two people fall into silence.

I thought you were going to talk about precise soul cutting or clever surgery, but I didn't expect it to be this.

"Is it impossible?" Lance couldn't help asking after seeing that the two were stunned.

"It's not impossible, but it's difficult..." Alhazred didn't know what to say, because theoretically the demon body should be dead, so it can't erode Bigby.

"So we should be full of hope for the future. After I finish the things at hand, I will have time to study this. Bigby's situation may give us some experience in dealing with similar incidents."

Lance actually knew that he was talking nonsense, but sometimes it was necessary to have such abstract jokes to add a little hope to the dark future.

Alhazred seemed to understand the lord's hint. He also had a curse on him...

The big move he used to save people before did not need to cut his hand for a sacrifice ceremony when he was well prepared.

But the huge spell still put him in trouble, and it was because of the equipment [Purifying Coral] that he didn't lose control.

It was just that the lord came in just now to clear the abnormality. If there was a chance, he also wanted to break free from the Tona curse...

Leaving Bigby to learn how to control himself from Alhazred, Lance began to move around the town.

Hearing what the people below said, it would be better to come down and take a look in person. He had changed his rotten clothes a long time ago and wore a very ordinary set of clothes, which was not conspicuous when walking among them.

It was also because of this that he could feel the increasingly chaotic rumors among the adventurers and discovered many hidden figures among them.

The number of extraordinary people was much larger than that in the city. It was obvious that these people came here after hearing the rumors.

Sure enough, no one could refuse power and wealth, even if they were willing to take risks.

But unfortunately, they were destined to be disappointed.

Because the army was withdrawn, Hamlet's control over the town was reduced, and he could only relocate the original Hamlet workers to the wilderness development areas behind the outpost.

In addition, the police gathered together to control the most critical part and hold the supplies, so that those idiots could not make any waves.


Lance sighed. If it weren't for the ancestor, it should be full of vitality.

After a brief understanding of the situation, Lance showed his head and contacted his own people. His appearance directly dispelled everyone's fear, and there was light in his eyes.


"Sir, this is a detailed consumption and casualty statistics report."

Barton reported his work, and Lance looked at the data helplessly.

When the extreme darkness came, it was very timely to mobilize the army, but there were still many casualties, which also meant that the consumption of supplies was also somewhat serious.

Especially because of the special situation of the new town, Lance did not develop manufacturing here. There were only some blacksmith workshops for repairing equipment, and consumables such as food could only be transported in from outside.

Now I understand why Barton did not recommend a real fight.

"I will fill the gap in supplies as soon as possible, prepare for war, and train."

"Sir, there are still some problems, that legion."

Barton reminded him that other things were easy to deal with, but if there was any problem with the legion, it would cause trouble.

"I'll take care of it."

Lance also wanted to see the forbidden legion of the legendary ancient empire. If it really lived for so long, it might have many secrets.

But before that, Lance appeared in the wounded camp and pulled out a group of fanatical soldiers.

Under Lance's order, the team quickly assembled. On the simple field, Lance met with the members of the garrison and praised their perseverance and tenacious fighting spirit in the action, which was worthy of learning by the whole army.

Of course, the performance of the cavalry brigade was also worthy of recognition. They dared to bite the "hard bones", just like a sharp knife that broke through the siege of the enemy and successfully supported the retreating team.

Lance directly awarded them the title of [Sharp Blade]. Flags and other things were being made, but this meeting must be held first.

After a circle among those troops, a few words swept away the uneasiness brought by the arrival of the extreme darkness and re-firmed the will.

For Hamlet!

Lance was more concerned about the barbarians. The barbarian mercenaries brought by Boslake had basically been disbanded and arranged in the army according to their specialties.

These people had been mercenaries in the empire, knew the common language, and were not so barbaric. After changing into neat equipment, it was basically difficult to tell them apart without looking at the war patterns or unique accessories.

Because it was not strange to see hair of different colors on civilians, barbarians often robbed slaves and went up the mountain. Similarly, those slave-catching teams also liked to catch barbarians. To some extent, the two sides were more different in habits and concepts.

The environment can shape a person. If an imperial man is thrown into the mountains, he must be a muscular warrior if he can survive. Similarly, barbarians will lose muscles and become numb after being serfs for a few years.

And the environment of Hamlet also transformed them. During this time, they also felt the rules that were different from the empire and the mountains. They were no longer mercenaries who were homeless and despised by all parties, but part of Hamlet.

Under the call of collective and unity, they were easily driven by the emotions of the army and shouted the names of the lord and Hamlet.

They are all human, which is enough for Lance.

When the army is established, the role of heroes becomes more and more subtle, but the tragedy in the city shows that when dealing with extraordinary people, you still have to be extraordinary people, ordinary people are not on the same level.

The cultivation of individual strength cannot be ignored. Now there are more extraordinary people, and we have to find a way to manage them.

It's so difficult...

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