Our family is in decline

Chapter 734 Giant Monster's Stomach (4)

Not sure when, anyway, Alhazred and the others were still conducting research when Lance returned to the portal.

"Did you find anything?"

Alhazred is a mystic scholar. If you don't understand this, don't mess around.

"This is the core beacon. It marks this world and forms the void behind the portal..."

The basic principle of teleportation is the same, which is to determine a mark and then build a channel between the two.

Alhazred was also targeted by some kind of existence in the void, and they always wanted to turn him into a beacon to invade reality.

Because the beacon is equivalent to a "destination". Without this, you will not be able to find the way. No matter how powerful the old god is, he will not be able to find this world.

And now what this [World] beacon marks is just like its name, it is this world that allows them to find their way back after entering the void.

The reason why the ancestor left this beacon is also very simple, he just wants to come back.

But Lance had already searched it with his personal guards, and there was no passage leading deeper.

Therefore, we can deduce a very critical piece of information - Ancestor, you are not in the dungeon at all, where are you hiding?

No wonder the monsters didn't react much when he broke into the dungeon. It turned out that the ancestor had long been hiding in the void.

"Activating the beacon is just part of the ritual, but the void is a very dangerous place, and we are not yet sure of the location behind the portal.

But we can seal or destroy this portal and beacon, which will cut off this passage and banish those things into the void in disguise. "

Alhazred gave a brief summary, and then the question was handed over to the lord.

According to the extraordinary person's insurance policy, it must be to destroy the portal and beacon, delay it as long as possible, and choose to believe in future generations.

Can Lance put all this aside and go back to enjoy the leisure life of the nobles...?

"This is the beginning of the end."

After pondering for a moment, Lance said something calmly but firmly, which also expressed his attitude.

For an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient like Lance, who has a full sense of crisis, getting rid of evil is the purpose of his life. If he says to kill your whole family, he must kill your whole family, and there is absolutely no risk left.

Only dead ancestors are good ancestors...

"I understand." Alhazred nodded and seemed relieved.

What did he come here for?

Isn't it just to solve the corruption that is about to spread?

For an evil god, as long as he does not die, even if he is exiled to the void, it will still bring about various problems.

Why are there so many cults in the world? Is it difficult to completely eliminate even if the church cracks down hard?

Just because those things behind them are not dead.

Maybe one day someone digs something out, and entering somewhere will wake it up and become another beacon.

There are too many evil things scattered in the world, and those who long for power are as ignorant as they were before and fall into darkness.

Obviously, this lord is different. He is not afraid of the so-called evil god.

He is worthy of being the Lord of Hamlet, the hero who fights for mankind!

Lance didn't care what Alhazred thought, he had already started planning his next actions.

"How to activate the core beacon and the portal?"

"I can solve the core beacon, but I don't know much about the portal. But Alves, that wandering mage specializes in teleportation spells. Maybe we need his help."

Alhazred acted as an advisor and recommended someone to Lance.

The two of them had joined forces to cut off the rat tide in the ruins where extreme darkness had fallen, and saved those people.

That's why he can also feel that the guy is very powerful, but it's hard to say whether he is willing or not.

"I'll convince him."

Lance made the decision for Alves with a casual word, without any objection.

But what about now?

Lance looked back at the guards, all of whom were masters at the lowest level. There were even a few who were originally masters like Bahrain, and there were also guards who entered for the second time and had been promoted to champions.

It's a pity that they are not spellcasters, and their extraordinary power is only reflected in their physique and equipment.

"Let's retreat first. We need to prepare before we can proceed to the next step."

Lance felt the abundant spirituality in his body and knew that there was not much meaning in staying here anymore. He needed to get information from the outside world to prepare for the next stage.

No one else questioned the lord's choice, and soon the huge team returned the same way.

Looking at the healing flesh and blood, and the river of blood flowing outside the passage, Lance suddenly asked Alhazred if there was any way to use it.

"The Holy Grail of Blood."

The scholar simply mentioned an object, and Lance immediately reacted. He quickly rummaged through the display room to find the evil Holy Grail.

Although he cleared a lot of places, he felt at ease only by taking some equipment with a risk of contamination with him.

Scooping up a cup of bright red liquid full of rich vitality, he activated the power of the Holy Grail and quickly condensed a few blood beads.

Alhazred picked it up, looked at it and explained.

"The purity of the refined spiritual crystals is good, but the flesh and blood here are too severely corrupted. Using these requires taking very large risks, and purification requires more resources, which is not worth the gain."

"It doesn't matter. It's better than letting it go. Go back and prepare how to strengthen the range of the Holy Grail."

Lance knew that it was impossible to digest it completely in a short time by himself, and he knew that there would probably be no such place for him for a long time.

His spirituality can only be stored in part, and needs to be consumed continuously, but he doesn't have too many means of consumption now. Too frequent blessings can easily lead to alternative crises.

The guards have a foundation. They were originally set up for extraordinary power, and the number is small and controllable.

But ordinary armies are not like that. Blindly pursuing extraordinary power will drag the scientific development that Hamlet has established with great difficulty into darkness.

The allocation of resources is a test of his ability as a lord, and this scale must be balanced.

If it can be converted into spiritual crystals and stored, there is no need to consume it in a hurry. As for whether it is corrupted or not, it is fed to the void to be converted into spirituality, which can also prevent others from using it.

On the way, I had a brief discussion with the scholars and formulated a plan for bleeding on the next level and cutting meat on the third level.

The huge difference between the dungeon and the outside environment made them all feel uncomfortable, as if they had suddenly gone from a place with oxygen intoxication to a high altitude with thin air, triggering various reactions.

Alhazred, the spellcaster, reacted even more than when he entered, but Lance was not surprised here.

News about the dungeon must be strictly controlled, the loyalty of the guards does not need to be questioned, and the legion is even more dumb. Alhazred spends most of his time in meditation.

As for Bigby... I didn't tell him anything before I came here, and he was dragged here as a coolie.

Lance glanced at him and probably needed a good talk to calm him down.

Don't think about leaving now that you're here!

It will take some time to get back to Hamlet by boat, and Lance knocked on Bigby's cabin door.

"I know you have a lot of questions, let's talk about it."

Bigby's autistic personality couldn't say no, so he could only let Lance in.

In the slightly shaking cabin, Lance sat on the stool, his expression was dull at first, as if he was recalling something, then he raised his hand to cover his face, and when he slowly pulled down his palm, a helpless and painful expression appeared on his face.

"Our family has fallen..."

Lance told him the story of Hamlet very directly, of course it was just a processed story.

Speaking directly from the cult to the destruction of the world, Bigby was stunned and didn't know how to react for a while.

"If you want to study alchemy, I can help you. My family has collected a lot of relevant research materials.

And I can also support you, whether it is materials, venues or funds, and more importantly, you don't need to worry about the threat of the church here.

We can also help you control yourself and find out the real reason. Even when the technology matures, it is not impossible to separate you from the negative."

If you want to impress people, you have to cater to their preferences. Don't you like to do research? Then work for me. Lance has a lot of information that he wants to apply and lacks a capable alchemist.

Bigby was just used to silence. He was not really stupid. In fact, he knew that the lord was recruiting him.

More importantly, he really couldn't leave Hamlet now, whether it was to avoid the church or to control himself.

"In fact, you don't need to worry so much. Your current state is still very conducive to research. Do you know why people in your family keep falling on the laboratory table?

Because the various heavy metals and potions that alchemy needs to contact are too toxic, but you have full resistance to these.

And you have a strong recovery ability, which allows you to recover your energy in a short time and devote more time to research.

Since you were born in alchemy, then solve it in alchemy. All you need is a sufficiently stable environment. With your talent, you can find a solution quickly."

Lance was telling the truth. It was both a curse and an opportunity. He had obtained a physique with full resistance. He could digest metals and was afraid of no pollution.

Well, create alchemy, and work overtime for me!

Bigby had no reason to refuse. Lance had prepared the way forward for him.

The ship soon dropped everyone off at the naval dock. Alhazred and his men returned to the city first, while Lance led the guards and the legion to the town.


On the outskirts of the Hamlet ruins, several cavalrymen rushed out. The torches they held high showed their positions, and they could be seen gradually gathering together, like a fire dragon.

And in the darkness behind them, countless skeletons were being attracted out of the ruins, greedily craving the breath of the living.

Without the division of the building ruins, they also gathered together like the cavalry, and in the darkness, they were like a big hand slowly closing, as if to catch the "fire dragon".

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The loud whistle echoed in the darkness, and those familiar veterans could capture the positions of their teammates without thinking too much and began to change their formation.

The gathered cavalrymen accelerated again to give up the front battlefield, which shows that they had been controlling the speed to hang those skeletons.

The successive whistles seemed to be telling something, but suddenly they became rapid, and anyone could hear the urgency contained in them.

But the skeletons didn't understand. They continued to chase the living with a seemingly endless pace until the whistle stopped, but the next second, a roar a hundred times stronger than the whistle broke out in the darkness.


The smoke was covered by the darkness, but the firelight was difficult to cover. Instead, it was particularly dazzling, instantly illuminating the roaring war machines on the artillery position.

There were countless roars, and the constant roars had made the brain a little confused, but from the light, it could be found that the artillery position was just on the left and right sides in front of the skeletons.

The shells would not wait. The whistling of the stone shells tearing the air sounded on the battlefield, and the blasting into the dense skeletons could be described as crushing withered and rotten. Like plowing the land, no one on the entire line could stand, and all were broken bones.

That is, the sun was blocked by the extremely dark, otherwise this scene would be extremely relaxing.

But the skeletons would not feel fear. The large number of casualties instead sorted out their bloated team, which suddenly increased the speed of advancement.

And they regained the breath in the air and began to disperse to search for the living. Once they spread across the entire field, the effect of the artillery would be greatly reduced.

More importantly, the safety of the artillery must be guaranteed. It takes time to load the shells. The artillery that has not been loaded is just bulky scrap metal.

But at this time, the sound of horse hooves sounded again. The cavalry who went back and forth began to surround the scattered skeletons under the light of the torches, pulling them up again by interweaving back and forth.

This action represents excellent skills, and more importantly, the strong mentality.

You must know that there are violent skeletons all around. Once caught up, they will be swallowed up instantly. Teammates have no chance to save them. It is enough to show the calmness and courage of these cavalry.

When the whistle sounded, the cavalry immediately accelerated and pulled away. As soon as the front foot left, the artillery arrived as expected. It was not the first time to see the skilled look.

The power will only be greater when the distance is close, and the traces of the plow will be deeper, even penetrating the formation of the skeletons, cutting in from both sides to form a cross to cause the greatest degree of damage.

The cavalry's baiting of the enemy could only gather them together, but could not stop their advance.

A distance of a hundred yards was only enough to fire two or three shots, and this was when the cavalry was constantly intervening.

There was no way, those skeletons were not afraid of death at all, they just charged.

When the last round of shells split the skeletons, the remaining scattered ones were no longer worth firing.

The cavalry gathered at the whistle, not in the arrowhead formation, but lined up in a row, and it was self-evident what they wanted to do.

"We are Hamlet's Blade!"

The leader drew his sword and pointed it at the skeleton and shouted.

"Cavalry, charge!"

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