Our family is in decline

Chapter 764: Pushing the New Policy

Those who were pointed out had only three reactions: either begging for mercy and saying they were innocent, or being forced to shirk responsibility.

Or they wanted to escape. They knew what they had done, and even looked for opportunities to escape without being named.

In the end, of course, they couldn't escape and wanted to struggle a bit, but they were hit head-on by Boudica.

They were not allowed to kill people, but Boudica's amazing wisdom always had some unique understandings, and they didn't die even if their hands and feet were broken.

A punch directly broke the man's arm, and a kick twisted the whole calf in an instant.

If it wasn't for the fear of being too ugly and being criticized by Lance, Boudica really wanted to beat them all to death.

The resistance was not enough for Boudica to beat with one hand, and the three people fell down and wailed in pain after a confrontation.

Lance just felt a little boring, it would be better to watch the fierce duel between rats.

More speechless, is it worth treating if you beat people like this?

But in the eyes of those people, they were completely scared, too cruel!

They dared not make trouble again. When they were called, they came out and obeyed the command.

The speed of population registration was very fast, because Lance brought hundreds of specially trained officials. The relevant tasks had been clear. They came and started working directly. Even if many of them were assigned to interrogate, they were completed quickly.

"Sir, this is the situation after our review and summary."

The reviewers on the other side also quickly gave Lance what he wanted. After seeing it, they opened their mouths and signaled that they could proceed to the next step after a glance.

"Public trial, mobilize the people to complain, and then publicize our policies..."


Someone came to execute it after a word. If they were trained but not allowed to get started, they would never learn. Pursuing practice is Hamlet's style.

Moreover, Lance couldn't do everything himself now. He came to grasp the degree. In such a fierce change, some special situations were inevitable.

The mayor's family and his lackeys who were taken away for individual interrogation were tied up again and brought up.

At first, many people didn't understand what was going on until the officials began to encourage the people to speak out about their crimes, and Hamlet's lord would make the decision for them.

The mayor used to have enough pressure, and no one dared to speak for a while.

But there is always a lack of courage, especially those young people. The man who was caught and beaten by the mayor just now pointed out his injuries and accused those people.

The mayor was also anxious and wanted to defend himself, but he was tied up and his mouth was stuffed. He scared people as soon as he moved, but he was kicked by the soldiers behind him and fell to the street. He couldn't even stand up, and he was like a fat maggot.

It would be easy if someone started it, not to mention that the mayor's majesty accumulated over the years was kicked to the ground with this kick.

The officials knew why the public trial was necessary, so they couldn't let the situation get chaotic, otherwise it would be meaningless to quarrel like a vegetable market.

"Come one by one!"

"Stop arguing!"

"You speak first..."

He controlled the situation by force, and then selected the people to come up and tell the crimes of the mayor and his lackeys.

As for the content, it also revealed how the mayor made his fortune, which was nothing more than those few things, violence, debt, embezzlement...

You can refer to the various operations of the mayor and the farmers when Hamlet was invaded by bandits, or the food crisis in Owendo.

This guy's methods are not so advanced, but he is no less bloody and cruel than those people. He often beats and kills people at will. Under his rule, I don't know how many people have been separated from their wives and children.

Lance didn't react much. He just sat aside and watched the scene, listening to the people coming to cry about their crimes one by one. It seems that he had expected it.

The so-called public trial only extracted a few representative cases. In fact, it had been determined in the early review, so this was also a controlled script, although the things were true.

Because in summary, there are only a few situations. It is impossible for hundreds of people to tell you one by one, and leave the rest until the evening when you have nothing to do and then slowly complain to the meeting.

"The main culprit pretended to be the mayor and organized a gangster gang..."

At this time, an official came up and summarized the crimes committed by the mayor in a few words, pushing all the evil deeds on him. Lance, the Lord Hamlet, was absolutely not involved in any cause and effect.

And the fact is indeed so, these things have little to do with other people.

"Sentenced to thirty years of labor reform!"

These officials have been trained and speak the simplest words. Everyone can understand the charges after reading them out.

It can't be said that it is infuriating, but those people want to put the mayor on the grill. He is so fat that he can probably be grilled for a long time.

Then the announcement of the trial results made them a little confused. What is labor reform? What kind of punishment is this?

The man was also conscientious and did not pass it over lightly. Instead, he simply explained what labor reform is.

To build roads, to open up land, to do labor... In short, it is some public services.

"It's better to kill him!"

"Burn him to death!"

"If you ask me, behead him..."

But the response was not great. After all, for ordinary people, isn't it what they do every day? What kind of punishment is this?

Communicating with ordinary people is an art. That person easily eliminated the grievances in everyone's hearts with just one sentence.

"Killing them is too easy. You used to work for him, but now he works for you. They must atone for their crimes and make them realize the sin of their actions."

The people didn't know so much, but they felt it was right to hear this. It was great to let the mayor work for them.

The following few people, including the mayor's family, were sentenced to labor reform. As for the number of years, it was not mentioned, and there was no reference value at all.

Because Lance couldn't let them go, he would definitely use the disabled. Now Hamlet still has a lot of places to develop, and it is impossible to spend money. He came out this time just to catch free labor.

But there are special cases. Before this, the three armed resistance were dragged up by Boudica.

Their crime was resistance, and the mayor sentenced them to labor reform, and they were hanged directly.

For Lance, it was very simple, because it was impossible to waste resources to treat a few wastes, so he could only use the waste.

Just in response to the previous sentence, "Resisters are killed! Rebellious people die!"

Tell them the fate of opposing Lord Hamlet...

"Remember? The trial must be fair and just, and what they did must be exposed and recorded, so that no one can summon their souls at that time.

Catch some local tyrants who have behaved badly and trample them under their feet, completely eliminate their awe of these local tyrants, and establish the values ​​dominated by Hamlet.

But we must also be vigilant. The information we get must be accurate. For example, many of these have different opinions and are difficult to verify with each other. We must be cautious..."

Lance did not intervene this time and handed most of the things to the people below, but the teaching still needs to be taught.

Why a public trial?

Because Lance wants to use these hairy hairs to re-establish Hamlet's authority, and at the same time to save his people from suffering and despair.

Lance is kind-hearted and can't bear to see these.

A small town has two or three hundred people, half of whom are serfs of the mayor, and at least 70% of the surrounding fields belong to their family.

It can be said that this is the mayor's territory. He is the lord here, and his influence in this small piece of land is more useful than that of the earl.

If ordinary lords also recover their territories, it is estimated that the mayor will be submissive and open the door before that, and they may even have to make up an appointment procedure for the mayor.

Because for those big lords, there is not much benefit here at all, and they can't manage it themselves. They only care about one thing, that is, taxes. As long as the money is collected, they don't care what you do inside.

This is a common phenomenon in the empire and even in most parts of the world. No one cares about the feelings of ordinary people.

If Lance had ignored the ancestors at the beginning and recovered the territory at all costs, even if he controlled the town, he would have asked the mayor to pay taxes in the end, and then he would have hurriedly withdrawn his troops to the next place.

This so-called recovery is just another kind of feudal nobility.

But even a pig's brain can think that those serfs have no money, and the resources produced by the labor force have been exploited.

All the wealth is concentrated on that small part, and they only need to pay relatively small taxes, and the rest goes into the pockets of these guys.

What is the concept?

My territory, my people, you are the intermediary and take 70%, I get the 30%, do you still want me to thank them?

That's my money!

So if you conquer but don't control and manage, it's better not to fight. The last person who implemented the tax-sharing system was the toilet king with amazing wisdom.

Lance should either not do it or he must be able to control it. It's better to get rid of these things that suck blood from Hamlet.

The army also sent representatives to participate. After they go back, they will spread what they heard, so that those soldiers know that they are doing a just thing and saving them from the evil guys.

Recovering the territory and saving the people, these two claims are very important to morale, representing that they are a righteous army.

At the same time, it is also a reference for their future things. Try not to kill people, control the situation and wait for him to bring people to sort it out. Killing and destruction are useless for the development of the territory.

"My lord, it's almost time."

Barton stepped forward to remind him, and Lance also understood what he nodded.

"I'll give you fifty officers, and leave fifty infantrymen. You act according to the plan."


It was only about half an hour from the time the door was broken to now. The rested army set out again to the next place to do similar things.

But Lance took some people to stay because things had just begun.

"You go and start preaching the policy, and quickly organize people to build houses. In previous years, there were cases of houses collapsing due to heavy snow. Now organize the prisoners to start working. We don't advocate violence, but if they don't work, they will starve for a few days..."

The public trial is just the beginning, and the rest is the key, to publicize Hamlet's policies and set new rules.

The officer who preached the policy was still the one who led the trial just now, because he was the main ruler here, and he needed these things to show his face and enhance his majesty in the eyes of the people.

Originally, beating the mayor was just a matter of changing someone, but now when it was said that the lord wanted to divide the mayor's land among them, everyone became excited, and the original muddleheaded and numb look was swept away, and a strong vitality burst out from their skinny bodies.

They began to actively cooperate with the officer's orders, and even more people emerged after a check, and most of them were children.

Because we just roughly cleared out the people and didn't search the mayor's house carefully, it's normal to have people hiding in those cellars, and Lance actually knows it.

The affairs officer is also a ruthless person. He specifically picked out those who had deep hatred with the mayor and asked them to supervise the mayor's work. He asked them not to kill them or affect the work. As long as the rest were not excessive, they would ignore them.

Everyone started to get busy. Some people started to search the houses of other lackeys according to the instructions, and some were led by local people to survey the land outside.

Lance would not interfere too much in these matters, as he had more important things to deal with.

"There are three villages nearby, with a total population of more than 100 people, and the land..."

From these words, it can be heard that Lance obviously knows what the situation is here, because he has consciously collected and counted the information of those towns and villages a long time ago.

With the help of the caravan, he can lock the mayor as soon as he arrives, and then search the house directly. The punishment of these local snakes has been discussed long ago, so the public trial just now is for ordinary people to see.

And Lance is now in charge of another key policy - village merging and living together.

No kidding, there is a reason why Lance chose this place at the beginning, because he was going to prepare to move three sparsely populated villages around here.

Let those people build houses and repair old houses because they need to divide houses and land, so that people can be moved here with security. Otherwise, when it snows heavily, will they be moved here to die?

The barbarians all know about autumn hunting, or they invade and plunder, just to survive the winter.

In those scattered small villages, the ability to face the risk of natural disasters is low. Lance knows that houses and fields are not important, but the food hidden by the mayor is very important.

Arrange people to count the food, and Lance will take the fifty soldiers and some carts to find those villages.

There is basically no room for resistance, and fifty soldiers just standing there is enough to make them despair.

Fortunately, Lance brought hope, and many officials went out to publicize the policy to them, moving over to divide houses and land, great lord!

The soldiers also put down their guns and helped them load the things into the car. Who dared to say no?

Lance didn't care about these things. He came to the fields of the village.

Although it was not a good field, it was still opened up. It would be a pity to leave it abandoned.

This is also the reason why Lance brought Greendale. Just plant herbs. What will sprout next spring will be high value-added materials.

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