Our family is in decline

Chapter 766: A surprise attack by fast horses, taking advantage

"Don't move, stay still and nothing will happen."

The other soldiers at the door were also controlled at almost the same time. They were really not on guard at all. Years of stability made them lose their vigilance.

Facing the swords and guns pointed at them, they had no intention of resisting. With only this little money a month, what's the point of risking their lives.

After controlling those guys, they immediately asked people to rush to the high place and hang up the bright red curtain as a signal.

A scout ranger outside saw the signal and immediately turned around and ran to find the cavalry hiding in the distance, while another one went to notify the infantry...

"They succeeded, now it's our turn, let's go!"

After receiving the news, Reynard, who was waiting outside, immediately led the cavalry to charge without much hesitation.

The most important thing about this plan is speed, so fast that those people can't react, so that the situation can be controlled before the enemy reacts.

Just a cavalry ran wildly, and the figure pointed directly at the town like a sword, without any cover at all, the main point is speed.

After the infantry received the news, they also began to march quickly. The neat formation was not in chaos at this time, and everyone moved forward at once...

"Here they come!"

The soldier who climbed up to the height to give the signal also saw the smoke and dust raised by the cavalry, and immediately signaled to the bottom.

The soldiers who seized the gate finally stopped disguising themselves, tied up a few soldiers in a few seconds, and then took out the equipment from the car.

There must be many people near the gate who noticed this scene, but they didn't dare to go forward, but hurried to the town, perhaps shouting something.

"The bandits are coming!"



The chaos has begun to spread. Anyway, no one tried to retake the gate, so they just let the soldiers occupy it.

These guys have been safe for too long, so they are not prepared for war at all, and they have no reaction when they are in front of them.

In order to cover up their whereabouts, the cavalry seemed to be at a distance, but with the addition of the light cavalry's charge, they soon appeared here and rushed directly into the wide-open gate.

The movement of hundreds of cavalry rushing at full speed was too loud, and almost as soon as they rushed in, they caused panic among many people.

As soon as they came in, they shouted loudly.

"The lord here colluded with the cult to rebel, and Hamlet's army to suppress the rebellion has arrived!"

"Everyone go home immediately, no one will be hurt!"

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

Directly define these guys as rebels and colluding with the cult, and occupy the public opinion first anyway, whether they believe it or not is a matter of fact.

Fortunately, these people did not dare to step forward to intercept, most of them scattered and fled from this place, only a few brave ones dared to hide in the buildings and secretly peek at the rushing cavalry.

Long before they came, everyone had already determined the buildings in the town and knew the route to advance.

"You go and take down that nobleman to control the situation, you must be quick, and kill those who block you!" Reynard waved his hand and sent half of the cavalry to control the local nobles, and he led the rest to go straight to the church.

The cavalry ran wildly in the town, scaring those ordinary people to crawl and want to escape from here, but they were not stopped.

But as a noble mansion, there are still guards, and their equipment is quite good. After all, it is related to their own safety. Their quality is also better. They have formed a formation when they sensed the chaos.

Can you see that they are wearing armor and holding halberds. Even if they encounter enemies, they can organize a line of defense to stop them...?

The cavalry that rushed up saw the gathered halberd soldiers from a distance. The long halberds standing in a dense formation can indeed stop the cavalry, but Hamlet and his cavalry are not traditional.

"Be careful of the bombs!"

One person shouted and threw several bombs directly on the horse's back. The guards had not reacted yet, and the continuous explosions caused the formation to collapse.

The fragments may not be able to tear their armor and cause fatal injuries, but the shock is enough to make these guards dizzy and confused, and the bloodstains scattered on the ground also show that the damage is not small

At this time, a wave of charge directly defeated them, leaving only the guards lying on the ground. The blood that gradually began to spread showed that the shouting just now was not a joke.

One cavalryman dismounted and rushed into the building, while the other troop wandered around to prevent anyone from escaping and to prevent rescue from outside.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Sporadic gunshots rang out in the building, and the guards who could stand fell down, and the mansion was seized and the local leader was controlled.

At this time, no rescue force could be organized outside.

There was no way, the cavalry was too fast, and they didn't react at all with their efficiency.

On the other side, Reynard also rushed straight to the church in the middle of the town.

"You disperse those people, and don't hold back if you notice anything unusual. These people are almost as irrational as the cultists.

The rest follow me in and take those people down!"

Reynard rushed to the front, and when he approached, he said treasonous words without hesitation.

Because he had been fooled by the church, he knew that those fanatical believers were not afraid of life and death, but that was only a minority. Most people lived in a muddleheaded way and preferred to shrink when their interests were not involved.

Therefore, as long as the clergy in the church were cut off from the outside world, and without anyone to take the lead in inciting them, most of the so-called believers would simply stay at home to avoid the war.

Reynard led dozens of riders and rushed towards the main gate of the church. He looked straightforward and didn't seem to feel any pressure. He didn't care about his former identity at all.

Or maybe it was his former identity that made him so decisive!

The church in this small town is not very powerful. The intelligence also shows that there are only a dozen of them, and the rest are believers.

Among them, there are two priests who can perform divine magic, and some Crusaders who are guarding, and the rest are ordinary people.

The riot caused by the cavalry should have been noticed long ago, but the strange thing is that the church didn't react at all, and the door was wide open.

If Hamlet's school was invaded, it would have closed the door long ago, and then distributed weapons to the young team who had received militia training to start guarding.

Sure enough, he lost his ability to react in a stable environment, but what was even more outrageous was that someone actually came out to scold Reynard and others who broke in.

"How dare you hit the church! Could it be..."

I saw a man in monk's clothes hurriedly walked out, and before he finished speaking, Reynard slapped a sword and knocked him to the ground, without even the slightest intention of stopping.

The man fell to the ground and held his chest with his hands. His face turned red and he coughed violently. It was obvious that he had a stitch in the side and almost suffocated himself. His face improved slightly after he exhaled.

It was because Reynard used the sword to hit him, otherwise he would have been broken into two halves on the spot. But at this time, his mind was in a mess and he didn't care about the cavalry rushing in.

It's no wonder that the people in the church are so outrageous, because you shouted the slogan of suppressing the rebellion and eradicating the cult.

You should know that the church does not participate in the struggle between those nobles, and the nobles will not offend the church. This is a rule tacitly accepted by both parties. Who would have thought that you don't follow the rules!

The sword just now also made the man scared. He looked at the cavalry outside, and then looked at those who had broken into the church. He simply lay on the ground and pretended to be dead!

It was not a block. Reynard and his group rushed in directly on horseback. After crossing the open space in front, they dismounted and went directly into the main building.

How could the clergy of the church not react when they showed no malice just now?

The remaining crusaders have put on armor and are holding long swords in front. Behind them are two monks wearing more exquisite monk clothes than the one just now, and on the steps in the background are a group of nuns in plain clothes.

It is hard to say what the configuration of this team is. Several crusaders plus priests are both offensive and defensive, and there are also divine spells to add blood.

Although the last ones are not combat nuns, they chanted something while holding the ceremony, and an indescribable feeling appeared.

Those people all got the increase of holy power, which is the confidence of the church!

But the strength of the monks who can be arranged in such a small place can be imagined. Even if one plus one equals three, it is no more than one hundred.

Reynard did not give them more time to react when he entered the field, and rushed up with a sword.

Those crusaders wanted to stop them, but the legend Reynard showed terrifying strength as soon as he made a move.

The seemingly bulky body showed a flexibility far beyond that of an ordinary person. The long sword in his hand swung and cut off the long swords of those guys directly. This is the end of the ordinary long sword when it meets the legendary long sword [Final Holy War].

Reynard did not kill them indiscriminately. After cutting off their blades, he used the end of the hilt to hit the helmets of those guys, and they fell to the ground in a daze.

From the dented helmets and the oozing blood, it seems that lying flat has a price, and they fell too quickly, so that the two monks didn't know whether to save people or attack for a while.

Then one of them sprinkled the holy light on the fallen Crusader Knight, and the other sent a flash of light to Reynard.

The divine art falling on him was even more ridiculous. Do you know where this set of ancient armor on him came from? It was stripped off the legendary knight of the church.

As for the flash, did you know that he was wearing a daylight ring?

Not to mention that your holy light is really bad, repent in the sun!

Reynard raised his sword in front of him, and the next second, the sword burst out with light like the scorching sun...

Most of the cavalry scattered around the church, and their cold eyes swept over anyone who dared to approach.

"Oh! My holy light!"

"No! You can't do this!"

"Evil guy..."

But as Reynard said, their approach to the church immediately caused dissatisfaction among some people, and they raised all kinds of questions to the cavalry.

Especially after seeing Reynard knock down the monk with a sword and break into the door, they were even more angry, even though they didn't know that there was no blood.

The power of faith is very strong. When those fanatical believers saw this scene, it seemed that it was not the church that was broken, but their home.

"The holy light will punish you!"

"Go to hell!"


Among these angry shouts, the first one to rush out was not the young man, but the old man.

You must know that the young people are the most arrogant, but don't forget that the old people are the most stubborn and crazy.

The reason is very simple. For old people who don't have much time left, this is the reason why they have endured half of their lives just to enjoy themselves in a sacred place.

The Ascension Sect emphasizes ascension and is not afraid of death. Similarly, the church also has the idea of ​​entering the kingdom of God after death. It is actually vaguely similar.

It can only be said that the level of religion is similar, and everyone is just copying each other.

Under the old man's lead, the others are also ready to move, especially the young people, who are quite determined to participate in the holy war when Leonard was recruited by the church.

The cavalry has fought with the cultists before, so they are not surprised by the fanaticism and will not be scared at all, not to mention that Leonard has warned them to release the authority.

A round of gunfire and several old guys fell down. They did not have the twisted and painful flesh and blood power of the cultists. The wailing and screaming blood spread immediately suppressed those guys, and the original trend of moving forward suddenly turned into retreat.

However, just as the cavalry was reloading, among those people, a blond old man staggered to his feet.

The other people fell down in the previous round of gunfire, and the gun aimed at him only grazed his right ear. Although the blood stained half of his face, it did not hurt the vital parts.

This situation made the old man even more fanatical. He believed that he was unique and protected by the holy light, and he clenched his fists and waved his hands and shouted.

"I'm fine! Holy Light protects me!"

"We won't give in to evil!"

"Keep fighting! For Holy Light!"

The man shouted encouragingly, and the blood on his face made him look even more crazy, but the followers were fooled by this. Their retreating steps were immediately controlled by fanaticism, and they all attacked the cavalry.

After just a few steps, another gunshot rang out, and a ball of blood burst out of the chest of the blond old man who had been shouting just now, and the whole person fell to the ground...

The cavalry was a little confused as to why these people were so excited because of a missed shot?

You know, the accuracy of a musket is average, and a pistol is even lower than a rifle. Basically, only a sharpshooter can be stable within ten yards, and it is already very powerful if it can be within five yards.

Not to mention that these cavalrymen were shooting on horses and aiming at moving targets, so missing the target was completely a matter of probability. How could it be linked to the Holy Light?

These soldiers were basically young, and they were educated by Lance, and they didn't buy this at all.

If one shot doesn't kill, then shoot again.

Now it seems that I don't know whether your holy light has chosen you, but my bullet has chosen you.

The death of that man made the situation, which was originally a little boiling, suddenly fall into an awkward situation. Should I go up or not?

Fortunately, they don't need to choose, because Leonard has finished his work and walked out.

Church, take it! (End of this chapter)

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