Our family is in decline

Chapter 771 Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 771 Welcome to... Hell!

The neatly dressed knights came out, wearing well-maintained, metallic-luster full-body armor, each wearing a robe to distinguish their identities, surrounded by their followers on the left and right, and riding on the tall horse to command, looking so majestic.

The ambitions and desires in the hearts of those ordinary soldiers grew more and more when they saw the figure of the knight. They also wanted to make achievements and become knight masters.

The ordinary people on the side were also excited. What else could defeat such a powerful knight master!

The baron was not good at fighting, but he was good at fooling ordinary people.

Although the outside world was retreating step by step, the news was actually blocked. Most of the people didn't know what happened outside. They only knew that the advantage was mine!

On the contrary, the knights looked very serious, and the baron returned to the mansion after watching the team leave. He was no longer unyielding in front of others, and his expression was full of entanglement and uneasiness.

The huge gap between ordinary people and the baron perfectly illustrates what "ignorance is fearless". They have never been on the battlefield or killed anyone, but they fantasize about becoming superior by killing people.

But now they have no choice, and they follow the knights to the battlefield with great expectations...

Most of the terrain in the southern area of ​​Hamlet is plain, and some environments are at most dense forests. Even if there are some mountains, they are just small hills, so there is no such thing as using the terrain to make a comeback, just advancing all the way.

But there is no big road, there are only dirt roads that can barely be two cars wide, and they are bumpy, and the troops are pulled into a long snake.

The artillery and baggage walking on the road under the traction of the carriage are the targets that attract those guys, and the reconnaissance of both sides begins to confront each other in the dark.

The baron's men are not all useless. After suffering a few losses, they learned to be smart. They chose those who are familiar with the surrounding environment, and they attacked with one blow and escaped. It is obvious that they want to tire out the army.

The cavalry scattered in small teams of three or two to roam around, guarding against possible raids in the surroundings, and successively repelled those enemies who wanted to harass.

There were not only enemies in the forest, but also many dark traps. It seemed that the baron had not given up any possible way to win during this period.

Many of them were mercenaries. After a simple interrogation, it was found that the price was quite high. Sure enough, mercenaries only wanted money and not their lives.

However, these guys probably couldn't get the money after being caught. The seriously injured were dealt with directly, and the slightly injured were simply treated and their toes were amputated. What awaited them was a life of labor reform with no end in sight.

The speed of Hamlet's army's advancement was not changed by those harassments at all. It was easily defeated when it collided head-on with several temporary military defense lines.

Finally, they came to the battlefield selected by the baron unstoppably. A farm outside a town had obviously been temporarily strengthened in the past few days. Outside was a large area of ​​flat land formed after the autumn harvest of farmland. It was full of traps without looking, and it was impossible for war horses to gallop.

Inside the farm were soldiers relying on building defenses. Compared with Hamlet's army running all the way, their condition was obviously better, at least it looked like that.

Patton rode forward, with Reynard beside him. Neither of them was in a hurry to attack, but instead set their sights on the farm ahead.

"They just spent a lot of money to arrange people to harass us all the way, and now they are shrinking again. It seems that they have no confidence."

"They want to rely on fortifications to fight back. It is still a bit difficult to take down this farm. If the loss is too great, the subsequent battle will be troublesome."

The farm building has obviously been reinforced. I don't know where the baron dismantled the bricks and stones. It is clear that he knows that your light artillery attack ability is weak, and he wants to consume it, or drag it into the farm to fight inside, in exchange for Hamlet's artillery advantage.

"We can just abandon this place and go straight to the town to make a feint attack, and force them to come out for a field battle. If they don't dare to come out, we can just take the town. They will be honest after starving for a few days without a way out."

"Fire attack is okay. In the current weather, a little flame can be burned, and sneak in at night..."

The two easily said several solutions to the farm, any of which can be implemented, but they did not choose these fancy tactics, for only one reason, they were waiting...

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the falcon that flew out from nowhere landed on the top of Patton's horse. The sharp claws and the sense of foreign objects caused the horse to shake its head subconsciously.

The falcon took advantage of the situation to spread its wings again and looked at Patton with a smart look. The thing in its mouth fell into his hand, and then flew away again.

He opened the paper, took a look, and then handed it to Leonard.

That thing turned out to be a trap map arranged on the flat ground in front of him, and he even knew the configuration of the farm personnel.

It is obvious that someone from his own side has mixed into the upper level, otherwise it would be impossible to get such a thing.

"Then let's do it!"

Reynard nodded in agreement, knowing that the time had come.

The several methods mentioned before were better, but they didn't have much time to waste on them. After getting the map, they immediately launched the attack.

Of course, it was impossible for the cavalry to go up and explore the way. At present, no one knew the accuracy of the intelligence. Sending engineers to disarm the trap was actually a violent trigger. There was no need to clear them all. It was just a matter of sorting out a route leading to the farm.

The commander of the farm was not surprised that Hamlet was able to deal with those traps. It was not surprising that you could remove the traps, but why was it so accurate?

This is not right...

Once doubts arise, they will inevitably erode their hearts. Only a few people can access the defense map, and now they may be among them!

"The power of this world is not so simple, there is nothing strange about it."

A knight spoke up, reminding everyone that there is still the existence of extraordinary power. If this is the case, it is indeed possible. Then Hamlet's ability to recover quickly from the decline should not be separated from the extraordinary power.

Is it really as rumored that there are treasures of the ancient empire in the ruins? The shady deal is the power stimulated by the artifact?

For ordinary people who are hungry and cold, pursuing basic living conditions and becoming nobles is their lifelong luxury.

But for these knights who live a rich life, the level of pursuit is higher, and more powerful power and authority are what they desire.

Perhaps as long as they defeat Hamlet, they can seize their secrets... For a time, it became the tacit ambition of these people.

"My Lord! They are coming!"

Hamlet's army would not give them time to imagine. While removing the trap, the shield cart that was simply modified was pushed up.

The so-called shield cart is actually a logistical cargo cart with a few wooden boards, and then covered with soaked linen. When the cold wind blows, it will not only freeze into ice, but also prevent those crossbows and fire.

The knights hurriedly looked out and found that the other side had pushed the cart up. Their expressions could not help but tense up and they shouted hurriedly.

"Quick, quick, quick! Archers shoot, don't let them get close!"

They were so nervous not because they were confused, but because they had fought before and knew what this thing represented.

The real horror was not the shield cart, but the fact that there were not only soldiers hiding behind the shield cart, but also mortars pushed closer...

This time, Hamlet dispatched 100 artillery pieces, of which 80 were cannons and the remaining 20 were mortars.

Mortars were used more often along the way, because most of them were siege battles, and there were not many field battles. Even if there were small-scale battles, the artillery was gone before they had time to adjust.

So the knights understood the power of the bombs thrown by the mortars very well, and then they began to adjust the layout.

"Call those longbowmen, quickly!"

"Let the others spread out, hide in the buildings, and lie down when they meet."

"Archers, prepare to shoot!"

Don't think that those knights are really stupid, they just know the power of artillery after seeing it, and they also realize that the range is only a hundred yards, so they want to fight only longbowmen.

Compared with the effective range of 100 yards of the popular flintlock rifles, the maximum range of 150 yards, and the firing rate of two to three rounds per minute, the heavy arrows of the longbow can even break the knight's armor, so the longbow is still a big killer in this era.

But not everyone can be a longbowman, and those serfs can't even pull the longbow. Only training from childhood and nutritional supplements can withstand the consumption of training.

Arrows needed for archery training are consumables, and even if they can be reused, they are still depleted.

More importantly, this line of work requires talent, which raises the threshold.

The effective range of ordinary shortbows and crossbows is only about 50 yards, and they can shoot as far as 100 yards, but they have no power at all and the accuracy is uncontrollable.

Only those longbows can shoot beyond 100 yards. When the forty-five-degree projectile is shot, the effective range can even reach a terrifying distance of 300 yards, and a skilled archer can shoot six arrows in one minute.

Nowadays, the entire baron's territory is only over 100, and it is mainly the personal soldiers trained by their nobles themselves.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Amid the knight's shouts, the longbowmen pulled the arrows and threw them at the shield cart.

"Puff puff puff!"

Because the wet cloth made the sound muffled, the soldiers hiding behind the shield cart could feel the sparse sound above their heads and the whistling of the arrows flying by, but they didn't care too much because they didn't shoot through.

But the next second, the sound of the arrow tearing the air became strange. You know, they are all veterans of the battlefield, and they instinctively became alert and shouted.

"Watch out for the top of your head!"

Everyone tried to hide under the protection of the shield car as much as possible, and at the same time raised the wooden shield to protect other companions.

But unexpectedly, the thick wooden board of the shield car was directly pierced by the arrows, and some heavy arrows even hit the mortar, making a crisp sound of metal colliding, exploding a string of sparks, and leaving obvious marks directly on the cannon.

There were also other muffled sounds of piercing into the ground and deep into the wood. Anyway, the shield car could no longer provide them with shelter, and the horror brought by the heavy arrows was revealed in an instant.

Not to mention that it was not just one wave, but a continuous rain of arrows!

Fortunately, there was not much power left to penetrate the wet cloth and wooden boards at this distance, and most of them were blocked by the soldiers' own shields, but some arrows still pierced into those soldiers and caused casualties, and more and more.

In the first wave of confrontation, although Hamlet broke the trap, this set of shield cars actually caused casualties.

It turned out that the first wave was just the shooting test of the crossbowmen, and then the longbowmen who gathered shot.

The appearance of the longbowmen did not surprise Patton, because the intelligence was passed to him before the battle.

A strong attack would not work. Hamlet's soldiers were different from the miscellaneous soldiers on the opposite side who would not regret dying. They were very valuable, and Patton did not dare to exchange their lives for them.

He asked the shield cart to move forward to lure out the longbowmen and find their position.

Hamlet's soldiers have a characteristic. They are generally not equipped with full body armor, but they have breastplates and helmets, which is to save their lives.

The shields equipped to these soldiers may be injured, but as long as not too many people die, it's fine.

The same power has a price. The longbow is almost two meters long. It takes a lot of space to pull it, not to mention that it is a cluster shooting to form a rain of arrows. They must show their heads!

In this era, the advantages of longbowmen are indeed very strong, but unfortunately, compared with muskets that can be pulled out and fired after three days of training, they have no advantages at all.

Not to mention that my artillery can shoot 500 yards, and the maximum distance can reach 800 yards!

Not long after the longbowmen showed their heads, the positions on the left and right sides of the farm, which were set up 400 yards away, burst into the roar of war machines.

Those knights are not stupid. Can they not know about artillery?

This was originally an undefended farm. The bricks and stones were only put up in the past few days, so they could not surround the entire farm. Instead, they chose to reinforce the buildings and then connect the buildings with brick walls, so the longbowmen hid behind the defense line.

Countless bullets were shot into the farm without giving them much time to react. Suddenly, a rumbling sound began to echo, which was the sound of bricks and stones breaking and splashing.

Under the intensive bombardment, the brick wall could not withstand the collapse, and it was revealed that the inside was actually made of wooden stakes nailed to the ground, then covered with soil, and finally bricks and stones were piled up outside.

Yes, it was only three or four days, where did so many bricks and stones come from to completely pile up, so it could only be a trick.

The brick wall collapsed, and most of the archers were also scared, and some were even injured by the flying wood and stone fragments, and they completely lost the confidence to wield arrows just now.

However, after several rounds of arrow rain accumulated into waves, the shells also had a second round.

Another exaggerated roar woke them up, and they turned around and ran away without being ordered. Some even threw away their longbows as a burden.

But unfortunately, the shells made no difference, instantly tearing the flesh and blood of those guys. The area was instantly covered with blood and flesh, and the broken limbs and arms were waving in the air. The heart thrown out of the body was even beating.

When it fell, it splashed blood directly in the blood stream. The ground was already covered with a mat made of flesh and blood, and the strong stench spread instantly.

This scene gave the enemy a great shock, telling those who had never really been on the battlefield a word.

Welcome to... Hell!

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