Our family is in decline

Chapter 782 A promise worth a thousand gold

Bastia City is built in the valley against the mountains, basically occupying most of the flat land. Even the surrounding mountains have been developed a lot, but there are still dense forests not far away.

And this kind of terrain is the most troublesome. Even knights don't want to enter it, but it is a very good opportunity for those who want to escape from this place.

A dozen figures wearing dark green hooded cloaks kept moving deep into the forest. They were light and fast.

The leader fiddled with the cloak to stir up the airflow on both sides. The people behind followed in two columns. You can see their cloaks fluttering, as if they were riding the wind and sliding away, and their movements were very quiet.

What's more interesting is that there are some birds flying around them, some are owls, some are falcons, anyway, they are all raptors.

There is no doubt that these are the members of the eagle group that escaped, but at this time they are completely not as arrogant as they were when they were black gloves under the earl in the past, and they look like they are being chased by something.

But soon the airflow raised by the leader weakened, and the team slowed down. Looking at their embarrassed appearance, they knew that they could not run anymore and could only stop to rest.

Going deep into the forest gave them some sense of security. They knew that even the Earl's knights could not ride up the mountain. They were safe, temporarily...

Everyone was panting heavily, and their panic obviously felt their nervousness. The strange eyes under the hood of the Eagle Group leader swept around everyone, and he knew that they were defeated.

Because the Eagle Group was the special force of the Earl and was taken care of by the cult, they lost a lot in the battle with the cult. There were originally hundreds of members, but only more than 100 escaped.

There were also losses in the subsequent battles to capture the city, and less than 100 were left.

Then, in order to monitor the cultists, the Eagle Group was placed around the city, not in the camp, and this gave them time to react, and they ran away directly when something happened.

But you can't run away just because you want to, because there are arrangements for the Eagle Group. As soon as they escaped, they were chased and beaten by cavalry, and some heroes mixed in, giving them heavy damage.

Anyway, when they escaped into the forest, there were only a dozen of them left. If it weren't for their leader's powerful secret technique and familiarity with the surrounding environment, they would have died under the lead bullets of the cavalry.

"What should we do now? Bastia is gone, and those nobles will not let us go."

They still thought that it was Lawrence and other nobles who took action. When they were under the earl, they had offended those people a lot. From the knights who were chasing them just now, it can be seen that those people don't want them to live.

"We can't go to the mountains either. They want to kill us more than those nobles."

Being a dog for the earl, compared to targeting those nobles, the harm to the barbarians in the mountains is the real blood feud. Some barbarians even think that the failure of the war was because they turned against them. When the two sides meet, no matter what tribe they are from, they basically fight to the death.

"The snow season is coming. Even if we don't go to those tribes, we will die without enough supplies."

"That's right. Something happened in the mountains now. We must not go back."

The rolling mountains blocked the cold current from the south, and also caused a very terrible snowstorm, which could easily wipe out some small tribes that were not well prepared. Even the big tribes would be seriously injured after surviving.

Not to mention that the mountains are still cursed now, and people are constantly escaping down the mountains. If they run back, wouldn't it be a death wish?

Unable to go down the mountain or go up the mountain, they can only look to the leader.

"This world is big. With our ability, we are not afraid of going anywhere. The Barbarian Mercenary Group is not a strange thing in this world. The premise is how to leave here alive."

The leader emphasized again, "How to leave this hellhole under the pursuit of those nobles and barbarians."

Yes, this is the problem they should worry about now, but Bastia City is stuck there. If it can block the mountains, it can naturally block them. They want to bypass it like the War Wolf did in the past.

However, these eagles have been active around all year round, and they soon came up with a plan.

"Boss, I know a way. It's a bit risky, but wealth and honor come in danger..."

While they were talking, the birds that were out on sentry duty suddenly cried in the dense forest, startling the remaining eagle members.


This cry may have exposed their position, but they couldn't hide in the first place, because the loud whistle followed and called on the birds to harass the enemy to buy them time.


They were very familiar with the sound of arrows tearing through the air, but before they usually shot the enemy, and now it was the enemy's turn to shoot them.

However, the target was not people, but those birds, which were shot down by arrows and fell to the ground one by one.

But now they couldn't care so much, because the distance between the two sides seemed to be further away, so they ran quickly.

But suddenly, a falcon landed on the tree branch in front of them, staring at them fiercely.

This is not their bird!

Almost all members of the eagle group subconsciously had this feeling, and it was this moment of hesitation that was accompanied by a gunshot.


These eagles were all wearing breastplates and masks, but at this moment, one of them suddenly fell back, and the bird-beak mask was torn and a blood flower burst out and fell to the ground, which alarmed those people, and they didn't care about anything else and continued to run away.

It was only after walking a few steps that I found a man suddenly standing in front of me blocking the way. He was wearing a coat and a red scarf. Who else could it be but Disma?

At this time, the smoke from the musket in his hand had not even dissipated. When facing the black muzzle of the gun, everyone seemed to feel an inexplicable pain.

"Don't give him time to reload, kill him!"

The leader's words woke everyone up. Yes, the musket only has one shot, and it will be scrap metal after it is fired.

For a while, someone drew a short bow and was about to shoot an arrow, and someone rushed forward with a short sword in his hand.

But the person blocking the road did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he smiled and responded when he heard that.

"Who told you that I only have one bullet?"

Before those people understood, the musket in Disma's hand roared continuously, and the few people who bent the bow directly burst into blood and fell down, and their lives were unknown.

Such a horrifying scene scared them. For a while, those who rushed forward with swords hesitated. When did they shoot so many shots?

"Hahaha!" Disma only felt refreshed.

This newly developed percussion cap revolver can be loaded with six rounds at a time and can fire continuously. Even if he encounters it, he may not be able to withstand it. But who can blame him for holding it now, while the opponent does not have it.

Now Disma understands that the lord often says that technology is the primary productive force. It's so cool!

And if they entangle here for a while, the figures behind will catch up, which means that the birds will be wiped out.

The feather arrow shot at the leader of the eagle group, but he raised his hand and rolled up his cloak to blow it away, and he moved without any hesitation.

"Run separately!"

The remaining ten people understood something and ran for their lives.

The two people who were originally rushing towards Disma saw him reloading, and their fear was slightly dissipated. They were already halfway through, so they immediately rushed forward ruthlessly.

Seeing that he was being treated as a soft persimmon, Disma was not angry but happy, with a ferocious smile on his face. He gave up reloading and put the revolver in his hand back to his waist without waiting to get close, but the next second he pulled out another uniquely shaped musket and pulled the trigger.

"I didn't say I only have one gun?"

One of the eagles that rushed up died on the spot, and there was no time to react. The remaining one was now in front of him and swung out the dagger without any hesitation.

But what awaited him was not the other party's head falling to the ground, but a touch of coldness from his throat. When he reacted, blood had already gushed out, and he couldn't stop draining his vitality and fell to the ground.

Bloody throat cut!

Disma shook the blood on the dagger, and the casual look was like killing a chicken.

Originally, someone wanted to go this way, but the action just now was not clear, so there was no hesitation and turned to run in another direction.

Disma didn't rush to chase, but continued to reload.

Laura's figure appeared, and the feather arrows shot from the short bow seemed to splash on them without stopping. Although those eagles did not have the strength of the leader, their breastplates protected their vitals.

But she seemed to know better than anyone else, so she shot her feet, and she would not die for a while, but she also lost the qualification to escape.

Birds will die if they lose their wings...

But suddenly one of the eagles stopped moving and fell to the ground. Only then could we see a heavy arrow piercing the breastplate.

Among Hamlet, only Boslake could shoot such a powerful arrow. Sure enough, the man with the snake bow appeared from the forest and aimed at the second one...

There were not many people in the first place, but the leader of the eagle group could not care about these things. He just rushed forward. The dense forest was his best cover. As long as he reached that place...

But suddenly he seemed to notice something, and his body suddenly changed and jumped to the side. The next second, the seemingly ordinary weeds showed a terrifying scene and twisted towards the original position. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been caught.

But in the dense forest full of plants, is it a bit wishful thinking to want to escape the power of nature?

Tree roots, vines, weeds... The whole forest seemed to resist him.

He had been chased all the way, and even the bow and arrows were all used up. He could only wave the claw-shaped knife in his hand.

The leader of the eagle group couldn't even see where the enemy was. He was exhausted just facing the surging plants around him. Fear spread in his heart, and he even began to chop around randomly.

Because he knew that falling into the trap of a spellcaster would be a dead end, and every plant could take his life.

But it was obvious that he had no way to resist nature, because the plants here were endless, and if he cut one, two would grow.

Soon the little flaw revealed by fatigue was caught, and the plants swarmed in to bind him and captured the strongest leader of the eagle group.

Finally, the plants seemed to take the initiative to make way, revealing a person holding a uniquely shaped staff.

"Deer Head Tribe... You are the one who escaped..."

How could the leader of the eagle group not recognize what this thing is? At that time, the earl asked him to find this person, but he didn't expect him to appear here.

At this time, the others also dealt with the rest and rushed over.

"How to deal with him?"

"Just kill him."

Everyone had a unanimous opinion, and the leader also felt that the plants were beginning to tighten, and he was afraid that he would break in the next second.

"Wait a minute."

At this time, a voice suddenly came out, and Lance's figure appeared, still complaining, "You are too good at running."

"My lord! Why are you here?"

Laura was still a little nervous, because her reconnaissance failed and the eagles escaped partially, leading to the subsequent pursuit.

"It's okay, I just have some personal matters to deal with with him." Lance seemed to notice something, smiled and comforted Laura with his eyes, turned to give blessings to others, and signaled: "Laura stay, you guys go down the mountain first Take a rest and prepare to follow me into the city later.”

No one said anything about this. Only Greendale, who knew Laura's identity, focused on Laura, but went down the mountain without saying anything more.

Lance looked at the leader of the eagles, as if his eyes were peering through flesh and blood at his body structure.

Not only did he have eagle eyes, but he also had feathers on his body. Even his face looked like a night owl, and the bones of his body also began to change, beginning to mutate towards something inhuman.

Sure enough, extraordinary power comes with a price.

Lance had no patience with Bruce anymore. He didn't even bother to reveal his identity and directly controlled him. The secret also came out...

It has to be said that he has done a lot of dirty things for the count, and he also knows many bizarre things in this land, whether it is Bastia or the mountains.

But Lance still found what he wanted. The inheritance of the eagles had not been cut off. It was hidden in the secret room of the eagle's nest in the city.

In this case, Lance released the control and even gave him a blessing to wake him up.

At this moment, the leader understood what fear was, that feeling...

"Do you know what I want from you?"

Lance's words seemed to have magic power, forcibly pulling his chaotic thinking back, but he didn't recognize it at all.

"Do you remember her?" Lance seemed to know his reaction. He stretched out his hand to pull up Laura's hood, revealing a stern face in the long red hair. At the same time, he raised his hand and the falcon on the side landed. above his arm.

"You are..." Of course the leader of the eagle group knew that this family was a traitor, but he did not care about so many pleadings, "We are clansmen! These are all misunderstandings, and I am willing to surrender."

"It seems you don't remember." Lance explained to himself, "You hit my person, and humiliating her is humiliating me. I promised to avenge her."

After saying that, he raised his hands to indicate that the falcon seemed to have received some message. Gulu's eyes instantly locked on the leader's exposed head, and he immediately spread his wings from Lance's arm and flew towards him. Suddenly, howls and screams echoed in the forest...

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