Our family is in decline

Chapter 796 The church is incompetent, it seems I must leave!

The ruins of Hamlet in the middle of the night are not to say silent, but they are also dead silent.

After losing humans, this large urban agglomeration would really be quieter than the wilderness jungle, because without animals, even the insects would wither in the cold wind.

To the Scorpion Mercenary Group, all sounds seemed to be amplified several times, even the burning of a bonfire seemed particularly clear.

Scorpion didn't know the exact purpose of the church, but he could only accept this task for money. He didn't know if it was because of his last experience that made him a little nervous and couldn't sleep, so he volunteered to stay up until midnight.

There was no talking all night, and even the mice didn't bother to harass them. Except for the whistling wind outside, everything was so peaceful. It seemed that they were just thinking too much.

When the time comes, someone changes people to keep watch, and he falls into a deep sleep until he is woken up again.

"Something happened to the leader!"

Scorpion suddenly woke up like he had been on countless adventures. He quickly stood up and grabbed the weapon in his hand. Only when his teammates shouted did he realize that it was not an enemy attack.

He quickly walked out of the window sill and looked around, and saw fierce sounds coming from the church not far away. The constantly shining light came from the glass curtain wall or broken windows of the church hall, which was very obvious in the darkness.

"what to do?"

They all expected a battle. After all, the church was not just an auditorium, but a huge building complex, not to mention the skeletons hiding in it.

But what skeleton can break out into a fight of this intensity?

Scorpion pondered for a moment with a solemn expression, and then reassured everyone, "The church's team is very strong and they should win."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the shining light dimmed, causing the nervous people to fall into silence.

Scorpion is a bit hard to say, right? No way? Where is the legendary powerhouse and the champion team that was promised? Martyr, save me...

"It seems like they haven't paid me yet, right?"

This kind of task requires a small deposit at the front and the bulk at the back. The reputation of the church is not bad here. Scorpion didn't worry too much at first, but now it's hard to say whether he can get the money.

"Pack up your things. If the people in the church can't solve it, there's nothing we can do."

Scorpion is so distressing. Calculated in this way, it can only barely cover the cost, and even loses one unit.

But it was useless to worry about it at this time. I was so upset that I immediately chose the first mercenary strategy - run away!

"Captain, everyone knows that we went in with people from the church, if..."

Someone reminded me that if something happened to the people in the church, not one of them would escape, but they would.

By then, whether there is any connection or not, I will probably go to the Trial House to warm myself by the fire. In such a cold winter, it is really heart-warming.

"Hey! Why am I so unlucky!"

Scorpion finally couldn't hold back the pressure. Why did he feel that this ghost place was targeting him?

Countless adventures in crisis did not make him lose his mind. Instead, he said with a sneer.

"This is Hamlet. The hands of the trial court can't reach here. At worst, they won't leave."

Everyone was a little relieved when they heard this. It was not that they didn't want to save, but that they were aware of their own strength.

After all, they only have a master with Scorpion's strength, and the others are elites. Compared with most mercenaries, it is good, but it is not enough to look at here.

"Maybe if Hamlet's bodyguard were here they could be saved."

No one can fall asleep again, even if the stopped wind blows again and continues, no one can hope that Martin and the others can come back safely than they do.

"Come out! Come out!"

Amid the shouts, Scorpion and the others immediately woke up. The team that entered the church arrogantly yesterday was defeated in just one night.

You must know that before entering, the four masters plus the knights were only about ten people, and there were ten fanatic believers.

But now less than half of the entire team can come out alive. None of the fanatic believers who accompanied the team can come out, and there are only two knights left.

Among the group of four, the bishop is gone. On the contrary, the old guy Martin is still alive and well. The condition of the remaining knight commander and the priest Ranzhu are not much better, and they don’t know what happened. They didn’t dare ask anyway.

"Get out of here, quickly!"

Without them having to tell them, everyone in the Scorpion Mercenary Group was already ready and hurriedly left here before dawn, as if something was catching up behind them.

The snow has not melted yet, otherwise those restless skeletons would be enough for these guys to drink a pot, and they would flee back along the way they came, and they would not return to the town until the sky was light.

No matter how much they hated that lord, there was no doubt that it gave them a strong sense of security at this time.

"This time it's just due to information asymmetry. Report it to the higher ups and send more people. If there are one or two holy objects, we can definitely kill the monster."

With such a loss, even a bishop was lost. The water here was too deep, and the knight commander was more willing to call someone.

Brother Martin reminded, "Without his consent, it is impossible for people from the church to enter Hamlet on a large scale. It is estimated that our actions were his acquiescence. Now it seems that he has already guessed that we will fail."

"What now?"

"The monster is no longer important, the saint is the focus. Judging from the traces left behind, the saint finally left the church, but we don't know where he went."

"Who? That lord?" The knight commander also hesitated in his dull voice.

He could not take the lord seriously before, but now think about how strong that person is to suppress Hamlet's turbulent cult?

There is no fool who can reach this level.

"I'm going to see him, hoping to get help." Martin knew that if Lance didn't speak, there would be nothing they could do.

But when it comes to the saints, he can no longer dwell on these things. Face doesn't exist for him.

"Will he cooperate with us?"

"I don't know, but the personal guards I once rescued him during the turmoil in the ruins. Although they don't like him, they must admit that he is a person with clear grudges."

The face under Martin's hood is endlessly tired, and Hamlet is like a nightmare, as if it can never be broken away...

It took Lance a whole night to complete the inventory of various materials in the mage tower. It was actually a little messy, but everything was classified and recorded.

Following the gaze of the legendary mage, Lance learned a lot of knowledge that he had never heard of before.

After finishing these things, I started to scan the books. First of all, I didn't stare at the locked books at the beginning, but started from the library.

Lance is not stupid, or in other words, his strength can no longer make him stupid, it's just something he doesn't want to think about. After all, the limit of human beings is only his lower limit.

In the past, I simply didn’t have much time and energy to study this aspect, and I focused more on construction and war.

Now it is natural to start studying these things. To a certain extent, it is also a gold mine. Maybe you can find something interesting.

Turning the pages is really turning the pages. It's like reading a novel. All kinds of weird things are quite interesting. I can only say that the extraordinary world still has its merits.

At this moment, Lance suddenly stopped and looked aside, at the giant wolf strolling out of the void.

Seeing this, Lance raised his hand and stroked the wolf's head. He could feel the touch like hair, and the communication between the two was completed in a moment.

"What a waste. One legend leads three champions, and there are a bunch of people, but he can't even win a church."

It can be heard from Lance's complaints that he is aware of the church's actions. How could he ignore those guys on this territory?

Martin said that it was indeed established after the lord's consent, but Lance just wanted them to chew off a hard nut. After all, Hamlet's strategy now is to solve the ruins and open up trade routes.

I just didn't expect them to be so bad, that a team with this configuration couldn't even defeat the church...

"How are you collecting the locations of those necromancers?"

Of course, Lance was talking about Wangcai. He dared to lead the army outside and left his personal guards in the city. He also left Wangcai at the ruins.

Even if there is a riot, Wangcai's strength is enough to suppress it. What's more important is to travel through it with a spiritual body, peering into reality from the void to find the location of the necromancers.

Yes, more than one.

The origin of these necromancers is very simple. They started to contact the occult after the ancestor's revelation. Controlling life and death was the main part of his early pursuit and practice.

At first, the ancestor studied humbly and hooked up with a witch, but later kicked her back. However, the ancestor's ambition was endless, and he was not willing to stop at thinking about such humble and humble things as the twitching of a dead mouse's leg. What does it mean?

Therefore, the ancestors found a way to invite the top experts and scholars from overseas at the expense of protecting these guys who were rejected by the world and providing resources to support their research.

The Ancestors are eager to explore their advanced knowledge and share with them some of the alchemical processes and techniques they have discovered that can produce terrible but surprising effects.

This process must be the honeymoon period of the cooperation between the two parties, and their research will go more smoothly with the support of the genius Laozu.

But this guy, the ancestor, has the habit of backstabbing everyone, whether they are witches or pirates, and these mages are no exception. After the ancestor learned everything he wanted to know from these visitors, he killed them all while they were sleeping. .

After that, the ancestor accomplished a great achievement that astonished even the most experienced necromancers - resurrecting all of these colleagues with their intelligence almost intact.

However, after losing the shackles of their humanity, they returned to their horrific business - raising the dead from the dead, endlessly, year after year...for eternity.

After a long time, the bones stripped of flesh and blood by the ancestors' rituals became what they are now, with skeletons filling the ruins.

To put it simply, it was the ancestor's fault. Brother Martin's guess was correct. When the ruins diverted adventurers and concealed their actions to paralyze the cult, it became an obstacle to Hamlet's development.

Lance had asked Wangcai to conduct reconnaissance before, and the plan to deal with the ruins was approved only the day before yesterday. It can be seen that the policy is consistent. It is not like running into the church, then tilting his head and dying.

"Nang Xipi, the church is incompetent, it seems I must come out!"

As soon as Lance closed the book, he was worried that there was no place for him to try the sword. Not being able to use good things after getting them was like being addicted.

"Go gather the guards and prepare to attack the ruins."

However, before the order was sent out, Martin came to the door.

"Do you want to see me, sir?"

"See you." Lance didn't hesitate much, as if he already knew.

Martin was not qualified to talk in Lance's study, so they met in the living room.

"I'm glad you came to see me, but I don't like your attitude." Lance sat down and looked at the visitor.

"Please forgive my previous offense." Martin admitted his mistake directly. He also knew that this level of probing was unnecessary, so he asked directly, "We hope to get information about the saints, and we are willing to pay a certain price for it."

"I can tell you without these." Lance didn't mean to make trouble, but agreed directly.

"Really!" Brother Martin even felt guilty for a moment. Could it be that he had been thinking too much before? Is this man really that kind of hero?

"Come with me." Lance just waved his hand to signal him to calm down, and then took him outside.

The two finally stopped in front of several tombstones in the hero cemetery, and Lance began to tell the story.

"We found information about them when we attacked the headquarters of the Ascension Sect..."

No matter what they did, they really burned themselves, and Lance didn't mind talking about it, so as not to lose the deeds of those people who resisted the evil god. After all, it was not only the church people at that time, they were all heroes.

Of course, another reason is that the equipment of those guys is in his hands, and he has to find a way to make it reasonable, so the content he said must be his version.

What about the saints of the Great Cataclysm taking the lead, and everyone gathered to seal the ceremony. There is no change, and the road was forcibly shed with human lives, and then... there is no more.

"They all died, died in front of the new god believed in by the Ascension Sect, and then we collected their bones and buried them here."

Martin was dumbfounded. If he had known, he would have asked directly. So many people were lost for no reason, and the answer was right in front of him.

But something is wrong, right?

"Why didn't I feel the power of the saint?"

"I'm not from the church, how would I know?" Lance pretended to be dumb and pointed at the tombstone where the archbishop was buried, "He is wearing church clothes, isn't he your saint?"

Martin could only explain and describe what a saint should look like. Lance took the opportunity to ask a few more questions and learn more about the situation through him.

"Anyway, what we found at the time were three skeletons with obvious characteristics and a pile of ashes mixed with burnt cloth." Lance pointed to another nameless tombstone, "I think it is the saint you are looking for."

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