Our family is in decline

Chapter 798 Skeleton Legion

There is no need to aim, just hold the muzzle level, because that place is full of enemies, and everyone likes this kind of clustered enemies the most.

Ignite and fire, ten overlapping explosions echoed on the land of the cemetery, a lot of gunpowder rose up, and the shells were pushed out of the barrel by the gunpowder, whistling into the skeletons at a speed that mortals could hardly see.

The people who have seen the more dense artillery array firing scene did not care about the power of ten cannons, but they could not stop the good coordination of those skeletons.

The dense formation hit the shells, and it was pushed out like plowing the land. Wherever it went, the skeletons were shattered, and the bone fragments flew, and several paths were forcibly drawn in the crowded place.

But it only went deep into the skeleton group for more than ten yards before exhausting its strength and stopping the momentum, but when they quickly filled up and continued to surge up, the artillery roared again.

Lance was very cunning, he did not enter the coverage of the atmosphere of the large cemetery, but built a position on the edge and fired to lure the skeletons out.

Without the strong smell of death, the sun was above their heads, which weakened their strength in disguise.

After several rounds of bombardment, the skeletons did not even show any sign of decreasing. Instead, they gathered more and more, and were getting closer and closer to the position.

But Lance did not care. His eyes were not on the skeletons, but on the many buildings in the middle of the cemetery, which was the area where Hamlet nobles were buried.

Among them, there was a particularly tall and iconic building, the cemetery of the Hamlet family.


The last round of artillery was opened, and the loading was completed but it did not continue to fire until the skeletons approached ten yards.

"Abandon the position and move, the target is that tomb!"

With Lance's order, those people immediately gave up the artillery and moved, changing direction and heading straight into the tomb.

Lance quickly put those things away, and then lit the fuse, but this thing was not for the artillery but extended all the way into the skeletons gathered in front.

It was the explosives buried in front of the position before the position was set up. It seemed that the bombardment just now was just to mobilize these skeletons.

Now, in order to interrupt their pursuit, most of the skeletons were mobilized by Lance.

Then the explosions continued all the way, directly overturning the skeletons in front of them like a tide, and some of them flew up.

Although it had some effect, there were still many skeletons blocking the road on the other side, and the team instantly collided with them and started fighting...

There are countless cemeteries, tombs and even mass graves in the ruins of Hamlet, where civilians, soldiers, bureaucrats and even nobles are buried. They once dedicated their lives and loyalty to Hamlet and finally rested here.

The arrival of the necromancer disturbed their sleep, and they were awakened by the strange and evil power to serve the ulterior purpose.

The skeleton soldiers were the infantry who once guarded Hamlet. After the catastrophe, their bodies were resurrected by the necromancer and still guarded the old place of Hamlet, but the object of protection became the necromancer.

Compared with the skeleton thugs transformed from civilians, the skeleton soldiers have better armor, and they even hold old weapons in their hands. I don't know if they are still immersed in the fantasy of saving Hamlet.

Anyway, no one wants the rusty one-handed sword of the skeleton soldier to leave wounds on themselves, so the front row is basically wearing armor and holding shields.


With a roar, Balin swept out with a long-handled axe in his hand, and the skeletons basically fell apart wherever they touched.

A group of teammates also raised shields to push away the skeletons, occupying the space opened by Balin and squeezed up, and then hit the skeletons with a hammer.

Although these skeleton soldiers are a little stronger than the skeleton thugs, the difference in strength is too great. Even with the blessing of the environment here, they are easily smashed.

Everyone shrank their formation like arrows and quickly advanced. The guards were holding hammers and other striking weapons, and the bones exploded with a hammer.

Lance didn't bother to observe carefully and quickly caught up with the team. He took out the new [Bloody Blade] and prepared to play with it. However, after hitting a few skeletons, he realized that these guys had no blood. He couldn't hold it anymore.

This greatsword doesn't absorb blood, so it has no special blessing. The only thing left is that it is hard enough to withstand his power, and the range is large enough. The surrounding area is directly cleared when the greatsword taller than a person is swung out.

But it's boring!

In just this little time, the skeletons that were delayed by the explosion regrouped and began to surge from the back.

If the team can't advance faster than the skeletons, they may be caught in a pincer attack.

Do you have any props for range attack?

After a little hesitation, Lance took out a string of four small bells, which was tied to his wrist just right, but it looked inexplicably evil.

This thing was the equipment [Demon Bell] that was dropped when the cult cardinal was killed during the raid on the old house. Because of the large negative effect and the overlap of the effect with the Siren Conch, Lance has never used it much.

However, the charm of the Siren Conch can only work on conscious creatures, and skeletons obviously have no self.

And this Demon Bell is much simpler. It is a cult method to erode with the power of the demon. He remembered that this thing has a range control skill.

Lance stopped and turned to the skeletons that were chasing him. He poured his spirituality into his hands and swung his hand. The small ornament actually made a deafening roar, just like the death knell of the god of death.

Dark death knell!

Under the control of Lance, a strange force like a black sound wave can be seen sweeping towards the skeleton in a fan shape.

Then a very outrageous situation happened. The skeletons swept by the dark sound wave instantly fell apart, directly clearing out an area.

Then the bones maintained by the power of death instantly became dim and shattered into slag, as if decades of decay were completed in this moment.

Lance was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the extraordinary power to be so useful. The effect was even stronger than the artillery just now.

It seems that the power of the alien demon is also desirable...

And what's even more weird is that Lance feels that this thing seems to be absorbing the rich death energy here, or it has drawn away the last bit of power from the skeletons, so it looks corrupt.

The skeleton is dead and has no soul. It is simply resurrected by the dead power infused by the necromancer. Sacrifice is not good, but the alien demon may like it.

Or can this thing kill people and suck away souls? This conjecture needs to be tested. Now let's absorb some skeletons to see what changes it will have.

Lance rang the bell and rushed towards the skeletons. Wherever he went, the skeletons died uncontrollably. Every step he took was a countless number of broken bones, as if he was a messenger of death.

Lance then used the skeleton's reaction to test what magical things were in the demon bell in his hand. He found that this thing could really stimulate excitement, but it was more like eroding the soul, a state of madness. No wonder the cultists all fell into indiscriminate madness when they heard the bell.

This method can only be used by cultists who don't care about the life and death of their subordinates. Of course, it can also be used on those skeletons. They are attracted by the bell and actively approach. It is simply a monster gathering artifact.

No matter how many skeletons want to get close, they will turn into dry bones as long as they enter the range, forcing Lance to keep moving to avoid being drowned by bones.

As the bell absorbs more and more power, Lance also feels that its effect is getting stronger. If it could only cover ten yards before, it is now extending outward.

It can also consume the power to release more powerful attacks. Of course, the strange aura also spreads and tries to pollute and corrupt him.

Is that it?

Lance had some expectations, but that was all.

But soon Lance noticed something. The skeletons did not rush towards him again, but seemed to be controlled to avoid him and turn to the tomb group.

Looking back, the team had broken through the periphery and entered the tomb group when he stopped the skeletons.

This also suffered a more fierce counterattack from the skeletons, because the necromancers hiding under the tomb seemed to notice these uninvited guests and began to take over the control of the skeletons.

A large number of skeleton thugs transformed from civilians rushed up to block the team with bones, and the skeleton soldiers did not follow them, but retreated and began to reorganize their formation.

And a steady stream of skeletons wearing more complete armor began to emerge from the underground of the tomb. It seems that these were once members of Hamlet's army.

Skeleton crossbowmen, wearing almost tattered faded military uniforms, wearing breastplates and flying saucer helmets, holding standard crossbows in their hands, and boxes full of crossbow arrows on their waists.

Skeleton shield soldiers, they have more complete armor than crossbowmen, except for the lack of helmets, they are almost a complete set of armor, and even a layer of chain mail shoulder armor is worn on the skull.

Don't think that the medium-sized round shields in their hands are only powerful for defense. The one-handed battle axe in the hands of the shield guards will tell any enemy who dares to approach what cruelty is.

From the equipment of the crossbowmen and shield soldiers and the armor rate, it can be seen that it must be not surprising that Hamlet was able to resist the four barbarians.

Now these two plus the more numerous skeleton soldiers form a military formation, firmly guarding the entrance to the tomb behind them on the ground.

Perhaps they guarded Hamlet in this way...

In any case, when the team composed mainly of the guards finally tore through the skeleton thugs and entered the range of the noble tombs.

The army that once guarded Hamlet and the team that now guards Hamlet are destined to fight.

"Help the gunners occupy the shooting position! Pay attention to those holding wine glasses and those wearing coats."

Lance returned to the team and issued instructions, directing the team to move towards the noble tomb built with thick large stones.

Some of the guards began to leave the main force directly, carrying muskets and quickly climbing to the tops of the surrounding buildings.

These are the only high points here to get a better view and shooting angle, and they can temporarily escape from the encirclement of the skeletons, but it is easy to go up. As the guards leave, the skeletons will occupy the bottom immediately. If there is any problem at that time, it will be difficult to come down.

They did not hesitate, because they were not fighting alone, but a team.

They believed in their teammates and the lord.

Those skeletons did not just watch them occupy the advantageous terrain. The crossbowmen had already taken a shooting posture and pulled the crossbow.

No one knows how the crossbows that have not been maintained for so many years can still shoot. Either the quality of Hamlet's military products was really so ridiculous, or it could simply be a magical supernatural power.

Who knows, anyway, countless crossbows are pouring towards the team.

"Be careful! Pay attention to protection!"

The front-line guards shrank in formation, raised their shields and crossed each other, and the ones in the back also raised their shields above their heads to prepare for protection.

The legion also raised their shields under the centurion's command, and a ritual-like aura shone from them, covering an exaggerated range.

The sound of "puff puff puff" fell into the formation, and most of the crossbow arrows were blocked. Even without shields, they had armor. Only a few unlucky people were shot, but you have to know who controls the flesh and blood.

Flesh and blood reconstruction!

Lance waved his hand, and those who were injured pulled out the crossbow arrows. The next second, the wounds bleed and the muscles wriggled, expelling the filth and then healing.

These are people who often come into contact with extraordinary powers, and they are extraordinary people themselves, so there is no need to hide anything.

But it is obvious that being beaten is not the rhythm that Lance likes. He immediately raised his hand and pointed at the formation of the skeleton army and roared.


"For Hamlet!"

Everyone felt a surge of power, and the fatigue was instantly eliminated. The state became excited and rushed towards the skeleton army.

Lance rang the bell to gather monsters in the back. When he had enough power, he would use the power of the bell to release the enhanced big move to eliminate the skeletons, breaking the risk of the team being attacked from the front and back with his own strength.

Balin ran with big strides and waved his hand to knock away the skeleton soldiers. He was as unstoppable as a moving chariot. When facing the burly skeleton shield soldier who tried to block him with his shield, Balin turned sideways and slammed into him.

The heavy shoulder armor collided with the shield, and the shield soldier was directly knocked out in the next second. After losing their flesh and blood, their weight was not enough to support them to maintain balance, not to mention that the opponent was a humanoid tank like Balin.

However, as a pioneer, he did not stop at all. The next second after knocking away the shield soldier, he swung the axe in his hand, relying on brute force to directly split the iron-inlaid wooden shield in the hand of another shield soldier next to him like chopping wood, and half of the skeleton was broken up.

"Fighting is awesome!"

Ballin still swung his battle axe vigorously to further tear apart the formation and relieve the pressure on his teammates to enter the field.

The skeleton was fearless, but had no fighting skills. The rusty sword and axe fell on his body and only left traces on his armor.

But there were not only soldiers among these skeletons. The sneaky figure kept approaching Balin, waiting for the opportunity...

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