Our family is in decline

Chapter 801: Curtain Call

Sarmenti's playing was like a special ritual to draw strength, and the abrupt end of the finale was an announcement of the death of the necromancer.

The curtain call was to erase the soul of the necromancer imprisoned by the ancestor in the coffin rather than the body.

Even Lance was frightened by that power, which was not something that humans could control, and it was unknown how Sarmenti came into contact with this power. It can only be said that people with higher inspiration can reach deeper levels.

But it doesn't matter now. After Sarmenti performed the curtain call to take away the necromancer, he himself fell into weakness.

Lance also gave everyone a blessing to adjust their status, and then took the opportunity to counterattack and clear the skeletons that had just been summoned.

Everyone got a moment's respite, but the battle was not over. On the contrary, it was just a step towards victory, because there was an even more powerful necromancer in the depths, the powerful spellcaster who was praised as the [Lord of the Dead] in the information left by the ancestor.

After being killed and resurrected by the ancestor, his power not only did not decrease, but after returning from death, he went deeper into the power of death that was originally difficult to touch.

I can only say that the ancestor is still powerful. He has basically fought all the bosses first, and he won in a one-on-one duel.

But now is not the time to care about these things. Lance is like a perpetual motion machine, constantly releasing the power of the alien demon bell to send those skeletons to rest again.

The team is also advancing steadily. No matter what is ahead, they are determined to follow the lord's steps.

However, they were blocked after all.

Lance's bell failed because the strength of the skeleton in front suddenly increased, and the power of the alien demon could not even suppress the power of death, let alone dispel it.

Then Lance caught a trace of breath, raised his hand and shot a gun straight ahead. The flare passed by and illuminated the darkness, not the messy skeletons, but a neat queue.

The skeleton spearman, wearing a ferocious iron helmet, a simple armor of leather armor with iron sheets, and even leather gloves on his hands, did not have too exaggerated armor, but these skeletons were blessed with more powerful power, and a unique luster could be felt on the bones.

What was even more troublesome was that these guys held spears and formed a formation.

This was not over yet, there was a huge enemy behind the skeleton spearman, like a little giant.

The whole body was a special set of armor, lined with red and white, and in his hand was a morning star hammer that was even bigger than a human head. No one wanted to bear it.

It must be that he was not a mortal who could wield such a weapon with one hand. It can be imagined how burly and powerful he was when he still had flesh and blood. He should be Hamlet's former general who was resurrected by the power of blasphemy.

There was also a normal human body next to the skeleton general, but he was wearing a more exquisite but distinctive black knight armor. The workmanship was obviously more exquisite, and even decorated. It can be seen that the skeleton in this armor was probably a noble of high status when he was alive.

What makes this skeleton even more unique is the exquisite large flag in his hand. The flag seems a bit tattered, but you can still see the crow-shaped pattern of the Hamlet family on it, but there is an eye icon inexplicably added in it.

There is also a skeleton and a black iron thorn arc on the top of the flagpole. This flag must have been modified by magic, and it must be the means of the Lord of the Dead, because it exudes a strong breath of death, which is definitely not original.

It is this flag that makes the surrounding skeletons stronger and resists the erosion of the power of the alien demon.

But Lance's eyes unconsciously passed the skeleton flag bearer and put it further behind, that is the real owner...

"Kill the flag bearer first!"

Without any choice, Lance raised his hand and fired six shots at the flag bearer to mark him out. In fact, everyone noticed the unique skeleton flag bearer, and the gunman also fired a round.

But the armor on the flag bearer was very strong, and the lead bullets hit it and turned into stars and scattered, leaving only scratches on the black armor.

Not to mention that there were skeleton generals and rows of spearmen in front of it, and now they were pressing forward.

Everyone had chopped down countless skeletons, and they were not afraid of these skeletons whose armor looked worse than that of shield soldiers.

But as soon as they came into contact, they realized something was wrong, and the strength they showed was much stronger.

Spear charge!

The rusty spears showed extraordinary power in their hands, not to mention that they were still overlapping in rows, and the guards were suppressed for a while.

Those spears seemed to have strange power and became particularly sharp. Many of the guards were pierced through the armor and injured, and even pushed back.

Many of these guards had experienced the early days when they had no money and could only fight with cultists with spears. They didn't expect that they would be stabbed one day.


A cry seemed to come from the distant ancient battlefield. At this time, ten people in the legion raised their shields and stepped forward to form a tortoise shell formation. The spears and large shields collided with each other, making a crisp collision sound, sparks flying, but they resisted the impact of the skeleton spearmen, giving everyone time to adjust.

Lance raised his hand and used a move of flesh reconstruction to heal everyone's injuries, and the recovered guards immediately began to counterattack, and the legion also turned from defense to offense.

The legion no longer suppressed the bloodthirstiness in his heart, and the centurion Lanius drew his long sword and pointed it at the skeleton spearmen.

Devour them!

Those legion members seemed to have returned to the battlefield. They were once a powerful army of the ancient empire, sweeping across half the continent and experiencing many battles. They used their big shields to block the spear attack, and then went up and waved their broadswords.

The strong breath of death here suppressed humans. It was the home of non-human creatures such as the undead, but it didn't say that the legion was human.

They also received the blessing of the venue here. They were in an invincible state. Even if they were stabbed by spears, they waved their swords as if nothing had happened. The line formed by the skeleton spearmen was actually torn apart by the ten of them.

However, at this time, the huge figure of the skeleton general appeared in it, swinging the exaggerated Morning Star Hammer in his hand towards the most prominent centurion.

Crushing hammer!

Lanius had been in battle for a long time, so of course he noticed this. He immediately raised his shield to resist, but when the hammer head collided with the shield, he felt a surge of huge force coming. Although he was not knocked away, his body seemed to fall apart, and the long-lost fear actually sprouted from his heart...

The Skeleton General was not slow at all. He showed terrible dominance when he joined the battle. Few of the legion members who wanted to come up to rescue could stand firm after being hit by the hammer.

Because the Skeleton General blocked the legion by himself, it gave the Skeleton Flag Bearer the opportunity to exert his power. He was seen holding up the blasphemous flag with both hands, and a strange breath fell on the skeletons that had turned into pieces.

Blasphemous summons!

Soon, the skeleton spearmen broke through life and death again and stood up. Their state was almost the same as at the beginning, and they did not look like they had been killed just now.

This is why Lance killed the flag bearer first. Its existence gave the skeletons on the field a buff state, and it could also revive the skeletons, which was disgusting.

This situation forced Alhazred to use the skills prepared for the flag bearer on the general.

The scarlet tentacles extended from the abyss and gathered violently like an octopus hunting. Even the dense death aura on the general could not resist the power and was controlled.

Lanius broke free from the pressure brought by the general. The fear of death did not make him succumb. On the contrary, he burst out with more powerful power.

I come, I see, I conquer!

The legion was one, and the other members also felt something coming from the gathering and attacked the controlled skeleton general.

The legion members inserted the sword blades into the skeleton general through the gaps in the armor. They knew how to "open the can" with their rich combat experience.

The flag bearer seemed to have noticed this as well. He took out a trumpet from somewhere and blew it to start a separate blessing.

Evil blessing!

The infusion of the evil power also made the general stronger, allowing the general to burst out with powerful power to break free from the tentacles.

He was almost hit by a hammer just now. How about another one?

Lance had just pulled up his injured teammate, and when he noticed the situation here, he took out his hand cannon.

It was just that he was not shooting at the general, but the flag bearer. He had to interrupt it and intervene in the battlefield. As for the skeleton general, Lance was not worried. Don't underestimate Hamlet's power!

The skull candlestick in Alhazred's hand emitted a faint blue candle flame, and the empty eye sockets emitted a strange red light. The complex ceremony was completed in an instant.

Weakness curse!

The evil power bestowed on the general was dispelled, but this was not the limit of the mysterious scholar. He cast a double spell and then connected another secret technique.

Weakness ritual!

The strange runes were outlined by the scholar, and then descended on the skeleton general. The bones that were blessed by the death energy and were like steel revealed a kind of decay at this time.

The targeted skeleton general accepted the blessing and broke free from the restraints, but the sword blade that the legion had just inserted into the armor blocked its movement.

He just swung his hammer to knock those guys away, but within a few seconds, he suffered several negative states. Lanius jumped up on his teammate's shield and swung his sword to chop off the general's head.

Lance felt disgusted with the flag bearer, and the skeleton general also felt disgusted with the scholar.

"Kill the flag bearer!"

Lance shouted and marked the flag bearer again. The hand cannon just hit and tore a hole in the armor, but it was nothing for the skeleton.

However, the power carried by the projectile interrupted the flag bearer's spell, and Lance's goal was achieved.

Lanius naturally understood and rushed towards the skeleton flag bearer.

Without the obstruction of the skeleton general, the skeleton flag bearer who was hiding behind and calling the wind and rain seemed to feel something was wrong. He took out a knife from somewhere and stabbed Lanius, and of course he retreated and shook people.

"Protect the flag!"

The flag bearer was attacked, and all the skeleton spearmen gave up fighting the guards and wanted to come back to protect the flag bearer, but the legion was not alone, and neither was Hamlet.

The guards tried their best to stop him, while the other members of the legion blocked the spears with their shields, buying time for Lanius.

When a back row was approached, it was obvious what would happen. The flag bearer's panicked counterattack had no effect at all. He was stabbed to death by the can just after he took a half step back.

When the flag bearer died, the flag fell, which meant that the power shrouded it disappeared. The originally fierce and powerful skeleton spearmen instantly fell back in strength and were completely killed by the guards and the legion.

Lance picked up the fallen flag, and seemed to understand that this thing was a powerful extraordinary equipment, but it was not suitable for normal people.

But it was also a good harvest, so I put it away immediately.

The team did not stop. With the death of the flag bearer, they will face the mastermind behind this undead disaster.

Compared with the hall outside, the main tomb deep inside is not big. It can't accommodate too many people. Lance only brought the legion and Alhazred into it, and the guards guarded the back road outside to block the skeletons.

A guy dressed similarly to the two necromancers who were killed before appeared there, but the terrifying aura was released from here.

"This one is stronger than the one outside just now, be careful!"

Lance didn't waste words. After all, it was not safe outside. He raised his hand and tested it with two shots.

It's just that the bullet tore through the red cloth and drilled in, and there was no response, but this also angered the mage.

Bury in the ground!

The death energy gathered in its hands as if it was controlled and pressed towards them. However, what was more troublesome was that the coffin originally placed here was overturned, and the guy inside responded to the call of the Lord of the Undead.

A figure with mostly rotten clothes and only strips of cloth hanging from them crawled out, holding a rusty long sword. Except for the thicker skeleton, there was not much difference between him and the skeleton soldiers who were the most numerous outside.

Lance had already started to move, pulling out the sledgehammer that had just picked up the skeleton general and swung it at the thing blocking the road.

But the next second, the sword swung by the skeleton made Lance feel that this thing was difficult to deal with, because it could actually keep up with his speed.

Skeleton Sword Master! A grand appearance!

This is a skeleton that was resurrected from the corpse of a legendary strongman, eliminating the weaknesses of the flesh, but retaining the fighting instinct.

Looking at the surroundings, there are still more than a dozen coffins. If all of them come out, won’t they kill the Hamlet family again?

"Can’t give it another hit!"

Lance shouted, and the sword blade collided with the hammer head, but the next second, the skeleton sword master was smashed apart by a hammer.

What legend? My realm is above yours!

Alhazred had also taken action. He did not choose any offensive ability, but the most stable control. He knew his position.

The abyss tentacles instantly controlled the Lord of the Dead. The legion pressed forward. They abandoned defense and rushed forward with swords.

After all, it was still the Lord of the Dead. When Lanius rushed over, he broke free from the restraints, leaned forward and raised his hand to swing.

Flesh and blood want what they want!

It was this action that finally allowed everyone to glimpse the horrible scene hidden under the red robe...

Thanks to [The most beautiful fairy sister] for 300 rewards

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