Our family is in decline

Chapter 816 Nonsense

Lance had a very accurate grasp of the thinking of those pirates, because he had seen those pirates who had lost most of their humanity, and what drove them was only greed and madness.

But it was a bit uncomfortable for Tamara because there was no place for her to express herself.

Originally, she wanted to imitate Amanda and sell Sera to gain Lance's trust. Unfortunately, as they said before, a key point was coming. Now Hamlet has escaped from the initial difficult period.

To put it simply, providing help in times of need and adding the icing on the cake are two very different situations.

"The pirates will definitely escape by then. I can help you divine where those guys are hiding. I can also help you divine where the three items of Black Jack's treasure are..."

Tamara still wanted to struggle, but Lance shook his head calmly.

"There's no need for this. Let bygones be bygones, I don't blame you for anything."

"I just want to help you."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, go back early. It's getting late."

Lance was so perfunctory that Tamara couldn't help but ask, "Do you want to accept me only if I stay?"

The topic came back again, and Lance could only look at her, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally asked.

"Why did you approach me?"

"I..." Tamara subconsciously wanted to say something nice, but she stopped when she opened her mouth. She didn't believe it herself.

"It's normal for you to contact the organization after you return and want to go further. But in fact, I didn't use my kindness to you to blackmail you into doing anything that would harm the organization. I even have a lot of business cooperation with your organization.

I really don’t understand why your organization insists on coming to trouble me, but what about you? Hum~ In order to prove that I want to cut up Hamlet to obtain more capital, am I sorry for you in any way? Or do I owe you something? "

Lance calmly described the core conflict between the two parties, which was also what made him unhappy. The Roma people are really fucking idiots. One or two people are short-sighted and have two ends. It is really a miracle that they can survive until now. Of course they know it themselves, otherwise how could no one know where the headquarters is.

"Maybe it's to maintain their own power. They always have a certain sense of superiority that they have control over everything, but with Hamlet and you, it failed, and they even suffered a loss. This is unacceptable to many people.

Moreover, there are several elders inside, divided into several factions, and the relationship between them is so complicated that I didn’t even figure out which faction I belonged to after so long after I returned.

Some may be afraid and don't want to provoke you, or they may have interests, but some may have hatred for you, or they may not have benefited from the transaction. In short, there are too many reasons.

Amanda was able to see through them very early on, but unfortunately I was too busy improving my strength to see them. I ignored them and fell into their trap. By the time I woke up, it was already too late. "

Tamara didn't know why she laughed as she said it, because these things were too abstract when she thought about it carefully. She couldn't understand why the higher-ups did this. They went to provoke someone they couldn't afford to offend for personal gain. Just to defeat the opponent.

"I see!"

Tamara suddenly seemed to have realized something and everything suddenly came to her mind as she spoke a key question.

"There is a lack of an elder's seat. They are competing for this. Both I and Amanda are just pawns in their fight for power, and you are the power they want to borrow to attack their opponents."

Because dealing with them was handled by Amanda, Lance didn't know much about the Roma organization. He didn't have time to learn about it before, so he didn't bother to learn about it.

It's not surprising to hear Tamara's explanation, because as long as humans get together, various factions will form, even if they are of the same race, there is no escape.

"So what do you plan to do next?" Lance asked curiously.

"I'll take you to the headquarters, and let's kill them all together."

"You seem to be a little too extreme..."

What Tamara said was so outrageous that it left Lance speechless.

It's just that she has her own set of logic, and she explains it immediately.

"Why have the Roma become like this? It is a system set up by the organization to control and enslave the Roma. This is the ideology they have received since childhood. Most of them are even uneducated and will only follow those orders.

However, the benefits gained from using the Roma people only stay at the top. People at the bottom, such as Amanda, who has been catching criminals for the organization for so many years, don't even have enough resources for promotion, and they become rich immediately after coming here.

If the Roma people could get the right education and guidance, they would definitely not be what they are now. For example, after changing places, even people like Amanda can change. This is enough to prove that my theory is correct, but if the organization does not die, don't think about putting the Roma people in the same place. The Mu people were liberated from this distorted environment. "

Tamara believes that the system and environment are the reasons why Roma people have become the object of hatred by everyone in the world. In order to control Roma talents, organizations degrade the lower-class Roma people into objects that everyone shouts about. Only in this way will they rely on the organization. , so that we can legitimately exploit them.

"Amanda is so right. Only those of us are obsessed with the so-called ethnicity and ignore it..."

Lance couldn't say anything, but it turned out to be Tamara who dared to steal the treasure and defected, full of rebellious spirit.

Just listening to it makes me feel more and more wrong. Why does this narrative seem a bit familiar? He couldn't help but interrupt her to ask questions.

"Wait, you came up with these things?"

Tamara hesitated for a moment, but finally told the truth, "Amanda told me some things, and I have also read what you wrote in the past few days."

Sure enough, Lance understood something when he heard this. He asked how could Tamara, a beneficiary of this system, suddenly become enlightened and say such things? She had never received any education in this area, nor had she been exposed to it. thinking in this direction.

"Tell me about you two. I thought we were going to fight."

Tamara had nothing to hide, so she just talked about the several conversations she had with Amanda after arriving.

"Amanda is the one who wants to eradicate the Roma organization. This is just saying it through your mouth."

Lance understood after hearing it simply. No wonder Amanda didn't take the opportunity to beat Tamara. It turned out that there was a deeper reason.

"I know, but what she said does make sense. I looked at Hamlet's situation and the organization is not a refuge for Roma, but a shackles.

If we don't break free, the Roma people may still be like this even if they are not extinct thousands of years later, so they might as well just die. "

Tamara was not really stupid, she actually knew it, but she also thought about it a lot, and she felt more and more that this was a curse that trapped the Roma people.

But she was only willing to say it at the end, which also showed her concerns.

This is impossible, because this interest group cannot be solved by her and Amanda. The system has too much inertia. They are used to this kind of life, and the existence of extraordinary power has wiped out the last bit of hope.

"I can't do anything about these things." Lance simply rejected their subtext. It seemed that getting involved in this matter would do him no good.


"I should be the one to ask why. This is a matter for you Roma people. Isn't it a bit ridiculous that you don't fight on your own, but instead pray for external forces to intervene?"

Lance is not optimistic about them. The Roma are scattered all over the world and it is difficult to unite their strength. Moreover, these people are used to sneaking and abducting. They will definitely not be willing to let them work and farm. Why should they interfere in the affairs of the Roma when they have nothing to do?

"But~ I have a way. They occupy the top, and you can, in turn, start with the scattered Roma teams and propagate your ideas to control them one by one.

Once you have mastered the bottom Roma people, you have mastered most of the Roma people, and then the so-called elders are useless. "

"When will it be available?"

“If you don’t change the mindset of the lower-class Roma people and fundamentally dismantle the foundation of this system, even if you succeed in killing all the elders, you will only end up replacing a few elders.

I find that you are still a bit too tricky. This kind of thing is inherently very long. If you complain about difficulties before it starts and want to solve it in a short time, it is enough to show your level. "

Lance mocked her unceremoniously for being an unrealistic dreamer.

This made Tamara anxious. This is not okay, and that is not okay. Do you really think that I am easy to bully?

"Ah!" Tamara shouted and rushed over.

"Oh! Why did you take off my clothes?"

"You owe me this, I want it back!"

She wanted to see if what Amanda said was true. She was practicing so hard that she was not as good as playing small games with them.

Lance was not indifferent at all, and severely attacked Tamara's arrogance.

The stinky out-of-towners come to Hamlet to beg for food and watch my lord attack!

Tamara felt that she must be crazy to challenge him, the boiling heat seemed to ignite her soul.

Hamlet encounters the lord by chance. He is as powerful as a monster and cannot be defeated despite all his efforts.

She fell down in the end, sad!

"It doesn't feel as good as...Amanda."

Lance really wasn't talking nonsense. Amanda was a well-trained woman, with a pair of strong legs that were bulging forward and backward. Once she got into the state, Lance couldn't take her down even for a while.

Tamara, on the other hand, took the path of an astrologer and was a pure spell caster. Her physique could even be called weak and slender, but her eyes were very beautiful, with an inexplicable agility and feeling.

It's a pity that he surrendered after a few moments and was simply vulnerable.

"Okay, go to bed early if you have nothing to do."

After Lance wrapped the person in a coat and carried him back to the guest room, he went out directly and found Amanda, the mastermind behind it.

"I'm very angry now!"

Amanda smiled, naturally pulled her long hair behind her back, and licked her lips slightly...

Tamara slept until she woke up naturally the next day. She didn't even want to get up if she didn't have to pee. However, she did sleep very well last night, and the negative emotions accumulated in her heart also dissipated a lot. What Amanda said Although I can't believe it, it still makes sense.

It's already this time, Lance doesn't know where to go, and Tamara has nothing to do here. She can only find Amanda again.

When I found that she didn't even get up, I cursed in my heart.

Lazy dog!

She could only walk in with a straight face and briefly talked about Lance's attitude towards her words.

"You used me to test Lance, but there's no way he can help us."

"I didn't ask you to say that, and I didn't ask Lance to do it for you. These are just your own cleverness. What does it have to do with me?"

Amanda laughed and retorted. It was not wrong to say so, because she did not give clear instructions, but just guided her.

Tamara knew it, but if she did not say it at that time, she would have been excluded. She knew it was a trap and had to jump in.

"It is useless to say this, because the Roma are indeed facing such a situation now. The existence of the organization may have played a positive role thousands of years ago, but now it cannot keep up with the development of the times and has become a shackle that restricts the Roma. They can't sink any further."

"Then what? What do you want to do?"

Amanda did not care about Tamara's shouting. After listening to these words, she just stood up and leaned on the bed. This action made the blanket covering her slip off her shoulders, and it was vaguely visible that there seemed to be a vacuum inside. Even Tamara couldn't stand the lazy look, and cursed in her heart.


"Don't you want the Roma to be liberated? Otherwise, what's the point of telling me so much?"

This sentence seemed to finally make Amanda take it seriously, because she had been in Hamlet for so long, watching it develop step by step, and she also understood that the Roma were in a very dangerous situation now, otherwise she would not have guided Tamara.

He rolled up the blanket, stood up and walked to Tamara before saying a word.

"The future of the Roma is in Hamlet."

"You may be right. If all the Roma come to Hamlet, they can get the protection of Reims, not be disturbed by the organization, and they can use the rules here to restrain them."

Tamara said to herself, but Amanda rolled her eyes and complained with disgust.

"You haven't been in Hamlet for too long. You don't know the situation here at all, let alone Lance. If you dare to do this, you and I will have to get out of here the next day."

"Why? Didn't you say he doesn't care about these things?"

"But it doesn't mean you can challenge his authority. Do you know what it means for a large number of Roma to migrate to Hamlet?

So why do you think he should help the Roma solve these problems? Your selfishness and stupidity are the best manifestation of Roma.

I mean Hamlet's thoughts and systems. Only the success of the Hamlet model can prove the backwardness of the organization, and you can unite those Roma at the bottom."

Amanda found that Tamara was really a complete idiot, and even regretted getting involved in these things.

"Look, isn't it better to just say it like this?" Tamara sneered, and it was obvious that she was pretending to be stupid and deliberately disgusting Amanda, the riddle man.

"You can do whatever you want. You still have a lot to learn in Hamlet."

Amanda didn't bother with this idiot, but the saddest thing was that she was the only one among the Roma people who could understand her...

Thanks to [|春风|] for 600 rewards

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