Our family is in decline

Chapter 818 Melee

There were many soldiers disguised as pirates who got off the ship with Lance. These outliers were all led by elite veterans. When they noticed that the pirates began to run towards the top of the mountain as the news spread, they knew that the time had come. They gave a signal and tied a red scarf on their left arm according to the plan.

As the red scarf was tied, the soldiers no longer concealed themselves and began to carry out the assigned tasks. The first thing was to take over the dock and cut off the escape route of most pirates.

As mentioned before, this dock was also divided into several parts and someone collected money. The plan to take over the dock was very simple. This involved the division of the dock, which was divided into different areas by several big pirates, and each area would be different.

The public dock was simply like a garbage can, charging according to the size of the ship, but it was limited to this. It was the choice of ordinary pirates, and the conditions were naturally much different.

The big pirates' own fleet had a better dock, and even had supporting repairs and maintenance, which of course were not open to the public.

Pirates often went to war with each other, just like gangs fighting for the ownership of streets.

So they have their own set of warning measures, arranging checkpoints outside their own area, and once the enemy attacks, they will be warned, and then everyone will fight back, and there are also some defensive fortifications.

Now they use the sharp knife team led by veterans to ambush and assassinate, and remove some checkpoints without alarming them. These are the people left by the pirates. They must be killed before they organize themselves, take down the fortifications, and open up the situation for the large troops to enter...

"Why are we so unlucky."

"I also want to see what that thing is, what if I really figure it out."

"Just you? How much money do you still owe the casino?"

The few people in the house are the thugs responsible for the dock, but they are not in a good mood today. After all, the news has just been passed on that the man really appeared.

Now everyone is going to watch the fun, and they are the only ones left. They can only brag and fantasize.

Only one old guy is very open about this, and he sighed when he heard these words.

"You are lucky, but you believe it? Even if it's true, every time it's a fight to the death? Remember the robbery of the red beard's dock some time ago? How many people died? It's good to be able to sit here and drink now."

"You old man don't know shit, just stay here like a dog."

"I'd rather die than live like you."

These guys didn't take these words to heart, instead they yelled and cursed as if they were looked down upon.

But the old man didn't care, swinging the bottle, talking to himself half drunk, "To be alive is..."

However, at this moment, the broken door was kicked open, and several people rushed in. They didn't even have time to explain anything. Several knife lights flashed across the people who were eating meat and drinking wine just now, and they were directly hacked to death and fell to the ground, and they couldn't even say a word.

Only the old man was excluded and escaped by sitting on the ground. Seeing this situation, he raised his hands to signal.

"Don't kill me, I surrender. All the money is in that box. I know this place well. I'll be in charge of it."

The old man surrendered without hesitation. He obviously thought that the newcomer was a pirate who wanted to seize territory. He probably thought that someone wanted to expand his territory during the chaos. It must be said that the disguised pirate skin confused them.

This move made the newcomer hesitate for a moment, but the next second the man next to him swung his knife and chopped the old man, killing him with one blow.

"Damn it! You kid is looking for death!" The old soldier in the team pulled back the sailor knife from the corpse and couldn't help cursing. "You dare to hesitate at this time. If he had pretended to surrender just now and rushed up to kill you, you would have been the one who died. How were you trained? You have no vigilance at all!"

After the military reform, a large number of veterans retired. These recruits have been training all the time and have never participated in actual combat. Some of them have not even seen blood, which has led to a natural decline in combat effectiveness.

However, Hamlet's war relies on the system. Individual strength is important, but not so important. It's enough to fight a few battles and see some blood. There are also veterans leading the way.

"But the instructor said that prisoners cannot be killed."

"We are prisoners only if we accept them. If we don't accept them, they are still enemies. What's more, none of these pirates are innocent. We don't have time to waste on them now. Except for the technical workers who repair the ship, the rest of the dock will be killed without mercy."

The veteran quickly explained, and then called on others, "Let's go, our mission is not over yet."

Those teams inserted into these areas like sharp knives. The strength of the veterans in the team battles was fully revealed. Those who were able to stay in the military reforms were all first-class ruthless people. They could open the situation without firing a shot with those recruits.

Hamlet's soldiers have very strong execution ability. When they received the signal, they immediately took action. A large number of people came out of the cabin, holding rifles, and the red scarves on their left arms proved their identities.

Don't think that they were just doing nothing at the dock just now. In fact, they had already observed the surrounding environment and assigned a plan.

They deliberately stopped near the private docks of the big pirates, and when there was any movement, hundreds of people on the boats would rush up with their weapons.

Basically, they were some valuable big ships, which also represented the strength of the pirate group behind them. However, the main force probably went to the mountains, and there were only a few people left. The peripheral personnel were also removed, resulting in many soldiers not being able to react when they took action. Even if they wanted to resist, they could not be faster than the guns.

The thugs stationed here by these big pirates are not on the ship, but in the buildings on land. Since they are taking action, there is no need to hide. The real equipment advantage of Hamlet's soldiers is revealed.

The pirates rushed out of the room when they heard the noise, and then shot them down with one shot. Most of these soldiers did not have revolvers, but ordinary flintlock pistols, but they could not withstand the large number of people.

After firing a shot, I retreated to reload, but my teammates went up. Thousands of soldiers were divided into several teams of 50 people. They did not loot at the dock, but killed anyone they saw, leaving no one alive.

The sentry point was cleared by the sharp knife team in front, so that when the pirates reacted, they had already been rushed into the dock by the large force.

"Put down your weapons! Surrender and you will not be killed!"

The first batch of soldiers who rushed in just shouted, and the next second they realized something and shouted loudly.


The veterans showed their strong battlefield perception ability, and they could always react in the shortest time and make judgments to dodge or attack.

When the soldiers heard this, they didn't even need to think. They subconsciously rushed towards the goods piled around. The hard training finally paid off, because the next second, gunshots rang out.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Pirates also play with guns. Although the quality of their guns is much worse, and most of them are pistols, the range is not far, and there is no accuracy, but they are also very threatening.

Fortunately, ordinary pirates will not waste money on this. The money for firing a few shots can fire a cannon. Only some small leaders or captains will have this. The gunshots here just now are the small leaders who stayed here and accumulated all the gunmen.

"They want to reload, cover me!"

After dodging a round of bullets, the old soldier's ferocity was revealed again. He got up from the ground and rushed directly without hesitation. He pulled the trigger to kill one, swung the butt of the gun to knock down another, and then pulled out the bayonet and inserted it into the neck to make up the knife. Fighting in them is as elegant and gorgeous as art.

The pirates who were trying to reload their ammunition in a hurry were shot to death or had their throats cut by the veterans who rushed up before they even had time to react.

Not to mention that the pirates didn't react, the recruits didn't react either. They just stood up and prepared to cover, and you told me it was over?

"Alert! Search!"

The veteran didn't move forward rashly, but reloaded on the spot, alert to the remaining pirates around, and called his teammates to come over.

The dock was not big, and those who felt something was wrong and hid were easily found.

The pirates would also keep people if they caught them, such as the craftsmen who repaired the ship, which was an important guarantee for whether they could sail on the sea.

It was definitely good for these big pirates to keep the craftsmen they used, because the ones who were not good were sunk into the sea, and they had a positive effect on Hamlet's newly started shipbuilding industry, so Lan specially asked people to rescue them.

But it doesn't mean that they can be let go at will. They are all tied up and left here first to prevent pirates from mixing among them. There may not be many good people among them, and they will be slowly examined later.

Such a brutal situation naturally attracted the attention of other pirates who stayed here. After all, there were too many pirates, and many people stayed here.

Pirates usually spend as much as they earn, and go out to rob when they have no money, so they don't leave too much stuff on the ship.

But this is a very chaotic place. The so-called rules are just a fig leaf. They only buy positions and are not responsible for security. Therefore, the captain will still leave people on the ship to guard, but don't expect too much strength.

The first wave of soldiers raided the territory of those big pirates, so many ordinary pirates who stayed behind noticed something when the dense gunfire sounded. They were also confused about the situation. However, those big pirates fought to rob Red Beard's industry some time ago, and this time may be the same.

In fact, their plan is to send people to raid the strongholds left by those big pirates at the dock, and also to clear out those scattered pirates.

There is no location planning for the docks here. After the density is large, you can even jump from one ship to another.

Even if there is a height difference or the distance is a little far, the pirate ships are all equipped with hooks, which can connect the two ships by throwing them over. This is a great help, allowing the soldiers to move between ships without even getting off the ship.

Iron chain link!

The soldiers who raided the big pirate base used rifles in land battles, while the soldiers in the ship battles were mostly equipped with double pistols and sailor knives or axes, because the environment on the ship is more severe and there is not so much space to display, and of course there is no need to aim within seven steps.

They have received the teachings of the lord in the few days of gathering, and know the situation of those pirates, which makes them even more angry about their distortion and depravity.

These guys don't deserve to live in this world!

There are no civilians, all of them are evil pirates. There is no need to talk nonsense when rushing onto those pirate ships and shooting at anyone they see. The pirates aim their butcher knives at the weak, so now it is their turn to be the weak.

Because the pirates don't have armor, most of the soldiers are equipped with shotguns, so they can cause casualties without aiming, and a group rushing out can also fight a group.

One shot can destroy the pirates' fighting power, and they don't even bother to make up for it. Two more people will cut the ropes of the mast. If the sail cannot be raised in a short time, they will not be able to escape.

The soldiers don't even bother to stay. They are racing against time and have no time to waste on them. They just need to ensure that the ship can't escape.

The injured pirates are left to die in wailing. All this is so painful and so long, and they taste the evil consequences bit by bit.

It is unrealistic to block the entire dock with this small number of people. No matter how fast they move, many ships will still realize that the situation is not right and run away.

A ship needs a lot of people to start. It can be seen that many pirates did not participate in the fight, but were waiting and watching, or they did not send out elites, but only sent some manpower.

But the problem now is that Hamlet's soldiers were unable to prevent them from leaving, but they didn't care much, and continued to intercept as many ships as possible according to the plan.

It's a pity that these ships are still useful, otherwise they would have been burned all by fire.

The fighting at the dock was so fierce, and it was no worse up there. At first, the conflict broke out just on the top of the mountain to snatch the shell. Many people didn't know what was going on, but the impact of the environmental atmosphere was very terrifying.

A small group of people are fighting for it, and those who remain may realize that they have no chance of getting a token of the treasure, but they are here, and there is no reason to leave empty-handed.

"Damn it! Grab those!"

I don’t know who took the lead. When the first pirate pointed his sword at the big pirate assets halfway up the hillside, the others also realized that this was a rare opportunity and turned around to follow the pirates who stayed behind. Start a war.

The elite pirates who were clamoring before were now frightened by the thin pirates wearing ragged clothes. Their eyes seemed to be full of madness.

"Close the door quickly!"

"Hold on and don't let them in."

"Ah! I can't stand it."

The pirates rushed in and started fighting with the people inside. The difference in numbers was too big. So what if they cut down two or three? The next second he was struck with a knife and he was gone.

Some realized that they couldn't stop them, so they simply turned around and joined in the looting. They coveted those things. If they just robbed them, they might be able to go home and buy a piece of land to become landlords.

But as soon as he found something good and stuffed it into his pocket based on his familiarity with this place, he hacked him to death with a knife in the next second. Others robbed him of everything, and a new round of fighting broke out.

Lance shook the strange demon bell in his hand, and the strange power continued to spread. He held the Blood Holy Grail in one hand, and the blood that flowed out turned into blood mist and gathered together, which made up for the disadvantages of the remaining blood during the sacrifice.

He is a clean person... (End of chapter)

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