Our family is in decline

Chapter 820: End of Shipwreck Bay

Madness is so fragile in the face of death. Those pirates who were plundering like locusts had no room for resistance when they ran into the barrage.

"Run away!"

"Hey! Kill them."

"Brothers dig the dick!"

Seeing those similar people who fell in front of them, whose flesh and blood were torn by bullets, the pirates' first reaction was not to surrender, but to turn around and run away, or to rely on buildings to fight back. It can only be said that the desperadoes are still tenacious.

Of course, it was more because their pockets contained the property they had just robbed, so they were naturally unwilling to surrender casually.

But he's not even afraid of muskets. This is no longer an ordinary pirate. He must hit hard!

"Be careful with grenades!"

The grenades were thrown out amidst the shouts of the soldiers. The high-intensity training made them very confident in grasping the landing point. When the bombs exploded at the corners of those buildings, the pirates who were hiding in them and trying to resist were instantly hit. A major blow.

The power of fragments is no worse than projectiles within the range, especially for these unarmored pirates, they can easily penetrate into their bodies, or they can fly past and cut open their flesh, causing blood to flow.

"Ah!!! My legs!"

"For the sake of the captain, help your brother."

"Help me, I'll give you all the money."

These injuries were not enough to kill them immediately, but the fear caused by the injuries plunged them into despair.

The pirate's will is being tested... fear!

The pirates also had pistols, and even if they fired randomly in their previous counterattack, some of the soldiers were injured.

But compared to the pirate situation, the soldiers either retreated to stop the bleeding and bandaged it, or the doctors from the team came to help. More than a dozen people were injured without even shaking the front line.

"Drop your weapons!"

"Surrender without killing!"

"Get down! Put your head in your hands."

After a round of grenades washed the ground, the remaining pirates finally understood the people's words, and their eyes became clear, and they completely lost the madness just now.

In fact, the pirates killed by the soldiers were not even as many as the pirates killed each other just now, but the pressure caused by queuing to be shot was too great, and it was simply not comparable to fighting alone.

Pirates are all about close combat, but now the opponent can kill them without even getting close. Faced with this kind of situation, they don't know how to deal with it, and they are even more confused when they are blown up by a grenade.

"I surrender! Don't kill me..."

Pirates have no loyalty or integrity. Once this kind of thing starts, it will spread, and one by one they will drop their weapons and surrender.

However, there are still some who want to be clever and hide under the corpses and pretend to be dead, but the soldiers have been trained on how to clear the battlefield and take over prisoners.

Three people advance in groups, rifles are directly attached to bayonets, and any corpse must be stabbed without looking at whether it is alive. Those lying motionless on the ground must be stabbed twice. They are also very merciful to those seriously injured pirates and raise their bayonets to kill them. Send away.

This appearance frightened some people who wanted to pretend to be dead and get away, or they got up and wanted to run away, some wanted to bribe and beg for mercy, and some were injured and wanted to drag someone down when they knew they could not be saved.

But it's useless. Not to mention Hamlet's strict military discipline and the fact that everything captured on the battlefield must be returned to the public. Even if there is no such rule, the money from killing you is still mine.

As for escaping or resisting, you can do it with one shot. In what age are you still playing traditional combat?

Facing the advancing soldiers, the pirates were almost overwhelmed. Soon they went up to the buildings halfway up the hillside, and only then did they realize how cruel crimes these pirates had committed.

These are relatively high-end brothels and casinos, as well as places where pirates with some strength and background stay. They maintain their own territory here. These are not accessible to ordinary pirates.

So they rushed in, raped and plundered, and hacked to death those thugs who used to have high status with their background as big pirates. In the past, they could not and did not dare to touch the goods, whether they were those in brothels or the women who were attached to the pirates, they were brutally murdered by these crazy hands. The pirates vent their desires.

But there were too many people, and they would not queue up. Many pirates grabbed women and just took off their pants. The next second, their heads were gone, and blood spurted out. Then the bodies were pushed away and a ferocious-looking pirate rushed up. .

Crazy killings. All you can see with the naked eye are corpses, most of which belong to pirates. There are also many women and children who were killed. The exposed skin is covered with various scars. You can see that they are full of fear and pain. His face, I don’t know what he went through during his lifetime.

Such a scene is really like hell...

"Is this still a human being?"

"Damn it! Fight those pirates!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

This scene is unbearable for any normal person, let alone the soldiers armed with weapons. Each one of them was ignited with anger, shouting and wanting to rush forward.

In contrast, those veterans are much calmer, because they have seen the city of Bastia that was ravaged by cultists, and they have also seen the villages and towns that were plundered by bandits or barbarians, and they understand more clearly how precious Hamlet's stability is. , and how heavy the responsibilities are on their shoulders.

"Stay in formation!"

"Be alert! Be careful of those guys on the ground."

"Don't be controlled by anger, reason is our most powerful weapon."

The veterans are in control of the situation, which is why the combat effectiveness has not declined too much after Hamlet's military reform, and the grassroots officers can play a role.

The soldiers entering the area controlled by the pirates seemed to alert them and were treated as intruders, and a battle was inevitable.

What should the soldiers do if the pirates resist?

They can only kill them.

Thousands of organized soldiers just hang and beat these pirates. Even if sporadic pistols cause damage, it is difficult to shake the formation. On the contrary, when the soldiers' muskets roar, the pirates fall down like mowing grass.

They shouted that the soldiers needed to reload and wanted to rush over, but the gunshots continued, and a few sporadic grenades fell in the dense area and wiped out their hopes.

Do you want to learn from the previous number advantage to pile up and kill? Then you have to see whether you have more people or more bullets.

Even if there are buildings to rely on and come close, it is useless. The sailor's knife is not long for the convenience of fighting in the cabin. Facing the rifle with a bayonet, they can be picked out one by one.

When death came to them, they found that fear was so real. Soon they couldn't stand it and chose to surrender, but this time it was the soldiers' turn to kill red-eyed.

Whether to surrender or not is your business, and whether to accept it is my business.

According to the rules, they were to practice humanitarianism, that is, to kill those seriously injured enemies. Some soldiers saw the pirates injured, even if they were only slightly injured, they would go up and stab them twice. This time, they were either seriously injured or seriously injured.

Even if they were the pirates who dropped their weapons and surrendered, they would just hit their heads with the butt of a gun. If it weren't for the veterans who were still in control of the situation, I'm afraid they would all die without a single one.

Now you understand why people who retreat from the battlefield have some psychological problems. Complex situations will affect their psychology.

Anyway, for many recruits who are on the battlefield for the first time, this scene today will never be forgotten, and it will even flash in their minds from time to time.

However, discipline is still maintained, and everything is pushed forward in an orderly manner. Because they have to deal with the prisoners, only more than a hundred people finally reached the top of the mountain.

However, after they went up, they could only see chaos, countless bodies fell, and one of the burly guys was sitting on the ground leaning against the rocks, with countless wounds on his body, and all the blood had been drained.

"Dead." Someone went up to check and found that he had lost his physiological reaction long ago.

That is to say, no one was spared, and all those who participated in the fight died... In fact, according to the real story, the living ones all fled down the mountain, and naturally only the corpses were left.

But it seems that no one noticed that there was no blood flowing on the ground, and there was no trace of seepage, but it disappeared into the air like evaporation.

Taking the top of the mountain means the destruction of the pirate forces entrenched here. Some people looked at the sea outside the island and could still see the wandering warships. Now all they need is this...

Accepting prisoners, cleaning up the battlefield, and treating the wounded, including some ordinary people who were robbed to the island by pirates. It can only be said that there were heavy casualties, and the ones who survived were mainly women.

As for our lord, he was in the back instructing the doctors to treat the wounded, remove the bullets or suture the wounds through surgery, and basically all soldiers knew battlefield first aid, such as stopping bleeding and bandaging.

After completing the bandaging, Lance secretly gave the injured soldiers a flesh and blood reconstruction, so that they could change from serious injuries to flesh injuries. Similarly, Lance was willing to spend a little spirituality to keep some valuable targets alive.

When the matter here was over, Lance swung the Blood Holy Grail, and there was actually a ball of blood in the cup that was as thick as mercury, and the power in it was even stronger.

Lance is still researching and developing the power of this thing, but what is certain is that the gift product must be a fine product.

The gift of a corpse whose blood has been drained will be less spiritual, but it is not important to Lance, picking up garbage is important.

Walking on the land where corpses are everywhere to sacrifice the corpses, and then looking through their relics, or entering those buildings to find out if there are any treasures...

Since the morning, the navy has been responsible for intercepting those pirates who want to escape. The war has never stopped. The roar of artillery has been echoing over the sea, and all those who dare to show their heads have been shot down. Now there are still many broken ships floating on the sea.

However, there are still too few people, so they can only blockade the periphery, and whoever comes out will be beaten, and they dare not push too hard.

It was not until noon that the smoke was seen on the top of the island, which made the fleet swimming on the periphery understand that the operation on the island had been completed and it was time to complete the general attack.

"Boys! Kill them and prove that our navy is also good!"

"Yes, Captain!"

There is no radio now, and ships at sea can only communicate by flag signals. Of course, when the plan is complete, there is no need for so much nonsense.

When the main ship was dispatched, the remaining ones also saw the signal on the top of the mountain and understood what they needed to do.

There were quite a few pirate ships that escaped the first wave, so they also encountered a very embarrassing problem, that is, they also faced the pressure brought by complex environmental conditions. The water flow forced them to stabilize the ship at all times, for fear of being swept in.

But now they have no choice. If they continue like this, they will collapse without the enemy's action. They can only rush out and fight hard. Whether they can escape depends on whether they are strong enough and whether the goddess of fate favors them.

A naval battle broke out off the coast of the island. Hamlet's gunboats had a thousand yards more range. They usually fired a round of single-headed bullets at a ship far away, and then a round of grapeshot at a close one. They didn't care if they were crippled, and turned to the next ship. The pirates couldn't do anything about the close combat, which was very frustrating.

What era is it now? Are we still playing traditional naval battles?

The era of giant ships and cannons is coming.

But Hamlet's few ships really can't completely block the entire island, otherwise how could he be chosen by the pirates to fight against the navy's territory? When the fleet concentrated on the exit with the most pirates, leaving only one or two at other exits, the pirates were crazy.

"Hahaha! Go forward!"

"Do they want to stop us with these two ships?"

The pirate ships that were not selected didn't care about the unlucky ones who were bombarded. This was their luck and the blessing of the big pirates.

As long as they went out to sea, where couldn't they go in such a big place?

However, at this time, there was a movement behind. The channel that had been quiet for a while suddenly rushed out with a ship. At first glance, I thought it was a pirate ship, but when I saw the red scarf, I knew it was catching up.

I'm waiting for my teammates, what are you waiting for?

There are too many pirate ships at the dock. After taking down the pirates on the island, a few hundred people were left, and the others operated the pirate ships to catch up.

These ships are not large and have no artillery, but these pirate speedboats have abandoned other unnecessary conditions and are completely focused on speed.

The soldiers controlled the boat to approach them, and without any nonsense, they threw Molotov cocktails at them, instantly igniting their decks. It is a taboo to encounter fire at sea, because once it burns, there is no place to escape.

Even if some of them were not thrown up and hit the outside, the specially prepared sticky substance inside still stuck to it and burned. This is even more terrible. It is difficult for those pirates to put out the fire.

This naval battle was even more difficult than the battle on land. It ended in the afternoon. There were countless shipwrecks floating on the sea around the island, and many of them were on fire. Now they are not extinguished, which really deserves the name of the Shipwreck Bay.

Hamlet dispatched at least 50 large and small ships. Although the main force was only a medium-sized clipper modified with artillery, most of the remaining ones were small clippers "borrowed" later.

But it was enough to show the strength. It was difficult to organize such a battle in the surrounding areas except Totnes, and the loss was even more exaggerated. The supplies that Hamlet had prepared for a few days were also fired in half a day.

Are those fired shells? They are all gold coins.

However, these pirates threaten Hamlet's development, and he has to fight them. He can only hope that the harvest from this trip can make up for the loss... (End of this chapter)

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