Our family is in decline

Chapter 823: Accusations

Totnes has developed shipping, and its shipbuilding industry is also very powerful, which is considered to be at the world's advanced level.

There are two guns on the front and back of the gunboat, six on the left and right, a total of sixteen guns, all of which are large-caliber. It has just demonstrated its power, easily sinking more than ten pirate ships at a distance, and this is only a small part of the guns.

This is completely the pinnacle of technology in this era, and now there are as many as twenty ships here. No wonder Totnes is rich enough to rival a country, and even the so-called emperor of the empire can't make it.

However, such a supermodel's power is so fragile in the face of extraordinary power. The ghost ship summoned by Lance releases mist.

These things are not just for concealment. People who inhale the mist will have hallucinations and their fear will be magnified. Although it is very weak, by the time they react, they are already deeply trapped in it and there is no hope.

And the power released by Lance blowing the Siren Conch directly affected their reason and took away their last desire to resist.

When Lance rang the captain's bell, it was all over. Countless skeletons and ghosts crawled out, and the chains dragged the soldiers into the cabin.

Only when you understand the supernatural power more, you will understand how terrible it is. It is not a simple external power performance, but an influence on the will.

No matter how powerful the weapon is, it needs people to use it, and no matter how powerful the human body is, it will be limited by the soul.

Can human will really resist erosion?

Lance didn't know. When he came to his senses, the crews on the twenty ships had completely disappeared. There was no war without death. These sailors were just some insignificant "price" for Lance's confrontation with Totnes.

There were not many people temporarily summoned. The twenty ships might add up to only about 200 people, and an average of only ten people per ship. If you want to fully exert the power of these gunboats, you may need 40 to 50 people.

As the Lightless swallowed more people, the power it showed became stronger and more weird.

Lance even felt that he could transform it, and maybe he could keep up with the times.

The ghosts were used as fuel, and the skeleton gunners stuffed their skulls into the barrels as cannonballs. After firing, the bones exploded. The scene was unimaginable...

Lance soon dispelled the fog, exiled the ghost ship that had had a full meal, and then fired a flare into the sky. The fireworks exploded and were particularly conspicuous at night, and soon attracted the ship that had been lurking just now.

"Let someone take over, go back to the shipwreck bay, and find a small island for temporary placement."

Lance gave the order casually.

This is also the reason why he kept these ships. Without guns and cannons, the enemy built them for us.

With just a little training, Hamlet's naval combat power will rise rapidly, and finally get rid of the situation of relying on the transformation of pirate ships.


The operation of these large ships is also very complicated. Now there are ten sailors on a ship, so they just make do with it and gradually disappear on the battlefield.


It was originally in the early morning, even if the sun came late in winter, but after so many things happened, the horizon should be bright.

The morning light dispelled the remaining fog on the sea, and a new fleet with red scarves appeared here, but the broken remains of the pirate ship had long been spread with the waves, and nothing could be seen at the original place.

"Keep going, target Totnes!"

After the pirate attack last night, the whole Totnes was in chaos, and everyone was panicked, and they couldn't believe that this would happen to them.

The situation improved slightly after all parties tried to suppress it, but it was the sun's rays that really comforted them. Then they gradually walked back and found that many bodies fell on the street. They were basically looted and their clothes were stripped off. The panicked faces were frozen stiff, as if they would stay at that moment forever.

Many people found the bodies of their family members and cried.

"Father... Mother... My child..."

And those boatmen went out to the dock and saw that many ships were not bombed, but they were hit by shells. Even if they didn't sink, they would have to repair for a long time. For those ship owners, the loss was very large, and they could only wail now.

"My ship..."

This scene made people feel complicated and angry.

"Damn pirates!"

"Our navy will definitely be able to wipe out the pirates."


They could only vent their emotions in this way, but a panic was still planted in their hearts, making them realize that Totnes was not safe either.

"What is that?"

"The navy's big ships are not like this, could it be that the pirates came back?"

Everyone looked at the sea following this, and several ships appeared here, but they did not look like the navy of Totnes. This scene immediately attracted attention. Many people subconsciously thought that it was pirates who came back. They were shouting just now, but now they ran away subconsciously, cursing.

"Where are those damn navy guys? Are they all dead?"

"No, look at the flag on the mast, only Hamlet's ship will use the red scarf."

"Why are they here? It's really lucky that I just avoided the attack."

Fortunately, Hamlet's fleet often comes here, and it is still active even in winter. Some people recognize the unique flag.

The fleet didn't waste any time and directly stopped at the dock which was almost half destroyed. However, what happened next was something no one expected.

What came out of the cabins of the fleet was not cargo, but a large number of people dressed in disorder. Women accounted for the majority. It seemed that their condition was not good.

At the same time, someone stood up on the bow of the ship and shouted: "The pirates have been eliminated by us, now you are free, you can go home!"

Many of those people burst into tears when they heard this, and let out heart-piercing shouts, as if they wanted to release all the accumulated emotions.

This scene confused many locals. Hamlet's ship could only be filled with people, so why is it the other way around today?

Didn’t he say that Hamlet didn’t have slaves? Sure enough, those who were taken away became slaves. Fortunately, he didn't go.

At this time, many people who often came here came out to evacuate the sailors who disembarked, and at the same time, they also passed on the news.

"Fuck you, stop barking! These are all people who were robbed by pirates. We defeated the pirates, rescued them, and sent them back to the empire."

The sailor's vulgar words seemed normal among those people. Those who work in this industry have this kind of virtue. If you don't scold them, they won't understand.

"What? Pirate!"

"Yes, Hamlet's navy raided Shipwreck Island, the pirate's home base, some time ago. Two of the big pirates were even captured alive. Now they are clearing out the remaining pirates. We will send these rescued people back along the way."

Sailor said, looking at the mess around him and asking, "Why are you looking at me like this? By the way, is there a fire here? Why is it so messy?"

Those acquaintances briefly talked about the pirate invasion that broke out in the early morning, and then the Hamlet sailors turned towards their companions with a look of sudden realization.

"I said those pirates would definitely come to Totnes. See if I'm right."

"Wait! Why did you know that the pirates were coming to Totnes?" Those people were very surprised when they heard this and asked quickly.

"You know what the heck, the two big pirates we captured confessed that they were working for Mr. Totnes. They were related to many people. The plundered goods were all handled by Mr. Totnes for them. Those merchant ships My route was also given by me. If something goes wrong now, if I don’t go to me, why should I go to you?”

"Do you know why you didn't stop those pirates?"

Those people couldn't stand it any longer. Some of them had lost their families or suffered heavy losses due to the accident and rushed forward to question them.

"Don't fucking blame us. We fought hundreds of pirate ships on Shipwreck Island, and we won battles with thousands of pirates. Don't you have a navy in Totnes? How come you can't even defend a dock?"

What's more, many pirates escaped at that time. Who knows where those pirates will go? You might as well ask those gentlemen in Totnes. "

During the conversation, the sailor spoke without restraint several names that frightened the common people, either the famous chamber of commerce, the feared bureaucrats, or the noble lords.

He even boasted and talked about who was responsible for some old major cases, who was behind it, and what was the relationship between it, which made those people forget what the situation was now.

"What's going on?"

The bureaucrat who was originally in charge here was already very worried. He also discovered the situation here and quickly brought people over. However, when he got closer, he almost pissed himself when he heard this.

"Stop talking nonsense! How can you believe those guys' nonsense?"

The bureaucrats came up with the sheriff to stop them, but the sailors of Hamlet were not afraid at all. Instead, they laughed and complained.

"Then why don't you ask those guys to come out and explain themselves? Where were they when the pirates attacked?"

"Yes, call them out."

"Hand over the people!"

Under the booing voice, the bureaucrat's expression was a little strange, because he knew something. After the accident in the early morning, the whole of Totnes was in motion, and soon it was discovered that some big shots disappeared directly. In this case, let him I couldn't help but believe it.

But as a bureaucrat's position here, he must stabilize the situation. Even if it is true, he can only deny it, otherwise he will be finished.

"Sheriff, take these guys down!"

Under the shouts of the bureaucrats, the police officers around him raised their batons with ferocious faces as if they were beating chicken blood.

It's just that the people at the bottom usually tolerate it not because they are so powerful, but simply because they are afraid of this dog skin. These sailors are not used to it at all, and directly show the muskets on their waists to the sailors, and there are hundreds of sailors on several ships. I almost scared the shit out of those sheriffs when I stood up.

"Where have you been since the pirates are here?"

"Hiding under the covers, of course."

"It turns out he only beats ordinary people."

The sarcastic words kept irritating the sheriffs, but even so they did not dare to move.

If I give you the face to call you Sheriff, if I don’t give you the face, it’s just a post!

The bureaucrat said something to the person next to him, and saw that person run out quickly.

"Not even the Sheriff is afraid, this is no longer an ordinary sailor, the city defense army is dispatched!"

The commander of the city defense army was a nobleman. After receiving the call for help, he immediately led people there. Now the streets are full of Totnes' troops, and a large number of them can be summoned at will.

Although they were wearing the same type of uniforms, their actions were chaotic, as if they heard something being robbed and rushed over excitedly, almost in a mess.

The first time they entered the scene, they violently waved their weapons to disperse the more and more people who gathered.

The sheriffs were confronting the sailors. They were at a disadvantage and had nothing to say in the face of ridicule. Now that they saw the people coming, they immediately wanted to fight.

"Damn it, if I don't show you how powerful my stick is, I'll wear this clothes for nothing!"

"Shit! Kill them!"

The sheriffs and the city defense soldiers came up with weapons, but the sailors still looked fearless until someone shouted.

"Look! What is that?"

Everyone looked over and found that another fleet was coming in the distance. It didn't look like the merchant ships that came before, but a huge fleet.

In order to show off, Lance almost dragged out the best modified ships, arranged them into a formation, and lined up to press forward.

Let the soldiers wear uniform naval uniforms and stand on the deck, each with their heads held high and their chests backs, and wait until they get close before lifting the wax-soaked waterproof cloth covering the cannons and starting to operate.

"Damn it! How come they have cannons on board?" Seeing this, the bureaucrat suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, because the muzzle of the cannon seemed to be pointing at them...

The guys who were originally very arrogant and clamoring to teach the sailors a lesson all froze under the muzzle of the cannon.

They are not those feudal nobles. Totnes has artillery. They have seen the power of this thing. It only takes a few rounds of artillery to destroy hundreds of people here.

A few hundred copper coins a month, what's the point of playing with your life...

"Who the hell wants to do it?" Captain Wilson stood up and shouted, then stepped on the edge of the bow and leaned forward to shout below.

"Those pirates said they had someone above them, and I thought it was fake. I didn't expect that Totnes wanted to kill everyone at the dock in order to protect the pirates, so that no one would know about the pirate attack.

No wonder you beat the civilians instead of the pirates. Fortunately, our Hamlet Navy tracked down the pirates here and stopped your atrocities."

The bureaucrat was speechless after hearing this, because whether he thought so or not, it could only be like this now, and it was impossible to get rid of the influence of this sentence unless everyone here was really killed.

But the cannons are set up, you want to go, but who will fight with you?

In the winter temperature, you can see that the bureaucrat is sweating profusely, wanting to say something, but he doesn't know how to say it, and he is obviously panicked.

"Don't talk nonsense! I didn't... I'm not..." (End of this chapter)

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