Our family is in decline

Chapter 825 Farm (1)

Compared to Totnes, which was shrouded in an atmosphere colder than winter, Hamlet seemed full of vigorous vitality, and even the cold winter could not stop their enthusiasm.

Because the news that Hamlet's army defeated the pirates and took over the Shipwreck Island in one fell swoop had spread a few days ago, everyone was shocked by the news and fell into a carnival.

Of course, there was also the matter of Totnes colluding with pirates, which ignited their anger. Although most of them were not the original residents of Hamlet, and some were inland people who had not been robbed by pirates, they obviously had a deeper identification with this place.

Some people even wanted Totnes to hand over the people, or kill the pirates.

But these voices were suppressed, and the internal affairs were not affected. They were detained, interrogated, investigated, and did what they should do. The overall operation was handled in an orderly manner.

As for Lance, he was even less interested in these tedious things. Now he was staying in Greendale's house to avoid the wind and snow.

He also told her about his own arrangement. If the gains from this attack on pirates can be digested, Hamlet's navy will probably be formed faster, at least a little ahead of this era.

"I feel that place is not suitable for development as a tourist resort. The complex environment will bring danger to tourists, and the environment mainly composed of stones is even more unsuitable. There are many islands, just find another one.

And the shipwreck island is more suitable for further development into a military port. The complex environment inside is a natural confidential dock that can isolate the enemy's prying, and some secret projects can also be moved there."

Grendel lazily stuck to Lance to absorb heat. She was not afraid of cold, but she hated the withering of plants. In the naturally dormant winter, she seemed to be a little weaker.

After the arrival of winter, she rarely went out. Even if she went out, she would go to the bathhouse to take a bath. Most of the time, she was in the warm house to compile plant illustrations, herbal illustrations and some potion formulas, or to refine some potions.

"You're right. If you want to go on vacation, you must find a safer island." Lance seemed to realize that this kind of place is the best research institute, the best prison, and the dock.

At that time, I was still thinking too much about enjoying myself, thinking only of the sun, the beach, and the coconut trees.

"Let's change the design plan later. Anyway, the place has not been cleaned up and planned yet, so there is still time."

Lance hugged Greendale and buried his head in it. His voice was a little unclear, "It's great to have you..."

"Are you really not afraid that Totnes will take action directly if you force him?" Greendale didn't care. She just hugged Lance's head and stroked it, and asked with a smile.

"Fighting is one plan, not fighting is another plan. The most important thing for us to do is to consider most of the situations and make plans." Lance raised his head and took a deep breath, his tone casual and without worry.

"Besides, they can't possibly tear their faces off with us for ordinary people. Those powerful superhumans never care about ordinary people. They will only fight us to death if they are threatened."

Lance is sure of their mentality. Just like what that person said, he wants to bleed Totnes to death bit by bit, and doesn't want to start a war directly, because if he destroys it, he still has to find a way to rebuild it, and too many casualties will also destroy the local labor force and people's hearts, which is not in his interest.

Grendel is not interested in the confrontation between these conspiracies and intrigues. She is not the kind of person who likes to play with people's hearts. She prefers to gossip about a lighter topic.

"Then Tamara is back. Doesn't she have a grudge against Amanda? How did they get mixed up?"

"There is no eternal hatred, only eternal interests. The two of them feel that the world is about to change drastically, and they want to take advantage of the situation to change the system of the Roma people. That would shake the foundation of the interest group. If there is no change within the Roma people, how can the two of them fight those old foxes? Anyway, I don't think it will work out."

Lance could naturally see what the two of them were trying to do secretly, not to mention that Amanda would not hide it from him, but Greendale was a little surprised after hearing it.

"Then why don't you help them and persuade them?"

"Why should I help them? Interfering with others without reason will not be appreciated but blamed. Besides, there are some things that only they can understand after experiencing. It's OK as long as Amanda doesn't die. It's none of my business how many other Roma people die."

Lance's indifference was not concealed, but Greendale asked curiously, "What about Tamara? She came back to find you. Are you going to watch her die?"

"She has at least half the reason why I hate Roma people. I asked her to help me but she refused. Now it's her turn to ask me for help. It's reasonable."

Greendale knew that the lord was stingy, so she smiled and comforted him.

"A genius astrologer is still very valuable. He is worth winning over if he can break through the champion in such a short time."

"Genius is the least valuable. Who is not a genius here? You are too, but you are dragged down by these mundane things, not to mention her pollution. If she hadn't met me, she would have been finished. The rapid improvement is just the food prepared by the evil god."

The two were lying on the bed, and suddenly there was shouting outside, and there was a knock on the door.

"Boss! Boss!"

As soon as he shouted a few words, Boudica pushed the door and ran in, "Boss, why haven't you gotten up yet? Didn't we agree to go to the mountains?"

Lance, who originally wanted to stay in bed, was speechless, "I said I'd go when I have time, and it's not long since dawn. Can't you let me sleep for a while in the cold weather?"

"I wonder if the boss is awake now..."

Boudica curled her lips with disdain, then Lance turned over, grabbed the shoes under the bed and threw them towards her, "Get out of here!"

As if he expected it, Boudicca shrank his head to avoid the thrown shoe, and then ran out faster than he came in just now, closing the door behind him, not giving Lance a second chance.

"This bitch, I'll beat her to death when she comes back!"

Lance was so angry that he was gnashing his teeth. On the contrary, Greendale watched the two fighting without any scruples and laughed wildly. She pushed the person next to her and said, "Go, she has been going crazy these days, every day Talking about this."

After saying that, he picked up Lance's head and buried it in his arms, comforting him: "Thank you for your hard work..."

After dawdling for a while, Lance finally went out. When he saw Boudica kicking the snow outside, he waved.

"come over."

Boudica seemed to be afraid that Lance would hit her, so she walked over slowly, repeatedly raising her head and lowering her head, looking confused.

Sure enough, when she walked in front of him, she saw Lance raising his hand. She was so scared that she closed her eyes and shrank her head. However, there was no headshot as expected, but a big hand fell on her head to comfort her gently.

"I know what you are worried about, but believe everyone, I don't blame you."

Boudica reached over and rubbed his hand, carefully opened one eye, and saw that the boss really had no intention of hitting her. The timid expression on her face suddenly disappeared, and she opened her arms to hug Lance. .

"Boss, I respect you!"

"Okay, okay, hurry up and get over there." Lance pushed her away, knowing that this guy was pretending to be scared. How could he be afraid of being beaten if he was thick-skinned and thick-skinned.

Lance knew that Boudica had been blaming herself for her negligence in causing the mad dog to escape. What was even more troublesome was that it was not recovered and the clues ended in a strange place, as if they were not in the same time and space.

She has seen the horror of extraordinary power. The last place that isolated a space was the extremely dark dungeon. Boudica was very afraid that the man-eating mad dog would cause changes there, causing even more troublesome disasters.

To put it simply, I got into trouble. Boss, help me!

In fact, preparations for this operation have already been started, and the approximate location was determined the last time they entered. William was busy training dogs, and Laura also needed time to raise birds, so she did not take them there.

And Junia was invited by the sanatorium to help with the interrogation. Those nobles and pirates were prone to injuries due to torture. It was too luxurious to give them treatment potions, and doctors couldn't save the dead, so give Junia experience. Value is a good choice.

And because of the special ceremony there, Lance took two consultants, Alhazred and Amanda, and of course Naboudica with him into the depths of the wilderness in the cold wind...

After Lance got the news before, he looked through his ancestor's diary. As expected, it was another good thing done by his ancestor, and he found records about the lost farm in it.

[Drought hit the crops again that year, and the miller was desperate. I still remember his dirty fingers clutching his hat tightly, and his whole body exuded the smell of sweat and manure.

Sitting comfortably in the observatory, surrounded by telescopes and other precision instruments, I suddenly realized that his misfortune was an opportunity, so I agreed to lend him...my expertise...]

Looking at the diary, we can see that there was a severe drought that year, the crops in the fields were withered, and the harvest was about to fail. The miller approached the ancestor and asked for help, asking for tax relief or a loan.

At that time, the ancestor should have been studying the celestial phenomena, looking for the time and signs of the stars' return in the ancient records.

Logically speaking, he should not pay attention to the miller's request, but at this time he needed a piece of land for experiments, so he agreed.

[Soon, granite slabs engraved with certain celestial patterns were erected around the farm. The miller who completed all this raised his watery eyes and stared at the withered fields and tired mills, hoping for an early improvement.

However, my eyes were cast towards the sky. I marveled at the infinite blasphemy of the stars and wondered what would come next.

Some nasty alien debris streaked across the night sky and crashed into old Miller's farm on the outskirts of Hamlet! Those unfortunate enough to witness the comet's arrival were deceived by what was described as "a constantly flashing and changing color carrying a hateful and violent force."

For two weeks, there was no news from the farm... only some mysterious moans echoing in the ruins of the mill...]

It was obvious that the Stonehenge arranged by the ancestor was attractive to something in the void, attracting it as if it were marked. A comet with constantly changing weird colors crashed into the mill in the center of the farm, followed by the farm. and the surrounding land were severely altered by extraordinary corrupting forces.

And what does our Lord Hamlet, our ancestor, say about this matter?

I wrote this sentence at the end of my diary——

[And the poor miller suffered three times in a row. First the harsh climate took away his livelihood, then I took away his land, and now, countless years later, a comet took away his humanity.

My only regret is that I didn't live to see that shoddy mill crushed to pieces by the multitude of miraculous items I summoned from the void. 】

The whole thing is that the miller asked the ancestor for help, and then the ancestor used that place as a test site to summon something to come, and then the pollution spread.

At this time, the situation was out of control, and the ancestor sealed this land, which is why he regretted not seeing that scene with his own eyes...

Lance was no match for the ancestor in terms of being a human being, and now Lance killed the ancestor and saved Hamlet from the darkest despair.

Similarly, some things cannot be covered up and must be solved.

The last time they went in, they were blocked by wind and snow, and they were chasing prey, so it took a lot of time. Now there is no snow in the past few days, and the location has been determined, so the team quickly arrived at the target location.

Just entering the birch forest, everyone felt a strange aura suppressing them, just like William and his team did at the beginning.

"A kind of pollution, an erosion, a strange power is spreading."

"This power is unstable and full of strong changes, but there is no doubt that we are affected."

Alhazred and Amanda, two consultants, expressed their opinions at the first time, and one sentence each revealed the complex situation here, and Lance finally spoke.

"The air is filled with miasma, our vitality is suppressed, and even lost..."

Even Boudica, who has always been active, seemed a little depressed, silently alert to the miasma that enveloped the birch forest and did not dissipate in the cold wind.

But this situation was not enough to make Lance retreat. He raised his hand and blessed it temporarily to eliminate the discomfort, and led the team to continue moving forward.

Not far into the stone slabs, they found the upright stone slabs, and they were just as William and the others said, full of twisted words, strange runes and complex patterns.

William and the others had no knowledge of mysticism, so they naturally couldn't see anything. At that time, they were worried about causing trouble and didn't even touch it, which was right.

Among the people who came now, except Boudica, everyone has studied mysticism. Although they are in different fields, it can be seen that everything engraved on these stone slabs is related to astrology.

The largest stone slab has a circular pattern in the middle, surrounded by a circle of runes, and a celestial pattern on it.

From the information left by the ancestors, we can know that this thing is called [Celestial Pillar Stone], which is used to fix the core of the sealing ceremony around the farm. (End of this chapter)

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